Match character of two strings - android

I have two Strings
String 1 = "In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful."
String 2 = "In the name of God the Gracious the Merciful"
I want to match each word of string two with string one. I have used below code but it's not working fine for above case
private void printDiff(final Context context, String sentence1, String sentence2) {
String[] array1 = sentence1.split(" ");
String[] array2 = sentence2.split(" ");
SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder(sentence1);
for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
int colorRes;
if (i < array2.length) {
colorRes = array1[i].equalsIgnoreCase(array2[i]) ? R.color.colorPrimary : R.color.colorAccent;
} else {
colorRes =;
int startIndex = getStartIndexOf(array1, i);
int endIndex = startIndex + array1[i].length();
sb.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(ContextCompat.getColor(context, colorRes)), startIndex, endIndex, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
public static int getStartIndexOf(String[] array, int index) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
count += array[i].length();
return count;
Can anyone help me
I want output like this. Because all characters matched

You can convert your String to character array and can match them by characters
s1 = s1.replacereplace(" ", "");
s1 = s1.replacereplace(",", "");
s2 = s2.replacereplace(" ", "");
char[] a = s1.toCharArray();
char[] b = s2.toCharArray();
int j=0;
for(int i=0; <a.length; i++){

try this code to check the differences of your string
public class TestActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
String string1 = "In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.";
String string2 = "In the name of God the Gracious the mercifuls";
protected void onCreate(#Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(string2.split(" "))); // Split the string into list
// compare the list with the source of the string, if match put into the list of result
List<String> result = Predicate<String>() {
public boolean test(String s) {
// return string1.contains(s); // case sensitive
return Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(s), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(string1).find(); // case insensitive
// check the match results
Log.d("test", "onCreate: not match");
Log.d("test", "onCreate: match");
Hope can help you to resolve your problems
so in-order to use the code above needed to edit gradle. Open the app.gradle of yours and put this into your gradle
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
defaultConfig {
buildTypes {
release {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8


