How to play cached byte array in android - android

I have a Xamarin application which plays remote(internet) audio files using the MediaPlayer with the following setup:
Now I would like to change the implementation to also cache files. For the caching part I found a really nice library called MonkeyCache which saves the files in this JSON format:
{"$type":"System.Byte[], mscorlib","$value":"UklGRhAoAgBXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAIARKwAABCxAgAEABAAZGF0YdAnAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+P/4/+z/7P8KAAoA7//v//L/8v8JAAkA6f/p//j/+P8FAAUA6P/o/wEAAQD+//7/5//n ................."}
So my MediaPlayer setup has now changed to:
if (Barrel.Current.Exists(mediaUri)){
var audio = Barrel.Current.Get<byte[]>(mediaUri);
using (var webClient = new WebClient()){
var downloadDataBytes = webClient.DownloadData(mediaUri);
if (downloadDataBytes != null && downloadDataBytes.Length > 0)
Barrel.Current.Add(mediaUri, downloadDataBytes, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
I would like to play the audio from a byte[] instead of the mediaUri.
Is there any way to actually play an in memory byte[]?
The only solutions that I could find were to create a FileInputStream out of a File by using a filepath, but the implementation of the MonkeyCache actually hashes the file name, before adding it:
static string Hash(string input){
var md5Hasher = MD5.Create();
var data = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input));
return BitConverter.ToString(data);
Therefore the downloaded bytes, will be saved under:
Even if I were to use the same hashing logic to actually compute the file path myself and use the FileInputStream which might be working by what I've read, it would defeat the purpose of using the var audio = Barrel.Current.Get<byte[]>(mediaUri); functionality of the MonkeyCache.
However, if that is the only way, I will do it.
Edit: Even with my described approach, it would probably not work right away as even if I compute the right file name, it is still in JSON format.
Edit2: A working solution is:
var audio = Barrel.Current.Get<byte[]>(mediaUri);
var url = "data:audio/mp3;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(audio);

Finally figured it out:
The MediaPlayer.SetDataSource method has an overload which expects a MediaDataSource object.
For supplying media data to the framework. Implement
this if your app has special requirements for the way media data is
Therefore, you can use your implementation of the MediaDataSource and feed it your byte array.
public class StreamMediaDataSource : MediaDataSource
private byte[] _data;
public StreamMediaDataSource(byte[] data)
_data = data;
public override long Size
=> _data.Length;
public override void Close()
_data = null;
public override int ReadAt(long position, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
if (position >= _data.Length)
return -1;
if (position + size > _data.Length)
size -= (Convert.ToInt32(position) + size) - _data.Length;
Array.Copy(_data, position, buffer, offset, size);
return size;
which will lead to the MediaPlayer data source to be
_mediaPlayer.SetDataSource(new StreamMediaDataSource(downloadedDataBytes));
Edit: This only works for API >= 23. I still have to find a solution for API<23(which I still haven't).
Edit2: For API < 23 support I used the
var url = $"data:audio;base64,{Convert.ToBase64String(downloadedDataBytes)}";


How to replace FileObserver in Android 10?

