Current best practice for timed job execution in Android - android

Since I'm struggling a lot with the Android Oreo background restriction, I was asking myself if working with the AlarmManager is even the best way of timing Job execution to e.g. 03:00 AM. I saw some people use JobScheduler, but it seems it's not that suitable for executing tasks every day at a given time.
I was trying just AlarmManager with a BroadcastReceiver, then inserted the BroadcastReceiver in a (in theory) self-starting service, but since an app isn't able to call startService() when in background this also doesn't work the way it should (and also seems kinda wrong).
Am I missing something? What's the current way to go?
Obviously there are ways, because otherwise Messengers, Games and other Apps won't be able to work the way they do.
public class BackgroundTaskWorker extends Worker {
public BackgroundTaskWorker(#NonNull Context context, #NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams) {
super(context, workerParams);
public Result doWork() {
Context con = getApplicationContext();
SharedPreferences preferences = con.getSharedPreferences(MainActivity.sharedPrefs, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editPrefs = preferences.edit();
int day = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
String s_day = preferences.getString("DAY","0");
int old_day = Integer.parseInt(s_day);
if(old_day == 0){
Log.i("WORKING","old_day default");
return Result.success();
else if(day == old_day) {
Log.i("WORKING", "day=old_day default");
return Result.success();
else {
Log.i("WORKING","old_day change");
DateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.GERMANY);
Date dat = new Date();
editPrefs.putString("REC", "Receiver called "+date.format(dat));
NotificationCompat.Builder builder= new NotificationCompat.Builder(con,"ID");
builder.setContentTitle("ALARM FIRED");
CharSequence name = "NotChannel";
String desc = "Test Channel for Planer";
int importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel("NOT",name,importance);
NotificationManager notManager = con.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(con);
//TODO Test Tageswechsel Wiederholende Tasks
String today = preferences.getString("0",null);
String tomorrow = preferences.getString("1",null);
String next_week = preferences.getString("7",null);
String next_month = preferences.getString("30",null);
if(today != null) {
String[] repetitive = today.split(" ");
for (int j = 1; j < repetitive.length; j += 2) {
case "1":
tomorrow += ","+ repetitive[j-1]+" "+repetitive[j];
tomorrow=repetitive[j-1]+" "+repetitive[j];
case "7":
next_week += ","+ repetitive[j-1]+" "+repetitive[j];
next_week=repetitive[j-1]+" "+repetitive[j];
case "30":
next_month += ","+ repetitive[j-1]+" "+repetitive[j];
next_month=repetitive[j-1]+" "+repetitive[j];
ArrayList<String> month = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < Jobs.month_length; i++) {
for (int i=1;i<Jobs.month_length;i++){
for(int i=0;i<Jobs.month_length;i++){
// Indicate success or failure with your return value:
return Result.success();
private void registerWorker(){
PeriodicWorkRequest request= new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(BackgroundTaskWorker.class,
20, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("AUFGABEN_PLANER_BACK", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, request);
private void unregisterWorker(){
registerWorker is called everytime MainActivity gets started (=> at the app start)

Use WorkManager for Scheduling task in background and foreground
Example for Periodic Request
PeriodicWorkRequest request= new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(WorkerClass.class,
24, TimeUnit.HOURS).setInitialDelay(THE_DELAY,TimeUnit.SECONDS).addTag("TAG").build()
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("TAG", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, request);
Create a worker class
public class WorkerClass extends Worker {
public Worker.WorkerResult doWork() {
// Do the work here
// Indicate success or failure with your return value:
return WorkerResult.SUCCESS;
// (Returning RETRY tells WorkManager to try this task again
// later; FAILURE says not to try again.)
Now call this class by
Example for One Time request
OneTimeWorkRequest request= new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(WorkerClass .class)
.setInitialDelay(delayedTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("TAG", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, request);
where delayedTime is calculated time to do task
add this in build.gradle
implementation ''
check the latest release doc
also you can convert your time
Android / Java convert String date to long type


Android Target API 31 best way to run a service in background that ALWAYS keep listening to my messaging server (RabbitMQ)

I am trying to create a notification service in my android app that always keeps listening to my RabbitMQ server for new messages. I want it to be able to send notifications even from background. Basically I am trying to create a notification communication between two client side application (App1 and App2) through Rabbit MQ and send notifications to both the apps in case of an event.
