I am developing a simple app using Flutter's location plugin, with some code based on their sample code:
var location = new Location();
try {
_currentLocation = await location.getLocation();
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
if (e.code == 'PERMISSION_DENIED') {
_locationMsg = 'Permission denied';
_currentLocation = null;
As indicated in the plugin page, I added ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to the Android manifest.
The problem is, when I test the app on a phone (with Android 9, in case it's relevant), even though location is enabled and I have a GPS signal, executing the above code results in the following prompt:
The prompt reads: "For a better experience, turn on device location, which uses Google's location service.", with two buttons: "NO THANKS" and "OK".
This is horribly user-unfriendly: location is already coming from the GPS, there is no need to further bother the user.
Where is the problem coming from, and how can I avoid that prompt? I prefer reporting "unknown location" than having the prompt displayed.
Edit: Note that the prompt is not related to notifying the user that the location will be used, but it is a Google privacy-invading feature that, when you click OK, enables Google Location Accuracy, as described below (hidden deep in a Settings menu):
The above image reads: "Improve Location Accuracy", with a toggle button. Google Location Accuracy: Google’s location service improves location accuracy by using Wi‑Fi and mobile networks to help estimate your location. Anonymous location data will be sent to Google when your device is on.
Clicking on the first prompt enables this, which the user then has to manually disable if they don't want to send their location data to Google. Disabling it and trying to get the location again results in the same prompt, so it is definitely not related to warning the user about the usage of location data. Also, if Google Location Accuracy is enabled before using the app, the prompt never appears in the first place, which is probably why most developers never notice it.
I know it is possible to get location data without enabling Google Location Accuracy, since most apps do it. But I don't know where the prompt comes from: is it Flutter's location plugin? The fact that I am using an Android 9 SDK? Or the sample code?
It seems the issue is coming from the location plugin. I tried replacing it with geolocator, and modifying the caller code, and this time no such prompt appears.
I tried lowering the accuracy before asking for location, but the location plugin still displays the prompt. There must be some underlying code which is hardwired to request Google Location Accuracy in all cases.
If only Google would provide a way to permanently disable the prompt with a systematic
"no" (this has been an issue for several Android releases), I might have given them the benefit of doubt.
I was having this same issue today but solved it by locating the offending expression and added an if statement to check whether the app's location permission was granted.
Here is my code in Kotlin and the offending expression is under the note in all caps:
private fun checkLocationPermission() : Boolean = (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(
requireContext(), ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)
private fun startLocationRequests() {
val locationRequest = LocationRequest.create()?.apply {
interval = 10000
fastestInterval = 5000
priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY
val builder = LocationSettingsRequest.Builder().addLocationRequest(locationRequest!!)
val client: SettingsClient = LocationServices.getSettingsClient(requireActivity())
val task: Task<LocationSettingsResponse> = client.checkLocationSettings(builder.build())
task.addOnSuccessListener { locationSettingsResponse ->
// All location settings are satisfied. The client can initialize
// location requests here.
// ...
if (checkLocationPermission()) {
locationPermissionGranted = true
locationRequest, locationCallback, Looper.getMainLooper())
task.addOnFailureListener { exception ->
if (exception is ResolvableApiException){
// Location settings are not satisfied, but this can be fixed
// by showing the user a dialog.
try {
// Show the dialog by calling startResolutionForResult(),
// and check the result in onActivityResult().
if (checkLocationPermission()) {
} catch (sendEx: IntentSender.SendIntentException) {
// Ignore the error.
Timber.i("Location Listener failed")
Now my solution may not exactly apply to your problem but I think it should be enough to learn from to solve your problem. However, you may need to redo your code when it comes to requesting a user's location, though.
Also, I'm not so sure about using Flutter's plugin for location but in your case and others, I would recommend following the developer documentation when it comes to requesting a user's location. Perhaps it's applicable to Flutter too:
Im trying to getLastLocation(), but sometimes it is null. When that happens, I go to google maps just for a second, and return to my app and in 99% that will do. There is also one app that just returns city that you're in and it works even if my app can't getLastLocation(). I've noticed that when I use that other app, or google maps, or weather app, for a short time location icon will appear in status bar, but when I use my app that icon never appears, so I'm guessing that may be the problem?
