I'm trying to configure firebase API to be used with my nativescript application.
In fact, i don't know how to configure it anymore.
I have my private keystore and another one (managed by google) in my Google Play Console.
Which one fingerprint should i use on Firebase Console?
Tried both separated and together too.
In app still receiving:
'Make sure you\'ve uploaded your SHA1 fingerprint(s) to the Firebase console. Status: Status{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null}'
error message.
Any tips?
Added two fingerprints, updated google-services.json and still not working.
Firebase Console Config
I was wrong.
There are three types of keystores.
Upload keystore - this one we are using for building production app.
Signing keystore - (might be) maintained by google for in-store application signing.
Debug keystore - created during the installation of Google SDK, used for... yes, you know for what purpose. It is located in ~/.android/debug.keystore, password is android.
Clue was to retrieve SHA-1 fingerprint from debug keystore.
I've made a chat app that uses Firebase's feature Real-time database.
I face a problem with google authentication. The problem started when I downloaded the app from the Play Store, the authentication was working perfectly when I was running the app in debug mode. When users try to sign in they get a toast message code:10 message:10.
I would like to note here that: I've added the SHA1 fingerprint. How can I solve this?
*Not sure if this is helpful but I've followed step by step this tutorial
You need three keys in order to make it work:
The debug key. Informations here.
The release key. Informations here.
Google Play App signing key. Informations here.
All these keys are needed in order to make the sign-in process work.
Other informations here.
After generating SHA1 for release key, I forgot downloading the new google-service.json file that caused the same error.
Make sure you follow the instruction https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth to generate and add debug/release SHA1 to firebase console and download google-service.json after updated.
If you use Use app signing by Google Play option, you need an additional step:
After uploading app into google play console, go to Release management > App signing, copy SHA1 and paste to firebase console
In the new google play console, the App signing key can be found as following:
Setup > App signing
Make sure you have added signed SHA1. If you are using debug one then it will not gonna work for live apk.
You need to put "debug.keystore" in this path C:\Users\USER_FOLDER_NAME.android
then in Android studio follow the below steps
1. Run your project
2. Click on Gradle menu
3. Expand Gradle Tasks tree
4. Double click on android -> signingReport
You can see SHA in Run Tab
for more information see link
For me the problem was that i registered app and enabled google signin on Firebase console but I was testing with the debug version of app which has slightly different package name (same name but ended with .debug) so it was not working because the debug app is not yet registered. so additionally to my release app i also added the debug app to the firebase project for the app and it generated it's own google-services.json which i download and set to src/debug/google-services.json.
I believe this might be useful to some one else.
I've made a chat app that uses Firebase's feature Real-time database.
I face a problem with google authentication. The problem started when I downloaded the app from the Play Store, the authentication was working perfectly when I was running the app in debug mode. When users try to sign in they get a toast message code:10 message:10.
I would like to note here that: I've added the SHA1 fingerprint. How can I solve this?
*Not sure if this is helpful but I've followed step by step this tutorial
You need three keys in order to make it work:
The debug key. Informations here.
The release key. Informations here.
Google Play App signing key. Informations here.
All these keys are needed in order to make the sign-in process work.
Other informations here.
After generating SHA1 for release key, I forgot downloading the new google-service.json file that caused the same error.
Make sure you follow the instruction https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth to generate and add debug/release SHA1 to firebase console and download google-service.json after updated.
If you use Use app signing by Google Play option, you need an additional step:
After uploading app into google play console, go to Release management > App signing, copy SHA1 and paste to firebase console
In the new google play console, the App signing key can be found as following:
Setup > App signing
Make sure you have added signed SHA1. If you are using debug one then it will not gonna work for live apk.
You need to put "debug.keystore" in this path C:\Users\USER_FOLDER_NAME.android
then in Android studio follow the below steps
1. Run your project
2. Click on Gradle menu
3. Expand Gradle Tasks tree
4. Double click on android -> signingReport
You can see SHA in Run Tab
for more information see link
For me the problem was that i registered app and enabled google signin on Firebase console but I was testing with the debug version of app which has slightly different package name (same name but ended with .debug) so it was not working because the debug app is not yet registered. so additionally to my release app i also added the debug app to the firebase project for the app and it generated it's own google-services.json which i download and set to src/debug/google-services.json.
I believe this might be useful to some one else.
I've made a chat app that uses Firebase's feature Real-time database.
I face a problem with google authentication. The problem started when I downloaded the app from the Play Store, the authentication was working perfectly when I was running the app in debug mode. When users try to sign in they get a toast message code:10 message:10.
I would like to note here that: I've added the SHA1 fingerprint. How can I solve this?
*Not sure if this is helpful but I've followed step by step this tutorial
You need three keys in order to make it work:
The debug key. Informations here.
The release key. Informations here.
Google Play App signing key. Informations here.
All these keys are needed in order to make the sign-in process work.
Other informations here.
After generating SHA1 for release key, I forgot downloading the new google-service.json file that caused the same error.
Make sure you follow the instruction https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth to generate and add debug/release SHA1 to firebase console and download google-service.json after updated.
If you use Use app signing by Google Play option, you need an additional step:
After uploading app into google play console, go to Release management > App signing, copy SHA1 and paste to firebase console
In the new google play console, the App signing key can be found as following:
Setup > App signing
Make sure you have added signed SHA1. If you are using debug one then it will not gonna work for live apk.
You need to put "debug.keystore" in this path C:\Users\USER_FOLDER_NAME.android
then in Android studio follow the below steps
1. Run your project
2. Click on Gradle menu
3. Expand Gradle Tasks tree
4. Double click on android -> signingReport
You can see SHA in Run Tab
for more information see link
For me the problem was that i registered app and enabled google signin on Firebase console but I was testing with the debug version of app which has slightly different package name (same name but ended with .debug) so it was not working because the debug app is not yet registered. so additionally to my release app i also added the debug app to the firebase project for the app and it generated it's own google-services.json which i download and set to src/debug/google-services.json.
I believe this might be useful to some one else.
I have google login in my app which was working completely fine before publishing my app.But after publishing i am unable to sign in due to change in SHA key. So to change this i'm following steps in Released Management->App Sigining on my play console.
I have downloaded PEPK tool but for step 2 I have command
$ java -jar pepk.jar --keystore=foo.keystore --alias=foo --output=encrypted_private_key_path
I dont know what is foo.keystore, foo and encrypted_private_key_path
can any one please help me on this?.
While working with any of the APIs related to Google Developer Console in Android, you need to configure two different SHA1 keys, i.e. one for debug and one for release. It happens most of the times that, we forget to to generate the SHA1 key for release version. I believe following link will help you to generate SHA1 keys for both the versions.
If you are using Google Play Signing to allow Google Play to sign the release version of your app for you, then you will need to register the SHA1 key from the release version of your app with the authentication console. You can get this key following the instructions here:
"If your app uses any API, you will usually need to register the certificate of the key Google signs your app with for authentication purposes. This is usually done through the fingerprint of the certificate.
To find the certificate of the key Google uses to re-sign your APK for delivery:
Sign in to your Play Console.
Select an app.
On the left menu, click Release management > App signing.
From this page, you can copy the most common fingerprints (MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256) of your app signing certificate. If the API provider requires a different type of fingerprint, you can also download the original certificate in DER format and run it through the transformation tools that the API provider requires."
I have a problem with google sign in on production installation file.
On debug installation everything is normal I can login into the application. But after changed on release i get null on account from google response. What could have been problem?
I worked with ("https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/start-integrating"). every step same.
I know this is an old question, but for anyone using Firebase, you have to add the SHA-1 fingerprint to the Firebase Console > Settings > Android App page.
If you are using the Google Play Console, you can get this from the Google Play Console > App Signing page. There will be two of them (the one you signed your app with, and the one that Google signed your app with). You'll need to add both so you can test local release builds.
If you don't use the Play Store, you'll need to get the SHA-1 fingerprint from your keystore file using these directions: https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth
You need to have a configuration file with,
Android Signing Certificate SHA-1 with release key so only it will work with release build
You should add SHA1 key from Google Play Console -> Setup -> App Integrity -> App Signing to Firebase Console ->Project Settings -> General -> App
The other answers are correct as this took me a while to work out here is an the answer with some extra help.
When you were debugging with firebase you uploaded a set of keys
SHA-1 and SHA-256 this will work with your test version but when you upload to production / Internal testing on the Google Play Console, Google Console will generate two more keys a SHA-1 and SHA-256 which have to be used if you want users who download your app to have access to Google Login.
You must add these to the Firebase → Project Settings → Android App → add new SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys.
Just adding some extra info if anyone finds this.
When using Google Sign In with Firebase, you need to add the SHA1 in the Project Settings in Console.
If you're using debug version you also need to add another key for debug.
If your app is already is already published and you let google take care of the signing for you, it will change your keystore to another one. Your keystore will become a upload keystore which it uses for validating when you upload a new APK, but the production app will use another SHA1. You can either get the SHA1 from the console in Playstore (not firebase) or just go to Project Settings -> Integrations and link your firebase project to the Playstore.
If you still have a problem, remember to retry everything after running
flutter clean
The dart tool might cache some configs and not use the correct settings for building the app so clean everything and try again.