How to create POJO if I don't have a json? - android

I want to parse website using retrofit, but I don't know how to create POJO.
And I don't have a json.
This is the website where I want to parse information.

if your website does not have an API or anyway to get JSON data then you should consider Web Scraping. You cant make POJO/Models without JSON Data


How to get JSON from URL with Get Request?

i'm new to android coding, and i was wondering if you can get a JSON from a webpage with Get Request(eg. and get specific fields in that JSON?
And How can I Do that?
Yes, you can use the volley library or asynctask for connecting to a webservice and getting the JSON objects/array or string.

Simple Android JSON Parsing

Hello, I am a newbie to android development
I am trying to understand how to parse JSON in android activity
I am not using anything such as PHP etc
I am using NODEJS on server in AWS to generate JSON
I have a JSON ::
This JSON is coming from an AWS server i have hosted my application
How to parse the JSON data for above JSON ?
How to populate to an android activity ?
PS:: Any links that would help me understand this concept would also be helpful
In the most basic form, you can parse JSON by simply creating a JSON object and passing the string representation of the JSON object to the constructor, like so...
JSONObject myJson = new JSONObject("{\"1\":\"Hello\",\"2\":\"World\"}");
Read the docs on this class for more info on how to extract data from objects and etc...
A more abstract way of parsing can be done via the GSON library. In a nutshell, GSON has the ability to take your JSON response and parse it into a Java object for you so that you don't have to do it yourself.
Admittedly using GSON can save a good amount of time from writing code to parse yourself, however, I would probably rather go the JSONObject route if you're new to this.

Android communicating with web server data

I am writing a android application to read a php script in my LAMP server which display the data inside mysql database. The php script simply fetches all rows inside my database table.
I would like to ask if there is any method to parse the information of the php script and set the textview inside the application with the information fetched.
Should my php script echo the data in text, array or JSON format?
What methods or direction should I follow to fetch and parse the data into my android application?
I think that JSON is the best format to use, as there are good JSON libraries around .
If you use a JSON library such as Gson or Jackson you can have the library map the JSON recieved from your php script to a Java domain class. So the library will parse the JSON and create an instance of your Java class for you.
Then it is easy to fill your textview with the values from your java object.
The above answer gives the details about what you may do in your app to parse the JSON data . I would like to add more details regarding how you can create the JSON object inside your php files . You may use the json_encode php function to convert the data that you get from your database into a JSON format .
PHP json_encode official documentation with exampes

Get Json Information? (Noob)

I'm new to both using json and developing for android, however I'm looking to learn how to retrieve information using a json api key.
Let's say this website has all the information I need. How can I access and store that information?
For example it would have something like this,
To access it, you need to open HTTPS connection to the server that has that API key, which is that https address you just provided. The server will return the JSON objects for you, to parse the string data, you can use GSON. GSON will translate all the JSON objects into Java objects, and it will help you populate your pre-built Java data structures with those data
You can get the web content using the Android HTTPClient (or follow something like the guide on this page).
For storage, you need to parse the JSON - see this SO question.
For storage, either store the raw JSON in a file or create an SQLite database and store it according to your specifications.

send json object using http post method for android application

i am trying to send JSON object to my php webservice.
I have referred this url :-
In my web service, I have to pass username and password but i don't know,
what is the GSON. can you tell why GSON use in this.????
I am new in json. if you know about json please guide me to solve this problem.
GSON is a Java library to convert java objects to JSON and vice-versa. You don't need it unless you have some complex JSON structure. For simple objects you can easily construct the JSON string yourself.