What I need to do to assure that I get my location to be != null?
One more thing, sometimes I get my location (lat and long), but reverse geocoding goes to catch because List is empty? How to make sure it always is not empty?
The code that I use is just a copy/past from android developers.
If you are using Android Emulator it is expected that the location doesn't get updated unless you open the Maps App.
To ensure you get non-null location you need to request for location updates
You can do something like this
private fun getLastKnownLocation() {
// get last known location from fusedLocationProviderClient returned as a task
.addOnSuccessListener { lastLoc ->
if (lastLoc != null) {
// initialize lastKnownLocation from fusedLocationProviderClient
lastKnownLocation = lastLoc
} else {
// prompt user to turn on location
// when user turns on location trigger updates to get a location
locationRequest, locationCallback, Looper.getMainLooper()
// in case of error Toast the error in a short Toast message
.addOnFailureListener {
Toast.makeText(requireActivity(), "${it.message}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
This is just a stub, you will need to handle permissions, create FusedLocationProviderClient, LocationRequest and LocationCallbackObject.
You may also need to prompt the user to Turn on Location Settings.
Please show us your GeoCoding code to elaborate further.
I have issues with my app recently, when it is out of nowhere rejected by Google Play because they found that I'm using background location. But in fact I'm not using this feature. I have only ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permissions and I'm using FusedLocationProviderClient to get location in my app. This location is requested only by user action inside app, so if its in background, this is never called. I checked merged manifest feature and I tried to find if some of my imported libs are using background location permission, but I didn't find anything. Also I preventively added <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION" tools:node="remove"/> to my manifest to block any background location permission requests. I dont have any background services which are working with location at all. The only background service is FirebaseMessagingService for push notifications.
Anyone have this problem recently?
I checked merged manifest in my app and I couldn't find ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission there. But I found some services which could trigger background location but I'm not sure. They are part of Firebase Crashlytics and they are probably used to send data to Firebase and they could work in a background. But I don't think they are sending any location. Also they are part of firebase plugin which is from Google.
android:permission="android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE" >
android:exported="false" />
This is code I'm using to get location.
* Updating location every second/1 meter
var currLocation: GpsLocation? = null
private var locationManager : LocationManager? = null
private fun initLocationManager() {
if (app.hasLocationPermission){
locationManager = getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
private fun changeLocationUpdaters(isEnabled: Boolean){
if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(
Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
&& ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(
Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
if (isEnabled && app.hasLocationPermission){
} else {
} else {
Then removing location updaters when app is in background:
override fun onPause() {
override fun onResume() {
Then I use FusedLocationProvider inside Fragment to get more accurate location. Its used only by calling function so its not automated like previous one. Its used in GoogleMap classes and also in some onClick events inside app to return current location. There is no service or updater calling it.
private inner class LocationCb(val lp: FusedLocationProviderClient,
val onFailure: (()->Unit)? = null,
val onSuccess: (GpsLocation)->Unit)
: LocationCallback() {
init {
val lr = LocationRequest.create().apply {
priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY
interval = 200
val lsr = LocationSettingsRequest.Builder().run {
val check = LocationServices.getSettingsClient(activity!!).checkLocationSettings(lsr)
check.addOnCompleteListener {
try {
val task = lp.requestLocationUpdates(lr, this, Looper.getMainLooper())
task.addOnFailureListener {
} catch (e: ApiException) {
when (e.statusCode) {
LocationSettingsStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED-> if(!locationResolutionAsked){
// Location settings are not satisfied. But could be fixed by showing the user a dialog.
try {
// Cast to a resolvable exception.
val re = e as ResolvableApiException
// Show the dialog by calling startResolutionForResult(), and check the result in onActivityResult().
