Android how to interact with nested recyclerView from fragment - android

How does one properly send data to child adapter in a fragment?
I'm basically trying to implement an Instagram like comments-section, e.g. a bunch of comments that can each have more comments (replies).
To do that, I use one main recyclerView + main adapter, which instances are retained in my fragment, and within the main adapter I bind the children comments (recyclerView + adapter).
Adding comments to the main adapter is easy since the object is always available in the fragment, so I just call mainAdapter.addComments(newComments):
fun addComments(newComments: List<Comment>){
comments.addAll( 0, newComments) //loading comments or previous comments go to the beginning
notifyItemRangeInserted(0, newComments.size)
But how to call addComments of one particular nested-rV? I read I should not save the adapter instances and only use positions.
I'm trying to do that in my Fragment as follows:
val item = rVComments.findViewHolderForItemId(mAdapter.itemId)!!.itemView
val adapt = item.rVReplies.adapter as ChildCommentsAdapter
But that doesn't work very well: since we have only RecyclerViews, that particular ViewHolder is often already recycled if the user scrolled after posting or fetching items, which leads to a NullPointerException.
Hence the initial question: how does one properly interact with nested recyclerviews and their adapter? If the answer is via Interface, please provide an example as I've tried it without success since I shouldn't save adapter objects.

You can achieve that using a single multi-view type adapter by placing the comments
as part of the parent item, with that, you add the child items below the parent item and call notifyItemRangeInserted.
That way you don't have to deal with most of the recycling issues.
When you want to update a comment you just update the comment inside the parent item and call notifyItemChanged.
If you want I created a library that can generate that code for you in compile time.
It supports the exact case you wanted and much more.

