JobService does not get rescheduled in android 9 - android

I'm trying to get my app working on Android 9. The following code works fine up to Android 8, but for some reason, the JobService does not get rescheduled on android 9. It gets scheduled the first time but does not get rescheduled according to the set periodic.
class RetrieveJobService : JobService() {
override fun onStartJob(params: JobParameters): Boolean {
return true
private fun doBackgroundWork(params: JobParameters) {
Thread {
try {
jobFinished(params, false)
} catch (e: Exception) {
jobFinished(params, false)
override fun onStopJob(params: JobParameters): Boolean {
return false
And here my JobInfo.Builder
val builder = JobInfo.Builder(jobID, componentName)
builder.setPeriodic(millis, 15 * 60 * 1000) //15 min
} else {
val scheduler = context.getSystemService(JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE) as
val resultCode = scheduler.schedule(
Any ideas?
EDIT: Just to be clear, this code worked fine on Android 8 and below and does also work on the Android Studio emulator running Android 9. As far as I can test, it does not work on any physic device running Android 9.

If you go through THE LINK, you will find:
Unfortunately, some devices implement killing the app from the recents menu as a force stop. Stock Android does not do this. When an app is force stopped, it cannot execute jobs, receive alarms or broadcasts, etc. So unfortunately, it's infeasible for us to address it - the problem lies in the OS and there is no workaround.
It is a known issue. To save battery, many manufacturers force close the app, thus cancelling all the period tasks, alarms and broadcast recievers etc. Major manufacturers being OnePlus(you have option to toogle),Redmi,Vivo,Oppo,Huwaei.
Each of these devices have AutoStartManagers/AutoLaunch/StartManager type of optimization managers. Which prevent the background activities to start again. You will have to manually ask the user to whitelist your application, so that app can auto start its background processess. Follow THIS and THIS link, for more info.
The methods to add to whitelist for different manufactures are give in this stackoverflow answer. Even after adding to whitelist, your app might not work because of DOZE Mode, for that you will have to ignore battery otimizations
Also in case you might be wondering, apps like Gmail/Hangout/WhatsApp/Slack/LinkedIn etc are already whitelisted by these AutoStart Managers. Hence, there is no effect on their background processes. You always receive timely updates & notifications.


When i was trying to developing GPS tracking Android APP with Google Activity Recognition Transition API, I had a API-working stop issue

When i was trying to developing GPS tracking Android APP with Google Activity Recognition Transition API, I had a API-working stop issue.
I thought that it is a problem of device-model compatible but not sure exactly about it because it occurs very irregulary and dose not process any error log for it.
If someone has know about the solution, please give me some good advise for it.
I really appreciate for hearing some good advise to solve this problem.
Android device information:
SDK_INT : 31
BRAND : samsung
An explanation for when not working Transition API:
First of all, Transition API is working good under to device model ‘Android 12’.
But when I try to test on 12 or over version, the API-stoping problem is occurs in 1 days to 1 week.
Also the problem dose not make any error log to find and analysis the exact problem.
Stoped Google Activity Recognition Transition API will work when reboots the device, but not work with re-installation.
Other APP that using Transition API having no problem while my APP is not working.
Also, other APP and my APP can be not working when the Transition API is stopped.
3.Installation in test-phone
Build the Apk or generate a Signed Build generate Signed Build or Apk and upload the
The same problem has occurred when try to test with the uploaded internal version of google ‘Play Store’
4.Sorce explanation
My app has one foregound service is runing.
When the APP is executed first time, the Transition API is runing that insideof the foreground service.
How to activate the API:
val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S) {
} else {
val activityRecognitionClient = ActivityRecognition.getClient(context)
// val interval = 20 * 1000L
val interval = 3 * 60 * 1000L
val task = activityRecognitionClient.requestActivityUpdates(interval, pendingIntent)
task.addOnSuccessListener {
task.addOnCompleteListener {
task.addOnCanceledListener {
task.addOnFailureListener {
// createRequest skip
val activityRecognitionClient = ActivityRecognition.getClient(context)
val task = activityRecognitionClient.requestActivityTransitionUpdates(
task.addOnSuccessListener {
task.addOnCanceledListener {
task.addOnFailureListener {
task.addOnCompleteListener {
// In receiver, it work like this:
private val transitionsReceiver = object: BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(_context: Context, intent: Intent) {
if (ActivityRecognitionResult.hasResult(intent)) {
val result = ActivityRecognitionResult.extractResult(intent)
else if (ActivityTransitionResult.hasResult(intent)) {
val result = ActivityTransitionResult.extractResult(intent)
val intentFilter = IntentFilter()
context.registerReceiver(transitionsReceiver, intentFilter)
Is there any one having this problem?
I’m still working on this problem but can not find the reason of the Google Activity Recognition Transition API stopping.
I would like to know any advice or hint for solving this and appreciate it for your comment.
Am I miss something or having wrong point?
I'm having the same issue as you. It happens on both Sampling API and Transition API. We noticed on multiple Samsung devices but not sure if it is happening on other. I opened a issue on tracker
I'm having a similar issue. Currently what I've found is that when my app can retrieve Sensor.TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION then Activity Transitions updates come in correctly, but then at some point, sensor is null in my logs and I receive no updates whatsoever. Feels to me that OS blocks this sensor at some point (allows it to fall in deep sleep) and then there's no coming back. :(