re.startResolutionForResult(mainActivity, MainActivity.REQUEST_LOCATION_SETTINGS)
locationResolutionAsked = true
} catch (e: Exception) {
App.warn("Location is not available")
fun cancel(){
currLocCb = null
override fun onLocationResult(lr: LocationResult) {
val ll = lr.lastLocation
onSuccess(GpsLocation(ll.longitude, ll.latitude))
This location provider is cancelled after result is returned so its one-time use only. But Ive added similar cancellation method inside onPause and onStop for Fragment than it is in MainActivity to make sure that its inactive when app is in background.
override fun onStop() {
override fun onPause() {
Merged manifest may not contain all permissions
Unfortunately, not all libraries publish a manifest that contains all necessary <uses-permission> elements. That means, that simply checking your merged AndroidManifest.xml won't help much - you will have to check documentation for each library to find out which permissions it really needs, or just add necessary permissions to your own AndroidManifest.xml preemptively.
Background permission limitation for API 29
You also mentioned that your target SDK is 29. So, according to the official documentation here, you have to set the permission in your AndroidManifest.xml explicitly, if it's needed. Previously, it was granted automatically, if the app had foreground location access (basically, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION).
On Android 10 (API level 29) and higher, you must declare the
ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission in your app's manifest in order
to request background location access at runtime. On earlier versions
of Android, when your app receives foreground location access, it
automatically receives background location access as well.
So, for older versions, your app was granted ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION automatically, because it was granted ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION beforehand.
Requesting location in background requires ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION
Additionally, even if you or any of your libraries do not set ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION anywhere, the system will still consider that your app is using background location for any situation except:
An activity that belongs to your app is visible.
Your app is running a
foreground service. When a foreground service is running, the system
raises user awareness by showing a persistent notification. Your app
retains access when it's placed in the background, such as when the
user presses the Home button on their device or turns their device's
display off.
What the latter means is that may have a library or libraries that need ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION, but it's not present in their AndroidManifest.xml for whatever reason. It used to work for API < 29 because your app was granted the permission automatically (due to foreground location permission).
Also, now, the system considers any usage of current location a background location if it's done outside of your visible Activity or not in a Foreground Service. So, make sure that you're not doing so in any part of your app.
Based on your updated question, you are requesting a current location within OnCompleteListener by calling lp.requestLocationUpdates:
check.addOnCompleteListener {
try {
val task = lp.requestLocationUpdates(lr, this, Looper.getMainLooper())
task.addOnFailureListener {
This can be a problem (I cannot be sure because you don't show how the class is used within your app) because the app may go to the background before OnCompleteListener completes, and so the location will be requested in the background.
As stated in the previous section, by doing so the system considers that you need a background location permissions to do so. So, you must unsubscribe your callback OnCompleteListener if your app goes to background.
You could use another version of addOnCompleteListener that also accept your Activity instance as shown here
public Task addOnCompleteListener (Activity activity, OnCompleteListener listener)
In this case, the listener will be automatically removed during Activity.onStop().
First of all, remove completely words ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION from your manifest. Even with tools:node="remove".
The second: if you haven't added ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION manually it doesn't mean it is not there - some libraries may have added it for you. Instead of checking your project manifest file - check merged manifest - the usual path to it is: (it may be different in your case if you have flavors)
Check if there is ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission there - if there is - this means that some library added it there. Manually check all the manifests of all the libraries to find out which one has added it there. When you find it - delete it.
If your project heavily depends on the target library - you have another solution - write a disclosure in the app and play store console about why do you need to use background location and show it before the location permission dialog with message that looks like:
We need access to your location in the background to ensure our app can function correctly.
Keep in mind that this message may be not enough descriptive - but testers from google will notify you if it is.
Either way, disclosure is the last chance solution...
If you have no ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION and you do not use location in foreground service but only inside the app while it is running - write a letter to google support with all your arguments and ask them what exactly causes the rejection issue. Be polite and well-tempered - and it will be resolved. I have had similar issues in the past and contact with their release support always helped.