Using #Gil Goldzweig's suggestion, here is what I did: in case of an Instagram like comments' system with replies, I did use a nested recyclerView system. It just makes it easier to add and remove items. However, as for the question How does one properly send data to child adapter in a fragment? You don't. It gets super messy. From my fragment, I sent the data to my mainAdapter, which in turn sent the data to the relevant childAdapter. The key to make it smooth is using notifyItemRangeInserted when adding a comment to the mainAdapter and then notifyItemChanged when adding replies to a comment. The second event will allow sending data to the child adapter using the payload. Here's the code in case other people are interested:
class CommentsFragment :, Injectable,
SendCommentButton.OnSendClickListener, CommentsAdapter.Listener {
lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelProvider.Factory
private val viewModel by lazy {
ViewModelProviders.of(requireActivity(), viewModelFactory).get(
private val searchViewModel by lazy {
ViewModelProviders.of(requireActivity(), viewModelFactory).get(
private val mAdapter = CommentsAdapter(this)
private var contentid: Int = 0 //store the contentid to process further posts or requests for more comments
private var isLoadingMoreComments: Boolean = false //used to check if we should fetch more comments
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_comments, container, false)
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
//hide the action bar
activity?.findViewById<BottomNavigationView>( = View.GONE
contentid = arguments!!.getInt("contentid") //argument is mandatory, since comment is only available on content
ivBackArrow.setOnClickListener{ activity!!.onBackPressed() }
viewModel.initComments(contentid) //fetch comments
val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this.context)
layoutManager.stackFromEnd = true
rVComments.layoutManager = layoutManager
rVComments.adapter = mAdapter
setupObserver() //observe initial comments response
setupScrollListener(layoutManager) //scroll listener to load more comments
//reset ReplyTo function
private fun loadMoreComments(){
viewModel.fetchMoreComments(contentid, mAdapter.itemCount)
1.check if not already loading
2.check scroll position 0
3.check total visible items != total recycle items
4.check itemcount to make sure we can still make request
private fun setupScrollListener(layoutManager: LinearLayoutManager){
rVComments.addOnScrollListener(object: RecyclerView.OnScrollListener(){
override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy)
val visibleItemCount = rVComments.childCount
val totalItemCount = layoutManager.itemCount
val pos = layoutManager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition()
if(!isLoadingMoreComments && pos==0 && visibleItemCount!=totalItemCount && mAdapter.itemCount%10==0){
//fetch more comments
isLoadingMoreComments = true
private fun setupSendCommentButton() {
override fun onSendClickListener(v: View?) {
if(isInputValid(post_comment_text.text.toString())) {
val isReply = mAdapter.commentid!=null
viewModel.postComment(post_comment_text.text.toString(), mAdapter.commentid?: contentid, isReply) //get reply ID, otherwise contentID
override fun postCommentAsReply(username: String) {
//main adapter method to post a reply
val replyText = "${getString(R.string.replyingTo)} $username"
tVReplyTo.text = replyText
override fun fetchReplies(commentid: Int, commentsCount: Int) {
//main adapter method to fetch replies
if(!isLoadingMoreComments){ //load one series at a time
isLoadingMoreComments = true
viewModel.fetchReplies(commentid, commentsCount)
viewModel.replies.observe(this, Observer<Resource<List<Comment>>> {
if (it?.data != null) when (it.status) {
Resource.Status.LOADING -> {
Resource.Status.ERROR -> {
isLoadingMoreComments = false
Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> {
isLoadingMoreComments = false
private fun isInputValid(text: String): Boolean = text.isNotEmpty()
private fun observePost(){
viewModel.postComment.observe(this, Observer<Resource<PostCommentResponse>> {
if (it?.data != null) when (it.status) {
Resource.Status.LOADING -> {
Resource.Status.ERROR -> {
Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> {
//dispatch comment to child adapter via main adapter
private fun setupObserver(){
viewModel.comments.observe(this, Observer<Resource<List<Comment>>> {
if (it?.data != null) when (it.status) {
Resource.Status.LOADING -> {
Resource.Status.ERROR -> {
isLoadingMoreComments = false
Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> {
isLoadingMoreComments = false
private fun resetReplyLayout(){
mAdapter.replyCommentPosition = null
mAdapter.commentid = null
override fun onStop() {
activity?.findViewById<BottomNavigationView>( = View.VISIBLE
class CommentsAdapter(private val listener: Listener) : RecyclerView.Adapter<CommentsAdapter.ViewHolder>(), ChildCommentsAdapter.ChildListener {
