BoundService + LiveData + ViewModel best practice in new Android recommended architecture - android

I been struggling a lot thinking about where to place Android Services in the new Android recommended Architecture. I came up with many possible solutions, but I cannot make up my mind about which one is the best approach.
I did a lot of research, and I couldn't find any useful guideline nor tutorial. The only hint I found about where to place the Service in my app architecture is this one, from #JoseAlcerreca Medium post
Ideally, ViewModels shouldn’t know anything about Android. This improves testability, leak safety and modularity. A general rule of thumb is to make sure there are no android.* imports in your ViewModels (with exceptions like android.arch.*). The same applies to presenters.
According to that, I should place my Android Services on the top of my Architecture Components hierarchy, at the same level as my Activities and Fragments. That's because Android Services are part of the Android framework, so ViewModels shouldn't know about them.
Now, I will explain briefly my scenario, but only to make the panorama clearer, not because I want an answer for this specific scenario.
I have an Android Application that has a MainActivity with many fragments in it, all of them tied together in a BottomNavBar.
I have a BluetoothService bound to myActivity and one of its fragments (because I want the Service to have the same lifecycle as the Activty but I also want to interact with it directly from my fragment).
The fragment interacts with the BluetoothService to get two types of information:
Information about the state of the Bluetooth connection. Doesn't need to be persisted.
Data that comes from the Bluetooth Device (it is a Scale, so weight and body composition in this case). Needs to be persisted.
Here are the 3 different architectures I can think of:
LiveData inside AndroidService
UPDATE: This is the approach I personally went with at the time because it worked well and allowed me to get it done relatively fast. However, I suggest following the updated answer by Jeel Vankhede for what seems to be a more "idiomatic" implementation.
The LiveData with the state of the connection and with the weight
measurements coming from the Bluetooth Device are inside the BluetoothService.
The Fragment can trigger operations in the BluetoothService (scanDevices for example)
The Fragment observes the LiveData about the state of the connection
and adapts the UI accordingly (for example, enable a button if the
state is connected).
The Fragment observes the LiveData of the new weight measurements. If a new weight measurement comes from the BluetoothDevice, the Fragment then tells its own ViewModel to save the new data. It is done via a Repository class.
Shared ViewModel between fragment and AndroidService
The Fragment can trigger operations in the BluetoothService (scanDevices for example)
The BluetoothService updates the Bluetooth related LiveData in the shared ViewModel.
The Fragment observes the LiveData in its own ViewModel.
Service ViewModel
The Fragment can trigger operations in the BluetoothService (scanDevices for example)
The BluetoothService updates the Bluetooth related LiveData in its own ViewModel.
The Fragment observes the LiveData in its own ViewModel and the BluetoothService ViewModel.
I am pretty sure I should place them on top of the architecture and treat them just like an Activity/Fragment, because BoundServices are part of the Android Framework, they are managed by the Android OS and they are bound to other Activities and Fragments. In that case, I don't know what's the best way to interact with LiveData, ViewModels and Activities/Fragments.
Some might think that they should be considered as a DataSource (since in my case it's getting data from a scale using Bluetooth), but I don't think this is a good idea, because of all what I've said in the previous paragraph and specially because of what it says here:
Avoid designating your app's entry points—such as activities,
services, and broadcast receivers—as sources of data. Instead, they should only coordinate with other components to retrieve the
subset of data that is relevant to that entry point. Each app
component is rather short-lived, depending on the user's interaction
with their device and the overall current health of the system.
So, finally, my question is:
Where should we place our Android (Bound) Services and what is their relation with the other architectural components? Is any of these alternatives a good approach?