Android altbeacon ranging in intervals when app in background

I'm working on an app that runs a background service to range bluetooth beacons in intervals.
I start a ForegroundService with a timer to start ranging beacons for 10 seconds every minute, with an interval of 200 millis, calculates the strongest beacon and submits it to the backend API.
This works neatly while the app is in foreground, and, when the screen is off, as long as i'm hooked up using adb logcat. As soon as I take it off, nothing gets submitted to the servers anymore, meaning that no beacons are being ranged anymore.
Here are the relevant code pieces, I hope I didn't simplify too much:
class BeaconService : Service(), BeaconConsumer {
private var beaconManager: BeaconManager? = null
private var rangingTimer = Timer("rangingTimer", true)
private val region = Region("com.beacon.test", Identifier.parse("f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024-bc5b71e0893e"), null, null)
override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int {
return Service.START_STICKY
override fun onCreate() {
val notificationManager = MyNotificationManager.getInstance()
val notification = notificationManager.buildBeaconServiceNotification(this, "iBeacon service", null)
startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification)
private fun initBeaconManager() {
beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this)
beaconManager?.foregroundScanPeriod = 200L
override fun onBeaconServiceConnect() {
beaconManager?.addRangeNotifier { beacons, _ ->
if (beacons.isNotEmpty()) {
//code add ranged beacons to list
private fun startRanging() {
//code to reset the list of ranged beacons
rangingTimer.schedule(10000L) {
private fun stopRanging(restartRangingAfter: Long? = null) {
//code calcuate the strongest beacon and submit to server
if (restartRangingAfter != null) {
rangingTimer.schedule(restartRangingAfter) {
On OS Versions 8+, Android limits background processing unless it is part of a foreground service or a job initiated by the JobScheduler. As a result of this limitation, the Android Beacon Library will by default use the JobScheduler on Android 8+. In the foreground, an "immediate" ScanJob will run constantly to do scans. In the background (meaning when no activities are visible with the screen unlocked), Android does not allow this. A job may be scheduled at most once every ~15 minutes. This is why you see scans stop.
It does not matter that you have your own foreground service. Android still enforces these limits on any background processing performed outside that foreground service.
Two alternatives:
Live with the job limitations (scan once every 15 minutes). Use BackgroundPowerSaver to auto switch between foreground/background mode and set beaconManager.setBackgroundScanPeriod(5000) (for a 5 second scan every 15 minutes.) For clarity, you should also set beaconManager.setBackgroundBetweenScanPeriod(15*60*1000) (15 minutes), although you can set a lower value that will be disallowed by the OS on Android 8+.
Set up the library to scan with its own Foreground Service (yes as second foreground service) as described here. You can then stop using your own foreground service, or keep it. If you keep it, you will see two notification icons about the two foreground services running. It is possible to combine those two notifications if you want to keep two foreground services and show just one notification.