android.os.FileObserver requires a to function.
But with Android 10 Google restricted access to everything but your app's private directory due to the famous "Storage Access Framework". Thus, accessing anything via breaks and renders FileObserver useless unless you intend to use it in your app's private directory. However, I want to be notified when something is changed in a certain directory on external storage. I would also like to avoid periodically checking for changes.
I tried using ContentResolver.registerContentObserver(uri,notifyForDescendants,observer) and ran into some problems with that method:
Every Uri I have plugged in so far was accepted
It neither fails nor notifies if the Uri doesn't work
I cannot find any documentation telling me which Uris actually work
The only thing I got working to some extent is the following approach:
// works, but returns all changes to the external storage
contentResolver.registerContentObserver(MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"), true, contentObserver)
Unfortunately this includes all of the external storage and only returns Media Uris when changes happen - for example content://media/external/file/67226.
Is there a way to find out whether or not that Uri points to my directory?
Or is there a way to make registerContentObserver() work with a Uri in such a way that I get a notification whenever something in the folder has changed?
I also had no success trying various Uris related to DocumentsFile and external storage Uris.
I kept getting errors when even trying to use the base constructor such as the following -
No direct method <init>(Ljava/util/List;I)V in class Landroid/os/FileObserver; or its super classes (declaration of 'android.os.FileObserver' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes2.dex)
From a comment on Detect file change using FileObserver on Android:
I saw that message (or something like that) when i was trying to use constructor FileObserver(File). Use of deprecated FileObserver(String) solved my problem.... Original FileObserver has bugs.
Full disclosure, I was using the Xamarin.Android API; however, the gist and the commenter I quoted were both working with Java. At any rate, indeed - tried again using the counterpart String constructor and I was finally able to make and use the observer. Grinds my gears to use a deprecated API, but apparently they're hanging onto it at least up to and including Android 12.0.0_r3... still, would much prefer the supported constructors actually work. Maybe there's some warrant here for filing an issue.
I found a way to implement FileObserver on Android 10 with ContentObserver, but it might only work with media files since it works with media content uris.
The uri for ContentResolver.registerContentObserver() should be the file's corresponding media uri (e.g. content://media/external/file/49) which is queried by file path.
fun getMediaUri(context: Context, file: File): Uri? {
val externalUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external")
"${MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATA} = ?",
)?.use { cursor ->
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
val idIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex("_id")
val id = cursor.getLong(idIndex)
return Uri.withAppendedPath(externalUri, "$id")
return null
Then ContentObserver.onChange() will be triggered for every file change with uri: content://media/external/file/{id}; uri in ContentObserver.onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) will always be content://media/external/file; only registered file will be with id (e.g. content://media/external/file/49?deletedata=false).
Does what FileObserver used to do when input uri's path matches registered uri.
I have a temporary solution for this issue, so let's see if this can help.
I start an infinite while loop watching for file created and file deleted (if you want file modified or file renamed you have to implement more) using DocumentFile. Below is my sample:
private static int currentFileIndirectory = 0;
private static final int FILE_CREATED = 0;
private static final int FILE_DELETED = 1;
private static DocumentFile[] onDirectoryChanged(DocumentFile[] documentFiles, int event) {
Log.d("FileUtil", "onDirectoryChanged: " + event);
if (event == FILE_CREATED) {
} else {
return documentFiles;
private static boolean didStartWatching = false;
private static void startWatchingDirectory(final DocumentFile directory) {
if (!didStartWatching) {
didStartWatching = true;
DocumentFile[] documentFiles = directory.listFiles();
if (null != documentFiles && documentFiles.length > 0) {
currentFileIndirectory = documentFiles.length;
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
DocumentFile[] documentFiles = directory.listFiles();
if (null != documentFiles && documentFiles.length > 0) {
if (documentFiles.length != currentFileIndirectory) {
if (documentFiles.length > currentFileIndirectory) {//file created
DocumentFile[] newFiles = new DocumentFile[documentFiles.length - currentFileIndirectory];
onDirectoryChanged(newFiles, FILE_CREATED);
} else {//file Deleted
onDirectoryChanged(null, FILE_DELETED);
currentFileIndirectory = documentFiles.length;

How to cache a video in background in android?

I am building an android application where a user can view some listed video. Those videos are categories into some channel. Once a channel is selected by user I want to cache all the video related to that channel in my cache memory so can play the video when there is no internet also.
Can anyone have more understanding about video cache without playing please help me in understanding how I can achieve this task.
Right now I am able to cache video If it's played using some library.
I have find the following working solution for caching video in background (single/multiple) using below lib, no need of player/video_view.use AsyncTaskRunner
Videocaching Lib
Add following in line in your gradle file
compile 'com.danikula:videocache:2.7.0'
Since we just need to kick start the prefetching, no need to do anything in while loop.
Or we can use ByteArrayOutputStream to write down the data to disk.
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL(cachingUrl(cachingUrl));
InputStream inputStream = url.openStream();
int bufferSize = 1024;
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int length = 0;
while ((length = != -1) {
//nothing to do
} catch (IOException e) {
Important code from lib. to do
Create static instance in application class using following code
private HttpProxyCacheServer proxy;
public static HttpProxyCacheServer getProxy(Context context) {
Applications app = (Applications) context.getApplicationContext();
return app.proxy == null ? (app.proxy = app.newProxy()) : app.proxy;
private HttpProxyCacheServer newProxy() {
//return new HttpProxyCacheServer(this);
return new HttpProxyCacheServer.Builder(this)
.maxCacheSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024)
Write following code in your activity to pass url
public String cachingUrl(String urlPath) {
return Applications.getProxy(this).getProxyUrl(urlPath, true);