How can I convert numbers to currency format in android

I want to show my numbers in money format and separate digits like the example below:
1000 -----> 1,000
10000 -----> 10,000
100000 -----> 100,000
1000000 -----> 1,000,000
Another approach :
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
This way, it's displaying 1 000 000 € or 1,000,000 €, depending on device currency's display settings
You need to use a number formatter, like so:
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###");
double myNumber = 1000000;
String formattedNumber = formatter.format(myNumber);
//formattedNumber is equal to 1,000,000
Hope this helps!
double number = 1000000000.0;
String COUNTRY = "US";
String LANGUAGE = "en";
String str = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale(LANGUAGE, COUNTRY)).format(number);
//str = $1,000,000,000.00
Currency formatter.
public static String currencyFormat(String amount) {
DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.00");
return formatter.format(Double.parseDouble(amount));
Use this:
int number = 1000000000;
String str = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US).format(number);
//str = 1,000,000,000
This Method gives you the exact output which you need:
public String currencyFormatter(String num) {
double m = Double.parseDouble(num);
DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###");
return formatter.format(m);
Try the following solution:
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
The class will return a formatter for the device default currency.
You can refer to this link for more information:
Here's a kotlin Extension that converts a Double to a Currency(Nigerian Naira)
fun Double.toRidePrice():String{
val format: NumberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance()
format.maximumFractionDigits = 0
format.currency = Currency.getInstance("NGN")
return format.format(this.roundToInt())
Use a Formatter class
For eg:
String s = (String.format("%,d", 1000000)).replace(',', ' ');
Look into:
The way that I do this in our app is this:
amount.addTextChangedListener(new CurrencyTextWatcher(amount));
And the CurrencyTextWatcher is this:
public class CurrencyTextWatcher implements TextWatcher {
private EditText ed;
private String lastText;
private boolean bDel = false;
private boolean bInsert = false;
private int pos;
public CurrencyTextWatcher(EditText ed) {
this.ed = ed;
public static String getStringWithSeparator(long value) {
DecimalFormat formatter = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US);
String f = formatter.format(value);
return f;
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
bDel = false;
bInsert = false;
if (before == 1 && count == 0) {
bDel = true;
pos = start;
} else if (before == 0 && count == 1) {
bInsert = true;
pos = start;
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
lastText = s.toString();
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String text = s.toString();
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if ((text.charAt(i) >= 0x30 && text.charAt(i) <= 0x39) || text.charAt(i) == '.' || text.charAt(i) == ',')
if (!sb.toString().equals(s.toString())) {
bDel = bInsert = false;
String newText = getFormattedString(sb.toString());
if (bDel) {
int idx = pos;
if (lastText.length() - 1 > newText.length())
idx--; // if one , is removed
if (idx < 0)
idx = 0;
} else if (bInsert) {
int idx = pos + 1;
if (lastText.length() + 1 < newText.length())
idx++; // if one , is added
if (idx > newText.length())
idx = newText.length();
private String getFormattedString(String text) {
String res = "";
try {
String temp = text.replace(",", "");
long part1;
String part2 = "";
int dotIndex = temp.indexOf(".");
if (dotIndex >= 0) {
part1 = Long.parseLong(temp.substring(0, dotIndex));
if (dotIndex + 1 <= temp.length()) {
part2 = temp.substring(dotIndex + 1).trim().replace(".", "").replace(",", "");
} else
part1 = Long.parseLong(temp);
res = getStringWithSeparator(part1);
if (part2.length() > 0)
res += "." + part2;
else if (dotIndex >= 0)
res += ".";
} catch (Exception ex) {
return res;
Now if you add this watcher to your EditText, as soon as user enter his number, the watcher decides whether it needs separator or not.
i used this code for my project and it works:
EditText edt_account_amount = findViewById(;
edt_account_amount.addTextChangedListener(new DigitFormatWatcher(edt_account_amount));
and defined class:
public class NDigitCardFormatWatcher implements TextWatcher {
EditText et_filed;
String processed = "";
public NDigitCardFormatWatcher(EditText et_filed) {
this.et_filed = et_filed;
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {
String initial = editable.toString();
if (et_filed == null) return;
if (initial.isEmpty()) return;
String cleanString = initial.replace(",", "");
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###");
double myNumber = new Double(cleanString);
processed = formatter.format(myNumber);
//Remove the listener
//Assign processed text
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
//Give back the listener
Updated 2022 answer
Try this snippet. It formats a number in string complete with the currency & setting fractional digits.
Upvote if this helped you! :)
* Formats amount in string to human-readable amount (separated with commas
* & prepends currency symbol)
* #param amount The amount to format in String
* #return The formatted amount complete with separators & currency symbol added
public static String formatCurrency(String amount) {
String formattedAmount = amount;
try {
if (amount == null || amount.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("Amount is null/empty");
Double amountInDouble = Double.parseDouble(amount);
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("en", "IN"));
formattedAmount = numberFormat.format(amountInDouble);
} catch (Exception exception) {
return formattedAmount;
return formattedAmount;
private val currencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(LOCALE_AUS).configure()
private fun NumberFormat.configure() = apply {
maximumFractionDigits = 2
minimumFractionDigits = 2
fun Number.asCurrency(): String {
return currencyFormatter.format(this)
And then just use as
val x = 100000.234
If you have the value stored in a String like me, which was coming from the server like "$20000.00".
You can do something like this in Kotlin (JetpackCompose):
fun PrizeAmount(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
prize: String,
val currencyFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale("en", "US"))
val text = currencyFormat.format(prize.substringAfter("$").toDouble())
Output: "$20,000.00"
NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale("ES", "es")).format(number)
here is a kotlin version to Format Currency, here i'm getting an argument from another fragment from an input Field then it will be set in the textView in the main Fragment
fun formatArgumentCurrency(argument : String, textView: TextView) {
val valueText = requireArguments().get(argument).toString()
val dec = DecimalFormat("#,###.##")
val number = java.lang.Double.valueOf(valueText)
val value = dec.format(number)
val currency = Currency.getInstance("USD")
val symbol = currency.symbol
textView.text = String.format("$symbol$value","%.2f" )
You can easily achieve this with this small simple library.
Just pass any number, then it will return formatted string, just like that.
currencyfy (500000.78); // $ 500,000.78 //default
currencyfy (500000.78, false); // $ 500,001 // hide fraction (will round off automatically!)
currencyfy (500000.78, false, false); // 500,001 // hide fraction & currency symbol
currencyfy (new Locale("en", "in"), 500000.78); // ₹ 5,00,000.78 // custom locale
It compatible with all versions of Android including older versions!