Periodic Work manager not showing notification on android pie when not charging or screen off

I have an app that should show a notification every 2 hours and should stop if user has already acted upon the notif. Since background services are history now, I thought of using WorkManager ("") for the same.
My problem is that although the work manager is successfully showing the notifications when app is running, but it won't show notification consistently in the following cases(I reduced the time span from 2 hours to 2 minutes to check the consistency):
when app is killed from the background.
device is in screen off.
state device is in unplugged state(i.e not charging).
By consistency , i mean that the notifications show at least once in the given time span. for 2 minutes time span, the freq of notifications went from once every 4 minutes to completely not show any notification at all. for 2 hours timespan( the timespan that i actually want), its been 4 hours and i haven't got a single notification. Here is the Code i am using for calling WorkManger:
public class CurrentStreakActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void setDailyNotifier() {
Constraints.Builder constraintsBuilder = new Constraints.Builder();
Constraints constraints;
PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder builder = new PeriodicWorkRequest
.Builder(PeriodicNotifyWorker.class, 2, TimeUnit.HOURS);
WorkRequest request =;
Here is the worker class(i can post showNotif(..) and setNotificationChannel(...) too if they might be erroronous):
public class PeriodicNotifyWorker extends Worker {
private static final String TAG = "PeriodicNotifyWorker";
public PeriodicNotifyWorker(#NonNull Context context, #NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams) {
super(context, workerParams);
Log.e(TAG, "PeriodicNotifyWorker: constructor called" );
public Result doWork() {
// Log.e(TAG, "doWork: called" );
SharedPreferences sp =
getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(Statics.SP_FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
String lastcheckin = sp.getString(Statics.LAST_CHECKIN_DATE_str, Statics.getToday());
// Log.e(TAG, "doWork: checking shared preferences for last checkin:"+lastcheckin );
if (Statics.compareDateStrings(lastcheckin, Statics.getToday()) == -1) {
Log.e(TAG, "doWork: last checkin is smaller than today's date, so calling creating notification" );
return createNotificationWithButtons(sp);
else {
Log.e(TAG, "doWork: last checkin is bigger than today's date, so no need for notif" );
return Result.success();
private Result createNotificationWithButtons(SharedPreferences sp) {
NotificationManager manager =
(NotificationManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService((NOTIFICATION_SERVICE));
String channel_ID = "100DaysOfCode_ID";
if (manager != null) {
showNotif(manager, channel_ID, sp);
return Result.success();
else {
return Result.failure();
I am using a xiaomi miA2 androidOne device with Android Pie(SDK 28). There are a few other things that are troubling me:
What can i possibly do to know if my WorkManager is running? Other that just wait for 2 hours and hope for a notification. I actually tried something like that, keeping my phone connected to pc and checking android studio's logcat every now and then. It DOES run all the logs when the worker is actually called, but i don't think that's a correct way to test it, or is it?
In the above Code, the setDailyNotifier() is called from the onCreate() every time the app is opened. Isn't it Wrong? shouldn't there be some unique id for every WorkRequest and a check function like WorkManger.isRequestRunning(request.getID) which could let us check if a worker is already on the given task??If this was a case of AsyncTask, then boy we would have a mess.
I have also checked #commonsware's answer here about wakelock when screen is off, but i remember that work manager does use alarm manager in the inside when available. So what am I missing here?
Few comments:
WorkManager has a minimum periodic interval of 15minutes and does not guarantee to execute your task at a precise time. You can read more about this on this blog.
All the usual background limitation you've on newer Android releases are still relevant when you use WorkManager to schedule your tasks. WorkManager guarantees that the task are executed even if the app is killed or the device is restated, but it cannot guarantee the exact execution.
There's one note about the tasks being rescheduled when your app is killed. Some OEM have done modification to the OS and the Launcher app that prevents WorkManager to be able to accomplish these functionality.
Here's the issuetracker discussion:
Yes, it's true even when the phone is a Chinese phone.
The only issue that we have come across is the case where some Chinese OEMs treat swipe to dismiss from Recents as a force stop. When that happens, WorkManager will reschedule all pending jobs, next time the app starts up. Given that this is a CDD violation, there is not much more that WorkManager can do given its a client library.
To add to this, if a device manufacturer has decided to modify stock Android to force-stop the app, WorkManager will stop working (as will JobScheduler, alarms, broadcast receivers, etc.). There is no way to work around this. Some device manufacturers do this, unfortunately, so in those cases WorkManager will stop working until the next time the app is launched.
As of now , i have this app installed for last 8 days and i can confirm that the code is correct and app is working fine. as said by pfmaggi , the minimum time interval for work manager to schedule the work is 15 minutes, so there is a less chance that the WorkManager would have worked as expected in my testing conditions( of 2 minutes ) . Here are some of my other observations:
Like I said in the question that i was unable to recieve a notification for 4 hours even though i have passed the repeat interval as 2 hours. This was because of Flex Time. I passed in the flex time of 15 minutes and now it shows notifications between correct time interval. so i will be marking pfmaggi's answer as correct.
The problem of repeated work request can be solved by replacing WorkManager.getInstance().enqueue(request) with WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniqueWork(request,..)
I was still unable to find a way to test the work manager in the way i have described.