After getting suggestion from #Ibrahim Disouki (Thank you for that) I dig deeper and found out something interesting! Here's background.
O.P. seeks for solution "Where Service component of Android Framework stands considering Android Architecture Components". So, here's out the box(SDK) solution.
It stands at the same level as Activity/Fragment. How? If you're extending Service class though rather than that, start extending LifecycleService. Reason behind that is simple that previously we had to rely on Activity/Fragment lifecycle in order to receive updates/do some contextual operations on Service. But now it's not the case.
LifecycleService now has it's own lifecycle registry/maintainer called ServiceLifecycleDispatcher which takes care of lifecycle of service which also makes it LifecycleOwner.
It leaves us in condition that from now on, You can have a ViewModel to LifecycleService doing operations for itself & if you're following proper app architecture and having repository pattern leaves you to single source of truth!
In context of O.P. LifecycleService now can have ability to maintain it's ViewModel to do business logic related to repository layer, and later on another lifecycle aware component like, Activity/Fragment can also consume/reuse same ViewModel to have their specific operations to it.
Please note that by doing so, you're in state of having two different LifecycleOwners (Activity & LifecycleServie) which means you can't share view models between LifecycleService & other lifecycle aware components. If you don't like approach then be good with old callback kind of approach having callbacks back to Activity/Fragment from service when data is ready to serve etc.
(I suggest not to read through)
In my opinion, Service should be on same level as Activity/Fragment, because it's Framework component & not MVVM. but because of that Service doesn't implements LifecycleOwner and it's Android Framework Component, it shouldn't be treated as data source because it can be entry point to application.
So, dilemma here is that sometimes (In your case), Service acts as data source which provides data from some long running task to UI.
So what it should be in Android Architecture Component? I think you can treat it as LifecycleObserver. because, no matter what you do in background, you'll need to consider about lifecycle of the LifecycleOwner.
Why? because, we usually do bind it to LifecycleOwner (Activity/Fragments) & to do long running tasks off the UI. So, it can be treated like LifecycleObserver. In such a way we made our Service as "Lifecycle aware component" !
How you can implement it?
Take your service class and implement LifecycleObserver interface to it.
When you bind your service to Activity/Fragment, during your service connection of your service class, add your service to your activity as LifecycleObserver by calling method getLifecycle().addObserver(service class obj)
Now, Take an interface in service class to provide callback from service to your UI and every time your data changes, check that if your service has at least on Lifecycle event create or resume to provide callback with.
In such a way, we won't require LiveData to update to from service and even no ViewModel (Why do we need it for service? We don't need configuration changes to survive on service lifecycle. And main task to VM is that to consist data between lifecycles).
Side Note: If you think you're having long running background operations, then consider using WorkManager. After using this library, you'll feel like Services should be marked as deprecated by now! (Just a random thought)

One way to avoid direct contact with an Android service while still being able to use it is through an interface object. This is part of the "I" for Interface Segregation in the acronym, SOLID. Here is a small example:
public interface MyFriendlyInterface {
public boolean cleanMethodToAchieveBusinessFunctionality();
public boolean anotherCleanMethod();
public class MyInterfaceObject implements MyFriendlyInterface {
public boolean cleanMethodToAchieveBusinessFunctionality() {
BluetoothObject obj = android.Bluetooth.nastySubroutine();
public boolean anotherCleanMethod() {
public class MyViewModel {
private MyFriendlyInterface _myInterfaceObject;
public MyViewModel() {
_myInterfaceObject = new MyInterfaceObject();
Given the above paradigm, you are free to place your services in a package that's outside your packages that contain POJO code. There is no "right" location to put your services -- but there are definitely WRONG places to put them (e.g. where your POJO code goes).

What if we bind/unbind to/from service from activity or multiple activities as usual in onStart/onStop, then we have singleton instance that holds Bluetooth related manager (I use nordic lib for ble manager) . That instance is in service so that we can disconnect for example when service is destroyed because ui unbound from it and reconnect to ble when service is created. We also inject that ble manager singleton into viewmodel to make interaction and data listening easier via livedata or rx or similar reactive data provided by ble manager, for example for connection state. This way we can interact from viewmodel with ble, subscribe to characteristics etc and service is there to provide scope that can survive over multiple activities and basically knows when to connect or disconnect. I have tried this approach in my app and so far it works ok.
Sample project

In my opinion using LiveData in servise is comfortable
class OneBreathModeTimerService : Service() {
var longestHoldTime = MutableLiveData<Int>().apply { value = 0 }
Then in fragment
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mServiceConnection = object : ServiceConnection {
override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName, binder: IBinder) {
mOneBreathModeService = (binder as OneBreathModeTimerService.MyBinder).service
mOneBreathModeService!!.longestHoldTime.observe(this#OneBreathModeFragment, androidx.lifecycle.Observer {
binding.tvBestTime.text = "Best $it"
override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName) {}
I am not pro in LiveData, but what can be wrong with such approach?