receive a string message from user input in android and parse to an int so can be stored in an array and compared with another array of integers

I am having a problem with the above task in my android application. I am accepting user input from the EditText widget in the form of String. I accepting numbers from the user so I have to parse them to integers so they can be compared with another array of integers. I have the line:
String message = editText.getText().toString()
then to try and parse the String to an int I have the code line:
int userNumbers = Integer.parseInt(message).
However when I attempt to compare the array userArray with the array numbers I am getting the error that "Incompatible operand types String and Integer.
Can anyone see where my problem is or how I can solve it? Here's my code:
Thanks in advance.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = ".com.example.lotterychecker.MESSAGE";
static boolean bonus = false;
static boolean jackpot = false;
static int lottCount = 0;
Button check;
Integer [] numbers;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//link to the intended web site and get the lottery numbers while the app is opening
try {
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("").userAgent("Mozilla").get();
Elements elements = doc.getElementsByClass("drawhistory");
Element table = elements.first();
Element tbody = table.getElementsByTag("tbody").first();
Element firstLottoRow = tbody.getElementsByClass("lottorow").first();
Element dateElement = firstLottoRow.child(0);
Element gameElement = firstLottoRow.child(1);
Element noElement = firstLottoRow.child(2);
String [] split = noElement.text().split(" - ");
// set up an array to store numbers from the latest draw on the lottery web page
Integer [] numbers = new Integer [split.length];
int i = 0;
for (String strNo : split) {
numbers [i] = Integer.valueOf(strNo);
for (Integer no : numbers) {
Element bonusElement = firstLottoRow.child(3);
Integer bonusBall = Integer.valueOf(bonusElement.text());
System.out.println("Bonus ball: " + bonusBall);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return true;
//called when the user clicks the send button
public void checkNumbers(View view) {
final int SIZE =6;
String [] userArray = new String[SIZE];
//create an intent to display the numbers
Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayNumbersActivity.class);
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
String message = editText.getText().toString();
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message );
//parse string message to an int for user numbers
int userNumbers = Integer.parseInt(message); //is this right?
catch (NumberFormatException e)
System.out.println("Not a number" + e.getMessage());
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Here are your numbers", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
for (int count =0; count < SIZE; count ++)
if (check.isPressed())
userArray[count] = editText.getText().toString();
//compare the two arrays of integers
for (int loop = 0; loop < userArray.length; loop++)
for (int loopOther = 0; loopOther < numbers.length; loopOther++)
if (userArray[loop] == numbers[loopOther]) //how do I parse this?
}else if (userArray[loop] == bonus)
bonus = true;
}//for main
You have this
Integer [] numbers; // numbers is an integer array
You have string array
String [] userArray = new String[SIZE]; // userArray is a string array
You compare like below
if (userArray[loop] == numbers[loopOther])
So you get the error Incompatible operand types String and Integer.
if (Integer.parseInt(userArray[loop]) == numbers[loopOther])
Enclosing the above with try catch block
String message = editText.getText().toString();
int userNumbers = Integer.parseInt(message);
//is this right? yes
catch (NumberFormatException e)
Change String to Int here:
for (int loop = 0; loop < userArray.length; loop++)
for (int loopOther = 0; loopOther < numbers.length; loopOther++)
if (Integer.valueOf(userArray[loop]) == numbers[loopOther]) //how do I parse this?
}else if (Integer.valueOf(userArray[loop]) == bonus)
bonus = true;
}//for main
Parse Like this :
for (int loop = 0; loop < userArray.length; loop++)
for (int loopOther = 0; loopOther < numbers.length; loopOther++)
if (Integer.parseInt(userArray[loop]) == numbers[loopOther])
}else if (userArray[loop] == bonus)
bonus = true;