I have read the Android Docs, FusedLocationProvider vs LocationManager; perused the dizzying array of questions and answers around this topic here in stackoverflow; and developed many tests with poor results so far. Why is this so darned confusing and hard to grasp?
I have an app that needs to get a hi-res Location object (lat/long/alt/accuracy/etc) when the user performs an action in the app; let's say they press a button. What is the best way to do this?
I have used the fusedLocationProviderClient.getLastLocation().addOnSuccessListener() and get wildly mixed results.
I have used locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER). If I start the GPS Status app on my Galaxy S9 then this produces quite wonderful results. But if that is not running, then the results are worthless.
What am I missing here? Everyone likes to point to this Doc site or that Example site that is mostly worthless and doesn't really answer this specific question. I have wasted hours pouring over those sites that simply don't answer this question. Please, just sum up the general algorithm that should be used here and the calls to make. That is all I need.
I want to be able to walk around in my yard (10 meters here and there) and press the button and have the app show the lat/long/accuracy/altitude/distance-from-last-location and have it be correct every time within a certain level of accuracy. What do I have to do? I need hi-res accuracy, but the ability to notify the user of accuracy less than say 100ft, and still obtain the best accuracy possible even if it has an error of 400ft.
You are missing how GPS receivers work.
When there is no app using precise location, all smartphones turn off the GPS receiver to conserve battery power.
Even if you selected location services to be on (in settings), you will notice in the notification bar the icon for GPS use is only present when an app is active, like Google Maps or GPS test app.
Once the receiver is turned on (because some app needs it), it takes some time before a "fix" - accurate location measurement is available.
How long it will take to get a fix depends on several things, including environmental conditions, your phone type, time and distance since last accurate fix, etc.
It may take anywhere from several seconds to sever minutes.
So, what you should do, is subscribe to location as soon as your app is opened, and request to receive it as frequently as possible.
Then, enable the button only once you have good accuracy, and when the button is pressed, show the latest result.
You should probably also display some spinner or message to the user while waiting for accurate fix so the user knows your app is not stuck.
Edit: by "subscribe" I mean register the necessary callback so your app will receive the location from the system when it is ready.
How to do this, depends on which API you choose.
There is no error in the google docs.
If you choose to use fused location, you will need to do the following:
Create a location request object and set priority to PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY, also setInterval and setFastestInterval to 1000 (1 second) to get the best accuracy.
Get a FusedLocationProviderClient object from LocationServices
Use the client to register a callback to your app
There are code examples here:
In the callback function in your app you can check the accuracy, and if it is good enough for you enable the button and save the location so you can display it to the user when they click the button.
Ok - this seems to work. This general flow seems to be the answer.
Assumptions: you are requesting android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION in manifest.
Just sample code in the onCreate() function of MainActivity for testing purposes.
check to see if we have ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission; if not, request.
get FusedLocationProviderClient
get a start location from getLastLocation(); for purposes of comparison and start of track
define locationCallback() to be called by fusedLocationProvider; all we are interested in is getting the last one in the stack and save to class Field.
define LocationRequest with interval of 5 secs and PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY
check to see if the user device is allowing this; not sure what to do with this other than to notify user if not allowed.
now requestLocationUpdates using the LocationCallback defined above.
when user performs action needing current lat/long (e.g. press button), retrieve class field populated with Location object on last LocationCallback().
I am very open to feedback on this pattern. Hope it helps others (as there is a plethora of questions about this). And would love to hear about any problems with this design or issues that I may encounter.
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
requestPermissions(new String[]{android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION}, REQUEST_CODE_ASK_PERMISSIONS);
} else {
// getFusedLocationProviderClient
fusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this);
// getStartLocation
fusedLocationProviderClient.getLastLocation().addOnSuccessListener(this, new OnSuccessListener<Location>() {
public void onSuccess(Location location) {
if (location != null) {
}).addOnFailureListener(this, new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(#NonNull Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Define LocationCallback
locationCallback = new LocationCallback() {
public void onLocationResult(LocationResult locationResult) {
if (locationResult != null) {
LastLocation = locationResult.getLastLocation();
// Now lets request location updates - that is how this must happen
// https://developer.android.com/training/location/change-location-settings
LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create();
// Attempt to see if requested settings are compatible with user device.