I have implemented it using JOB Service class but it is not consistent and it stops after sometime. Can someone please help me in understanding the architecture in a better way. How can I achieve something like Firebase Messaging Service but through Rabbit MQ?
Sample code that I have used below:
public class StoreOrderJobService extends JobService {
private static final String TAG = "JobService";
Random random = new Random();
SharedPrefManager prefManager;
private boolean jobCancelled = false;
public boolean onStartJob(JobParameters jobParameters) {
Log.d(TAG, "Job Started");
prefManager = new SharedPrefManager(this);
subscribeStore(prefManager.getUserId(), jobParameters);
return true;
private void subscribeStore(String storeId, JobParameters parameters) {
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
String queueName = prefManager.getSessionId();
if (queueName != null) {
Thread subscribeStoreThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Log.d(TAG, "Job Started");
try {
if (jobCancelled) {
Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
Log.d("OrderService", "Session Id " + queueName);
channel.queueDeclare(queueName, false, false, false, null);
channel.queueBind(queueName, "store_test", storeId);
DeliverCallback deliverCallback = (consumerTag, delivery) -> {
String message = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8");
Log.d("OrderService", "Received message " + message);
Envelope envelope = delivery.getEnvelope();
String routingKey = envelope.getRoutingKey();
if (routingKey.equals(storeId)) {
channel.basicAck(envelope.getDeliveryTag(), true);
String message_new = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8");
Gson gson = new Gson();
OrderSubscribePayload payload = gson.fromJson(message_new, OrderSubscribePayload.class);
Log.d("order Service", "Order Id " + payload.getOrderId());
sendOrderNotification(random.nextInt(), payload);
channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, deliverCallback, consumerTag -> {
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
private void sendOrderNotification(int id, OrderSubscribePayload payload) {
Log.d("Service", "sendOrderNotification " + payload.getOrderId());
Intent contextIntent = new Intent(this, OrderDetails.class);
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putSerializable("orderDetails", (Serializable) payload);
contextIntent.putExtra("Bundle", args);
int iUniqueId = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() & 0xfffffff);
PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, iUniqueId, contextIntent, 0);
Notification n = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, ManagedApplication.CHANNEL_ORDER_ID)
.setContentTitle("New Order")
.setContentText("Received New Order")
NotificationManager notificationManager =
(NotificationManager) getSystemService(Service.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
notificationManager.notify(id, n);
public boolean onStopJob(JobParameters jobParameters) {
Log.d(TAG, "Job Cancelled");
jobCancelled = true;
return true;
I am calling this job on users login as below:
private void startNotificationJob() {
ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(this, StoreOrderJobService.class);
JobInfo info = new JobInfo.Builder(123, componentName)
.setPeriodic(15 * 60 * 1000)
JobScheduler jobScheduler = (JobScheduler) getSystemService(JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE);
int result = jobScheduler.schedule(info);
if (result == JobScheduler.RESULT_SUCCESS) {
Log.d("JOB Scheduler", "Job Scheduled");
} else Log.d("JOB Scheduler", "Job Scheduled Failed");
I have implemented it using JOB Service class but it is not consistent and it stops after sometime.
Nothing will be keeping your process running, which you will need for your desired functionality. Nothing will be keeping the CPU powered on all the time, which also will be needed for your desired functionality.
Please bear in mind that what you want is rather harmful to the battery life.
How can I achieve something like Firebase Messaging Service but through Rabbit MQ?
Use a foreground service, with a continuous partial WakeLock, in a separate process (android:process manifest attribute) than the UI of your app. You may also need code to deal with re-establishing your MQ connection as the device changes connectivity (e.g., from WiFi to mobile data) or loses and then regains connectivity.
You will also need to ask your users to go into the Settings app and try to opt your app out of all battery optimizations. Note that this will not be possible on all devices.
You will also need to ask your users to never kill your app's task. The separate process may help on some devices if users forget, but that behavior seems to vary by device.