//method from child adapter
override fun postChildReply(replyid: Int, username: String, position: Int) {
commentid = replyid
replyCommentPosition = position
interface Listener {
fun postCommentAsReply(username: String)
fun fetchReplies(commentid: Int, commentsCount: Int=0)
class ViewHolder(val view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view)
private var comments = mutableListOf<Comment>()
private var repliesVisibility = mutableListOf<Boolean>() //used to store visibility state for replies
var replyCommentPosition: Int? = null //store the main comment's position
var commentid: Int? = null //used to indicate which comment is replied to
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
.inflate(R.layout.item_comment, parent, false)
return ViewHolder(view)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val comment = comments[position]
with(holder.view) {
//reset visibilities (rebinding purpose)
rVReplies.visibility = View.GONE
iVMoreReplies.visibility = View.GONE
tVReplies.visibility = View.GONE
text.setCaptionText(comment.username!!, comment.comment)
val child = ChildCommentsAdapter(
//we pass parent commentid and position to child to be able to pass it again on click
this#CommentsAdapter, comments[holder.adapterPosition].id!!, holder.adapterPosition
val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this.context)
rVReplies.layoutManager = layoutManager
rVReplies.adapter = child
//initial visibility block when binding the viewHolder
val txtMore = this.resources.getString(R.string.show_more_replies)
if(comment.repliesCount>0) {
tVReplies.visibility = View.VISIBLE
if (repliesVisibility[position]) {
//replies are to be shown directly
rVReplies.visibility = View.VISIBLE
tVReplies.text = resources.getString(R.string.hide_replies)
if (comment.repliesCount > comment.replies!!.size) {
//show the load more replies arrow if we can fetch more replies
iVMoreReplies.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
//replies all hidden
val txt = txtMore + " (${comment.repliesCount})"
tVReplies.text = txt
//second visibility block when toggling with the show more/hide textView
//toggle child recyclerView visibility and change textView text
if(holder.view.rVReplies.visibility == View.GONE){
//show stuff
//fetch replies if none were fetched yet
replyCommentPosition = holder.adapterPosition
//load comments into adapter if not already
repliesVisibility[position] = true
holder.view.rVReplies.visibility = View.VISIBLE
holder.view.tVReplies.text = holder.view.resources.getString(R.string.hide_replies)
if (comment.repliesCount > comment.replies!!.size && comment.replies!!.isNotEmpty()) {
//show the load more replies arrow if we can fetch more replies
iVMoreReplies.visibility = View.VISIBLE
//hide replies and change text
repliesVisibility[position] = false
holder.view.rVReplies.visibility = View.GONE
holder.view.iVMoreReplies.visibility = View.GONE
val txt = txtMore + " (${comment.repliesCount})"
holder.view.tVReplies.text = txt
replyCommentPosition = holder.adapterPosition
commentid = comments[holder.adapterPosition].id!!
replyCommentPosition = holder.adapterPosition
listener.fetchReplies(comments[holder.adapterPosition].id!!, layoutManager.itemCount) //pass amount of replies too
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int, payloads: MutableList<Any>) {
//add reply to child adapter
val adapter = rVReplies.adapter as ChildCommentsAdapter
if(payloads[0] is Comment){
adapter.addComment(payloads[0] as Comment)
//will be of type List<Comment>
adapter.addComments(payloads[0] as List<Comment>)
val comment = comments[position]
if (comment.repliesCount > comment.replies!!.size) {
//show the load more replies arrow if we can fetch more replies
iVMoreReplies.visibility = View.VISIBLE
iVMoreReplies.visibility = View.GONE
super.onBindViewHolder(holder,position, payloads) //delegate to normal binding process
override fun getItemCount(): Int = comments.size
//add multiple replies to child adapter at pos 0
fun addReplies(position: Int, newComments: List<Comment>){
comments[position].replies!!.addAll(0, newComments)
notifyItemChanged(position, newComments)
//add a single reply to child adapter at last position
fun addReply(position: Int, newComment: Comment){
comments[position].repliesCount += 1 //update replies count in case viewHolder gets rebinded
notifyItemChanged(position, newComment)
//add a new comment to main adapter at last position
fun addComment(comment: Comment){
comments.add(comment) //new comment just made goes to the end
//add multiple new comments to main adapter at pos 0
fun addComments(newComments: List<Comment>){
comments.addAll( 0, newComments) //loading comments or previous comments go to the beginning
repliesVisibility.addAll(0, List(newComments.size) { false })
notifyItemRangeInserted(0, newComments.size)
The childAdapter is very basic and has nearly 0 logic.