Android random string generator

I have a problem.
I want to draw a random String something like this aXcFg3s2.
What i doing bad ?
How change my random()
private String random;
private String charsEntered;
private EditText et;
private Button ok;
CaptchaInterface.OnCorrectListener mCorrectListener;
public void setOnCorrectListener(CaptchaInterface.OnCorrectListener listener) {
mCorrectListener = listener;
public TextCaptcha(Context context) {
public static String random() {
Random generator = new Random();
String x = (String) (generator.nextInt(96) + 32);
return x;
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
random = random();
TextView display = (TextView) findViewById(;
display.setText("Random Number: " + random); // Show the random number
et = (EditText) findViewById(;
ok = (Button) findViewById(;
public void onClick(View arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
charsEntered = et.getText().toString();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Toast.makeText(et.getContext(), "Bla bla bla",
if (random == charsEntered) {
Toast.makeText(et.getContext(), "Good!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(et.getContext(), "Bad!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
the problem is that you've handled only a single character instead of using a loop.
you can create an array of characters which has all of the characters that you wish to allow to be in the random string , then in a loop take a random position from the array and add append it to a stringBuilder . in the end , convert the stringBuilder to a string.
here's the simple algorithm i've suggested:
private static final String ALLOWED_CHARACTERS ="0123456789qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm";
private static String getRandomString(final int sizeOfRandomString)
final Random random=new Random();
final StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(sizeOfRandomString);
for(int i=0;i<sizeOfRandomString;++i)
return sb.toString();
and on Kotlin:
companion object {
private val ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = "0123456789qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
private fun getRandomString(sizeOfRandomString: Int): String {
val random = Random()
val sb = StringBuilder(sizeOfRandomString)
for (i in 0 until sizeOfRandomString)
return sb.toString()
There are a few things wrong with your code.
You cannot cast from an int to a string. Cast it to a char instead. This however will only give you a single char so instead you could generate a random number for the length of your string. Then run a for loop to generate random chars. You can define a StringBuilder as well and add the chars to that, then get your random string using the toString() method
public static String random() {
Random generator = new Random();
StringBuilder randomStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int randomLength = generator.nextInt(MAX_LENGTH);
char tempChar;
for (int i = 0; i < randomLength; i++){
tempChar = (char) (generator.nextInt(96) + 32);
return randomStringBuilder.toString();
Also, you should use random.compareTo() rather than ==
You need to import UUID.
Here is the code
import java.util.UUID;
id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this is how i generate my random strings with desired characters and desired length
char[] chars1 = "ABCDEF012GHIJKL345MNOPQR678STUVWXYZ9".toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
Random random1 = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
char c1 = chars1[random1.nextInt(chars1.length)];
String random_string = sb1.toString();
This function run in kotlin ->
fun randomString(stringLength: Int): String {
val list = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray()
var randomS = ""
for (i in 1..stringLength) {
randomS += list[getRandomNumber(0, list.size - 1)]
return randomS
fun getRandomNumber(min: Int, max: Int): Int {
return Random().nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min
Or you can use my library
You can simply use the following method to generate random String with 5 character and it will return arrayList of random String
public ArrayList<String> generateRandomString() {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Random rnd = new Random();
String str = "";
String randomLetterSmall = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for (int n = 0; n < 50; n++) {
str = String.valueOf(randomLetters.charAt(rnd.nextInt(randomLetters.length())));
str += String.valueOf(randomLetterSmall.charAt(rnd.nextInt(randomLetters.length())));
str += String.valueOf(randomLetterSmall.charAt(rnd.nextInt(randomLetters.length())));
str += String.valueOf(randomLetterSmall.charAt(rnd.nextInt(randomLetters.length())));
str += String.valueOf(randomLetterSmall.charAt(rnd.nextInt(randomLetters.length())));
//Copy above line to increase character of the String
return list;
private fun getRandomHexString(numchars: Int): String? {
val r = Random()
val sb = StringBuffer()
while (sb.length < numchars) {
return sb.toString().substring(0, numchars)
You cannot cast an int to a String. Try:
Random generator = new Random();
String x = String.valueOf (generator.nextInt(96) + 32);
final String[] Textlist = { "Text1", "Text2", "Text3"};
TextView yourTextView = (TextView)findViewById(;
Random random = new Random();
String randomText = TextList[random.nextInt(TextList.length)];
Quick one liner using the org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils package.
String randonString = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16);
Requires the library dependency in the gradle build file:
implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.6'
You can simply convert current time (in millis) to string such as
import java.util.Calendar;
String newRandomId = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
String newRandomId = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + "";
//Eg: output: "1602791949543"