And you will need to take into account that your solution will not be reliable, because some device manufacturers to prevent developers from doing the sorts of things that you want to do, as those things are bad for battery life.

Android blocked calls via CallScreeningService sometimes rings

I'm developing a simple call blocker Android app and was using CallScreeningService quite successfully. I do some database calls to detect numbers to be blocked and start an async task to send some information about the blocked calls to an external server. The implementation is working fine most of the time. But sometimes this fails miserably making the phone ring even after the call is said to be blocked. Following is my code.
#RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
public class CallCaptureService extends CallScreeningService {
public void onScreenCall(Call.Details details) {
boolean blockCall = false;
String handle = details.getHandle().toString();
handle = handle.replace("tel:", "");
Log.d(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("Call event received. Handle='%s'", handle));
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (handle != null && !handle.isEmpty()) {
try {
String callingNumber = URLDecoder.decode(handle, "UTF-8");
if (AppUtil.isBlockedNumber(callingNumber)) { //This is a sqlite database call
blockCall = true;
} else if (AppUtil.isKnownPhoneNumber(this, callingNumber)) { //This is again a database call
//Do not block call
Log.i(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("Sending call information to Call handler"));
Intent callCapturedIntent = new Intent();
callCapturedIntent.putExtra(ExtraKeys.CALLING_NUMBER_EXTRA_KEY, callingNumber);
callCapturedIntent.putExtra(ExtraKeys.CALL_STATE_EXTRA_KEY, CallState.RINGING.getValue());
callCapturedIntent.putExtra(ExtraKeys.CALL_SCREENING_USED_EXTRA_KEY, true);
callCapturedIntent.putExtra(ExtraKeys.ALREADY_KNOWN_NUMBER_EXTRA_KEY, isKnownPhoneNumber);
handleCallForCallScreening task = new handleCallForCallScreening(callCapturedIntent, getApplicationContext());
CallResponse.Builder response = new CallResponse.Builder();
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long delay = (endTime - startTime);
Log.i(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("(Waiting for call) time for processing %s = %d", handle, delay));
if (blockedCallHangupTime > 0) {
long remainingTime = blockedCallHangupTime - delay;
if (remainingTime > 0) {
try {
Log.i(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("Sleeping for %d (ms)", remainingTime));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (blockCall) {
Log.i(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("Call Blocked Successfully"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.d(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("Finished handling call event. Handle='%s'", handle));
class handleCallForCallScreening extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
Context _ctx;
Intent _intent;
public handleCallForCallScreening(Intent intent, Context context) {
_ctx = context;
_intent = intent;
protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
CallHandlerHelper.handleCall(_intent, _ctx); //This method has a network operation, which will call a rest API from a remote server
return null;
And this is the code extract of the method inside our async task. This contains a network operation.
public static void handleCall(#NonNull Intent intent, Context context) {
String callingNumber = intent.getStringExtra(ExtraKeys.CALLING_NUMBER_EXTRA_KEY);
boolean callScreeningUsed = intent.getBooleanExtra(ExtraKeys.CALL_SCREENING_USED_EXTRA_KEY, false);
boolean isKnownPhoneNumber = intent.getBooleanExtra(ExtraKeys.ALREADY_KNOWN_NUMBER_EXTRA_KEY, false);
CallState state = CallState.fromInteger(intent.getIntExtra(ExtraKeys.CALL_STATE_EXTRA_KEY, 3));
CallSenderResult result = sendCALL(context, callingNumber, requestId, null);
private static CallSenderResult sendCALL(Context ctx, String callingNumber, String requestId) {
String appInstanceUniqueKey = StorageHelper.getAppInstanceUniqueKey(ctx);
CallSenderResult result = new CallSenderResult();
try {
if (SettingsConstants.IGNORE_SSL_CERTIFICATE) {
String accessToken = StorageHelper.getAccessToken(ctx);
String phoneNumberKey = StorageHelper.getPhoneNumberKey(ctx);
String refreshToken = StorageHelper.getRefreshToken(ctx);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("callingNumber", callingNumber);
jsonObject.put("requestId", requestId);
jsonObject.put("phoneNumberKey", phoneNumberKey);
jsonObject.put("detectedCallingNumbers", detectedCallingNumbersString);
