I download android open source project from Here
After downloaded, I used this command to clean UP etc...
$ make clobber
Then i got this problem
build/core/main.mk:42: ********************************************************************************
build/core/main.mk:43: * You are using version 4.1 of make.
build/core/main.mk:44: * Android can only be built by version 3.81.
build/core/main.mk:45: * see http://source.android.com/source/download.html
build/core/main.mk:46: ********************************************************************************
I got make 4.1 default from android open source project
I'm using ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Excepted solution
How to downgrade 4.1 to 3.81
I can't able to install 1.6 JDK
I know that hell of dependencies to build AOSP, I live on Arch Linux and working build may fail after a system update.
So now I'm using docker image with all deps preinstalled, without a need to upgrade system there, keeping my desktop Arch Linux independent.
Just some results after googling:
https://github.com/stucki/docker-lineageos (I used this one, but the next one may be a better choice)
Also you may be interested to know that there's a Linux distro dedicated to AOSP development: http://bbqlinux.org/
As in the requirement say you should use
Just download it from gnu.org. Here are the requirements for building AOSP
For your JDK you should run this:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Don't forget to uninstall everything JDK, Make before you install the new ones.
How do I fix this error on running the Android Studio setup on Mac OSX10.7.5
"Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool.
One common reason for this failure is missing required libraries
Please fix the underlying issue and retry."
The mksdcard utility distributed with recent versions of the Android SDK was compiled in a way that it won't run on OS X versions older than 10.8. You can replace your mksdcard with an older copy of the utility that's known to work on OS X 10.7.5, such as the one in http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/tools_r22.6.2-macosx.zip.
Credit where its due: This solution is from IAMSME's answer to a similar question, which I found via googling "illegal instruction 4" after I got that error message when a hunch led me to test mksdcard on the command line.
Try running a Package Manager (like apt-get or brew, you will likely need brew since you are on Mac OS X) for downloading some additional packages Android Studio couldn't install.
sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6 (Command line for Ubuntu OS)
Apart from setup Android Studio should check whether is capable to run 32-bit components like aapt or adb. Hopefully it will serve you as a work around.
BTW this is a Google bug currently being addressed (not sure what Titanium Studio has to do here as quoted by Mark previously).
i.e. https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=152213
The only solution that worked for me was to drag titanium studio into the trash and reinstall it. I spend hours trying to work this out, but couldn't. After a reinstall it just worked.
I'd recommend using an older version of Android Studio until this gets sorted out by Google.
I am running openSUSE 12.2 64-bit trying to compile an app in Necessitas alpha 4.1. It's a basic app and the code is likely not the issue. Through the course of tracing the issue I made sure to have all dependencies and tools.jar, which can apparently cause similar errors. When compiling I get:
Packaging Error: Command '/usr/bin/ant clean debug' failed.Exit code: 1
File not found:
No file is actually listed. I copy/pasted this line from Projects->Build Steps->qmake:
/home/mark/Software/necessitas/Android/Qt/482/armeabi-v7a/bin/qmake /home/mark/Dev/qt/myProject/myProject.pro -r -spec android-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=declarative_debug
Then I pasted in a terminal window and the result is:
sh: /home/mark/necessitas/android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: No such file or directory
This is obviously incorrect as my path is ~/Software/necessitas not ~/necessitas. I have checked through every tab of Tools->Options but see nowhere that references the incorrect folder. Any clue where this is supposed to go?
I had this exact error last night. However I noticed that the Google documentation specifically said java-6-openjdk. So I installed the older JDK using synaptic and then ran:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
I selected the version 6 and re-ran the process. Which completed successfully.
(To be fair I was using Qt 5.1 beta 1 and freshly downloaded NDK and SDK's, ant was 1.8.1 from the repositories)
Were you able to resolve your problem in the mean time ?
This has to do with the Java environment variables, more precisely with JAVA_HOME.
Did you install OpenJDK right before you tried to launch your app ?
I am not certain where OpenJDK installs in OpenSUSE, but on my ArchLinux the variable had to be set to :
in order for QtCreator to compile the project properly.
In my case, I had Oracle's JDK installed, so right after installing OpenJDK, loging out and reloging updated my environment variables as wished.
There is also a similar post to yours:
How to build my HelloWorld Android application with Necessitas (qt port)?
And you'll find a good necessitas starter video here :
How to install JDK 1.5 in Lion?
I need it to compile Android 2.2. I followed the instruction mentioned in this site, but still couldn't get it to show on Java Preferences.
installing jdk 1.5
I made small script that can automate the install without requiring you to install any other software. This jdk install part of the script is based on works from this blog: http://www.s-seven.net/zend_5x_lion
Download the leopard java5 update : http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1359
In the same folder download the script : https://gist.github.com/1163008
In a terminal make it executable : chmod +x the_script.sh
Run the script as root (using sudo) : sudo the_script.sh
If everything ran without a hitch the Java preference window should list the java 5 runtime
Original instructions in french (there's a translation button) : http://blog.arkey.fr/2012/07/30/script-pour-installer-le-jdk-5-sur-macosx-lion/
EDIT : The script has been updated to work on Mountain Lion as well. The script can download the Java 5 update too.
I was just suggested to port some signal processing code to use the Android NDK to speed up the process, but I'm wondering 1. where to install it to and 2. what tool-chain to use
I'd prefer not downloading the 3.5GB Mac Developer Tools if possible. I don't have access to an install cd that has it. Want to try and get this done asap. Does anyone know a way to get NDK development running quickly on OSX(snow leopard)?
A version of make is included with the Android NDK. Simply add {NDK install dir}/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin to your PATH and you'll be able to build with the NDK.
Unzip the NDK package for Mac OS X anywhere, then add it to your path. That's all you need to build code with the NDK. The NDK includes its own GCC-based toolchain, so you don't even need to have Xcode installed.
Go to the samples in the NDK and type ndk-build in the console to build them.
If you install Xcode, that will install Make.
I'm working my way through APress's Beginning Android 2 and I've made it all the way to chapter 3, where we build a skeleton app. The book tells me to compile my application by typing "ant" in the command line, but my pc doesn't know what "ant" is yet. I checked in the SDK files and it looks like it wasn't included with the Android SDK. Does anybody know where ant is?
Ant isn't included with the Android SDK. I suggest you get it from the official site.
Ant is tool to build projects from commondline and it is different tool. It's not android specific. So if your are using a Debian-based/Ubuntu machine you can install it by
sudo apt-get install ant
I know it is a bit odd, but even I install brew install ant and rebuild / re-sync the gradle file, it still doesn't work, so I restarted my Intellij and it started to download the ant1.7 again from maven.