Picasso RequestHandler - Decrypt file before load image

All my images are encrypted in Android file system. When I need to show them, I need to decrypt, generate the bitmap and then delete the file. I'm trying to use Picasso to load my images. I created an RequestHandler to decrypt and load image.
RequestHandler accepts two types of result:
1. the bitmap or 2. a stream.
I'm trying to return the stream. That way Picasso can load images using the best practices, prevent out of memory. I created an custom Stream class and override the Dispose() method to delete the decrypted file after use.
The problem is: The stream is not disposing, neither closing, after the image is loaded, and I can't for automatic dispose by GAC (I'm using Xamarin/C#). Any ideas? What can I do?
UPDATE (19/01/17): I found out a small bug in my code and after fixing it, my problem was solved. But here is my custom RequestHandler for future reference... EncryptedFileStream is my custom stream that wraps the original stream and delete the decrypted file on Dispose().
public class EncryptedFilenameRequestHandler : RequestHandler
private readonly Context _context;
private readonly ICriptoService _criptoService;
public EncryptedFilenameRequestHandler(Context context, ICriptoService criptoService)
if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
if (criptoService == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(criptoService));
_context = context;
_criptoService = criptoService;
public override bool CanHandleRequest(Request request)
var uri = request.Uri;
return string.Compare(uri.Scheme, Constantes.AppSchema, true) == 0 &&
string.Compare(uri.Authority, Constantes.Host, true) == 0 &&
string.Compare(uri.Path, "/loadimagem/filename/encrypted", true) == 0;
public override Result Load(Request request, int networkPolicy)
string password = request.Uri.GetQueryParameter("p");
string encryptedFilename = request.Uri.GetQueryParameter("f");
string decryptedFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppEnviroment.GetTempDirectory(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(encryptedFilename) || !File.Exists(encryptedFilename))
return null;
_criptoService.Decrypt(encryptedFilename, decryptedFilename, password);
//retorna um stream para leitura do arquivo descriptografado
var uri = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new Java.IO.File(decryptedFilename));
var stream = new EncryptedFileStream(decryptedFilename, _context.ContentResolver.OpenInputStream(uri));
return new Result(stream, Picasso.LoadedFrom.Disk);
I found out a small bug in my code and, after fixing it, my problem was solved. The code for EncryptedFilenameRequestHandler posted in the question is working without any problem.