Log.i(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("Sending CALL information. CallingNumber:'%s', RequestId:'%s', delectedCallingNumbers:'%s'", callingNumber, requestId, detectedCallingNumbers));
String jsonString = jsonObject.toString();
HttpsURLConnection conn = NetworkUtil.getHttpPostURLConnectionForJson(accessToken, jsonString, FirebaseConstants.CALL_RESPONSE_URL);
int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
switch (responseCode) {
case 200:
Log.i(SettingsConstants.CALL_LOG_TITLE, String.format("CALL response sent successfully. ReqId:'%s', CallingNumber:'%s', delectedCallingNumbers:'%s'", requestId, callingNumber, detectedCallingNumbers));
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
public static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 30 *1000;
public static final int READ_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 30 *1000;
public static HttpsURLConnection getHttpPostURLConnectionForJson(String accessToken, String json, String urlString) throws IOException {
URL url = new URL(urlString);
HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "*/*");
conn.setRequestProperty("authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
conn.setConnectTimeout(SettingsConstants.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); //
OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream();
return conn;
This code works fine most of the time and blocks calls if the number is found in our blocked number database. But sometimes this fails even the blocked number is found in our database and the log is there saying that the number is blocked successfully.
This is a log extract from our device when the number is intended to be blocked but actually rang.
2020-03-06 13:15:32.079 DEBUG CALL: Call event received. Handle='%2B85590914400'
2020-03-06 13:15:32.091 INFO CALL: Sending call information to Call handler
2020-03-06 13:15:32.099 INFO CALL: (Waiting for call) time for processing %2B85590914400 = 14
2020-03-06 13:15:32.116 INFO CALL: Sending CALL information. CallingNumber:'+85590914400' // This is printed from async task
2020-03-06 13:15:37.137 INFO CALL: Call Blocked Successfully
2020-03-06 13:15:37.162 DEBUG CALL: Finished handling call event. Handle='%2B85590914400'
2020-03-06 13:15:37.240 INFO CALL: Phone State change detected.(RINGING) //This is where the ringing occurs.
2020-03-06 13:15:37.890 INFO CALL: CLI response sent successfully. ReqId:'1583480726222', CallingNumber:'+85590914400', delectedCallingNumbers:'null' // This is printed from async task
2020-03-06 13:15:38.941 INFO CALL: Phone State change detected.(IDLE)
One thing I noticed is that that there is a 5s delay between "(Waiting for call) time for processing ..." message and "Call Blocked Successfully message". For the situations where this code works perfectly the timegap between these two messages are just few milliseconds. So I doubt whether there is some kind of a hang occurring inside respondToCall message.
Also this issue mostly occurs when I'm on a weak data connection. But the network operation is written inside an async task which may not have any effect on the CallScreeningService behaviour. But not sure about whats happening here.

PJSUA2 Android - Incoming calls drop after 32 seconds

I'm building a PJSUA2 (PJSIP 2.8) Android app and I have some issues: i.e. only on incoming call, call state remains in "PJSIP_INV_STATE_CONNECTING" and after 32 seconds the call drops.
I'm looking for the cause of the issue since several days, I googled a lot and all what I found is: in most situations this issue is related to NAT management or network issues related to NAT. In a few words: in most cases the called party does not receive the ACK after answering the call.
Finally I was able to log all SIP messages between my app and the SIP server and found that my app receives the ACK from the server, so I suppose it's not a network related issue.
I compiled PJSIP 2.8 with OpenSSL and SRTP support, but without video support (I don't need it at least at the moment). If it makes any difference, the app has a target version 28 and minimum SDK version 19.
I tried several apps on the market and they work fine enough with and without SRTP and with all signaling transports (UDP, TCP, TLS), WebRTC works fine too (tested with SipML5), so I would exclude a server misconfiguration. My app does the same (except SRTP with which I have some issues at the moment).
I tried with a SIP provider too (MessageNet) using UDP and the behaviour is always the same. I tried to use compact SIP messages and it behaves the same, with and without uri parameters, with and without STUN and or ICE and nothing changes. Mobile network and WiFi networks give the same results.
