Gson deserialization for a list in Kotlin - android

This is what my json looks like
"sub": "9",
"auth_time": 1559381757,
"idp": "idsrv",
"role": [
"iss": "",
"aud": "",
"exp": 1574933757,
"nbf": 1559381757
This is the object I want to convert this Json into.
data class Claims (
#SerializedName("nameid") val nameId: String,
#SerializedName("unique_id") val uniqueId: String,
#SerializedName("sub") val sub: String,
#SerializedName("unifiedNumber") val unifiedNumber: String,
#SerializedName("role") var roleList: List<Role>
I wrote a custom Deserializer (which works in Java) for the List type
class RoleDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<List<Role>> {
private var roleId = 0
override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement, typeOfT: Type, context: JsonDeserializationContext): MutableList<Role> {
val resultList = ArrayList<Role>()
if (json.isJsonArray) {
for (e in json.asJsonArray) {
resultList.add(Role(id = roleId++, name = e.asString))
} else if (json.isJsonObject) {
resultList.add(Role(id = roleId++, name = json.asString))
} else if (json.isJsonPrimitive) {
if ((json as JsonPrimitive).isString)
resultList.add(Role(id = roleId++, name = json.getAsString()))
} else {
throw RuntimeException("Unexpected JSON type: " + json.javaClass)
return resultList
This is how I register my type adapter
val listType: Type = object : TypeToken<List<Role>>() {}.type
val gson = GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(listType, RoleDeserializer()).create()
val claims = gson.fromJson(stringJson,
I still get a parse exception stating that
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 161 path $.role[0]
and my RoleDeserializer is never called. Am I doing something wrong while registering the type adapter?

Try to replace
val listType: Type = object : TypeToken<List<Role>>() {}.type
val listType: Type = object : TypeToken<MutableList<Role>>() {}.type

The role is String array in JSON
Use this
#SerializedName("role") var roleList: List<String>
Instead of this
#SerializedName("role") var roleList: List<Role>
Try this
data class Claims (
#SerializedName("nameid") val nameId: String,
#SerializedName("unique_id") val uniqueId: String,
#SerializedName("sub") val sub: String,
#SerializedName("unifiedNumber") val unifiedNumber: String,
#SerializedName("role") var roleList: List<String>


How can I convert a list to string

data class Movie(
val movieName : String
val movieGenre : List<String>){}
How can I convert a list to string created every object in this data class
You can use additional property in Movie class to convert list to string, e.g. val genre:
data class Movie(
val movieName: String,
val movieGenre: List<String>
) {
val genre: String
get() = buildString { // builds new string using append() method on each item of movieGenre
movieGenre.forEach { append(it) }
Here is how to access it:
val movie: Movie = getMoviewFromInternet()
val movieGenre: String = movie.genre
That's achievable in Kotlin via joinToString(separator: String), like this:
data class Movie(
val movieName : String,
val movieGenre : List<String>
) {
val genre: String
// concatenate the items using the separator provided
get() = movieGenre.joinToString(" ")
You would use it in a main as follows
fun main() {
val genreList: List<String> = listOf(
"Horror", "Splatter", "Romance", "Comedy", "Mystery", "Adult"
val movieName = "A.R. Bitrary"
val movie = Movie(movieName, genreList)
which then outputs
Horror Splatter Romance Comedy Mystery Adult