regular-expressions android

i have string like these for example
these strings means list of page number , for example string "309\306\308\337_339" means
pages 309,306,308,337,338,339
i want to pass one of these string to function which return it as string like this
this function do that but in c# , i want to impalement in android
private static string Get_PageNumbers(string str)
ArrayList arrAll = new ArrayList();
MatchCollection match;
string[] excar;
string strid, firstNumber, lastlNumber;
int fn, ln;
ArrayList arrID = new ArrayList();
//***In Case The Range Number Between "_"
if (str.Contains("_"))
// match_reg = new Regex("(w?[\\d]+)*(_[\\d]+)");
Regex matchReg = new Regex("(w?[\\69]+_[\\d]+)*(q?[\\d]+//)*(a?[\\d]+_[\\d]+)*(y?[\\d]+)*");
match = matchReg.Matches(str);
int count = match.Count;
excar = new string[0];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Array.Resize(ref excar, count);
excar[i] = match[i].Groups[0].Value;
if (excar[i] != string.Empty)
//******IF Array Contains Range Of Number Like"102_110"
if (str.Contains("_"))
for (int i = 0; i < arrID.Count; i++)
strid = arrID[i].ToString();
if (arrID[i].ToString().Contains("_"))
int idy = strid.LastIndexOf("_");
firstNumber = strid.Substring(0, idy);
if (idy != -1)
lastlNumber = strid.Substring(idy + 1);
fn = int.Parse(firstNumber);
ln = int.Parse(lastlNumber);
for (int c = fn; c < ln; c++)
//******If Array Contain More Than One Number
if (arrAll.Count > 0)
str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < arrAll.Count; i++)
if (str != string.Empty)
str = str + "," + arrAll[i];
str = arrAll[i].ToString();
//***If string Contains between "/" only without "_"
else if (str.Contains("/") && !str.Contains("_"))
str = str.Replace("/", ",");
else if (str.Contains("\\"))
str = str.Replace("\\", ",");
return str;
I think this is easier to do with split function:
public static String Get_PageNumbers(String str) {// Assume str = "309\\306\\308\\337_338"
String result = "";
String[] pages = str.split("\\\\"); // now we have pages = {"309","306","308","337_338"}
for (int i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
String page = pages[i];
int index = page.indexOf('_');
if (index != -1) { // special case i.e. "337_338", index = 3
int start = Integer.parseInt(page.substring(0, index)); // start = 337
int end = Integer.parseInt(page.substring(index + 1)); // end = 338
for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) {
result += String.valueOf(j);
if (j != end) { // don't add ',' after last one
result += ",";
} else { // regular case i.e. "309","306","308"
result += page;
if (i != (pages.length-1)) { // don't add ',' after last one
result += ",";
return result; // result = "309,306,308,337,338"
For example this function when called as follows:
String result1 = Get_PageNumbers("309\\306\\308\\337_338");
String result2 = Get_PageNumbers("311\\315_316\\336_337");
String result3 = Get_PageNumbers("310");
if i can suggest different implementation....
first, split string with "\" str.split("\\");, here you receive an array string with single number or a pattern like "num_num"
for all string founded, if string NOT contains "" char, put string in another array (othArr named), than, you split again with "" str.split("_");, now you have a 2 position array
convert that 2 strings in integer
now create a loot to min val form max val or two strings converted (and put it into othArr)
tranform othArr in a string separated with ","

