Error in official WhatsApp Stickers example App - android

I just found this Project and was like. hey. why not trying to use it?
So. just downloaded it (i did NOT change anything!), opened Android Studio, ran it, and faced following.
error: cannot access AnimatedImage class file for
com.facebook.imagepipeline.animated.base.AnimatedImage not found
Then I tried to Google the issue, re-checked it, re-tried it, and finally end up here.
Do you have any idea on how to get this project working?
I reached in an issue-ticket:

just add this library in your build file
implementation 'com.facebook.fresco:animated-base:1.13.0'
Note: The version of this library should be equal to other fresco libraries already present in your build file.


Gradle issue with sceneform - Program type already present:

I am working on a project that will have a 3D model viewer in one fragment. In order to do so, I decided to use sceneform.
I downloaded sceneform plugin into Adnroid studio, downloaded and extracted sdk from Github, and I also copied libsceneform_runtime_schemas library into my project. I've added to my sceneform buil.gradle file line
implementation files("../libs/libsceneform_runtime_schemas.jar")
but that results in an error:
Program type already present:
It is worth noticing that this is the first file in the jar under this path - which probably means that there will be more collisions.
If I'd try not to implement this library, then I get an error:
error: package does not exist
I am using ar:core:1.17.0, and minSdkVersion 24 in sceneform gradle.
I've cleaned and rebuilt the project, Invalidate Caches/Restart, and added multiDexEnabled- although I am not sure if I did it correctly.
By using gradlew sceneform:dependencies I didn't find mentioned file.
I don't know how I can move forward, any help is much appreciated. If I can provide additional information, please let me know.
Edit 1:
I've also tried to work with
implementation files("../libs/libsceneform_runtime_schemas.jar"){
exclude ...
But I couldn't make it work. I wonder if that could be my solution.
Also, why does it try to implement this class since it already exists? Shouldn't there be some sort of check for that?
I solved my problem by restoring my project from repo to the last moment before including sceneform, and I proceeded with all of the steps again; Gradle dependencies to the libsceneform_runtime_schemas, min java 8, min SDK version, copying scenformscr and sceneformux to my project again, and lastly - upgrading all classes to AndroidX.
After two days almost I couldn't remove the error, and I don't know what went wrong before, but this time it works like a charm.
TL;DR - I removed the sceneform from my project and imported it again.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method zzb(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)

I'm stuck in my first real-time firebase app. :(
I was making a simple registration app using firebase and but I found a runtime error . please
remember I'm using android-studio 2.3.
Note- I've included google-services.json also in the required directory.
Error is
My project-level gradle file is
Note:- I think this problem might be----> "due to my sdk manager .but I dont'know how I check which sdk files are required for android studio 2.3 working with firebase".
My app-level gradle file also may contain wrong firebase-auth /firebase-core dependency. please check it below in picture:-
Please guide me with pictorial way because this problem is not explained anywhere with a right solution.
Thanks in advance :)

Vuforia SDK Examples Not Running - Android

I'm trying to run Vuforia SDK samples from here on Android:
I have already downloaded the main SDK and put those sample files in the sample folder. I have added the Vuforia.jar as a library and dependency to my project. The app runs on my Samsung S4 and shows the Menu but when I click Start on any of the examples it sends me back to the main menu rather than opening the camera. It doesn't show any crash error in the logs.
I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this problem and has managed to fix it?
I had the same issue and when looked at the log it had this message com.vuforia.samples.VuforiaSamples W/System.err: The library could not be loaded
Then I followed the answer here
and that .jar file to the project. This solved the above issue.
Also I had to generate a license key for the app and set it in the last parameter in Vuforia.setInitParameters(mActivity, mVuforiaFlags, "") in the SampleApplicationSession class
try it:
add the Vuforia.jar lib in your project;
go to archive build.gradle (Module:app) and check if the variable 'VUFORIA_SDK_DIR' is correct (in my project it had the value "../../../" but i had to change to "../../"), the path has to lead to your Vuforia SDK dir;
finally, change the method Vuforia.setInitParameters in the archive (line: 414), add your vuforia key in the third paramether;
it works to me

Error in file & no style are loading

I am new to android. I am creating an android application, but there are many errors showing in Here is a screenshot
Another problem is that no style in showing in activity_main.xml. Here is the screenshot
Although I have added appcompact_v7 jar file like this
But it's not recognizing it in android option of project propertise
I have installed Support library in SDK manager. Please tell me how to solve this problem?
It is really hard to say what is wrong there. here are some things that you should try:
first of all, there are errors in your xml file (activity_xml). Please check if xml is properly formatted and you are using right tags. For debugging purpose, please make your acitivity_xml an empty FrameLayout and see if it works.
Include android 6.0 into your build path. Clean the project and try building again. Make sure your layouts are error free before doing that.
Your eclipse is unable to detect referenced library at given location. Please make sure referenced library is at same place and ERROR-FREE. If library has error, your project won't include it.
Please solve all problems one by one. First make an error free xml, then a Hello world Activity. Run it on device or emulator. Once done, try to solve library and import problem now.
Best Suggestion: Please migrate to Android Studio and gradle for better support and learning.

xmlvm - import errors compat libs in xcode

Does anyone know where the android compat libary is
located in xmlvm so I could copy it by myself to the project folder because this is
what I guess is missing, also would be provided by target=android-on-iphone but as mentioned below this target isn't available in the current build.
I had absolutely no problem installing xmlvm and getting in touch with the
demo/samples also all the demos worked perfectly for me.
But now im stuck at the last 4 errors in xcode, i migrated my android project via --
skeleton=android:migrate then cross-compiled it via --target=iphone and opened
up the project in Xcode. after few project setup changes the errors went down from
72 to 4 errors ;)
however the errors are importing file not found errors of compat libs, so this
should somehow get to be solved i think...
is it because --target=android-on-iphone wasnt used by me because this option
will copy the android compat libary to the project folder.. well i tried to use this
target mentioned in 2 documentations of xmlvm but in the actual build of xmlvm
this target however does not exist..
How to solve these errors?
From what I can see, it looks like you are using part of the Android API which is not yet implemented.
Unfortunately it seems that you either need to rewrite your application or implement the API yourself.