Android beacon library oscillates between on and off with a fast pace

I used the android beacon library to do the following action:
I switched on and off with a fast pace. On and off, on and off, and so on for 8-9 times.
However, the beacon then lost the signal for about 10 seconds and then the signal started to be received again.
Also, I tried an Android API function, "lescan", which resulted in the same situation.
Does anyone know why this happens?
MY testing device is:
HUAWEI P20 Pro 8.1
Samsung S6 7.0
override fun onResume() {
beaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this)
val permissions = ArrayList<String>()
if (PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED != ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION)) permissions.add(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION)
if (permissions.size != 0) {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, permissions.toTypedArray(), 100)
override fun onBeaconServiceConnect() {
beaconManager.addRangeNotifier{ beacons,region ->
try {
beaconManager.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(Region("com.gigabyte.testkotlin", null, null, null))
} catch (e: RemoteException) {
override fun onPause() {
It's hard to say exactly what you are witnessing without seeing exact code to reproduce, but turning scanning on and off quickly is not necessarily a problem on all devices.
By default, the Android Beacon Library uses a foreground scan period of 1100 ms and a between scan period of 0ms, so it effectively turns scanning on and off 9 times in just over 10 seconds -- similar to what you describe.
I have never noticed these symptoms in normal use of the library on Samsung devices or the Huawei P9, so something else must be triggering this behaviour in your test case.
EDIT: The posted code indicates that the activity itself is what is started and stopped rapidly, and because it binds and unbinds to the beaconManager as it starts and stops, it also starts and stops the Android service that scans for beacons. These are heavy weight data structures that are not designed to be started and stopped rapidly. Short answer: don't do this. If you really need to start and stop your activity rapidly, bind to the beaconManager outside the activity lifcycle, perhaps only one at app startup in the onCreate method of a custom Android Application class.

Uploading files in an Android service

What is the best way of letting an Android app upload a potentially large file to a server at a request from the user?
I'm currently using an IntentService, in which I call startForeground and update the notification progress periodically, but the service randomly gets killed by the system after about a minute or so.
Here is the relevant code from onHandleIntent :
class BeamService extends IntentService("SSH Beam") {
override def onHandleIntent(intent: Intent) = {
// Start the notification
.setTicker("Starting transfer")
.setContentText("Starting transfer")
// Create the session and the monitor
val session = server.createSession(auth)
implicit val monitor = Monitor(filename, size)
// Send the file
try {
session.put(filename, is)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => {
builder.setProgress(0, 0, false)
.setTicker("Transfer failed")
} finally {
I found out how to implement that properly :
Do not use the notify method from the NotificationManager while you are in foreground. According to this, you have to use startForeground again if you want to update the notification. (This was causing my service to get killed by the system)
There's a weird quirk in startForeground that makes it not show notifications if the ID is 0.
Finally, I should have thought about it, but this question gives a nice in-depth answer on how to check if the service is indeed in foreground.
(The fantastic flying network monitor from the System Monitor app also helped me a lot to check if the upload was still running while I was starting other apps to try and trigger the "service died" message)
There are a few reasons to use startForeground, but I can't for the life of me think of a reason to use startForeground on an IntentService! An IntentService should be used to do long-running tasks on a background thread, without interruption, from which you want persistent results.

