Adding the Location programatically to a Tweet - android

I am Working with the twitter API's for Android and there is computation that happens in the cloud and based on that, the tweets are to be published. How do I add the location programatically when I tweet without the user having to input it again?

First of all, you need to allow your twitter account to share location :
Connect on with your account, go to your profile settings > Settings and privacy > Privacy and safety, check : Tweet with location, and save.
Then you can post with twurl and geolocation :
twurl -X POST -H '/1.1/statuses/update.json?status=Testing twurl&lat=48.858334&lon=2.294415' | jq .


FirebaseAuth android get Facebook friends list

I use facebook login in my app. Once the users are logged-in I can get their basic facebook info such as display name, email, and phot url.
I'd like to get their facebook friends list. I think I can get it "directly" with firebase but I don't remember how and I cannot find any info about it. I think I first have to tell Firebase to get friends list when people login with facebook, then I sould be able to get it with a method such as firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser().getFriendList().
Do you know how to get facebook friends list with firebaseAuth ?
Thank you,
It is feasible, but only the friends that also use your app. The trick is to add a scope to your login method. In Angular it looks like this
this.afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider().addScope('user_friends'))
That scope at the end is the trick. Then, you need at least two users that are friends on facebook to login. You will note the popup is different as it now asks permission for the user's friends.
The response will include an access token. Then you can use that token to request the user's friends that are also using the app with a GET request like this{facebook_uid}/?fields=friends{name,id}&access_token={access_token}
Note I'm using a particular version, but you should change that to whatever you need.
generally obtaining user's all friends list from Facebook is not possible, they removed this option years ago, with API v2.0 introduction... more info about and useful suggestions HERE
there is an official FB API called Graph API and HERE you have some doc about friend lists
and the Firebase... well, this is Google's product and it have nothing to do with Facebook... You are probably using FB mail address for creating an account in Firebase service/database, but it is keeping only this data plus some additional attributes if set (like photo or visible name).
firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser() returns FirebaseUser object, which have THESE methods - like you see: logpass, name, photo url and only few more methods. no option for getting friends list, because there is no method to set them, and no possibility to get this list from FB lib/API

android facebook friends details and get other details

I want to create an application with use of Facebook.
some highlights of app is like
Connect facebook and google accounts. Gather info for user profiles: name, bio, profile picture.
1]fb-events that the user has created (or attended) and add them to my applications's calendar in the app
2]The app should create your fb-events in the app with the following information:
- Cover photo
- Title
- About text
- Location
- Time (Tuesday, March 17 at 19:00 - 21:00)
But read this link
is it possible please guid me
Pragna Bhatt
You can do this by two ways
1. using offical documention of fb
2. using social auth
both are easy but if you do by social auth your other social sites like twitter,linkdn and instragram and many more will also cover with facebook.

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration while login using facebook Jquery mobile [duplicate]