I tried to debug inside PJSIP library too, but without any success, then I tried to follow the code, to understand what I was doing wrong, but it doesn't seem to me there is something evidently wrong.
The following is the code (last version) which initializes PJSIP:
public class SipService extends Service {
private Looper serviceLooper;
private ServiceHandler serviceHandler;
private final Messenger mMessenger = new Messenger(new IncomingHandler());
private LocalBroadcastManager localBroadcast;
private LifecycleBroadcastReceiver lifecycleBroadcastReceiver;
private boolean lastCheckConnected;
private Endpoint endpoint;
private LogWriter logWriter;
private EpConfig epConfig;
private final List<ManagedSipAccount> accounts = new ArrayList<>();
private final Map<String, Messenger> eventRegistrations = new HashMap<>();
public void onCreate() {
String userAgent = "MyApp";
try {
PackageInfo pInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0);
String appLabel = (pInfo.applicationInfo.labelRes == 0 ? pInfo.applicationInfo.nonLocalizedLabel.toString() : getString(pInfo.applicationInfo.labelRes));
userAgent = appLabel + "/" + pInfo.versionName;
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.e("SipService", "Unable to get app version", e);
try {
endpoint = new MyAppEndpoint();
epConfig = new EpConfig();
// Logging
logWriter = new PJSIPToAndroidLogWriter();
// UA
StringVector stunServer = new StringVector();
// General Media
// UDP transport
TransportConfig udpCfg = new TransportConfig();
endpoint.transportCreate(pjsip_transport_type_e.PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, udpCfg);
// TCP transport
TransportConfig tcpCfg = new TransportConfig();
endpoint.transportCreate(pjsip_transport_type_e.PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TCP, tcpCfg);
// TLS transport
TransportConfig tlsCfg = new TransportConfig();
endpoint.transportCreate(pjsip_transport_type_e.PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TLS, tlsCfg);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize and start PJSIP", e);
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
lastCheckConnected = activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnected();
startForeground(MyAppConstants.N_FOREGROUND_NOTIFICATION_ID, buildForegroundNotification());
localBroadcast = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this);
HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("ServiceStartArguments",
// Get the HandlerThread's Looper and use it for our Handler
serviceLooper = thread.getLooper();
serviceHandler = new ServiceHandler(serviceLooper);
// Register LifeCycleBroadcastReceiver to receive network change notification
// It seems it's mandatory to do it programmatically since Android N (24)
lifecycleBroadcastReceiver = new LifecycleBroadcastReceiver();
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter("");
registerReceiver(lifecycleBroadcastReceiver, intentFilter);
// Initialization
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
if (prefs != null) {
try {
CodecInfoVector codecs = endpoint.codecEnum();
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
for (int i = 0; i < codecs.size(); i++) {
CodecInfo codec = codecs.get(i);
int priority = prefs.getInt("{" + codec.getCodecId() + "}", 0);
try {
endpoint.codecSetPriority(codec.getCodecId(), (short) priority);
codec.setPriority((short) priority);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("SipService", "Unexpected error setting codec priority for codec " + codec.getCodecId(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("SipService", "Unexpected error loading codecs priorities", e);
public void onDestroy() {
for (Account acc : accounts) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
endpoint = null;
epConfig = null;
if (lifecycleBroadcastReceiver != null) {
And the following is my Account class with creation and registration code:
public class ManagedSipAccount extends Account {
public final String TAG;
private final VoipAccount account;
private final PhoneAccountHandle handle;
private final SipService service;
private final AccountStatus status;
private final Map<Integer, VoipCall> calls = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, VoipBuddy> buddies = new HashMap<>();
private AccountConfig acfg;
private List<SrtpCrypto> srtpCryptos = new ArrayList<>();
private AuthCredInfo authCredInfo;
public ManagedSipAccount(SipService service, VoipAccount account, PhoneAccountHandle handle) {
TAG = "ManagedSipAccount/" + account.getId();
this.service = service;
this.account = account;
this.handle = handle;
this.status = new AccountStatus(account.getUserName() + "#" + account.getHost());