Consuming Polymorphic Jsons with Retrofit and Kotlin

My API sends me a polyphonic Json in with the variable addon_item can be either a String or an Array, I have spend days trying to make a CustomDezerializer for it without any success.
Here is the Json response:
"code": 1,
"msg": "OK",
"details": {
"merchant_id": "62",
"item_id": "1665",
"item_name": "Burrito",
"item_description": "Delicioso Burrito en base de tortilla de 30 cm",
"discount": "",
"photo": "http:\/\/\/upload\/1568249379-KDKQ5789.jpg",
"item_cant": "-1",
"cooking_ref": false,
"cooking_ref_trans": "",
"addon_item": [{
"subcat_id": "144",
"subcat_name": "EXTRA",
"subcat_name_trans": "",
"multi_option": "multiple",
"multi_option_val": "",
"two_flavor_position": "",
"require_addons": "",
"sub_item": [{
"sub_item_id": "697",
"sub_item_name": "Queso cheddar",
"item_description": "Delicioso queso fundido",
"price": "36331.20",
"price_usd": null
Here is the Custom Dezerializer, which includes BodyConverter that removes two braces that encompassed the Json response:
* This class was created due to 2 issues with the current API responses:
* 1. The API JSON results where encapsulated by parenthesis
* 2. They had dynamic JSON variables, where the Details variable was coming as a String
* or as an Object depending on the error message (werer whe user and password wereh correct.
class JsonConverter(private val gson: Gson) : Converter.Factory() {
override fun responseBodyConverter(
type: Type?, annotations: Array<Annotation>?,
retrofit: Retrofit?
): Converter<ResponseBody, *>? {
val adapter = gson.getAdapter(TypeToken.get(type!!))
return GsonResponseBodyConverter(gson, adapter)
override fun requestBodyConverter(
type: Type?,
parameterAnnotations: Array<Annotation>?,
methodAnnotations: Array<Annotation>?,
retrofit: Retrofit?
): Converter<*, RequestBody>? {
val adapter = gson.getAdapter(TypeToken.get(type!!))
return GsonRequestBodyConverter(gson, adapter)
internal inner class GsonRequestBodyConverter<T>(
private val gson: Gson,
private val adapter: TypeAdapter<T>
) : Converter<T, RequestBody> {
private val MEDIA_TYPE = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
private val UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8")
override fun convert(value: T): RequestBody {
val buffer = Buffer()
val writer = OutputStreamWriter(buffer.outputStream(), UTF_8)
val jsonWriter = gson.newJsonWriter(writer)
adapter.write(jsonWriter, value)
return RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE, buffer.readByteString())
// Here we remove the parenthesis from the JSON response
internal inner class GsonResponseBodyConverter<T>(
gson: Gson,
private val adapter: TypeAdapter<T>
) : Converter<ResponseBody, T> {
override fun convert(value: ResponseBody): T? {
val dirty = value.string()
val clean = dirty.replace("(", "")
.replace(")", "")
try {
return adapter.fromJson(clean)
} finally {
class DetalleDeProductoDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<DetallesDelItemWrapper2> {
override fun deserialize(
json: JsonElement,
typeOfT: Type,
context: JsonDeserializationContext
): DetallesDelItemWrapper2 {
if ((json as JsonObject).get("addon_item") is JsonObject) {
return Gson().fromJson<DetallesDelItemWrapper2>(json,
} else {
return Gson().fromJson<DetallesDelItemWrapper2>(json,
companion object {
private val LOG_TAG =!!.getSimpleName()
fun create(detalleDeProductoDeserializer: DetalleDeProductoDeserializer): JsonConverter {
Log.e("Perfill Adapter = ", "Test5 " + "JsonConverter" )
return create(Gson())
fun create(): JsonConverter {
return create(Gson())
private fun create(gson: Gson?): JsonConverter {
if (gson == null) throw NullPointerException("gson == null")
return JsonConverter(gson)
Here is the RetrofitClient.class:
class RetrofitClient private constructor(name: String) {
private var retrofit: Retrofit? = null
fun getApi(): Api {
return retrofit!!.create(
init {
if (name == "detalleDelItem") run {
retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
// .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create(percentDeserializer))
Log.e("RetrofitClient ", "Instace: " + "detalle " + name)
companion object {
//Remember this shit is https for the production server
private val BASE_URL = ""
private var mInstance: RetrofitClient? = null
fun getInstance(name: String): RetrofitClient {
mInstance = RetrofitClient(name)
return mInstance!!
Finally my POJO:
open class DetallesDelItemWrapper2 {
val code: Int? = null
var details: ItemDetails? = null
val msg: String? = null
class ItemDetails {
val addonItem: Any? = null
val categoryInfo: CategoryInfo? = null
val cookingRef: Any? = null
val cookingRefTrans: String? = null
class ListaDetalleAddonItem: DetallesDelItemWrapper2(){
val detalleAddonItem: List<DetalleAddonItem>? = null
class StringDetalleAddonItem: DetallesDelItemWrapper2(){
val detalleAddonItem: String? = null
I took a shot at this and came up with 2 possible ideas. I don't think they're the only way to achieve this, but I think I can share my thoughts.
First, I've reduced the problem to actually only parsing the items. So I've removed retrofit from the equation and use the following jsons:
val json = """{
"addon_item": [{
"subcat_id": "144",
"subcat_name": "EXTRA",
"subcat_name_trans": "",
"multi_option": "multiple",
"multi_option_val": "",
"two_flavor_position": "",
"require_addons": "",
"sub_item": [{
"sub_item_id": "697",
"sub_item_name": "Queso cheddar",
"item_description": "Delicioso queso fundido",
"price": "36331.20",
"price_usd": null
(for when the addon_item is an array)
val jsonString = """{
"addon_item": "foo"
(for when the addon_item is a string)
First approach
My first approach was to model addon_item as a generic JsonElement:
data class ItemDetails(
val addonItem: JsonElement? = null
(I'm using data classes because I find them more helpful, but you don't have too)
The idea here is to let gson deserialize it as a generic json element and you can then inspect it yourself. So if we add some convenience methods to the class:
data class ItemDetails(
val addonItem: JsonElement? = null
) {
fun isAddOnItemString() =
addonItem?.isJsonPrimitive == true && addonItem.asJsonPrimitive.isString
fun isAddOnItemArray() =
addonItem?.isJsonArray == true
fun addOnItemAsString() =
fun addOnItemAsArray() =
So as you can see, we check the addOnItem for what it contains and according to that, we can obtain its contents. Here's an example of how to use it:
fun main() {
val item = Gson().fromJson(jsonString,
I think the biggest advantage of this is that it's fairly simple and you don't require custom logic to deserialize. For me, the huge drawback is the type-safety loss.
You can get the add on as an array, but it will be an array of json elements that have to be "manually" deserialized. Hence, my 2nd approach tries to tackle this.
Second approach
The idea here is to use Kotlin's sealed classes and have 2 types of add ons:
sealed class AddOnItems {
data class StringAddOnItems(
val addOn: String
) : AddOnItems()
data class ArrayAddOnItems(
val addOns: List<SubCategory> = emptyList()
) : AddOnItems()
fun isArray() = this is ArrayAddOnItems
fun isString() = this is StringAddOnItems
The SubCategory class is just what was inside the list. Here's a simple version of it:
data class SubCategory(
val id: String
As you can see the AddOnItems is a sealed class that has the only 2 possible types for your use case.
Now we need a custom deserializer:
class AddOnItemsDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<AddOnItems> {
override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement?, typeOfT: Type?, context: JsonDeserializationContext?) =
when {
json?.isJsonArray == true -> {
json?.isJsonPrimitive == true && json.asJsonPrimitive.isString ->
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Cannot parse $json as addonItems")
In a nutshell, this checks if add on is an array and creates the respective class and the same for string.
Here's how you can use it:
fun main() {
val item = GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(, AddOnItemsDeserializer())
val item = GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(, AddOnItemsDeserializer())
I think the biggest advantage here is that you get to keep the types. However, you still need to check what it is before calling addOnItemsAs*.
Hope this helps

