Android get properties for polygon from GeoJson - android

Im adding GeoJsonLayer to Google map on my application. This json contains coordinates for polygon and properties for each polygon. What I need is to get those properties when polygon is clicked. This is the code Im using to achieve that.
GeoJsonLayer jsonLayer = new GeoJsonLayer(mMap, geoJSON);
jsonLayer.setOnFeatureClickListener(new GeoJsonLayer.GeoJsonOnFeatureClickListener() {
public void onFeatureClick(final feature) {
mMap.setOnPolygonClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener() {
public void onPolygonClick(Polygon polygon) {
for (Object s : feature.getProperties()) {
Log.d("getProperties", "getProperties = " + s.toString());
The problem is that it returns all properties. I want it to return properties only for the polygon I clicked.
Also its possible to draw polygons with user input. When I click on those polygons it triggers onPolygonClick() inside jsonLayer.setOnFeatureClickListener(). How to check if clicked polygon is from jsonLayer?


Make graphics clickable instead of create new graphics in map

So, I have a map with a MapOnTouchListener on it. I have overriden the OnSingleTap method (allPoints is an array where all markers are added for a non related to this question functionality):
public boolean onSingleTap(MotionEvent point) {
Point mapPoint=view.toMapPoint(point.getX(), point.getY());
new GeocoderAsynckTask(mapPoint,view).execute(mapPoint);
SpatialReference sp = SpatialReference.create(SpatialReference.WKID_WGS84);
Point p1Done=(Point) GeometryEngine.project(mapPoint, mvHelper.getMapView().getSpatialReference(), sp);
return super.onSingleTap(point);
That GeoCoderAsyncTask translates the coords of the point to an address, and adds a marker to the map. The geocoding is done just right, I get my address and in PostExecute method I add the marker to the map:
protected void onPostExecute(String address) {
SpatialReference sp = SpatialReference.create(SpatialReference.WKID_WGS84);
Point p1Done=(Point) GeometryEngine.project(point, mvHelper.getMapView().getSpatialReference(), sp);
mvHelper.addMarkerGraphic(p1Done.getY(), p1Done.getX(), "Location", address, android.R.drawable.ic_menu_myplaces, null, false, 1);
The problem is, I want the markers to be clickable, but if I click them, another marker is added. I have tried to nullify the MapOnTouchListener, but that way, no marker is added, and no click on marker is detected...
How could I acomplish that?
Thank you.
if I simply set a SingleTapListener on the map at the start of the execution of the app instead of setting my MapOnTouchListener, the markers are created, and are clickable:
mMapView.setOnSingleTapListener(new OnSingleTapListener() {
public void onSingleTap(float v, float v1) {
After that, by clicking a button, I set the MapOnTouchListener, because I need another functionality (create an envelope and store the points in that envelope inside an array). After doing that, I try to nullify the MapOnTouchListener, and after that set the singleTapListener as in the start of the execution...and the markers are created, but cannot be clicked!!

Google map geoJson layer feature info on click

smart people :)!
Story: I have many layers what I have added to google maps in android. I am adding them by iterating - creating new GeoJsonLayer and calling method addLayerToMap(). I have created setOnFeatureClickListener on last GeoJsonLayer (Maybe here is the problem).
Problem: When I click on feature (LineString, Polygon) I receive information only about last Layer - polygon. Then I added mMap.setOnPolylineClickListener(), then click listener is going into correct methods - for LineString in PolyLineClick... etc, but here again is problem - how can I get information from Polyline about LineString properties, what I added to geoJson?
Question: What is the best approach to add layers to map , so I can manage click events and show LineString or Polygon properties for user?
Code example:
geoJsonLayer.setOnFeatureClickListener(new GeoJsonLayer.GeoJsonOnFeatureClickListener() {
public void onFeatureClick(Feature feature) {
mMap.setOnPolylineClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnPolylineClickListener() {
public void onPolylineClick(Polyline polyline) {
//TODO show LineString properties
//Comes here when LineString clicked
mMap.setOnPolygonClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener() {
public void onPolygonClick(Polygon polygon) {
//TODO show Polygon properties
//Comes here when Polygon clicked
Found solution - added all layers into 1 layer and everything works fine.

How do I calculate path between two map points in Android?

I am working on iOS/Android map application.
To find a path between two locations in iOS, I am using MKDirectionsRequest.
How do I do it in Android?
I found Directions API, which is a Web service. So that I will have to send HTTP requests.
Isn't there any Java interface to calculate directions in Android?
To set this as an answer.
You can use Android-GoogleDirectionLibrary
As such:
.from(new LatLng(37.7681994, -122.444538))
.to(new LatLng(37.7749003,-122.4034934))
.execute(new DirectionCallback() {
public void onDirectionSuccess(Direction direction, String rawBody) {
if(direction.isOK()) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something
public void onDirectionFailure(Throwable t) {
// Do something

Android ARCGIS Shape file labeling polylines

I have my ARCGIS android app displaying a polyline shapefile file - a roading network in this case.
The shape file has a field that contains the name of the road "ROAD_NAME' - the question i have is how do i create a layer to have the road name automatically displayed?
I also tried to display labels on the map.
By my experiment, there are 2 ways. I realized it.One way is that draw those labels programmatically on the map. but it needs a lot of effort. I did it, it is not pretty. I think so.
public class LabelLayer extends GraphicsLayer {
private void showLabel(final FeatureLayer fly, final QueryParameters query,final String labelField) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
fly.getFeatureTable().queryFeatures(query, new CallbackListener<FeatureResult>() {
public void onCallback(FeatureResult objects) {
Iterator<Object> fet=objects.iterator();
while (fet.hasNext()){
Feature f=(Feature);
Geometry geom= f.getGeometry();
Point p=null;
switch (geom.getType()){
case POINT:p=(Point)geom;break;
case POLYLINE: Polyline polyline=(Polyline)geom;break;
case POLYGON: p= GeometryEngine.getLabelPointForPolygon((Polygon)geom,mapView.getSpatialReference());break;
Graphic gr = new Graphic(p, txtSymbol);
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
this class should be implemented in onDraw() method.
the second is that use the tpk of ArcGIS.
I think it would be better much.

GoogleMap.MarkerClick event fired more than one time

I'm using Xamarin Android, and I have different Marker in the map, I'd like that when I select one of these Marker the camera moves to the Marker and it opens the InfoWindow, now when I click the marker a lot of event are fired, like six, the map moves to the marker , it opens the infowindow but it closes it right away. This is the code I'm using:
_map.Clear ();
var infoWindow = new InformationWindow ();
_map.MarkerClick += HandleMarkerClick;
void HandleMarkerClick (object sender, GoogleMap.MarkerClickEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine ("CLICK MArker"+e.Marker.Id);
The same happens with the InfoWindowClick, by the way for now I'm just trying to figure out why this behaviour.
Have you set the markerClickEventArgs.Handled to be true?
The sample code for Marker Click Eventsas following:
private void MapOnMarkerClick(object sender, GoogleMap.MarkerClickEventArgs markerClickEventArgs)
markerClickEventArgs.Handled = true;
Marker marker = markerClickEventArgs.P0;
if (marker.Id.Equals(MyMarkerId)) // The ID of a specific marker the user clicked on.
_map.AnimateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(new LatLng(20.72110, -156.44776), 13));
Toast.MakeText(this, String.Format("You clicked on Marker ID {0}", marker.Id), ToastLength.Short).Show();
For more details, please refer to here.