Problem Implement Update UI with LiveData, Retrofit, Coroutine on Recyclerview : adapter Recyclerview not update

I'm newbie use Kotlin on my dev apps android,
and now, I on step learn to implement Update UI with LiveData, Retrofit, Coroutine on Recyclerview. The My Apps:
MainActivity > MainFragment with 3 Tab fragment > HomeFragment, DashboardFragment, and SettingsFragment
I call function to get data from server on onCreateView HomeFragment, and observe this with show shimmer data on my Recylerview when is loading, try update RecyclerView when success, and show view Failed Load -button refresh when error.
The problem is:
Adapter Recyclerview not Update when success get Data from Server. Adapter still show shimmer data
With case error (no Internet), i show view Failed Load, with button refresh. Tap to refresh, i re-call function to get data server, but fuction not work correct. Recyclerview show last data, not show Failed Load again.
Bellow my code
private var _binding: FragmentHomeBinding? = null
private val binding get() = _binding!!
private lateinit var adapterNews: NewsAdapter
private var shimmerNews: Boolean = false
private var itemsDataNews = ArrayList<NewsModel>()
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
_binding = FragmentHomeBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
newsViewModel = ViewModelProvider(requireActivity()).get(
binding.frameNews.rvNews.layoutManager = llmh
adapterNews = NewsAdapter(itemsDataNews, shimmerNews)
binding.frameNews.rvNews.adapter = adapterNews
// Observe
//get News
androidx.lifecycle.Observer { newsList ->
newsList?.let {
binding.frameNews.rvNews.visibility = View.VISIBLE
binding.frameNews.rvNews.isNestedScrollingEnabled = true
binding.frameNews.itemNewsLayoutFailed.visibility = View.GONE
if (it.size == 0)
binding.frameNews.root.visibility = View.GONE
newsViewModel.loading.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { isLoading ->
isLoading?.let {
binding.frameNews.rvNews.visibility = View.VISIBLE
binding.frameNews.rvNews.isNestedScrollingEnabled = false
binding.frameNews.itemNewsLayoutFailed.visibility = View.GONE
newsViewModel.loadError.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { isError ->
isError?.let {
binding.frameNews.rvNews.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
binding.frameNews.itemNewsLayoutFailed.visibility = View.VISIBLE
binding.frameNews.btnNewsFailed.setOnClickListener {
return binding.root
private fun getDataNewsShimmer() {
shimmerNews = true
private fun getDataNews(list: List<NewsModel>) {
Toast.makeText(requireContext(), list.size.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
shimmerNews = false
override fun onDestroyView() {
class NewsViewModel: ViewModel() {
val newsService = KopraMobileService().getNewsApi()
var job: Job? = null
val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable ->
onError("Exception handled: ${throwable.localizedMessage}")
val newsList = MutableLiveData<List<NewsModel>>()
val loadError = MutableLiveData<String?>()
val loading = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
fun refresh() {
private fun fetchNews() {
job = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + exceptionHandler).launch {
val response = newsService.getNewsList()
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
} else {
onError("Error : ${response.message()} ")
loading.postValue( false)
private fun onError(message: String) {
loading.postValue( false)
override fun onCleared() {
var itemsCells: List<NewsModel?> = emptyList(),
var shimmer: Boolean ,
) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<ViewHolder>() {
private lateinit var context: Context
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): NewsHomeViewHolder {
context = parent.context
return NewsHomeViewHolder(
NewsItemHomeBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: NewsHomeViewHolder, position: Int) {
inner class NewsHomeViewHolder(private val binding: NewsItemHomeBinding) :
ViewHolder(binding.root) {
fun bind(newsItem: NewsModel) {
binding.newsItemFlat.newsTitle.text =
binding.newsItemFlatShimmer.newsTitle.text =
binding.newsItemFlat.newsSummary.text =
binding.newsItemFlatShimmer.newsSummary.text =
if (shimmer) {
binding.layoutNewsItemFlat.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
binding.layoutNewsItemFlatShimmer.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
binding.layoutNewsItemFlat.visibility = View.VISIBLE
binding.layoutNewsItemFlatShimmer.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return itemsCells.size
I hope someone can help me to solve the problem. thanks, sorry for my English.
You have 3 different LiveDatas, right? One with a list of news data, one with a loading error message, and one with a loading state.
You set up an Observer for each of these, and that observer function gets called whenever the LiveData's value updates. That's important, because here's what happens when your request succeeds, and you get some new data:
if (response.isSuccessful) {
which means newsList updates, then loadError updates, then loading updates.
So your observer functions for each of those LiveDatas run, in that order. But you're not testing the new values (except for null checks), so the code in each one always runs when the value updates. So when your response is successful, this happens:
newsList observer runs, displays as successful, calls getDataNews
loadError observer runs, value is null so nothing happens
loading observer runs, value is false but isn't checked, displays as loading, calls getDataNewsShimmer
So even when the response is successful, the last thing you do is display the loading state
You need to check the state (like loading) before you try to display it. But if you check that loading is true, you'll have a bug in fetchNews - that sets loading = true, starts a coroutine that finishes later, and then immediately sets loading = false.
I'd recommend trying to create a class that represents different states, with a single LiveData that represents the current state. Something like this:
// a class representing the different states, and any data they need
sealed class State {
object Loading : State()
data class Success(val newsList: List<NewsModel>?) : State()
data class Error(val message: String) : State()
// this is just a way to keep the mutable LiveData private, so it can't be updated
private val _state = MutableLiveData<State>()
val state: LiveData<State> get() = _state
private fun fetchNews() {
// initial state is Loading, until we get a response
_state.value = State.Loading
job = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + exceptionHandler).launch {
val response = newsService.getNewsList()
// if you're using postValue I don't think you need to switch to Dispatchers.Main?
// when you get a response, the state is now either Success or Error
if (response.isSuccessful) State.Success(response.body()?.data)
else State.Error("Error : ${response.message()} ")
And then you just need to observe that state:
// you don't need to create an Observer object, you can use a lambda!
newsViewModel.state.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { state ->
// Handle the different possible states, and display the current one
// this lets us avoid repeating 'binding.frameNews' before everything
with(binding.frameNews) {
// You could use a when block, and describe each state explicitly,
// like your current setup:
when(state) {
// just checking equality because Loading is a -singleton object instance-
State.Loading -> {
rvNews.visibility = View.VISIBLE
rvNews.isNestedScrollingEnabled = false
itemNewsLayoutFailed.visibility = View.GONE
// Error and Success are both -classes- so we need to check their type with 'is'
is State.Error -> {
rvNews.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
itemNewsLayoutFailed.visibility = View.VISIBLE
btnNewsFailed.setOnClickListener {
is State.Success -> {
rvNews.visibility = View.VISIBLE
rvNews.isNestedScrollingEnabled = true
itemNewsLayoutFailed.visibility = View.GONE
// Because we know state is a Success, we can access newsList on it
// newsList can be null - I don't know how you want to handle that,
// I'm just treating it as defaulting to size == 0
// (make sure you make this visible when necessary too)
if (state.newsList?.size ?: 0 == 0) root.visibility = View.GONE
else getDataNews(state.newsList)
// or, if you like, you could do this kind of thing instead:
itemNewsLayoutFailed.visibility = if (state is Error) VISIBLE else GONE
You also might want to break that display code out into separate functions (like showError(), showList(state.newsList) etc) and call those from the branches of the when, if that makes it more readable
I hope that makes sense! When you have a single value representing a state, it's a lot easier to work with - set the current state as things change, and make your observer handle each possible UI state by updating the display. When it's Loading, make it look like this. When there's an Error, make it look like this
That should help avoid bugs where you update multiple times for multiple things, trying to coordinate everything. I'm not sure why you're seeing that problem when you reload after an error, but doing this might help fix it (or make it easier to see what's causing it)