Can't convert JSONArray into a list (Kotlin)

This is my string:
And I want it get that array into a list of object in Kotlin app for Android.
I tried to do it using two examples from this site... So here is my code (res = that string):
val gson = Gson()
val obj = gson.fromJson(res,
val arr = obj.getAsJsonArray("array")
val list1 : List<JThread> = gson.fromJson(arr, object : TypeToken<List<JThread>>() {}.type)
val list2 = gson.fromJson(arr, Array<JThread>
for (x in list1){
for (x in list2){
However I'm only getting null in x.message. I don't know what can go wrong.
I also tried changing arr to arr.toString() everywhere and that didn't work either.
Also JThread is:
object JThread {
var message: String? = null
var name: String? = null
var creation: String? = null }
This can be done without GSON or any other third party library:
fun JSONObject.toMap(): Map<String, Any> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()
val keysItr: Iterator<String> = this.keys()
while (keysItr.hasNext()) {
val key =
var value: Any = this.get(key)
when (value) {
is JSONArray -> value = value.toList()
is JSONObject -> value = value.toMap()
map[key] = value
return map
fun JSONArray.toList(): List<Any> {
val list = mutableListOf<Any>()
for (i in 0 until this.length()) {
var value: Any = this[i]
when (value) {
is JSONArray -> value = value.toList()
is JSONObject -> value = value.toMap()
return list
Usage to convert JSONArray to List:
val jsonArray = JSONArray(jsonArrStr)
val list = jsonArray.toList()
Usage to convert JSONObject to Map:
val jsonObject = JSONObject(jsonObjStr)
val map = jsonObject.toMap()
More info is here
Use this code:
data class Array(
var message: String,
var name: String,
var creation: String
data class Example(
var array: List<Array>? = null
private fun fromJson(json:String):Example{
return Gson().fromJson<Example>(json,
PS: I made it with this site:

How to get GSON & Retrofit to serialize and map an array from a JSON response into a String?