This question confuse me a long time. I don't think bind service should have a viewModle , as we known , the service are not view layer !
By the way, Service need to start/bind,unbind at activity
Finally, I think a easy and not bad way is the LiveData inside AndroidService. But not use Livedata to send data, use custom callback method.
Live data only send the newest data every time, if you need got the complete data also the page is onPause, there is a mistake.( Now, we can use kotlin flow)
Also We not just receive data from ble(bluetooth low energe) device, we also need send data to ble device.
There is a simple project code:

How about treating your service like this?


Will data binding unregister listeners from a ViewModel implementing Observable?

I have some more complex logic for data provided by my ViewModel to the UI, so simply exposing the data via LiveData won't do the job for me. Now I've seen in the Android docs that I can implement Observable on my ViewModel to get the fine-grained control I need.
However in the documentation it also says:
There are situations where you might prefer to use a ViewModel
component that implements the Observable interface over using LiveData
objects, even if you lose the lifecycle management capabilities of
How intelligent is the built-in Android data binding? Will it automatically unregister it's listeners when necessary (e.g. on configuration changes where the View is destroyey) so that I don't have to care about the lost lifecycle capabilities? Or do I have to watch the Lifecycle of the View and unregister it's listeners? (=do manually what LiveData normally does for me).
How intelligent is the built-in Android data binding? Will it automatically unregister it's listeners when necessary (e.g. on configuration changes where the View is destroyey) so that I don't have to care about the lost lifecycle capabilities? Or do I have to watch the Lifecycle of the View and unregister it's listeners? (=do manually what LiveData normally does for me).
So I did some tests. I implemented androidx.databinding.Observable on my ViewModel and did a configuration change with the following log calls:
override fun removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(
callback: androidx.databinding.Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback?) {
Log.d("APP:EVENTS", "removeOnPropertyChangedCallback " + callback.toString())
override fun addOnPropertyChangedCallback(
callback: androidx.databinding.Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback?) {
Log.d("APP:EVENTS", "addOnPropertyChangedCallback " + callback.toString())
I saw that addOnPropertyChangedCallback was invoked for each time my viewmodel was referenced in a layout binding expression. And not once did I see removeOnPropertyChangedCallback invoked. My initial conclusion is that AndroidX databinding is dumb and does not automagically remove the listener.
FYI: the callback type was ViewDataBinding.WeakPropertyListener
However, I took a peek at source code and found that it is using Weak References to add the listener.
So what this implies, is that upon a configuration change, Android OS should be able to garbage collect your Activity/Fragment because the viewmodel does not have a strong reference.
My advice: Don't add the boilerplate to unregister the listeners. Android will not leak references to your activities and fragments on configuration changes.
Now, if you choose not to use LiveData, consider making your viewmodel implement LifecycleObserver so that you can re-emit the most recent value when your Activity/Fragment goes into the active state. This is the key behavior you lose by not using LiveData. Otherwise, you can emit notifications by using the PropertyChangeRegistry.notifyCallbacks() as mentioned in the documentation you shared at some other time. Unfortunately, I think this can only be used to notify for all properties.
Another thing... while I've not verified the behavior the source code seems to indicate that weak references are used for ObservableField, ObservableList, ObservableMap, etc.
LiveData is different for a couple of reasons:
The documentation for LiveData.observe says that a strong reference is held to both the observer AND the lifecycle owner until the lifecycle owner is destroyed.
LiveData emits differently than ObservableField. LiveData will emit whenever setValue or postValue are called without regard to if the value actually changes. This is not true for ObservableField. For this reason, LiveData can be used to send a somewhat "pseudo-event" by setting the same value more than once. An example of where this can be useful can be found on the Conditional Navigation page where multiple login failures would trigger multiple snackbars.
Nope. ViewModel will not unregister Observable subscription automatically. You can do it manually though. It is pretty easy.
Firstly you create CompositeDisposable
protected var disposables = CompositeDisposable()
Secondly, create your Observable(it may be some request or UI event listener) subscribe to it and assign its result to CompositeDisposable
.subscribe({ data ->
// update UI or some ObservableFields for view/databinding
}, { exception ->
// handle errors here
The last thing you should do is to override ViewModel's method onCleared() like this:
override fun onCleared() {
This way all subscription added to your CompositeDisposable will be cleared automatically
I showed only the example. You may add triggers in onConfigurationChanged or onCreate or onResume to clear subscriptions as well - but it is dependent on specific usecases of an app. I gave just a general one.
Hope it helps.
DataBinding would not do the unregistering for you. Its simply help bind your layout file and the ViewModel. It is the viewModel that will protect you from device's configuration change. You still need to apply onSavedViewState() in your base activity or fragment as viewModel does not cover that. As per unregistering, LiveData does that.
As #Pavio already taught you how to create Observable, that is RxJava working. I would suggest using kotlin's coroutines and viewModel with LiveData to get the best out of your situation. Rx has a learning curve to it, although it does offer hundred of operators for all sorts of operations. If you really want to learn the kotlin way, look into kotlin flows and channels.
If i was in your place, I would solve my problem with ViewModels, LiveData and Coroutines.

