Interactive Map without Google maps - android

I have a huge plan of a site (the plan is just a picture), the problem is that Google Maps, can't have access to it, so I need to add markers in this picture (Plan), My question how to that ? how to make a picture interactive ? how to add markers ?
Really I have no idea, I saw indoor of Google Maps, but it's not what my custmer need.
Thank's !
this is a small example

you may give this library a try or see its demo here:
it's a pure javascript library that may be used with any web platforms
wish it to be helpful.


Is it possible to extract elements from google maps?

I want to make my final year project and for my idea I'd need the 3d buildings from google maps extracted somehow. Does google maps support this? Is it achievable ? I couldn't find anything really relevant on the internet.
I think the reason why you didn't find anything related to Google Maps is that the 3D information belongs to Google Earth. Google Maps/Earth API doesn't support this directly as far as I know.
The link below describes a process to get the information, I didn't test it and it's too complex and not mine to repeat here but basically "the only way to obtain this geometry is to capture it from the systems graphics engines (directX or opengl)." :
If you google "Extracting 3d models from google Earth" you'll get more results.
I'm not sure if this will work, but have you tried 3D information from OpenStreetMap? I think some like have building height layers available, if that's what you're looking for.
Here you can find a tutorial for extracting the 3D models from Google Earth.

Google Maps Drawing Tools for Android

I need to make an Android app where the users have an option to draw a polyline on Google Maps and when the touch is removed, then do some action with the plotted polyline. Drawing and performing action is secondary. But the question is how could I achieve this?
Is there any predefined drawing tool (something like for JavaScript) to be used in google maps, or do I need to go with customization? Please suggest, or provide any links.
And can we extract the points to compare them with the ideal answer which was to be traced?
But the question is how could I achieve this?
With code. ;)
do I need to go with customization?
Yes. You would have to code all the functionality yourself. AFAIK there is no library that does that and of course Google Maps Android API v2 doesn't (and most probably won't) provide such functionality because it is too specific. I still think this would make a pretty useful library.
And can we extract the points to compare them with the ideal answer which was to be traced?
Yes. That would be simple after you are done with everything else.
Polyline polyline = ...
List<LatLng> extractedPoints = polyline.getPoints();
Simply use google maps api Google map API v2 following link might help you with the code.
code reference

Offline map (.obf file) in android?

I want to include a MapView in my Application. I have been playing around with the Google Api a bit and it worked quite well.
But now I want to have a map completely offline. I know there are a lot of possibilities to do this.
The problem is that I have maps with .obf extension not zip. It should be possible to zoom in and out and to set markers at specific locations.
I know that there are things like Osmdroid. But I can't find any tutorial to load .obf file.
Thank you in advance.
I suggest you to have a look at OsmAnd.
It works with .obf format and provides you offline navigation.

Android - Regroup Google Map Markers

On my Android App, I've got a map with a lot of markers.
But when the user is zooming out, it hard the see the differents markers.
So I want to regroup then in one when there are a two much markers.
Could you help me please ?
Try one of the open source clustering libraries for Google Maps Android API v2: Android Maps Extensions (demo here) or Clusterkraf (demo here).
For who is having troubles with Clusterkraf (I can't make it work!) and for who can't use android-maps-extension cause it's shipped with a custom build of Play Services lib, I want to suggest this other library, that is tiny, well written and works out of the box:
After a whole morning spent trying using the other two libs, this one saved my day!

How do I add markers to streets only - Android Development

After plenty of searching, I haven't yet found a solution that works for me and I'm really hoping someone here could help me. First I'll explain my problem, and then I'll mention some of the approaches I've attempted/considered so far.
Basically, I'm developing an Android app where markers randomly appear around the user's location. The catch is, the markers need to be placed on streets only.
I've been working with Google Maps Android API V2 but I'm trying to work around using anything with "limitations" such as 'geocoding'.
I've considered using different map API's such as Nutiteq but I've had some trouble implementing them. It would be nice to stick to Google since I've become familiar with it but I'm willing to try any suggestions you may have.
I have even considered loading up Google Maps API V3 in an html file so that I can use GDirections to load a path from one point to itself and then parse this data to Google Maps Android API V2 using JS but turns out GDirections has a limit as well.
Anyone have any idea how I can go about doing this? Even if the solution is hacky, it's still something.
I'm fairly new to Android Development.
Funny what you want to achieve. You don't need to load API V3 html. You can use directions api directly:,19&destination=51,19&sensor=false
It still has limitations, but is was like 2000 or something a day a device. And you don't want to put more than 2000 markers on single user's screen, do you?
This is easy to parse, for example with Gson.

