Lets say my default activity is MainActivity and I start another activity DepositActivity without using finish() in MainActivity
Now how can I access the instance of MainActivity inside DepositActivity
Now as how can I access the instance of MainActivity inside DepositActivity
AFAIK That is not possible to access instance of one activity in other Activity
if you have this type of requirement than Try to manage using Fragments
If you want to retrieve some result from DepositActivity use startActivityForResult(..., DepositActivity::class.java) method. In MainActivity override onActivityResult method:
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
// retrieve data using 'data' variable
In DepositActivity you need to set data using method setResult() before finishing DepositActivity.
If you want to pass some data to DepositActivity use intent for that, for example:
val intent = Intent(this, DepositActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra("Extra_Name", /*Some Data*/)
Not Recommended: Use static reference to MainActivity (don't forget to delete it in onDestroy() method):
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
companion object {
var instance: MainActivity? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
instance = this
override fun onDestroy() {
instance = null
In DepositActivity you can access it like this:
MainActivity.instance?./* call some method or property */
But you should not rely on onDestroy() being called, cause there are situations where the system will simply kill the activity's hosting process without calling this method (or any others) in it... So you can have memory leak
You need to declare as companion object variable and method in MainActivity. Static type of variables and methods are declared as companion object in Kotlin.
Look at below example,
Declare variables and methods in MainActivity,
val value : String = "hello from Main"
companion object {
lateinit var instance : MainActivity
fun getInstancem() : MainActivity {
return instance
Use this instance and print value in DepositActivity like,
Log.d("log_in_second_activity", "message " + MainActivity.getInstancem().value)
You can see log message.
Hope this will give you hint.
The following code gives me error as registering occurs after onResume:
class TempActivity: AppCompatActivity(){
private lateinit var binding: ActivityTempBinding
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityTempBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
binding.tempBtn.setOnClickListener {
val a = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) {
However, if I use activityResultRegistry, I am not getting any errors. The code is
class TempActivity: AppCompatActivity(){
private lateinit var binding: ActivityTempBinding
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityTempBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
binding.tempBtn.setOnClickListener {
val a = activityResultRegistry.register("key", ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()){
// SomeCode
//Some Intent
The latter code run without any problem and launches the corresponding intent. I just want to know how safe is latter one and is there any unwanted behaviors I should be aware of?
It gives you an error because you are registering the contract conditionally after the Activity is well into its lifecycle.
The guide says:
You must always call registerForActivityResult() in the same order for each creation of your fragment or activity to ensure that the inflight results are delivered to the correct callback.
It's clear that if you register something after the Activity is created and it only happens when a condition (click event in this case) is met, the order of registration cannot be ensured.
A better solution would be to register the contract before the Activity is created and just call launch() when you need it. The guide, once again, says it is completely safe:
registerForActivityResult() is safe to call before your fragment or activity is created, allowing it to be used directly when declaring member variables for the returned ActivityResultLauncher instances.
So in your case, the Activity would look like this:
class TempActivity: AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var binding: ActivityTempBinding
// registering the contract here
private val a = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityTempBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
binding.tempBtn.setOnClickListener {
// launching the registered contract
Further explanation:
The registerForActivityResult() is a convenience method that internally calls the registry's register method with an automatically created key. The key is derived from an internal AtomicInteger that is retrieved and incremented every time you call registerForActivityResult(). Since this key is used to look up the callback that will handle the result, every call to the registerForActivityResult must be in the same order, otherwise it might happen that you once call it in the order of A (key=0), B (key=1) but then you call it B (key=0), A (key=1), or not even call the register method for one of the contracts (this is exactly what happens when you register in the OnClickListener).
In your specific case if the Activity gets recreated while you're waiting for the launched contract to return (for example, configuration change happens or the system simply kills the app), the callback will be removed from the registry (the key remains there though), meaning that it will not be called with the results.
So, to summarize the whole thing: you can (should) safely register any contract as a member field in your Activity or in the onCreate(...), and you should never register a contract on-the-fly (a.k.a. conditionally). Registering the contract will do nothing special, the real deal happens when you launch it.
in order to use application context anywhere, I use this code:
class App : Application() {
companion object {
lateinit var instance: App private set
fun isInstanceInitialized() = ::instance.isInitialized
override fun onCreate() {
instance = this
But sometimes it throws an error.
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property instance has not been initialized
As suggested here, setting a delay (before calling App.instance) helps, but I would like to call something without having to wait for a set delay. And besides that, isInstanceInitialzed method always returns false..
What can I write in the beginning of onCreate method in MainActivity, in order to make sure that the instance variable is initialized?
In my Android app, I pass custom data (UByteArray) from one activity to another using the parcelable interface.
I am using this data inside multiple fragments, so I rewrote the data class to extend androidx ViewModel and expose LiveData properties to the fragments. Now the UI updates are a lot nicer, but I think I am using it wrong because I overwrite all ViewModel values inside onCreate.
Now my question: What do I need to change to initialize the ViewModel only once?
The following is my current code (abbreviated and renamed for this question):
class ActivityB : AppCompatActivity() {
private val bData: ViewModelB by viewModels()
// ...
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ...
intent.getParcelableExtra<ViewModelB>("id")?.let {
Log.e(TAG, "Found parceled bData $it")
// This seems like a very stupid way to do it, is there a better one?