Data disappears when scrolling in recycler view

Good day. So I currently have data in my recycler view. It is for now only static data. I still have to do the code where I import. My problem however is I have a button that changes the background of a text view. This happens in my adapter. And when I scroll through my list the bg color change gets reverted back to what it was before the button click. I have read a lot of similar problems but could not really find one that explains clearly or work for me. From what I read the data gets reset to the static data because it is currently happening in my onBindViewHolder and I think this changes the data on every new data read(scrolling). I read that I should create a link or a listener and then call it. But It does not make sense to me because if a link is called the same amount of times as the code is executed then it will be the same will it not. Maybe having a condition listener but not sure if this is the way to go.
I am somewhat new to android and kotlin. Have been working with it for a month now. I dont know everything I am doing but I got given a deadline. So sadly there was no time to go and learn the basics. Thank you for any and all help. Please let me know if you need any additional code/information
my adapter
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RowViewHolder {
val itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.table_list_item, parent, false)
return RowViewHolder(itemView)
private fun setHeaderBg(view: View) {
private fun setContentBg(view: View) {
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RowViewHolder, position: Int) {
// (TableViewAdapter.DataviewHolder) .bind()
val rowPos = holder.adapterPosition
if (rowPos == 0) {
// Header Cells. Main Headings appear here
holder.itemView.apply {
// setHeaderBg(txtAddress)
txtWOrder.text = "WOrder"
txtDElNote.text = "DElNote"
txtCompany.text = "Company"
// txtAddress.text = "Address"
txtWeight.text = "Weight"
txtbutton1.text = "Delivered"
txtbutton2.text = "Exception"
txttvdone.text = ""
} else {
val modal = Tripsheetlist[rowPos - 1]
holder.itemView.apply {
// setContentBg(txtAddress)
txtWOrder.text = modal.WOrder.toString()
txtDElNote.text = modal.DElNote.toString()
txtCompany.text = modal.Company.toString()
// txtAddress.text = modal.Address.toString()
txtWeight.text = modal.Weight.toString()
txtbutton1.text = modal.Button1.toString()
txtbutton2.text = modal.Button2.toString()
txttvdone.text = modal.tvdone.toString()
holder.apply {
txtbutton1.setOnClickListener {
Log.e("Clicked", "Successful delivery")
txtbutton2.setOnClickListener {
Log.e("Clicked", "Exception on delivery")
class RowViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView){
val txttvdone:TextView = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(
val txtbutton1:Button = itemView.findViewById<Button>(
val txtbutton2:Button = itemView.findViewById<Button>(
} class MyViewHolder(val view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view){
var txtbutton1 = view.findViewById<Button>(
val txtbutton2:Button = itemView.findViewById<Button>(
var txttvdone = view.findViewById<TextView>(
I tried (TableViewAdapter.DataviewHolder) .bind() doing this and creating another class as I saw that was done in another thread(Why do values ​disappear after scrolling in Recycler View?) Its a lot like my problem. I just can't seem to implement his solution to make mine work. ( don't understand his solution fully)
//I am also aware that I am using android extensions which will expire at the end of the year. But for now it works and once I have the code up and running I will start to move over to the newer versions of kotlin.
A RecyclerView, as its name implies, will recycle the views when they go off screen. This means that when the view for an item comes into view, it gets recreated and the onBindViewHolder() is called to fill in the details.
Your onClickListener inside your adapter changes the background of one of the subviews for your cell view. However, that cell will be redrawn if it leaves the screen and comes back.
To get around this, your onClickListener should be changing a property on the data item, and your onBindViewHolder should check that property to determine what background color to display for the subview:
enum class DataState {
data class DataItem(var state: DataState = DataState.Unselected)
class MyAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<MyViewHolder>() {
var dataItems: List<DataItem> = emptyList()
fun updateData(data: List<DataItem>) {
dataItems = data
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MyViewHolder, position: Int) {
val dataItem = dataItems[position]
holder.txttvdone.apply {
setBackgroundResource(when (dataItem.state) {
DataState.Unselected -> android.R.color.transparent
DataState.Success ->
DataState.Failure ->
text = when (dataItem.state) {
DataState.Unselected -> ""
DataState.Success -> "✓"
DataState.Failure -> "x"
holder.apply {
txtbutton1.setOnClickListener {
Log.e("Clicked", "Successful delivery")
dataItem.state = DataState.Success
txtbutton2.setOnClickListener {
Log.e("Clicked", "Exception on delivery")
dataItem.state = DataState.Failure

