Easiest way to add privacy policy with my android app - android

I am developing an android app that stores highscores locally and via google play services. I am also integrating Google AdMob into my app. My question is, what is the easiest way to add a privacy policy when signing into google play services when first opening the app and on the homepage when downloading the app?
Thank you for your time in advanced.

You can either:
Create an HTML page and link to it. This might be required since you'll need a Privacy Policy URL to submit on Google Play Store.
Embed the Privacy Policy in your app in a view.
You have plenty of options where to show the policy in your app:
On your app profile page from Google Play Store:
To do so:
Log into your Google Play Developer Console.
Select All Applications
Select the application
Click Store Listing
Enter the public URL of your Privacy Policy at the Privacy Policy field:
On your app login/welcome screen.
Example from Waze app:
In your app's Settings/Help menu:
Example from eBay:

Maybe put the privacy policy in a HTML page on your server and then link to it on the PlayStore store listing page. And also open it in a WebView inside your app.



my app was publish on CH play 1 year ago. but today I got a mail from Google Play
Your app is uploading users Contact list & files information without posting a privacy policy in both the designated field in the Play Developer Console and from within the Play distributed app itself.
my AndroidManifest file already defines like this, also define policy on play console like this.
enter image description here
any way to fix this
You need to do following things -
Google Play updated Privacy Policy Guidelines -
I think your app contains a Contact list & file information, So according to new policy guidelines you need to create a privacy policy URL with the information of all permission you are using in the app.
Also you need to show the Term & Policy link in-app as well with a checkbox to accept It while registration/login of a user.
You need to fill Data Safety form from App Content section in Play Console.

I have chat app but when publish in google play they refuse because I must add privacy policy

As you see in title google play wants me add privacy policy inside my app when he create his account
I can build simple site but I don not know what requirement to write
I want to write a formal privacy policy
Go to blogger site google free blog site.
Go to privacy policy maker site choose the services your app uses it will generate
privacy policy for you.
Copy the policy and add to blogger site and get the link.
Add the link to your app and play console account.

Android privacy policy into app or just on website?

I've made a app privacy policy on the website, but do I need to create one in the app also ?
From Google developer support documents:
Post a privacy policy in both the designated field in the Play Console
and within the app itself.
Do I need to create a page in the app dedicated for the privacy policy or should I make only a reference/link in the app to the policy page on the website ?
You can just make a reference/link in the app to the policy page on the website. Google will not ban your application for that.
You can add the policy directly in the app but you may need a public-accessible link if you'd like to add it on the app store listing as well:
Screenshot from Google Play Store Store Listing page:
I added a privacy policy in the app and on the website, just to be sure. The app was accepted from the first try.
Even if google doesn't punish developers for not publishing privacy policies within the apps, they clearly state that you should do it.
As #cat15ets said, I want to reconfirm that Google/Android did not removed the App from the PlayStore and even did not send any notice or warning for doing that.
I further assumed, that should be an OPTIONAL requirement.

How can i get an unlimited install link from my google developer account without making my app public?

I want to upload my app on play store but make it visible only through a sharable link. That is, i don't want my app to be public to anyone visiting me play account but only to people who have specific link to my different apps.

Do I need a own website to publish my Android app?

When publishing an Android App on the Google Play Developer Console, you should specify a URL to the privacy statement (leftmost on "All Apps" -> "Store Entry" -> relatively far down "Privacy Statement"), but if you don't have your own website, do you really have to create one?
My app doesn't record any data, the user doesn't have to log in at all or similar.
Has anyone have any experiences, maybe anyone of you have even published their own app?
Thanks in advance
No, not a must. You can follow an alternative method to publish your privacy policy as mentioned below.
Use Firebase Privacy Policy Generator to create a privacy policy for your app.
Then you can download the generated privacy policy or copy contents in it and paste them in a Google doc. Publish the Google Doc.(You can find the option in File menu). When it is published, you will get a link/url for the Document so that any one who has the link/url can access the document.
Now, you can provide the above link/url in the Play Console when the privacy policy statement is required.