acfg = new AccountConfig();
public void register(Map<String, String> contactParameters) throws Exception {
StringBuilder contactBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : contactParameters.entrySet()) {
contactBuilder.append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getKey(), "UTF-8"));
contactBuilder.append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getValue(), "UTF-8"));
StringBuilder logBuilder = new StringBuilder();
logBuilder.append("Registering: ");
if (account.isEncryptionSRTP()) {
logBuilder.append(" SRTP");
if (account.isIce()) {
logBuilder.append(" ICE");
Log.d(TAG, logBuilder.toString());
String idUri = "sip:" + account.getUserName();
if (!"*".equals(account.getRealm())) {
idUri += "#" + account.getRealm();
else {
idUri += "#" /*+ account.getHost()*/;
acfg.getRegConfig().setRegistrarUri("sip:" + account.getHost() + ":" + account.getPort() + ";transport=" + account.getProtocol().name().toLowerCase());
// NAT management
if (account.isIce()) {
else {
if (account.isEncryptionSRTP()) {
//acfg.getMediaConfig().getSrtpOpt().setKeyings(new IntVector(2));
StringVector cryptos = Endpoint.instance().srtpCryptoEnum();
for (int i = 0; i < cryptos.size(); i++) {
SrtpCrypto crypto = new SrtpCrypto();
else {
authCredInfo = new AuthCredInfo("digest",
account.getAuthenticationId() != null && account.getAuthenticationId().trim().length() > 0 ? account.getAuthenticationId() : account.getUserName(),
acfg.getSipConfig().getAuthCreds().add( authCredInfo );
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)service.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
boolean isConnected = activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnected();
if (isConnected) {
public void onRegStarted(OnRegStartedParam prm) {
Log.d(TAG, "Status: Registering...");
public void onRegState(OnRegStateParam prm) {
try {
Log.d(TAG, "Registration state: " + prm.getCode().swigValue() + " " + prm.getReason());
AccountInfo ai = getInfo();
status.setStatus(ai.getRegIsActive() ? AccountStatus.Status.REGISTERED : AccountStatus.Status.UNREGISTERED);
Log.d(TAG, "Status: " + status.getStatus().name() + " " + super.getInfo().getUri());
} catch (Exception e) {
Finally, how I answer the code at the moment in a class which extends the PJSIP's Call class:
public void answerCall() {
Log.d(TAG, "Answering call...");
CallOpParam prm = new CallOpParam(true);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
I also tried with new CallOpParam(); with just the status code and nothing else, but nothing changes.
One note: I created the IdUri as sip:username# because without the host the resulting contact was and I thought that the missing user part may be the cause of the issue or part of it.
The following is the trace of the app <-> my Asterisk server communication during call (linked because of content length exceed).
The ServerIp is an internet public IP, while the MyIp[5.XXX.XXX.XXX] is my phone's public IP.
As you can see from the log, my app sends a 100 Trying, then a 180 Ringing when the phone rings, then the user answers and the app sends a 200 OK. The server replies with a ACK message (I would say it's not a NAT issue, because PJSIP receives the ACK). I see the same from Asterisk.
After this I would expect the call goes from PJSIP_INV_STATE_CONNECTING to PJSIP_INV_STATE_CONFIRMED, but it does not happen, so PJSIP continues to send a 200 OK and receive the ACK every about 2 seconds, until the call times out after 32 seconds and PJSIP disconnects the call (sending a BYE).
I'm starting to think that PJSIP just ignores ACK messages and just has a wrong behaviour. Please help me to understand what is happening here. I would appreciate it so much!
Obviously let me know if you think that more details are needed.

JobScheduler-NETWORK_TYPE_NONE gives IllegalArgumentException

I am using below code to schedule a job service.
JobScheduler jobScheduler = (JobScheduler) mContext.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE);
if (jobScheduler != null) {
try {
jobScheduler.schedule(AppJobService.createJobInfo(mContext.getApplicationContext(), account));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
public static JobInfo createJobInfo(#NonNull Context context, Account account) {
Gson g = new Gson();
String json = g.toJson(account);
PersistableBundle bundle = new PersistableBundle();
bundle.putString("Account", json);
JobInfo.Builder builder = new JobInfo.Builder(3, new ComponentName(context, AppJobService.class))
But getting below exception
2018-12-03 17:51:22.360 5032-5557/? W/System.err:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You're trying to build a job with
no constraints, this is not allowed.