How can I access my activity's ViewModel from within a service?

I am building an app that needs to detect certain objects in photos. I first load and keep all the photos I'd like to inspect into my room Database and connect it to my view with a ViewHolder.
When the user clicks a button, I want the detection process to begin, and I want to use a jobIntentService for that (As there might be thousands of photos there).
My problem is - how do I access the view holder from within the Service? I need it both to actually get a hold of the files and also so I can update each file's record once detection has been made.
I've tried to ask for the activity as one of the attributes, but I am getting this error
Unable to instantiate service java.lang.InstantiationException: java.lang.Class<> has no zero argument constructor
Would appreciate any input, thanks
ViewModels holds particular significance for Activities and Fragments (e.g. they retain data during config changes). So a Service doesn't really need it. Hence you can resolve the issue in one of two ways.
Approach 1:
If your MyViewModel is just a wrapper for accessing LiveData from your Repository class, then you can just use your Repository class inside your Service.
Approach 2:
If your ViewModel is doing more than just wrapping calls to the Repository and you want your Service class to have access to the same logic defined in your ViewModel, then use an intermediate ViewModelContent class. Instead of putting everything in your MyViewModel class, put them in a "ViewModelContent" class. Then use your MyViewModel class as an accessor wrapper around ViewModelContent. Then your Service can instantiate ViewModelContent as you would any other class.
class MyViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
viewModelContent = ViewModelContent(...)
Approach 1 will usually be cleaner than Approach 2.

Android MVP - How to create Model/Repository instance in background service to access model method?

I am using MVP pattern in My Android application. My requirement is
1. Sync captured data when user clicks 'Sync' button
2. Job-scheduler who will invoke the background service at midnight and sync data with server even though the app is not running.
The flow for both scenarios is:
1)Sync captured data when user clicks 'Sync' button
getPresenter().notifySyncBtnPressed() will be called
notifySyncBtnPressed() will instruct the Model by calling mModel.sync()
Sync from Model has entire implementation of fetching data from DB, upload it to server and notify result to Presenter
Presenter then notify to View by calling getView().notifySyncFinished()
Note: This flow is clear to me - suggest improvements if needed
2) Job-scheduler who will invoke the background service( Please provide your clarification here)
BroadcastReceiver will invoke Service class which extends IntentService
Create model object (IModel model = new Model()) and call model.sync() from onHandleIntent().
Since there is no UI, no need to invoke presenter. and no need to notify the status.
Service will get killed once sync operation is done.
Please suggest,
1. is it the right way to call Model (Repository) instance from Service class?
2. I am also confuse between Model layer and Repositiry layer, is there any difference in Model layer and Repository layer here in MVP.
Now I see why you want the presenter from the Service, if this is the case, I think you should create a Presenter specifically for the Service. It's pretty hardcore but it would makes sense.
Anyway the steps seems fine, the presenter should interact with the "Model" (the M in MVP) and it's usually composed by interactors. If you want to use repository pattern, that would happen behind the interactors and would be part of the Model layer.
I would rename your IModel to IInteractor and every component that needs data will interface with that class. The repositories are accessed then by the Interactor and are not visible to the Presentation layer.