Highlighting using Regex in JSOUP for android

I am using JSoup parser to find particular parts of a html document (defined by regex) and highlight it by wrapping the found string in <span> tag. Here is my code that does the highlighting -
public String highlightRegex() {
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlContent);
NodeTraversor nd = new NodeTraversor(new NodeVisitor() {
public void tail(Node node, int depth) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
Element elem = (Element) node;
StringBuffer obtainedText;
for(Element tn : elem.getElementsMatchingOwnText(pat)) {
Log.e("HELLO", tn.baseUri());
Log.e("HELLO", tn.text());
obtainedText = new StringBuffer(tn.ownText());
mat = pat.matcher(obtainedText.toString());
int nextStart = 0;
while(mat.find(nextStart)) {
obtainedText = obtainedText.replace(mat.start(), mat.end(), "<span>" + + "</span>");
nextStart = mat.end() + 1;
Log.e("HELLO" , "AFTER:" + tn.text());
public void head(Node node, int depth) {
return doc.toString();
It does work but the tag <span> is visible inside the webview. What am I doing wrong?
Looks like no one knows. Here's some code that i've come up with. Slow and inefficient but works anyway. Suggestions are accepted :)
This class can be used to highlight any html using a regex.
public class Highlighter {
private String regex;
private String htmlContent;
Pattern pat;
Matcher mat;
public Highlighter(String searchString, String htmlString) {
regex = buildRegexFromQuery(searchString);
htmlContent = htmlString;
pat = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public String getHighlightedHtml() {
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlContent);
final List<TextNode> nodesToChange = new ArrayList<TextNode>();
NodeTraversor nd = new NodeTraversor(new NodeVisitor() {
public void tail(Node node, int depth) {
if (node instanceof TextNode) {
TextNode textNode = (TextNode) node;
String text = textNode.getWholeText();
mat = pat.matcher(text);
if(mat.find()) {
public void head(Node node, int depth) {
for (TextNode textNode : nodesToChange) {
Node newNode = buildElementForText(textNode);
return doc.toString();
private static String buildRegexFromQuery(String queryString) {
String regex = "";
String queryToConvert = queryString;
/* Clean up query */
queryToConvert = queryToConvert.replaceAll("[\\p{Punct}]*", " ");
queryToConvert = queryToConvert.replaceAll("[\\s]*", " ");
String[] regexArray = queryString.split(" ");
regex = "(";
for(int i = 0; i < regexArray.length - 1; i++) {
String item = regexArray[i];
regex += "(\\b)" + item + "(\\b)|";
regex += "(\\b)" + regexArray[regexArray.length - 1] + "[a-zA-Z0-9]*?(\\b))";
return regex;
private Node buildElementForText(TextNode textNode) {
String text = textNode.getWholeText().trim();
ArrayList<MatchedWord> matchedWordSet = new ArrayList<MatchedWord>();
mat = pat.matcher(text);
while(mat.find()) {
matchedWordSet.add(new MatchedWord(mat.start(), mat.end()));
StringBuffer newText = new StringBuffer(text);
for(int i = matchedWordSet.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
String wordToReplace = newText.substring(matchedWordSet.get(i).start, matchedWordSet.get(i).end);
wordToReplace = "<b>" + wordToReplace+ "</b>";
newText = newText.replace(matchedWordSet.get(i).start, matchedWordSet.get(i).end, wordToReplace);
return new DataNode(newText.toString(), textNode.baseUri());
class MatchedWord {
public int start;
public int end;
public MatchedWord(int start, int end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
you have to call these two methods to get the highlighted html -
Highlighter hl = new Highlighter("abc def", htmlString);
String newhtmlString = hl.getHighlightedHtml();
This will highlight everything that matches the regex (abc)|(def)*.
You can change the way you want the regex to be built by modifying buildRegexFromQuery() function.