But when I change setRequiredNetworkType(NETWORK_TYPE_NONE) to setRequiredNetworkType(NETWORK_TYPE_ANY) it works fine.But I want my job service to run even when there is no network connection.Why I am getting exception with NETWORK_TYPE_NONE?
You must have some kind of constraint, or it will always throw an IllegalArgumentException, put any kind of constraint or just use AlarmManager or WorkManager
Check out the snippet, this is from the Android source code
public JobInfo build() {
// Allow jobs with no constraints - What am I, a database?
if (!mHasEarlyConstraint && !mHasLateConstraint && mConstraintFlags == 0 &&
mNetworkRequest == null &&
mTriggerContentUris == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You're trying to build a job with no " +
"constraints, this is not allowed.");
I had the same problem and I just used AlarmManager instead

AlarmManager not repeating

I'm coding a 'simple' notificator which consists on calling to a website, checking the response and notifying if there's something new.
I'm using a Service to do the http operations and I'd like AlarmManager to repeat the call to the Service with a given frequency. I've been checking tutorials like this and other examples and, since I want the service to be scheduled either whenever the user leaves the settings screen (the only Activity it has so far) and after BOOT is completed, so I created a class to wrap the scheduling code.
public class Scheduler {
public static boolean cancelScheduledService(Context ctx, Intent serviceIntent) {
boolean success = true;
Log.v("novUmbria", "Scheduler.cancelScheduledService");
try {
AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
ctx, 0,
new Intent(ctx, NotificadorService.class),
// si ya existe, no genera un 2º
Log.v("novUmbria", "Scheduler.cancelScheduledService Servicio cancelado");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("novUmbria", "Scheduler.cancelScheduledService Excepción: " + e.getMessage());
success = false;
return success;
public static boolean scheduleService(Context ctx, Intent serviceIntent, long interval) {
boolean success = true;
Log.v("novUmbria", "Scheduler.scheduleService Servicio ");
try {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat timeformat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
// timeformat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Madrid"));
AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
// am.setInexactRepeating(
ctx, 0,
new Intent(ctx, NotificadorService.class),
// si ya existe, no genera un 2º
Log.v("novUmbria", "Scheduler.scheduleService Servicio programado a las "
+ timeformat.format(cal.getTime())
+ " cada " + (interval / 60000) + " minutos"
startService(ctx, serviceIntent);
Log.v("novUmbria", "Scheduler.scheduleService Servicio iniciado"
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("novUmbria", "Scheduler.scheduleService Excepción: " + e.getMessage());
success = false;
return success;
public static boolean startService(Context ctx, Intent serviceIntent) {
boolean success = true;
Log.v("novUmbria", "Scheduler.startService");
try {
Log.v("novUmbria", "Scheduler.startService Servicio iniciado");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("novUmbria", "Scheduler.startService Excepción: " + e.getMessage());
success = false;
return success;
Here's the call to the scheduler from the settings Activity
//Settings Activity
protected void onStop() {
Log.v("novUmbria", "SettingsActivity.onStop");
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), NotificadorService.class);
Scheduler.cancelScheduledService(getApplicationContext(), serviceIntent);
long frequency = 1000 * 60 / 2;
Log.v("novUmbria", "SettingsActivity.onStop scheduleService");
Thing is: logcat tells me the service gets scheduled (or, better said, that it doesn't raise an Exception) and it gets executed for the first time. But, after that, no matter how long or short the interval is, it never repeats. I've tried several flags RTC, RTC_WAKEUP, ELAPSED_REALTIME etc, but I got nothing.
My testing device is a Nexus 4 fully updated. I've even rebooted it, so I checked the BOOT_COMPLETE receiver worked ok, but it never repeats the service calls.
Any ideas on where's the problem?
Thanks in advance.
I've found the answer here.
Apparently, when you want to schedule a SERVICE, you don't use PendingIntent.getBroadcast but PendingIntent.getService.
Just that little change and it's repeating as it should.
Hope this helps someone else :)

