I am using scale animation in Android relative layout , where I have a button and need to scale it to small size at one end .
I have used scale animation and it works fine , but it does have an icon which gets squeezed and its shape gets altered .
I want to prevent it and let the button take its shape without affecting the icon shape when it scales from left to right.
How can I achieve this?.
<scale xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
It sounds like you don't really want a scale animation, you want a resize animation instead. A scale animation will act like you are resizing an image. A resize animation should just affect the layout parameters of the view without altering the size of the contents (just the positioning).
You can do this in XML with a property animator:
Alternatively, here is an example of a resize animation in code:
I want to make an animated background on a splash screen. How can I scroll an image across the screen.
I am currently using an animation
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
android:fromXDelta="0" />
The problem is the image size is currently set to fill the parent, so as it scrolls I can see the borders of the image. Is it possible to have an image with a size larger than the parent size. This way I can still let it scroll,without ever seeing the borders.
I am trying to implement zoom image functionality for images in the view. The view is kind of gallery view with images. I have applied the scale animation using xml and the animation works properly. The issue is when the image zooms the sides of image is cut off. I am using circularimageview as the image needs to be shown in a circle. I have tried increasing spacing between images but still the issue persists, the images gets cut off slightly when zoomed.
Can someone point out what may be the issue ?
The xml that I use for scale animation is
android:toYScale="1.15" >
This was an issue with margins that was given around the image. I was able to resolve it by giving different margin values.
I have 2 images of different color balls. When I press the button I am changing the image on imagebutton from image1(ball1) to image2(ball2). What I want to do is show this image change(ie ball color change with a little animation, effect that it rotates and changes color.
Question: How can I get this effect of rotating ball image1 so that it becomes ball image2 ?
Question: I want to play some sound also along with this effect. How to go about it?
EDIT: basically what I want is: image1 revolves around(180 degree) and becomes image2.
in order to rotate and hide image you will need to use a tween animation framework:http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/animation-resource.html#View. You need to construct animation set that will rotate and reduce alpha of the image.
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:shareInterpolator="true" >
android:toAlpha="0.0" />
android:pivotY="float" />
Then just use ImageView.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.your_anim));
This will allow you to fade and rotate the ImageView, while revealing another ImageView below the current one.
If you want to do transition inside of a single ImageView you need to use TransitionDrawable which is a drawable that cross-fades one image to another. Unfortunately it won't allow you rotating content, so you either need to modify it, which is harder.
You could use RotateDrawable as one of the drawables in TransitionDrawable, but I have never tried this.
I am using following code
android:duration="36000" />
Animation rotate = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.rotate);
The intention was to rotate the image inside the Imageview.
Because this image view has a background colour, this appears to rotate the whole ImageView control and it starts to overlap the text view placed next to it, for example after 45 degree rotation one corner would be overlapping the view placed to left of it
I want to show that the container is not spinning, rather just the image.
I can not remove the background, this will disturb the UI feel in my particular case.
Is it a good idea to place this into a Layout and remove background from this imageview and spin ? or is there a smarter way to it.
You could overlap 2 views (one only with the background and the other with your image) and set the Animation to rotate only the view with the image.
I would like to change margin of my buttons in d applcn...
suppose I have 5 buttons like this in a linear layout, one below d other...
When I focus on a button, its width should increase (which I know how to handle) and at the same time, width should increase linearly towards both left and right.
i.e. If the current width of the button is 250 with x co-ordinate as 50 (that means button's left is 50 and button's right is 300), when I focus on the button I should get x co-ordinate as 75 (left = 25 and right = 325). How to change the margin/x co-ordinate of the button?
Check out the Animation and ScaleAnimation classes at http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/animation/Animation.html and http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/animation/ScaleAnimation.html.
One way to do it is to define two XML files in your res/anim directory, one to make the button larger, and the other to make it smaller. So for makeLarger.xml
<scale xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:fillAfter="true" />
Here, you're increasing the width by 10%, from 1.0 to 1.1. For the makeSmaller.xml file, swap the values of android:fromXScale and android:toXScale, or just set them as you like. To apply the animation to your button,
Button myButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.myButton);
myButton.setAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.makeLarger));
Of course, the makeLarger and makeSmaller animations should be set when you touch the button.
I hope this helps!