LocationSettingsRequest.Builder builder = new LocationSettingsRequest.Builder();
// Check to see if location settings are satisfied by user's device settings?
SettingsClient client = LocationServices.getSettingsClient(this);
Task<LocationSettingsResponse> locationTask = client.checkLocationSettings(builder.build())
.addOnSuccessListener(this, new OnSuccessListener<LocationSettingsResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(LocationSettingsResponse locationSettingsResponse) {
}).addOnFailureListener(this, new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(#NonNull Exception e) {
if (e instanceof ResolvableApiException) {
// Location settings are not satisfied, but this can be fixed
// by showing the user a dialog.
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Location Settings Are Not " +
"Correct On This Device", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Request location updates
fusedLocationProviderClient.requestLocationUpdates(locationRequest, locationCallback, Looper.getMainLooper());
I have an application (call it A) that runs a service that mocks the location obtained from a bluetooth GPS in order to use it in another application (call it B):
A (with service that gets bluetooth GPS location)
Mock location in android system
B (get location from Android System)
Everything works on Android 7.0, but in Android 8.0 (Oreo) the application B does not read the location obtained from the bluetooth, that is, I think, beacuse of a problem in mocking the location, because the log always prints this line:
E PassiveLocationListener_FLP: isFromMockProvider, return
The code I'm using to mock the location is:
private void changeToMockLocation() {
Log.i(TAG, "changeToMockLocation()");
Location newLocation = new Location(PROVIDER_NAME);
// Set mock location.
if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(
mContext, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
== PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
try {
mLocationManager.setTestProviderLocation(PROVIDER_NAME, newLocation);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error while setting test provider location: " + e);
The thing is, I don't see the exception printed, so I think the process is right but is like Android doesn't allow me to do so for some reason I can't figure out.
In the manifest I declared the ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATION permission, and the app is allowed to mock location in Developer Settings.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
There seems to be a bug in the (Samsung?) Developer Settings screen in Oreo. I also had my app set up as mock provider and with the permission in the manifest. For me the problem was solved by removing the app as mock location provider and adding it back again:
Developer options -> Mock location app -> No apps
Developer options -> Mock location app -> Your app
I still see these messages in the logcat though:
E/PassiveLocationListener_FLP: isFromMockProvider, return
I/LocationManagerService: remove xxxxxxx
I/LocationManagerService: removeUpdates, receiver.requestedID = xxxxxxx, receiver.mIdentity.mPid = 2908, receiver.mIdentity.mUid = 1000
D/SLocation: removeGpsStatusListener
D/ListenerMonitor_FLP: removeListener, not existed listener android, xxxxxxx in mListenerIdMap
E/RequestManager_FLP: [LocationManagerService] Location remove xxxxxxx from system
Google's FusedLocationProviderApi for Android was recently deprecated within the past few months, with FusedLocationProviderClient being its successor so I recently updated the location APIs used in my client's app to use the new ones.
Every time onLocationAvailability is fired in LocationCallback I notify the user when locationAvailability.isLocationAvailable() returns false, but it appears that this condition occurs more often than I expected on some devices. I run these location updates inside a foreground Service and it is crucial that these location updates remain consistent. Is there a way to determine the cause of this failure so
We don't indicate any false positives to the end-user
We can try to fix the issue or at least report to the end-user what they should do?
It appears to me that either the deprecated APIs provide more insight into these issues since it was used in conjunction with GoogleApiClient or perhaps I'm missing some smaller details.
I went through the same issue. And after three days of trying things out, I got to work on it out.
I also had to collect a location in a foreground state like you, and if the foreground service was destroyed, I had to unregister.