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
I have researched the most popular questions on SO already (Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, and Question 5)... None of them help with my situation.
I have the application settings laid out like this...
App Domains:
Sandbox Mode: Disabled
Website with Facebook Login
Site URL:
****App Domains*** requires that no protocol be identified and Site URL requires that a protocol be identified.*
I have tried using and that didn't work either. Everything seems to match up. By the way, this is a WP site. I'm not developing locally either. It's all live.
Try to check at Settings > Advanced. At Valid OAuth redirect URIs, make sure you have a correct domain.
Hope it works.
You need to add the URL to your app:
Go to the app, you want for user login, on the Facebook Developers page
Click on the settings tab
Click add platform
Select Website
After selection it will ask for some details such as URL for your website which uses login with facebook feature, fill the form and submit it
That's all and you are done. Make sure that the app's URL is the same from where you're logging in.
Under Basic settings:
Add the platform - Mine was web.
Supply the site URL - mind the http or https.
You can also supply the mobile site URL if you have any - remember to mind the http or https here as well.
Save the changes.
Then hit the advanced tab and scroll down to locate Valid OAuth redirect URIs its right below Client Token.
Supply the redirection URL - The URL to redirect to after the login.
Save the changes.
Then get back to your website or web page and refresh.
This is a basic breakdown for slow people like me, and I didn't see this mentioned before.
The "redirect uri" isn't the place where you're redirecting to, but where it's coming from.
Say you have your app at listening to /auth/facebook, and after they log in, redirecting them to /UserLoginHooray. The "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" should read, not http://myFBapp/UserLoginHooray.
HTTP Requests that have been redirected (302) include the original address in the header, so Facebook is merely putting a very basic layer of security on the request.
I chased my tail on this issue for hours. My coder and I could login with FB without a problem but my wife couldn't. She would get this topic's subject message. I tried every setting and URL that I could think of for my Lavarel app.
My issue was that my wife was signing in from:
http://www and we were using http://
A short trip to CPanel and a redirect fixed that. Hope this helps someone!
For Lavarel these FB app settings worked for me:
Settings/Basic - App Domain: , Site URL:
Settings/Advanced - Client OAuth Login: Yes.
Settings/Advanced - OAuth redirect URIs: ,
App Details/App Center listed platforms = No. I'm only using the login for now.
I have a website with facebook login.
It has been stable and working for months.
No code change has happened for weeks.
Then, suddenly, the facebook login gives an error message:
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
After debugging "for awhile", I reset my facebook app secret and it started to work again!
Michael Blackburn's answer helped me resolve my issue, but I want to give more detail on my fix.
I have a php app that posts to a user's FB page.
I own two domains: (no hyphen)
I built my site off the first domain because it read better IMHO (at least it did at the time).
Some users typoed the url so I bought the second one with no dashes for that reason.
So, one of my users was having the "Given URL" error.
Turns out he was going to and the rest of them were going to
I fixed everyone by adding all possible redirect URIs:
Granted, there are 100 better ways to implement this, but here is the workaround for now.
1.Make Sure Website Url and platform added, if not then visit then Select
Platform -> Setup SDK -> Website Url And so on..
Note: website url can't be like this : just remove www and make it simple and working ;)
2.Goto App Dashboard -> Setting -> Click on Advanced Tab then go to bottom of the page and enable Embedded Browser OAuth Login
and leave Valid OAuth redirect URIs blank and Save it
I found Valid OAuth Redirect URIs under PRODUCTS then Facebook Login > Settings not as everyone is stating above. I am supposing this is a version issue.
It still didn't work for me. I guess I really have to add Android Platform rather than just the Website. This is annoying because my app is still in development mode :(
UPDATE: I'm using Expo to develop my react-native app and used info provided here: to set up the Android and iOS platforms. This resolved the issue for me.
Sometimes this error occurs for old javascript sdk. If you save locally javascript file. Update it. I prefer to load it form the facebook server all the time.
Go to facebook developer dashboard
Select settings -> select WEB(for website) -> Add platform
Add your site URL.
This should resolve your issue.
So... facebook distinguishes pretty harshly between http and https in your app. This is just another small thing to check if you run into trouble.
I solved this issue by specifying correct site URL in my App Settings.
It works fine now. You have to specify your website Url such as
Under advanced tab make sure "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" contains valid URI or leave it empty(not recommended)
instead of
sometimes you need to check your code (the part of redirect)
$helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper('');
$auth_url = $helper->getLoginUrl(array('email', 'publish_actions'));
echo "<script>'".$auth_url."'</script>";
if any changes happens there (for example, the name of your application "" in relation the application settings in facebook, you will get the above error
For Android Developers,
Make sure you have enabled Facebook Login inside the Products list inside Dashboard of your Facebook project app and have added all the required details as you go through the whole flow.
The login should work without giving the same error.

How to get a friends user wall from facebook?

I want to read my friends posts (feeds?, all posts but for a specific user only) from his user wall.
I need all (posts, feeds, statuses) that i see when i look at his page directly from the website.
I use the android sdk and i tried the graph api and rest method.
My app is registered and i have logged in facebook to get the access token (permission: read_stream)
but i dont get that infos that want to.
Please help.
How about testing your Graph API call in the Graph API Explorer?
In my case, I could get my first 10 friends' feed (wall) with the url
Note that I used field expansion of the Graph API.
You need them to actually use your app and grant full permissions via the graph API.
You cannot simply 'grab a friends wall'. You must do that via your app and it needs the permissions to do so from the user in question.

facebook android allow permission window problem

I'm beginner with android and developing an application in android to connect to facebook and upload photo using the android facebook sdk.
Problem is when I login I'm getting an allow permission window. When I click allow, its not giving any action.
Any ideas on the problem?
After you authorize Permissions on Facebook, Facebook will redirect your to a confirm url you told the system to redirect to. Please check if you pass that url after approval redirection in the next parameter (assuming you use webbased authentication)
I've done from a PHP server this way:
function promptForPermissions() {
global $permissions;
header("Location: ".$gateway."?api_key=".API_KEY."&ext_perm=".join(",",$permissions)."&next=".URL_AFTER_APPROVAL."&cancel=".URL_IF_CANCEL."&display=touch");
where the urls were having this format:

