I have tried several things. I have reinstalled HAXM, I have reinstalled devices in AVD manager, deleted them, reinstalled SDK platforms, restarted my pc. Nothing helps.
Even when I add a new device I get the same error. Creating a new project gives the same error.
Is there anything I can do to get this error gone? Will reinstalling android studio help?
This error first occured when I wiped the data from one of my devices. Ever since no emulator has worked ever again.
If you need more info, let me know. I need the emulator to work.
I have faced this problem for a long time. I don't know what is the reason. But you can :
Use lower version of android in emulator
Don't start emulator directly, start emulator through cold boot.[recommend](for any android version)
De-select Android Emulator in
Tools > SDK Manager > SDK Tools
Google reverted back to the previous version. If you de-select the new one and press on Apply, you will see the old one ready to be downloaded.
That fixed the issue for me.
I recently updated to Android Studio 2.3, and now when I try to run the application, the emulator does not come online. It times out after 300 seconds.
Additionally, The app has been experiencing a FATAL EXCEPTION ERROR (OOM), and I am not sure how to fix that either, or if that is part of the emulator problem.
Any help is much appreciated. Again, my knowledge in the program is very limited so if your answer can be kept simple, that would be great.
Following worked for me on Android Studio 3.x.
Step 1:
Open AVD Manager.
Step 2:
Right click and Wipe data for the virtual device you're testing on.
I too had the same problem, then I went to AVD manager and right click on the emulator and stopped it and I RUN the application again and this time it worked.
It may be a temporary solution but works for the time being.
Tools -> AVD manager -> right-click on the emulator you are using -> Stop
Now Run your application again.
Note: Sometimes closing the emulator directly is not working for the above-mentioned problem but stopping it from the AVD manager as mentioned is working.
In case you are on Mac, ensure that you exit Docker for Mac. This worked for me.
Three days on this, and I believe there's a race condition between adb and the emulator. On a request to run an app, with no emulator already running, you see the "Initializing ADB", then the emulator choice, it starts and you get "Waiting for target to come online". An adb kill-server, or a kill -9, or an "End Process" of adb with the task manager will cause adb to die, restart, your APK installs and you're good to go. It does seem funky to me that an "adb kill-server" causes adb to die and then restart here, but that's another mystery, maybe.
Another case is Android Emulator should be reinstalled. This can happen, when you install a higher version of Android Studio, then update SDK for it, and go back to previous one.
Tools - Android - SDK Manager - SDK Tools - Android Emulator -
uncheck, apply, check, apply
Disable Docker app if you have it (Mac users).
Restart emulator:
Tools - Android - AVD Manager
(or kill adb process in task manager).
Go to AVD Manager in your Android Studio.Right Click on your emulator,and then select wipe data.Then run your app again.
The emulator will perform a clean boot and then install your apk then your app will finally run.
Summary:AVD Manager---Right Click Emulator----Wipe Data----Run App Again
If the problem presists,then simply go back to your avd manager ,uninstall emulator,then add a new emulator.Once the new emulator is added,in your avd manager,run the emulator...Then run your app.
Its much simpler if you have an emulator already running from the onset before running your application for the first time
After trying all these solutions without success the one that fixed my problem was simply changing the Graphics configuration for the virtual device from Auto to Software (tried hardware first without success)
This solution works for me :
Tools -> AVD Manager -> click drop down arrow -> select Cold Boot Now
Below steps work for me
Close running emulator
Go to AVD Manager
Choose available emulator
In that action tab (last one), click on drop down arrow & select COLD BOOT NOW
Finally run your application
Seems like Android Studio (using version 3.5.1) gets into a weird state after a while. This worked for me.
File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and Restart
Go to AVD Manager right click on your device and select Wipe Data and Cold Boot Now.
For me it worked correctly.
After trying almost all the solutions listed above, what finally worked for me was to create a new virtual device using a "Google APIs" image instead of a "Google Play" image.
Seems that in my case the problem was in that the "Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image" wasn't automatically installed during installation of Android Studio.
After installing the image, the emulator began to work.
Screenshot of the SDK manager
Did not read all the answers. Anyway Accepted one didn't work for me. What did was upgrading the android studio to last stable version and then created a new virtual device. I guess my nexus 5p virtual device got out of sync with the android studio environment.
This worked for me on Android studio 4+ and Mac OS
Delete all AVD's that you currently have.
Go to Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings >
Android SDK > SDK Tools
Uninstall Android Emulator
Restart Android Studio.
Re-install Android Emulator from the same place.
Create a new emulator!
I discovered that having a running instance of Docker on my machine (OSX) prevented the Android Emulator from running (see Android Studio Unable to run AVD)
Previously, my emulator would appear to start, then fail before any device window was shown.
I also had to use 'kill -9' (as per #MarkDubya ) to get Android Studio to connect to the virtual device.
Like urupvog's answer, make sure that you aren't running any other virtual machines like VirtualBox. When I restarted my computer, AVD worked until I started Vagrant for backend development (then it wouldn't launch).
See Android emulator and virtualbox cannot run at same time for more info.
Check you don't have the deviced unauthorized, unauthorized devices reply the same error in the Android Studio, check the emulator once is on with the adb command.
$ adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 unauthorized
If you have of this way the emulator the Android Studio is waiting for be authorized and maybe this can solve the problem.
Authorized Devices
This is a error I have solved in Windows 10 with Android Studio 2.3.3
Fix for this issue is simple :
Go to SDK tools > SDK Tools
Check Android Emulator and click Apply
and sometimes you might see there's an update available next to it, you just need to let it finish the update
For those stuck on this problem on a device and not the emulator, make sure your app isn't set as the device owner.
Question is too old but may be helpful to someone in future.
After search many things, most of them is not worked for me. SO, as per my try This solution is worked for me. In short uninstall and install "Android SDK Tools" in Android SDK.
Few steps for that are below:-
go to "SDK Manager" in Android Studio
go to "SDK Tools" tab
Uninstall "Android SDK Tools" (means remove check(uncheck) ahead of "Android SDK Tools" and Apply then OK)
Close and Restart Android Studio
Install "Android SDK Tools" (means check ahead of "Android SDK Tools" and Apply then OK)
Image of Uninstall and Install Android SDK Tools again
The problem is that there is no link between ide and the emulator.
In our case - we lowered version of android for the app, that frustrated ide in emulator linking.
If we install Android 25 and bind project to it, and AVD Device on Android 25 as well - it links and apllies changes on the fly. If we downgrade to Android 14 and device on android 14 - it doesn't.
Used Android Studio 2.3.
To play with versions you can set in Gradle Scripts - build.gradle (Module: app):
android {
compileSdkVersion 25
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 15
As a result app won't run on an Android 25 device with a message:
Installation failed with message Failed to finalize session : -26:
Package ru.asv.test new target SDK 15 doesn't support runtime
permissions but the old target SDK 25 does.. It is possible that this
issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it
is present, and then re-installing.
WARNING: Uninstalling will remove the application data!
I also ran into this problem and probably found the solution that may help. The key is launching the AVD in the emulator first then run your App.
Following are the steps:
In the Your Virtual Devices screen, select the device you just created and click Launch this AVD in the emulator
Once the emulator is booted up, click the app module in the Project window and then select Run → Run
In the Select Deployment Target window, select the emulator and click OK.
For Linux users using KVM and facing this problem try setting the Graphics option on the Android Virtual Device to Software instead of Automatic or Hardware . As previously mentioned in this answer.
I can confirm that the method works for Arch Linux, Ubuntu 16.04, as well as windows with or without a proprietary graphics card using Android Studio version 2.3.1+
I am working on notebook, Windows 8. I solved this issue change mode from battery saving mode to balanced mode. Before that, an emulator didn't work and I see "Target Device to Come Online". Also didn't work Genymotion
I had a similar problem when updated my android studio. Somehow it changed my SDK path. I just changed it to my updated SDK path and it worked.
Android Studio -> File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> System Settings -> Android SDK
Here you will find Android SDK location just click on edit link in front of that and browse and select the Android SDK from the file browser. Select and click on Apply.
Select AVD manager and start Emulator. This solution worked for me.
Go to terminal and type android avd. Select your AVD and select "Edit". Make sure you do not see No CPU/ABI system image available for this target - it will show in red font at the bottom. Change the target to the one that is available or download the ABI image. Sometimes, if you create an AVD from inside Android Studio, it does not ensure this requirement.
None of solutions above worked for me, so I had to wipe content of
and re-create emulated device
I've had the same problem (AVD not coming online) in a Linux system. In my case, I have solved it setting this environment variable:
This case is documented here: https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/variables.html#studio_jdk
Finally, I solve this problem by setting the right export path in bash file:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/[username]/Library/Android/sdk
I have just uploaded my Android Studio version to 2.3, and I am now having problems testing my app in my emulator. It is a Nexus 5X emulator with Android 7.0 Nougat loaded on it (API 24), with an ABI: armeabi-v7a (I have an AMD processor, so to the best of my knowledge I can only use this). Before, it was a bit slow and would sometimes come up with a 'Not Responding' error, but clicking 'Wait' would always do the trick.
After the Android Studio update, when I press 'Run', it opens up & boots the emulator. However, once booted, it gets stuck on the "Launching App - Installing APKs" process. It probably shows that it is doing this for about 2 minutes, before stopping. It then shows "Launching Instant Run Service" for a few seconds. The green 'run' arrow then becomes active again, as if there is no emulator open. The emulator is open, but there is no app. If I click the green 'run' arrow with the emulator already open, it does a gradle build sync & then doesn't even attempt to launch the app/install APKs - it only says "Launching Instant Run Service" for a few seconds, even though nothing happens.
I have tried removing the emulator & recreating it, and I have also tried fiddling with some of the parameters as suggested in other posts which concern similar (but not identical) issues to this. The first time I tried to run the app on the emulator after the update, I had many messages pop up in the event log, saying Android Studio Can't Bind to Local 86xx for debugger, whilst the Android Device Monitor was opened. Ever since then, with the ADM closed, I have had the problem described above, with no error messages showing in the error log.
Any help with this issue would be very much appreciated - please note it concerns the very latest version of Android Studio which I have only just had a popup requesting that I install. Build Tools Version in build.gradle has also been updated from 24.0.2 to 25.0.0.
If you haven't already done it:
Open Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager
Select tab SDK Tools, flag Android Emulator (version 27.0.5 at the moment) and Apply
This solution worked for me, hope this can help
I tried all of the aforementioned and it didn't help. What helped was disabling Instant Run in Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Instant Run.
Relevant issue in AOSP bugtracker: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=235879
Updating the Java SDK solved the problem for me.
you need to download the Android Emulator for Android Version 2.3 or make sure when you updated your AS from 2.2 to 2.3 all these components got updated and installed. I had the same problem and i just downloaded the Android emulator and it worked fine for me.
had the same problem, after two days of trying to solve this, i decided to uninstall android studio, and then install the new virsion 2.3 all over again, now Emulator working just fine!
*not much of programming, but it did the job!
Don't worry about updating anything. For some reason upgrading to 2.3 makes the default setting for running your app set to "androidDependencies" which does nothing except give you strange errors. Just go to Run -> Edit Configurations and in the window that pops up try to delete with the minus symbol the selection on the left pane with the task called android dependencies. Then click on "app" under the "Android App" expandable arrow at the top. (see the pic)
edit configuration window
I recently download Android Studio 2.3 and installed default components and some Android OS for emulator. When I use an emulator (version 26.0.0) I have problem with its sound and image (display is very poor).
I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.2, Kernel 4.8 and KVM is setup.
It's an example of my problem:
I think you've not enabled the developer settings in your emulator. Sometimes after update the emulator is reset and all the settings are lost. Enabling it, should solve the problem.
When I try to launch Android emulator, it crashes on Mac OS X. It was working some time ago, but now it isn't and I don't have an idea why.
Crash log: http://pastebin.com/04MjCqaS
Terminal log in verbose mode: http://pastebin.com/L6y6rUr0
Same issue here, I'm running a mac mini with 8GB of RAM and MacOS Lion. It used to work with the old AVD with some random crashes every now and then but since the last update to APi 17 it's a pain in the neck.
The ADT bundle doesn't work at all. After tweaking the memory limits on eclipse.ini file it throws random memory errors. Also it's not been able to download and install the m2e (maven to eclipse) plugin.
I moved to IntelliJ and I'm able to launch AVD manager but none of the "old" created devices work. If I create a new one and I launch it it works until I close it, then I have to restart the Mac and create a new device. Also it randomly shows errors when I want to delete those old created virtual devices.
Also the DDMS fails to start. I launch it, shows its icon on the Dock but it doesn't respond until I force close.
What a Nightmare.
** EDIT **
I found at android dev bug tracker this issue when you're running 2 screens: here
This is happening to me with the android emulator. I solved it like this:
cd ~/.android/avd
ls *.avd
Now choose the emulator that is crashing and
cd name_of_the_emulator.avd
touch emulator-user.ini
vi emulator-user.ini
And now reset window.x, that's window.x=0
exit and run the emulator.
If you move and close the emulator to the secondary screen it will crash the next time you want to run it.
Kill your Docker process
One problem I have seen multiple time is with Docker. Android Emulator crashes when Docker is running on Mac.
I was following the PhoneGap "Getting Started" guide for Android, and when I got to "Deploy to Emulator," after I created a new AVD, my Mac would crash and reboot. I stumbled on this thread, but thought it worth mentioning that what actually solved the problem for me was an Intel patch for the Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager located here: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated-execution-manager
This is because Android SDK use some deprecated libraries of Mac OS X. I have the same problem (sometimes even kernel panic) before I start use android device. Maybe in future versions of Android SDK this problem will be fixed.
I just updated the Android SDK manager to the latest Android 4.2 (API 17) level updates, and now all my old AVD's crash. The newly created one using API 17 works, however.
I have the same issue. You can try to create a new AVD with the appropriate API level. I am able to run these the first time(s) after creating. That seems to be a memory error.
My AVDs are able to run the first time after reboot. After this they keeps crashing.
I had the same issue using mac 10.6 and 2 monitors one through a usb adapter to HDMI.
I have tried all of this suggestions and nothing did work.
I ended up creating a new user into my mac and with the same android sdk and same eclipse with a new workspace did work.
I'm not sure whether just creating a new workspace would do the tweak, I didn't try it.
for those who come across to this annoy issue worth to try it before switch to a new account.
You can delete your emulators from ~/.android/avd
Then create new emulators.