The first mistake I made was not to guarantee that removeLocationUpdates would be run on the same thread as the requestLocationUpdates. Actually, it doesn't have to be the same thread, but after a requestLocationUpdates, you must call removeLocationUpdates to make the next requestLocationUpdates valid. To ensure this, it is much easier to work on the same thread.
For example:
private fun FusedLocationProviderClient.requestLocation(
request: LocationRequest
): Single<LocationResult> {
return Single.create<LocationResult> { emitter ->
requestLocationUpdates(request, object : LocationCallback() {
override fun onLocationResult(result: LocationResult?) {
removeLocationUpdates(object : LocationCallback() {})
.addOnCompleteListener {
if (emitter.isDisposed) {
info("onLocationResult called after disposing.")
if (result != null && result.locations.isNotEmpty()) {
} else {
onError(RuntimeException("Invalid location result"))
private fun onError(error: Exception) {
if (!emitter.isDisposed) {
private fun onSuccess(item: LocationResult) {
if (!emitter.isDisposed) {
}, Looper.getMainLooper())
As the code suggests, I have attracted Single's emitter to the addOnCompleteListener in removeLocationUpdates to ensure the call of removeLocationUpdates behind the requestLocationUpdates. Without RxJava, of course, it would be easier to implement.
The second mistake I made was the wrong interval setting in LocationRequest. According to the doc:
This method sets the rate in milliseconds at which your app prefers to receive location updates. Note that the location updates may be somewhat faster or slower than this rate to optimize for battery usage, or there may be no updates at all (if the device has no connectivity, for example).
The explanation is unkind but ultimately, if you call requestLocationUpdates once, you must have a Location update event triggered by interval before the next requestLocationUpdates. Finding this bug was the hardest.
The third mistake I made was to set the wrong priority in LocationRequest. In API 10 and below, it was not PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY but it was resolved by using PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY. In this case, I have only tested on the emulator, so the actual device may have different results. I guess PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY doesn't seem to work properly because the emulator doesn't provide Bluetooth hardware.
So my LocationRequest looks like:
LocationRequest.apply {
interval = 10000L
I hope the three mistakes and solutions I made is helpful to you!
As official documentation says:
onLocationAvailability Called when there is a change in the
availability of location data. When isLocationAvailable() returns
false you can assume that location will not be returned in
onLocationResult(LocationResult) until something changes in the
device's settings or environment. Even when isLocationAvailable()
returns true the onLocationResult(LocationResult) may not always be
called regularly, however the device location is known and both the
most recently delivered location and getLastLocation(GoogleApiClient)
will be reasonably up to date given the hints specified by the active
So this method does not provide information about reason.
We don't indicate any false positives to the end-user
Currently I just ignore result of this method because it returns false too often, and then again true, and so on.
We can try to fix the issue or at least report to the end-user what they should do?
Check if Location Services are enabled (using LocationManager.isProviderEnabled())
Check if you have permissions, request them if needed (docs)
I filter false positives of locationAvailability.isLocationAvailable() by calling this piece of code, which checks if location service is enabled.
fun isLocationEnabled(): Boolean {
return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
val lm = context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
} else {
val mode = Settings.Secure.getInt(
context.contentResolver, Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE,
mode != Settings.Secure.LOCATION_MODE_OFF
override fun onLocationAvailability(p0: LocationAvailability?) {
if (isLocationEnabled().not()) {
as Google docs says:
When isLocationAvailable() returns false you can assume that location
will not be returned in onLocationResult(LocationResult) until
something changes in the device's settings or environment.
So you can assume that location may be not available not only because of disabled location settings, but because of signal strength, or maybe satellites are not visible or something else, it just indicates that you will not receive location updates until something changes. You can show user notification about it with something like "We can't get your location, try enable location settings"
I've faced same issue and same time I saw that location services has been enabled on the device and my ap had allowed permissions from user.
I still saw
com.google.android.gms.location.LocationCallback#onLocationAvailability LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: false]
The issue was that there is additional preference inside Location item on the phone. We have to choose Battery saving/High accuracy option. Please check out the screenshot provided: