Hello I want ask about rxJava and Room.
here is Dao for my Room:
#Query("SELECT * from `Order` WHERE id = :ID")
fun findOrderById(ID: Int): Flowable<Order>
here is the code to call Dao:
.subscribe {
if (it.deliveryStatus == EnumOrder.IN_DELIVERY.name) {
mView.setOrderFromDB(it, true)
} else {
mView.setOrderFromDB(it, false)
my question is why I got warning "The result of subscribe is not used on rxjava" when call Dao. why this happen and how I can make this right? I got that's warning in every code use rxJava.
subscribe() should return a Disposable, which you can use to unregister your interest in receiving updates from your Flowable at a later point. To remove this warning, store the Disposable returned from subscribe in an instance variable, and use it with lifecycles to unsubscribe from updates. e.g.:
val disposable = mDB.orderDataDao().findOrderById(orderId).subscribe { /**/ }
Or create CompositeDisposable in your presenter and add each disposable there. And in onDestroy() call compositeDisposable.dispose().
I'm trying to understand the logic of switchIfEmpty operator. I will be very thankful for every explanation.
I have a local database (Room) and remote server. My goal is to implement logic with switchIfEmpty to check if there is data in local DB to take it and if local DB is empty to call from remote. The process starts in activity where I subscribe to Observable:
private fun subscribeOnDataChanges() = with(viewModel) {
}, {
errorEvent.value = ERROR_MSG
Then the methods in the View Model:
fun requestNextPage(): Observable<List<Film>> {
return requestPageOfFilms()
private fun requestPageOfFilms(): Observable<List<Film>> =
And, finally the method with switchIfEmpty in the Interactor:
fun requestPageOfFilmsFromDataSource(): Observable<List<Film>> {
return repo.getPageOfFilmsInCategory(category).filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.switchIfEmpty(
private fun getFromRemote(category: String): Observable<List<Film>> {
return convertSingleApiToObservableDtoList(
category, API.KEY, "ru-RU", NEXT_PAGE
I cannot understand the next things:
Why, when local db (repo) is NOT empty, getFromRemote() is called?
If local db is empty, why network call in the method getFromRemote() is not performed? No matters, that I subscribed in the activity? Because if I add the subscription inside the switchIfEmpty(), the network call is performed.
To answer your questions :
Why, when local db (repo) is NOT empty, getFromRemote() is called?
Because this function convertSingleApiToObservableDtoList() is being evaluated at Assembly Time and not Subscription Time (https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava#assembly-time). The result is that the Observable object is eagerly evaluated.
If local db is empty, why network call in the method getFromRemote() is not performed? No matters, that I subscribed in the activity? Because if I add the subscription inside the switchIfEmpty(), the network call is performed.
Because the upstream has not emitted a value yet or completed. You are conflating an empty List with an empty Observable (https://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/defaultifempty.html)
A better solution to your problem would be using the flatMap or even switchMap operator if you expect a chatty upstream and only care about latest result, something like :
fun requestPageOfFilmsFromDataSource(): Observable<List<Film>> {
return repo.getPageOfFilmsInCategory(category)
.flatMap { films ->
if (films.isNotEmpty()) {
} else getFromRemote(category)
I'm creating offline first app as my side project using rxKotlin, MVVM + Clean Architecture and yesterday I decided to get ride off boilerplate subscribeOn and observeOn by using transformers. I quickly realized that apply function of transformers are ignored.
Here is code of my base completable use case (interactor):
abstract class CompletableUseCase(private val transformer: CompletableTransformer) {
abstract fun createCompletable(data: Map<String, Any>? = null) : Completable
fun completable(data: Map<String, Any>? = null) : Completable {
return createCompletable(data).compose(transformer)
And here is implementation of specific interactor:
class SaveRouteInteractor(
transformer: CompletableTransformer,
private val routeRepository: RouteRepository
) : CompletableUseCase(transformer) {
companion object {
private const val PARAM_ROUTE = "param_route"
fun saveRoute(route: Route) : Completable {
val data = HashMap<String, Route>()
data[PARAM_ROUTE] = route
return completable(data)
override fun createCompletable(data: Map<String, Any>?): Completable {
val routeEntity = data?.get(PARAM_ROUTE)
routeEntity?.let {
return routeRepository.saveRoute(routeEntity as Route)
} ?: return Completable.error(IllegalArgumentException("Argument #route must be provided."))
My custom transformer that is passed to the constructor of SaveRouteInteractor:
class IOCompletableTransformer(private val mainThreadScheduler: Scheduler) : CompletableTransformer {
override fun apply(upstream: Completable): CompletableSource {
return upstream.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()).observeOn(mainThreadScheduler)
And implementation of RouteRepository method:
override fun saveRoute(route: Route): Completable {
return localRouteSource.saveRoute(route)
.flatMap { localID ->
route.routeId = localID
.flatMapCompletable { localRouteSource.updateRouteID(route.routeId, it) }
I'm using Room as my local source so after calling save interactor in my ViewModel I'm getting IlligalStateException telling me that I'm not allowed to access database on the main thread.
Maybe I'm missing something but it seems that transform function is ignored. I debugged this method and it is applying subscribeOn and observeOn to the upstream.
Thanks for help in advance,
It's hard to tell you where the issue is because the code is partial.
For example here:
return localRouteSource.saveRoute(route)
.flatMap { localID ->
route.routeId = localID
.flatMapCompletable { localRouteSource.updateRouteID(route.routeId, it) }
I suppose the localRouteSource.saveRoute() is using the interactor you show us but it is not clear how remoteRouteSource.saveRoute() or localRouteSource.updateRouteID() are implemented.
they also need to be subscribed on the IO thread.
As a rule of thumb you should switch thread when you KNOW that you need it.
In other words, you should use subscribeOn() in places where you know you are doing IO as close as possible to the actual job. ObserveOn instead is to be used when you know you need to obtain those results in the UI thread and that you might get in some other thread.
in your example there's absolutely no need to keep using observeOn(MAIN_THREAD), the only time you do need it (I suppose) is when you want to show the result.
A couple of other things:
This code
override fun createCompletable(data: Map<String, Any>?): Completable {
val routeEntity = data?.get(PARAM_ROUTE)
routeEntity?.let {
return routeRepository.saveRoute(routeEntity as Route)
} ?: return Completable.error(IllegalArgumentException("Argument #route must be provided."))
it is evaluated at the time when the method is called rather then when the completable is subscribed.
In other words it break the Rx contract and compute data?.get(PARAM_ROUTE) when you call the method. If it is immutable there's no much difference, but if it can change value during execution it should be wrapped in a Completable.defer { }
Finally, here
.flatMap { localID ->
route.routeId = localID
you are modyfing something outside the chain (route.routeId = localID), this is called a side effect.
be careful with those kind of stuff, Rx is build in a way that is safer to be used with immutable objects.
I personally wouldn't mind too much as long as you understand what's going on and when it could create issues.
So, I recently started experimentation with coroutines, I switched from Rxjava2 to coroutines, I haven't got a grasp of it yet but still, I ran into a condition where I needed to observe my database change and update the UI corresponding to that.
RxJava used to provide me with Flowables, Completeable etc. using that I would be able to observe changes in Db.
abstract fun insert(data: SomeData): Long
#Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
abstract fun getData(): Flowable<List<SomeData>>
So here now I used to subscribe to getData and always used to observe changes
Now Enter coroutines, I am using a suspended function with a deferred result to return my responses
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
abstract fun insert(data: SomeData): Long
#Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
abstract fun getData(): List<SomeData>
suspend fun getAllSomeData():Deferred<List<SomeData>>{
return GlobalScope.async (context= coroutineContext){
Now I have no way to listen for updates, Channels in coroutines might be the right answer? but I am not sure how to use it with Room.
Use Room 2.2.0 Flows and kotlin coroutines. It's contentious but I dislike LiveData as it gives you results on the UI thread. If you have to do any data parsing you'll have to push everything back to another IO thread. It's also cleaner than using channels directly as you have to do extra openSubscription().consumeEach { .. } calls every time you want to listen to events.
Flow approach Requires the following versions:
// this version uses coroutines and flows in their non-experimental version
interface MyDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
fun getData(): Flow<List<SomeData>>
class to do observation:
launch {
dao.getData().collect { data ->
//handle data here
if your calling class is not itself a CoroutineScope you'd have to call launch with the context of something that is. That can be GlobalScope or some other class you create. Here I'm using lifecycleScope assuming we're in an Activity class.
lifecycleScope.launch {
dao.getData().collect { data ->
//handle data here
the collect lambda will receive every udpate to the table much like an Rx onNext call.
Currently, there are two different ways of doing that. The first is to use a liveData builder function. To make this work, you need to update lifecycle to androidx.lifecycle:*:2.2.0-alpha01 or any newer version. The LiveData builder function will be used to call getData() asynchronously, and then use emit() to emit the result. Using this method, you will modify your Room getData() function to a suspend function and make the return type wrapped as a LiveData, replacing the Flowable used before.
#Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
abstract suspend fun getData(): LiveData<List<SomeData>>
In your viewmodel you create a liveData which references your Room database
val someData: LiveData<SomeData> = liveData {
val data = database.myDao().getData()
The second approach is to get data from our DB as Flow. To use this, you need to update Room to androidx.room:room-*:2.2.0-alpha02 (currently the latest) or a newer version. This update enables #Query DAO methods to be of return type Flow The returned Flow will re-emit a new set of values if the observing tables in the query are invalidated. Declaring a DAO function with a Channel return type is an error
#Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
abstract fun getData(): Flow<List<SomeData>?>
The return type is a flow of a nullable list. The list is nullable because Room will return null when the query has no data fetched.
To fetch data from the flow we will use the terminal operator collect{ } in our Presenter/ViewModel. It is preferable to do this in the ViewModel since it comes with a ViewModelScope. The solution given below assumes we are doing this in a ViewModel where we have a provided viewModelScope.
fun loadData(){
viewModelScope.launch {
it?.let{ /** Update your obsevable data here **/
Gradle dependencies:
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx', name: 'kotlinx-coroutines-reactive', version: '1.1.1'
Room Dao
interface HistoryDao : BaseDao<HistoryEntity> {
#Query("select * from History order by time desc")
fun observe(): Flowable<List<HistoryEntity>>
Interactor (browserHistoryInteractor below) (layer between dao and Fragment/Presenter)
// To get channel of List<HistoryEntity>:
import kotlinx.coroutines.reactive.openSubscription
fun observe() = historyDao.observe().openSubscription() // convert list to Coroutines channel
Presenter/Fragment/Activity (end point (in my case it is lifecycle-aware presenter))
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
private val compositeJob = Job() // somewhat equivalent "compositeDisposable" in rx
override fun onCreate() {
launch(compositeJob) { // start coroutine
val channel = browserHistoryInteractor.observe()
for (items in channel) { // waits for next list of items (suspended)
showInView { view?.setItems(items) }
override fun onDestroy() {
compositeJob.cancel() // as in rx you need to cancel all jobs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh2Vqt4DpHU&list=PLdb5m83JnoaBqMWF-qqhZY_01SNEhG5Qs&index=5 at 29:25
I want to implement method to edit a note, save it to local database (cache) and then send it to the server as a POST request. I am learning RxJava and I wanted to create Observable from the note and then apply transformations on it, like to map it to an Entity model and saving. The issue that my method returns Completable and this chain returns Observable<Completable>. How to unwrap the Completable from this Observable which I used only to start RxJava stuff. Each editNote() methods returns a Completable.
override fun editNote(note: Note): Completable {
return Observable.just(note)
.map { mapper.mapToEntity(it) }
.map { noteEntity ->
.andThen { factory.getRemoteDataStore().editNote(noteEntity) }
Finally, I managed to find "a solution" but I am not sure it is correct :-)
override fun editNote(note: Note): Completable {
return Observable.just(note)
.map { mapper.mapToEntity(it) }
.flatMapCompletable { noteEntity ->
.andThen { factory.getRemoteDataStore().editNote(noteEntity) }
You're looking for flatMapCompletable instead of map, because map just intercepts the stream and maps the emissions to another type, while 'flatMap' (or it's siblings), from the docs:
Transform the items emitted by an Observable into Observables, then flatten the emissions from those into a single Observable.
You can see it's marble diagram in Here
I have a simple Android application with Room database and I am trying to react to an #Insert query with RxJava but I am unable to chain the calls correctly.
This is my view model method calling the insert:
fun insertTopic(): Single<Long> {
val topic = Topic(null, topicText.value!!, difficulty.value!!, false)
return Single.create<Long> { Observable.just(topicDao.insert(topic)) }
And this is the code in my activity triggering the save action:
.flatMapSingle {
.doOnError { Toast.makeText(this, "Error inserting topic", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }
.subscribe { id ->
Toast.makeText(this, "Topic inserted. ID: $id", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
When I click the button, the entity is saved but none of the subscribe code is invoked (no toast is shown). Could someone point out to me what am I doing wrong? I am fairly new to RX java.
The problem is in incorrect usage of Single.create. There is no need in wrapping topicDao.insert(topic) into Observable. Moreover, you are implementing new Single manually, which means you must pass the result id to the #NonNull SingleEmitter<T> emitter argument. But there is no need in using Single.create here.
Single.fromCallable is exactly what you need:
fun insertTopic(): Single<Long> = Single.fromCallable {
val topic = Topic(null, topicText.value!!, difficulty.value!!, false)
return#fromCallable topicDao.insert(topic)
Please note, that I create topic object inside lambda so that it isn't captured in a closure. Also keep in mind that fromCallable may throw UndeliverableException if you unsubscribe from Single during the lambda code execution. It will probably never happen in your specific case, but you should understand RxJava2 error handling design.