Google Drive Android API tutorial for Download & Upload File - android

I have gone through Google Drive API Documentation and tried Official Google Drive Demos from Github as well. I couldn't find directly download file from Google Drive to Android Local Storage. There are so many threads on StackOverflow and I tried some but no success yet.
Can someone point me to right direction? Tutorial link or even StackOverflow thread which works?
As per my needs Google Drive Android API doesn't provide Download and Upload atleast that's not in documentation
Documentation shows reading from input stream and writing to it.
So I decided to use Google Drive REST API. which clearly states downloading and uploading methods or endpoints.
Now the issue is Rest documentation not showing how to authenticate on android and use that authentication to make requests to REST API.


Images in Firebase Storage, how to get them to Google Drive Team Drive

I've built an app using Ionic that takes pictures and uploads them to Firebase Storage. What I'd like to do next is to make it so that the directory structure and images are accessible from a Google Team Drive.
What would be a good way to go about this? I don't have any code examples because I'm inexperienced with this and I don't really know where to start.
Would I write code to put in Firebase functions that would upload the images every X hours to a Google Accounts' Team Drive? Since Firebase Storage is just using Google Cloud anyways is there an API I could use? Does Firebase have this capacity already and I just don't know about it?
The Team Drive is under G Suite for my company so I could get a Google account made just for this purpose.
I'm new to Stack Overflow, sorry if this post breaks any rules.
This is the only example on the internet that I could find that addressed this issue.
It is a working (With a few tweaks as of Novemeber 2017) example of OAuth and Google's API for uploading information from the Database to a Google Sheets document via an onWrite() event trigger.
I managed to get this working, and in combination with the Google API docs and a lot of rummaging have sort of managed to get Google Drive connected.
The key points are:
-Follow the Firebase Functions examples
-Examine the google-sheets-sync example
-Firebase Functions takes node.js javascript
Posting this answer because it sounds simple but this was a hell of a lot of digging for me to find this all.

How to upload and download using Google Drive API in Android?

I learned the Google Maps API concepts, and now I try to learn the Google Drive API. I searched a lot and I found Google developers videos, but I'm unable to understand how to upload and download a file using Google Drive API in Android.
Here Drive API for Android get full details with step by step instructions.

Google Docs / Drive for editing Spreadsheet on Android

I want to simply use my Google-Account to read in Table Rows from a Google Docs File. The examples provided by Google are over-engineered,
1) Setting up a Play Service
2) Activating Drive SDK
3) Using OAuth
4) Activating Intent
The Quick-Start Example provided by Google needs a lot of configuration as well. A Google Announcement of "sweat less google-drive" api on youtube is not the reality or maybe i am on the wrong path.
Could someone give me an advice?
It seems that i am not the only one struggling: Current Android Google Spreadsheet API Example for writing
The Google Drive Android API doesn't support reading or editing Google Spreadsheets content, however the Google Sheets API 3.0 has a Java wrapper that you should be able to use on Android. See this link for more info:

Google Drive API vs Dropbox API Android/Desktop

I got here a simple question for people that used to work with cloud storage API's.
I want to set up a client/server model where the client is Android and it uploads files periodically to the cloud. The server is a desktop application (using Python) that listen for changes on a folder and that downloads files to get data.
I read about Dropbox and GDrive and I was wondering which one is easier to handle for a beginner. I have those links for Android :
The Dropbox API seems to be much more simple on the surface !
Am I wrong ?
Google has offered more services, and done more while costing the consumer less. Google is tough to beat, but Dropbox can match or beat Google in the storage wars. The real game changer is going to be Mailbox, and that is just coming on the market.
It appears as though the Google Docs document list APIs provide some level of programmatic access to Google Drive files. The documentation on the Google Drive developer site currently doesn't discuss that functionality at all, and says that apps "will not have any API access to files unless users have first installed the app in the Chrome Web Store." It's not clear yet if the Google Docs API is the path that Google is going to use for supporting arbitrary Google Drive access by desktop and mobile applications.
Hence I in my opinion for now use G drive. But who knows what new surprises are about to upraise. ;)
Dropbox has clear, public disclosed bandwidth limitations, while Google Drive does not. If you download a file many times on Google Drive, it could block it for 24 hours.
Dropbox has a clear limitation of 20GB or 200GB a day depending on your account, free or business. Google Drive, although free, does not clearly disclose its bandwidth limitations, so you are at risk of getting your downloads blocked.
Dropbox is very easy to use, and you can easily setup public shareable links, just like Google Drive. They both also have APIs.

Access to Google Drive from self implemented Android application

My Problem is, that I want to use any SDK or API to access my google drive from my android phone without using an existing google drive app on my android phone.
I read the instructions on this side: google drive sdk
The code examples does only work for desktop applications and the "integrate with Android" topic on the side does not provide any example how I can access my google drive from my android application.
I already read android-api-for-google-drive here but this leads only to more links and how-to's which are far to complicated and fuzzy.
Has anyone experience with connecting to google-drive from an android application and could help with any example code or "clean-and-short-explained" tutorial?
Luckily, just after you asked this question, Google released their Play Services (see this link), which makes it a heck of a lot easier to access files using the Drive SDK & Drive API. Please see my post on Google Plus that gives a step-by-step walkthrough and code example on how to integrate an Android app with Google Drive documents:
In the tutorial, I reference a particular Google IO 2012 talk (slides at, but please read my G+ post because I go through the various flaws, pitfalls, and omitted details from this presentation.
Before you start coding anything, get yourself signed up for the Google APIs (see this link), get into the API Console, and turn on both the Google Drive API and Drive SDK.
Good luck & have fun!

