I have one table(Test) in the database,it contains the id(primary key),name,status,checkid.
I am written the simple query to get the record based on the checkid.but sometimes query returns null in android with kotlin.
below is the sample table fields
id = "1",name = "raj",status=0 and checkid="12345" and this is my query
val selTest = realm.where<Test>().equalTo("checkid", "12345").findFirst()
result always retuns null
Below are the realm db details
Instance Address : incredible-soft-bike.us1a.cloud.realm.io
I have this OColumn partner_name = new OColumn("Partner", OVarchar.class).setLocalColumn(); in my sale order model class with odoo functional method that depends on partner_id column. I would like to search the partner_name in my list using that column partner_name, but I'm a little confused on how to achieve this. Please needed some help.
This is what I've tried:
public void onViewBind(View view, Cursor cursor, ODataRow row) {
OControls.setText(view, R.id.partner_name, row.getString("partner_name")); // displays false
private void getPartnerIds(ODataRow row){
OValues oValues = new OValues();
oValues.put("partner_id", row.get("partner_id"));
I noticed that even though I created
#Odoo.Functional(method = "storeManyToOne", store = true, depends = {"partner_id"})
OColumn partner_name = new OColumn("Partner", OVarchar.class).setLocalColumn();
no column was created.
partner_name column with odoo functional
Edit: Just place the 'if (type.isAssignableFrom(Odoo.Functional.class)'
before the 'if (type.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(Odoo.api.class))' to have the correct values.
Define the partner_name field like below:
#Odoo.Functional(method="storePartnerName", store=true, depends={"partner_id"})
OColumn partner_name = new OColumn("Partner name", OVarchar.class)
public String storePartnerName(OValues values) {
try {
if (!values.getString("partner_id").equals("false")) {
JSONArray partner_id = new JSONArray(values.getString("partner_id"));
return partner_id.getString(1);
} catch (Exception e) {
return "false";
You can simply get the partner_name using:
Note that database is created when you first time run your application, or when you clean your data from app
setting. You need to clean application data everytime when you update your database column.
If the column was added after the database creation, it will not be added to the corresponding table. This is because the database is not upgraded. To fix this issue you can:
Clean application data to update your database column
Remove user account (This will delete database) or reinstall the application to recreate the database.
Or you can change DATABASE_VERSION in odoo/datas/OConstants then override onModelUpgrade method in sale order model and upgrade the table manually (alter sale order table and add the partner name column using SQL query: ALTER TABLE sale_order ADD partner_name VARCHAR(100)).
When a new sale order is created and synchronized, the partner name should be computed and stored automaticaly.
I noticed that the partner name was not set for existing records after synchrinization so I added another SQL query to compute and set the value of partner name for old records.
public void onModelUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sale_order ADD partner_name VARCHAR(100)");
db.execSQL("UPDATE sale_order SET partner_name = (SELECT name from res_partner WHERE _id=partner_id) WHERE partner_name IS NULL AND partner_id IS NOT NULL");
Edit (config):
using the new configuration you will get the following error (which will prevent creating fields using annotations):
W/System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.Class.isAssignableFrom(java.lang.Class)' on a null object reference
W/System.err: at com.odoo.core.orm.OModel.compatibleField(OModel.java:349)
if (type.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(Odoo.api.class)) {
Try to remove .getDeclaringClass()
Edit: not all partner names are shown
There is a org.json.JSONException error that happens when it try to convert partner_id string to a JSON array.
W/System.err: org.json.JSONException: Unterminated array at character 12 of [114.0, UH PARTNER]
The error happens when it try to convert names containing spaces. To avoid that you can cast partner_id string to a list of objects.
In partnerName method, replace the following code:
JSONArray partner_id = new JSONArray(values.getString("partner_id"));
return partner_id.getString(1);
List<Object> partner_id = (ArrayList<Object>) values.get("partner_id");
return partner_id.get(1) + "";
I have object called Reservation which contains column with name "object_entity" and inside is ParseObject from table Entity. I want to query only those Reservation which contains certain Entity.
val q = ParseQuery.getQuery<ParseObject>("Reservation")
if (!isOnline(c)){
q.whereEqualTo("object_entity", ticket.getParseObject("object_entity")?.objectId)
q.findInBackground { itemList, err ->
itemList //empty size 0
err //null
This is working as intended if you are online. But if you are offline it will return empty list. I've checked local datastore and all expected objects are there. But if I remove q.whereEqualTo it will return list of all Reservations without any problem (but I need specific ones).
ticket.getParseObject("object_entity")?.objectId is not null. It always contains objectId - checked in debugger
If I remove q.whereEqualTo I check all returned Reservation objects if they contains Entity.
