I am working on an Android app. There I have a recyclerview which is populated from a remote server JSON file.
On the recyclerview there is as Imageview.
The image that is shown at the Imageview may have different orientations. It can be portrait, landscape or square.
I could use the scaletype attribute to get the image output as desired, but my client wants to show the image always at full screen width.
And on the other hand, I need to put a reasonable limit for the height attribute.
That means, I need an Imageview with a specific height range (150dp-250dp for example) and then I need the Imageview attribute to full screen width.
I am using Glide to download the images from a remote URL.
What should I do first to get an image not distorted in any of the three cases, portrait, landscape, square?
I'm using a potrait photo as the background image of my application. but when the orientation changes, the background image is streched and ugly. I dont want the image to fit XY .. instead of that, I want it to be centerCropped .. remember , its not a background image of any linear layout. its the background of application(theme) .
I think this is possible, I've seen contact+ to do this in their app.. But I don't know how do they do it. Can anybody help me out please?
NOTE: I have used and gravity but it doesn't help.. The image is still fitting XY.not getting cropped to keep its aspect ratio with filling the window as well .
Is the background image of your app being set either by android:background="..." in your layout xml,
or programmatically by calling setBackgroundResource()?
If so, this sets the background resource of a View.
A View's background always stretches to fill up all of the View
width and height, losing its aspect ratio when layout dimensions change
such as when device orientation moves or
when the application runs in devices
with other screen aspect ratios. There is no way of configuring this
to happen otherwise.
Convert your background to a Nine-Patch file, in order to the
stretching is
applied in selected areas of the image only. This may or may not fit well
to the design of your app.
Make your application detect changes in your layout. When it happens,
build a new background image on-the-fly keeping the aspect ratio of the original image, and set the View's background to the new image.
I've posted
a description on how to keep aspect ratio of View background image
using this technique; hopefully it can serve as a starting point.
I have an image to be used a background in activity:
I want this image to fit screen by its height.
It means that for wide-screen smartphones, I want my image to be fit by height and centered:
and for square-screen smartphones, I want my image to be cut:
I use ImageView for the image. What scaleType should I use? Looking at the second figure, I'd say to use android:scaleType="centerInside". But looking at the third, I'd say to use android:scaleType="centerCrop". What is correct?
Your evaluation of the different scaleType's is correct. If you want the whole image to be visible, use "centerInside", or if you want to fill the whole view then use centerCrop.
To use a mix of both, you can set the scaleType in your onCreate() method. Based on the behavior you want to have, you can check the orientation or size of the screen and set the appropriate choice.
imageView.setScaleType(ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE); // or ScaleType.CENTER_CROP
You can have two layouts, one for each of your configurations. You can then load the proper one at the activity's onCreate() call.
When you fit one side of image to background, you will face with two problems, first one is screen width is bigger than image's width or screen height is bigger than image height.So you will have empty space.
If you do not want to face with resolution problem and you want to fit both side of image to background, you need to use centerCROP.But as i said, if one side of image is not enough to fit background, image gets bigger till it will be filled.
Use centerCrop because centerInside doesn't scale an image in a view and you have to create the image with appropriate height to achieve wide-screened smartphones background filling. Or alternative you could use fitCenter to get uniformly scaled image by both axes which fills the all background.
I'm creating an app in which on click of listview items I'm showing images. Now the size of those images is generally width:480 and height is variable, most of the time > 800.
I'm using ImageView to show those images.
Now if I use simple imageview and show the image as setContentView(R.image), the image fits itself EXACTLY to 480x800 which results in distortion of image content.
I tried to implement suggestions given at
Android: Scrolling an Imageview
but again no luck. Here I'm able to get the scrolling of the ImageView but not what I want.
What I want is that the image doesn't change it pixel ratio. It simply shows to the user on the screen (full screen width) and with a vertical scroll to see the content that is beyond the 800 px ratio.
Kindly suggest what should I do in ImageView XML and my activity class to achieve the same.
Currently i'm implementing everything in Android: Scrolling an Imageview so code is same as it's there.
Try wrapping the ImageView in a ScrollView.
And don't forget to set the ImageView's scale type to something like FitXY.
I would like to stretch and crop an image so that it shows full screen on a Android device.
For example, inside the red-rectangle above would be the only area displayed on the phone.
I want it to center and crop. If the height of the image is small than the height of the device, I want to stretch the image as well.
By the way, I don't NEED images to be cropped. I just want my ImageView to display only the reg-rectangle part given the landscape image.
Have you tried setting android:scaleType="centerCrop" on your ImageView in XML? If I understand what you're asking for correctly, it should do just that.
I have an application that needs to scale an image in relation to another image due to different screen size, I have an image that is essentially a background that matches the width of the screen and another image in a relative layout that is aligned so it fits on my phone in 2.2 but when seen on 2.1
Or ... i could just use something that scales the image as a percentage. Suggestions?
I guess all i need is to know how i can keep an image in a spot relative to another using relative layout and scale it through a percentage, different screen size will scale the other image but not this one because the other image fills the parent so when the screen size is smaller it just scales it down, however the one i need to scale does not because it doesn not fill the parent.