I am making an API request which returns some array values. I need to serialize these array values so that I can assign them to their corresponding class attributes (which are String types).
Now I know how to use GSON to serialize and deserialize lists, but with Retrofit the mapping is done automatically. This means that if my attribute is of type String, the API call returns the error "Expected a String but received an Array instead". How do I get around this so that I can receive them as arrays without failure, and them store them as strings subsequently?
My API Response:
"utterances": [{
"langs": ["eng", "afr", "xho", "zul"],
"utts": [
"Have you been here before?",
"Was u al hier gewees?",
"Ingaba wakhe weza apha ngaphambili?",
"Ingabe uke weza lapha ngaphambilini?"
"responses": [
["Yes", "No"],
["Ja", "Nee"],
["Ewe", "Hayi"],
["Yebo", "Cha"]
"langs": ["eng", "afr", "xho", "zul"],
"utts": [
"How are you?",
"Hoe gaan dit met jou?",
"responses": [
["Good", "Bad"],
["Goed", "sleg"],
["ezilungileyo", "ezimbi"],
["kuhle", "kubi"]
My UtteranceResponse class:
class UtteranceResponse {
var status: String? = null
var count: Int = 0
var utterances: ArrayList<Utterance>? = null
My Utterance class:
class Utterance: SugarRecord {
#SerializedName ("langs")
var langs: String? = null
#SerializedName ("utts")
var utterances_text: String? = null
var utterances_tts: String? = null
#SerializedName ("responses")
var responses_text: String? = null
And finally the calling function:
fun getUtterancesFromWebservice (){
val apiService = ApiInterface.create()
val call = apiService.getUtteranceDetails()
call.enqueue(object: Callback<UtteranceResponse> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<UtteranceResponse>, response: retrofit2.Response<UtteranceResponse>?) {
if (response != null) {
if (response.body()?.utterances != null){
var list: List<Utterance> = response.body()?.utterances!!
val utterances: Utterance = list[0]
} else {
Log.d ("Response:", response.body().toString())
Log.d ("responseResult", "NULL")
override fun onFailure(call: Call<UtteranceResponse>, t: Throwable) {
Log.e("SHIT", t.toString())
My API Interface as well:
abstract fun getUtteranceDetails():Call<UtteranceResponse>
companion object Factory {
const val BASE_URL = ""
fun create(): ApiInterface {
val gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit.create(
You are returning single object not list. Change Call<UtteranceResponse> in ApiInterface to
and for converting list to string list to string and string to list
class Utterance: SugarRecord {
#SerializedName ("langs")
var langs: List<String?>? = null
#SerializedName ("utts")
var utterances_text: String? = null
var utterances_tts: List<String?>? = null
#SerializedName ("responses")
var responses_tex:List<List<String?>?>? = null;

DbFlow Kotlin and List<String> Type Converter

DBFlow Version: 4.0.4
Hi, I'm strugling with List Type converter with dbflow Android ORM and Kotlin. I have a data class defined like this:
#Table(database = StopsDb::class)
data class FavouriteStop(
#PrimaryKey #Column var id: String = "",
#Index #Column var name: String = "",
#Column(typeConverter = StringListConverter::class) var directions: List<String> = listOf(),
#Column(typeConverter = StringListConverter::class) var selectedDirections: List<String> = listOf()
) : BaseRXModel()
and as I don't want to create a separate table only to store Strings I created a List Type converter like this:
class StringListConverter : TypeConverter<String, List<String>>() {
val separator = ","
override fun getDBValue(model: List<String>?): String {
if(model==null || model.isEmpty())
return ""
return model.joinToString (separator = separator){ it }
override fun getModelValue(data: String?): List<String> {
return data?.split(separator) ?: listOf()
however following error is thrown during build phase:
Error:error: *==========* :The specified custom TypeConverter's Model Value java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String> from com.kapuscinski.departures.persistence.db.StringListConverter must match the type of the column java.util.List<java.lang.String>.*==========*
Am I missing something here, and how to fix this? Thanks in advance for help!
Change everything from "List" to "MutableList"
#Table(database = StopsDb::class)
data class FavouriteStop(
#PrimaryKey #Column var id: String = "",
#Index #Column var name: String = "",
#Column(typeConverter = StringListConverter::class) var directions: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(),
#Column(typeConverter = StringListConverter::class) var selectedDirections: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
) : BaseRXModel()
class StringListConverter : TypeConverter<String, MutableList<String>>() {
val separator = ","
override fun getDBValue(model: MutableList<String>?): String =
if (model == null || model.isEmpty())
model.joinToString(separator = separator) { it }
override fun getModelValue(data: String?): MutableList<String> {
return data?.split(separator)?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf()