This is inside findInBackground:
itemList.forEach { reservation ->
val entityObj = reservation.getParseObject("object_entity")
if (entityObj == null) createLog("FoundObj", "null") else
createLog("FoundObj", entityObj.objectId.toString())
Ive tried to add inside q.whereEqualTo specific Entity objectId. And it returned empty list. But if I removed q.whereEqualTo that specific object with specific objectId I wanted to get was returned in list.
I am developing an Android application using Kotlin and AWS DynamoDB. I am new to both technologies. What I am doing now is I am trying to scan data from a table of DynamoDB. I know how to scan it. But the problem is that one of the column has List data type.
I have a table called item with the following columns.
Note in particular the Images field.
In Kotlin Android, I scan the table like this.
val dynamoDBClient = AmazonDynamoDBClient(AWSMobileClient.getInstance().credentialsProvider)
val fetchedItems: ArrayList<Any> = ArrayList();
val scanRequest = ScanRequest().withTableName(MainApplication.DB_TABLE_ITEMS);
scanRequest.exclusiveStartKey = lastEvaluatedKey
val scanResult = dynamoDBClient.scan(scanRequest)
scanResult.items.forEach { item ->
Log.i("ITEM_NAME", item.get("Name")?.s)
val viewItem = ItemDO()
viewItem.id = item.get("Id")?.s
viewItem.description = item.get("Description")?.s
viewItem.name = item.get("Name")?.s
viewItem.userId = item.get("UserId")?.s
viewItem.images = item.get("Images")?.ns
Log.i("IMAGES_COUNT", item.get("Images")?.ns?.size.toString())
But this
always return null even if the data exists in the column as in the screenshot below.
Why my code is not fetching the list data type but others?
The code looks good and should be returning data for all the attributes irrespective of their type. I have equivalent piece of code in java that works as expected. Can you try inspecting the value returned by item.get("Images") before making the null-safe call. Type of the value returned by item.get("Images") is AttributeValue and so there is a possibility that the value gets lost in the course of implicit type conversion.
I am learning to fetching data from sqlite using anko. I can print the data successfully (if the record exist) but my application always crash when the data doesn't exist.
the error says:
parseSingle accepts only cursors with a single entry
I know exactly the meaning of error, I just dont know how to solve it.
here is the code for query:
fun getUserByUid(uid: Int): UserModel
val data = context.database.use {
val db = context.database.readableDatabase
val columns = UserModel.COLUMN_ID + "," + UserModel.COLUMN_NAME + "," + UserModel.COLUMN_API_KEY
val query = db.select(UserModel.TABLE_NAME, columns)
.whereArgs("(uid = {userId})",
"userId" to uid)
query.exec {
val rowParser = classParser<UserModel>()
parseSingle(rowParser) // this line that trigger error exception
return data
I tried to find count function in query or rowParser variable to check if the record exist or not but could not find it.
From the wiki page.
Parsing query results
So we have some Cursor, and how can we parse it into regular classes? Anko provides functions parseSingle, parseOpt and parseList to do it much more easily.
Method Description
parseSingle(rowParser): T Parse exactly one row
parseOpt(rowParser): T? Parse zero or one row
parseList(rowParser): List Parse zero or more rows
Note that parseSingle() and parseOpt() will throw an exception if the received Cursor contains more than one row.
I'm writing a Xamarin Android app which is using Parse.com as the backend. I'm running a query against a Parse Class called Beacons, of which one of the columns is a Pointer to another class called BeaconCat.
I'm therefore using two queries as shown below, but when it returns the data, it lists ALL of the categories within the BeaconCat class, not just the one which matches the initial query.
I'm expecting just one category, not all 13 of them. Any idea why?
// First query on class 1.
var innerQuery = ParseObject.GetQuery("Beacons");
innerQuery.WhereEqualTo("minor", minor);
// Query on class 2 which passes in first query.
var newQuery = ParseObject.GetQuery("BeaconCat");
newQuery.WhereMatchesQuery("Category", innerQuery);
IEnumerable<ParseObject> Myresults = await newQuery.FindAsync();
foreach (var result in Myresults)
var category = result.Get<string>("Category");
Console.WriteLine ("Category " + category);