Load image from binary base64

EDIT: This is a bug in Android version <4.3 Kitkat. It relates to the libjpeg library in Android, which can't handle JPEGs with missing EOF/EOI bits, or apparently with metadata/EXIF data that it doesn't like.
I have an issue when loading an image in my app.
My endpoint sends JSON which contains a BASE64 encoded image. Depending on the REST call, these images can be PNG or JPG. Some of the JPG files suffer from an issue where they are missing an EOF bit at the end. The PNG files work, and some JPG files work, but unfortunately a lot of these JPG files with the issue are present in the Oracle DB (stored as BLOB). I don't have control of the DB.
I have been looking through Google bugs here:
and here:
The issue is also seen where the encoding is CYMK using a custom ICC profile.
Decoding the image the standard way returns false:
byte[] imageAsBytes = Base64.decode(base64ImageString, Base64.DEFAULT);
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageAsBytes, 0, imageAsBytes.length);
According to the bug reports above, the built in JPG parser in Android is to blame.
I'm trying to figure out a workaround for my device, which is stuck on 4.2.2. I have no other option on this OS version.
I thought it might be a good idea to try and use an image loader library like Universal Image Loader, but it requires I either have the image stored locally, or stored on a URL. As I get the data in BASE64 from the REST server, I can't use this. An option is to support decodeByteArray in a custom class that extends BaseImageDecoder, as stated by the dev at the bottom here:
Here's where I get stuck. I already have a custom image decoder to try handle the issue of the missing EOF marker in the JPG file, but I don't know how to edit it to add support for decodeByteArray.
Here is my CustomImageDecoder:
public class CustomImageDecoder extends BaseImageDecoder {
public CustomImageDecoder(boolean loggingEnabled) {
protected InputStream getImageStream(ImageDecodingInfo decodingInfo) throws IOException {
InputStream stream = decodingInfo.getDownloader()
.getStream(decodingInfo.getImageUri(), decodingInfo.getExtraForDownloader());
return stream == null ? null : new JpegClosedInputStream(stream);
private class JpegClosedInputStream extends InputStream {
private static final int JPEG_EOI_1 = 0xFF;
private static final int JPEG_EOI_2 = 0xD9;
private final InputStream inputStream;
private int bytesPastEnd;
private JpegClosedInputStream(final InputStream iInputStream) {
inputStream = iInputStream;
bytesPastEnd = 0;
public int read() throws IOException {
int buffer =;
if (buffer == -1) {
if (bytesPastEnd > 0) {
buffer = JPEG_EOI_2;
} else {
buffer = JPEG_EOI_1;
return buffer;
By the way, using the above custom class, I am trying to load my byte array like this:
byte[] bytes = Base64.decode(formattedB64String, Base64.NO_WRAP);
ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
String imageId = "stream://" + is.hashCode();
ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
imageLoader.displayImage(imageId, userImage, options);
and I get this error:
ImageLoader: Image can't be decoded [stream://1097215584_656x383]
Universal Image loader does not allow the stream:// schema, so I created a custom BaseImageDownloader class that allows it:
public class StreamImageDownloader extends BaseImageDownloader {
private static final String SCHEME_STREAM = "stream";
private static final String STREAM_URI_PREFIX = SCHEME_STREAM + "://";
public StreamImageDownloader(Context context) {
protected InputStream getStreamFromOtherSource(String imageUri, Object extra) throws IOException {
if (imageUri.startsWith(STREAM_URI_PREFIX)) {
return (InputStream) extra;
} else {
return super.getStreamFromOtherSource(imageUri, extra);
So if anyone can help me create a better CustomImageDecoder that handles a BASE64 encoded string, or a byte[] containing an image so I can use decodeByteArray, I would be grateful!
Thank you.
UnversalImageLoader uses the following schemes to decode the files
"h t t p ://" // from Web
"file:///mnt/sdcard/image.png" // from SD card
"file:///mnt/sdcard/video.mp4" // from SD card (video thumbnail)
"content://media/external/images/media/13" // from content provider
"content://media/external/video/media/13" // from content provider (video thumbnail)
"assets://image.png" // from assets
"drawable://" + R.drawable.img // from drawables (non-9patch images)
your scheme is stream://
Hope that helps.
Just to close this off:
The issue here is actually a bug in Android <4.3 where Android can't display images that either aren't closed properly (missing end bytes) or contain certain metadata that, for some reason, it doesn't like. I'm not sure what metadata this is, however. My issue was with JPEGs not being terminated properly.
The bug is fixed in Android 4.3 anyway.

Getting ProtoBuf.ProtoException using OsmSharp in Xamarin Android

I am trying to test a sample project called Android.Routing.Offline from OsmSharp.Samples in Github.
After two taps on the screen (the first one gets just the GeoCoordinate) I get a ProtoBuf.ProtoException in the Router.cs
private static IBasicRouterDataSource<CHEdgeData> _graph;
public static void Initialize()
var routingSerializer = new CHEdgeDataDataSourceSerializer();
_graph = routingSerializer.Deserialize(
public static Route Calculate(GeoCoordinate from, GeoCoordinate to)
var router = Router.CreateCHFrom(_graph, new CHRouter(), new OsmRoutingInterpreter());
// The exception happens here below
var fromResolved = router.Resolve(Vehicle.Car, from);
var toResolved = router.Resolve(Vehicle.Car, to);
if(fromResolved != null && toResolved !=null)
return router.Calculate(Vehicle.Car, fromResolved, toResolved);
catch(Exception ex)
OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("Router", OsmSharp.Logging.TraceEventType.Critical, "Unhandled exception occured: {0}", ex.ToString());
return null;
And the exception:
> {ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you
> have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see
> at
> ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadSingle () ...
I didnt overwrite the file ( just added it as a linked file in the project. Any ideas how I can solve this issue?
Well, the first thing to try is to check that the contents of the Stream you are reading (via GetManifestResourceStream) contains exactly the contents you are expecting, and not some wrapper or otherwise-corrupt mess. If you have some checksum algorithm you can run: great! Checking just the .Length would be a great start. Otherwise, you could cheat (just for the purposes of validating the contents) by getting the hex:
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
string hex = BitConverter.ToString(
ms.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms.Length);
// dump this string, and compare it to the same output run on the
// oringal file; they should be identical
Note that this duplicates the contents in-memory, purely so we can get a byte[] (oversized) to get the hex from - it isn't intended for "real" code, but until you are sure that the contents are correct, all other bets are off. I strongly suspect that you'll find that the contents are not identical to the contents in the original file. Note that I'm also implicitly assuming that the original file works fine in terms of deserialization. If the original file doesn't work: again, all bets are off.