I saw that it is possible to inject SavedState into the ViewModelB constructor, but I don't have a saved state until now, and the data needs to be passed only once.
Should I change the initialization of tagData with by viewModels() to = ViewModelB(intent)?
Or do I need to extend the ViewModelFactory somehow?
Any tip here would be really appreciated, thanks.
I saw that it is possible to inject SavedState into the ViewModelB constructor, but I don't have a saved state until now, and the data needs to be passed only once.
The official solution would be to provide a SavedStateHandle that is initialized with the defaultArgs as the intent.extras of your Activity.
For that, you need to provide an AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory implementation, OR use SavedStateViewModelFactory (in which case you must define the right constructor in order to have it instantiated via reflection).
class ActivityB : AppCompatActivity() {
private val bData: ViewModelB by viewModels {
SavedStateViewModelFactory(application, this, intent.extras)
// ...
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ...
// intent.getParcelableExtra<ViewModelB>("id")?.let {
// Log.e(TAG, "Found parceled bData $it")
Then in your ViewModel
class ViewModelB(val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle): ViewModel() {
val uByteData = savedStateHandle.get<UByteArray>("id")
Or so. The "id" key must match the same key as is in the intent extras.
Since you have a ViewModel which implements Parcelable, you can get your ViewModelB instance directly from the Intent extra.
The Intent which is used for starting ActivityB may not be != null at the time when ActivityB is instantiated, but you can use
lateinit var bData: ViewModelB
Then in onCreate()
bData = if(intent.hasExtra("id")) intent.getParcelableExtra<ViewModelB>("id") else ViewModelProvider(this).get(ViewModelB::class.java)
I am developing an android application with kotlin.
I have a DereDatabaseHelper class which has init block that uses a context given through class parameter(?)
The DereDatabaseHelper is like this.
class DereDatabaseHelper(context: Context) {
val manifestFile: File
val fumensDBFile: File
val fumenFolder: File
val musicIDToInfo: MutableMap<Int, MusicInfo> = HashMap()
val fumenIDToMusicID: SparseIntArray = SparseIntArray()
init {
val datadir = context.getExternalFilesDir(null).parentFile.parentFile
The DereDatabaseHelper class is instantiated here in SongListActivity like this.
class SongListActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
var dereDatabaseHelper : DereDatabaseHelper
init {
dereDatabaseHelper = DereDatabaseHelper(this)
I thought that this code was correct, but this codes throws NullPointerException.
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method
'java.io.File android.content.Context.getExternalFilesDir(java.lang.String)'
on a null object reference at
at com.kyhsgeekcode.dereinfo.model.DereDatabaseHelper.<init>(DereDatabaseHelper.kt:21)
at com.kyhsgeekcode.dereinfo.SongListActivity.<init>(SongListActivity.kt:31)
Is this null when the execution is in init block and what initialization style should I use to fix this?
Never use the constructor of an Activity to do anything that involves the Context. Android instantiates Activities using their sole empty constructor (via reflection), and then sets up the activity's various fields before it ever calls onCreate(). Your first safe entry point to do anything in your Activity is in onCreate().
You also can't call methods of the Activity (which is itself a Context) in the constructor.
You also can't use the context in any way to even set up properties, because they'll try to access the context before onCreate:
class MyActivity: AppCompatActivity() {
val assets: AssetManager = getAssets() // This will cause a crash
To avoid having to make your property nullable, you can do either of the following, which allow you to avoid having your class instantiated until after onCreate() is called:
class SongListActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var dereDatabaseHelper : DereDatabaseHelper
override fun onCreate() {
dereDatabaseHelper = DereDatabaseHelper(this)
class SongListActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
val dereDatabaseHelper by lazy { DereDatabaseHelper(this) }
Activities are not completely initialized by the constructor or in your case init block.
Android system initializes activities and then calls the onCreate method. So you should do the following
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// create instance of DareDatabaseHelper
Why it doesn't work with the constructor?
consider the following code snippet
var myActivity = MyActivity() // This doesn't start MainActivity
// This is how you start an activity
val intent = Intent(context, MyActivity::class.java)
When you start any activity you never instantiate the activity class, why?
Because that is the responsibility of android system, when you do startActivity(intent) android system instantiates your activity class using the default constructor and then does all the initialization (ie. providing context) And once the activity is completely initialized the onCreate method of your activity is called where you can do your end of initialization.
Intent construcotr's arguements require object of Context class but down here inside this code I am passing "this" which means object of MainActivity class object. How it works? because it requires Context Class instance but i am passing MainActivity's instance.
const val EXTRA_MESSAGE = "com.example.myfirstApp.MESSAGE"
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
fun sendMessage(view: View){
val editText = findViewById<EditText>(R.id.editText)
val message = editText.text.toString()
val intent =Intent(this,DisplayMessageActivity::class.java).apply{
// if I use MainActivity() instead of this , gives me error
putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message)
Here, this means MainActivity's instance, but if I use MainActivity() instead of this it gives me error. Whereas this and MainActivity() are same thing here.
In Android Activity, Service, BroadcastReceiver, Application all extends Context. So you can pass them in place of Context.
You can see all the class that an Activity class extends here.