Dagger2 scopes and activity lifecycle

I have an Android Activity that I'm using Dagger2 to inject a Presenter into. I'd like my Presenter to be capable of holding state even if a configuration change occurs.
For instance, I'm going to use the Presenter to kick off a network call and if the user rotates the device while the network call is in-flight I'd like to be able to receive the response after the device finishes its rotation and not have to restart the call.
I'm getting tripped up because if I scope the instance of Presenter to the Activity's life, then isn't there a chance that the Presenter would be garbage collected when the Activity goes through onDestroy() during a configuration change? My other thought was to use a scope that is valid during the life of the application. However, if I do that how do I ensure that my Presenter can be garbage collected once the Activity has been destroyed for good (not due to a config. change, but something like the back button being pressed)?
Is there a way to ensure that my Presenter will survive an Activity's configuration change and also not be leaked for the life of the Application?
I would strongly advice against trying to implement this approach.
You're effectively trying to use DI framework in order to support Activity specific life-cycle flow, although DI frameworks are not intended to be used like this.
I recently answered another similar question in which OP tried to share state in View-Model between different Activities. Although use cases are not identical, the general pattern is the same - attempt to delegate flow control responsibilities to DI framework, which is not a good idea.
The best approach in your case (IMHO) would be to store the current state before rotation, re-instantiate the presenter upon rotation, and then restore its state.
How you store the state during rotation depends on what exactly you're trying to preserve:
If you need to preserve UI related state (selections, texts, position of elements, etc.) then you can use the usual onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() callbacks
If you need to preserve some business related state (ongoing network requests, data, data modifications, etc.) then encapsulate this logic in a business class (e.g. SomeBusinessUseCaseManager) and inject this class from Application wide component with a scope.
You can find a detailed review of Dagger's scopes here.
More information about DI in Android can be found here.
According to this article about Custom Scopes:
In short - scopes give us “local singletons” which live as long as scope itself.
Just to be clear - there are no #ActivityScope or #ApplicationScope annotations provided by default in Dagger 2. It’s just most common usage of custom scopes. Only #Singleton scope is available by default (provided by Java itself), and the point is using a scope is not enough(!) and you have to take care of component that contains that scope. This mean keeping a reference to it inside Application class and reuse it when Activity changes.
public class GithubClientApplication extends Application {
private AppComponent appComponent;
private UserComponent userComponent;
public UserComponent createUserComponent(User user) {
userComponent = UserModule(user));
return userComponent;
public void releaseUserComponent() {
userComponent = null;
You can take a look at this sample project:
and this article:
to get more familiar with MVP and learn how dagger scope works.

Isn't Dagger 2 for Android is not DI framework, but glorified Service Locator?

For example, let's say my Rest adapter created with Retrofit lives inside Application class.
I would love to get it inside the Activity, so I write the following code:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
#Inject MyRestAdapter mRestAdapter;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
((GlobalApplication) getApplication()).getComponent().inject(this);
Granted, it will make the job done. But...
How is this different from calling getApplication(), and then explicitly yank the MyRestAdapter to MainActivity? Yes, Dagger 2 will simplify the setup by automatically getting everything to the Activity, but you still need to explicitly tell from where you need these dependencies, and that, if I understand correctly, defeats the whole purpose of DI. Am I right to say that Dagger 2 is "semi-automated service locator", or it's just the tutorials that misled me, and there is correct way to inject dependencies with Dagger 2 into the View or Activity from Application?
I've been experimenting with Dagger and it definitely seems to blur the lines between service locator and dependency injection. This is at least true when used with Android activities. With the current version of Dagger, it is possible to write AndroidInjection.inject(this) in an activity's onCreate method. That's basically like saying "find all the services I need and inject them into me." So Dagger is a combination of a some central/global service locator that knows where to get the services and an injector that knows where (i.e. which instance variables) to put those services in the activity. It seems that Android activities force reliance on some kind of singleton/global object.
There is no 1 "purpose of DI" but definitely one of them is to separate the configuration from what actually requests the configured objects. The idea is that your higher-level objects, such as Activitys in Android, can request all of the objects it needs without worrying about where they come from, how they are constructed, and any semantics about their relationships. Similar to how an Activity doesn't deal with drawing text to the screen (and instead delegates that to a TextView[0]), DI helps keep your objects from knowing too much that is not relevant to the actual logic they need to perform.
Inherent in the "semi-automated service locator" you describe is static analysis and error handling. As applications become larger, it becomes even harder to get manual-DI correct. Dagger helps make your code less error-prone (and less tedious to maintain).
Consider the case where you have an internal version of your app for employees, where you log lots of information about how they use the app to make sure you can identify any issues. In your actual product, however, you don't want to track personally identifiable information like that when it's not necessary. Now, your MainActivity needs an AnalyticsLogger - which one should it get? The more cases you have, the easier it is for Dagger to help piece things together than for you to do it yourself.
[0] which delegates to a Paint object