Recyclerview adapter onBindViewHolder payload is not working

I checked all the examples, but they don't work after all. As far as I know, even if payload is 'List', String or Int value can go into.
class RecordListAdapter (val context: Context, val layoutManager: LinearLayoutManager, private val canBeEdited: Boolean)
: RecyclerView.Adapter<RecordListAdapter.RecordViewHolder>() {
private val inflater: LayoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context)
private var records: ArrayList<Record> = arrayListOf()
// Update ALL VIEW holder
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecordViewHolder, position: Int) {
val current = records[position]
holder.autoCompleteTextView.text = SpannableStringBuilder(
holder.weightPicker.value = current.weight
holder.setPicker.value = current.set
holder.repsPicker.value = current.reps
if(position == itemCount - 1) holder.addBtn.visibility = View.VISIBLE
else holder.addBtn.visibility = View.GONE
if(canBeEdited) {
if(itemCount == 1) {
holder.deleteBtn.visibility = View.GONE
} else {
holder.deleteBtn.visibility = View.VISIBLE
holder.deleteBtn.setOnClickListener {
} else
holder.deleteBtn.visibility = View.GONE
// Update only part of ViewHolder that you are interested in
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecordViewHolder, position: Int, payloads: MutableList<Any>) {
Log.e("payload", "::$payloads")
if(payloads.isNotEmpty()) {
} else
super.onBindViewHolder(holder,position, payloads)
private fun addRecordDefault() {
this.records.add(Record("", 28, 5, 10))
notifyItemRangeChanged(itemCount-1, 2, "PAYLOAD_ADD_BTN")
override fun getItemCount() = records.size
As above code, I set the Log.e to know whether the value is empty or not. The payload Log.e always say it's null.
E/payload: ::[]
Firstly, it seems you are just adding the item and want to change something in it with payloads right away.
Obviously, when you just add a new one, the whole item has to be drawn, thus no payloads needed.
Only then, when it is already drawn and you want to change some elements, you may use payloads with notifyItemChanged (if one item was changed) or notifyItemRangeChanged (if several items were changed).
Secondly, I am not sure regarding the range you use.
The first argument of notifyItemRangeChanged is the start index.
The second one is how many items you want to change.
Thirdly, it's not clear where do you call the addRecordDefault
So make sure you called notifyItemChanged or notifyItemRangeChanged with payloads.

FirestoreRecyclerAdapter getItemCount() always returns 0

Here is my Adapter class code:
class SearchPeopleAdapter(user: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<User>) :
FirestoreRecyclerAdapter<User, SearchPeopleAdapter.ViewHolder>(user) {
private var mUser : FirestoreRecyclerOptions<User>? = null
private var mOptions: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<User>? = null
private var mSnapshots: ObservableSnapshotArray<User>? = null
init {
mUser = user
fun firestoreRecyclerAdapter(user: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<User>?) {
mOptions = user
mSnapshots = user!!.snapshots
if (mOptions!!.owner != null) {
override fun startListening() {
if (!mSnapshots!!.isListening(this)) {
override fun stopListening() {
//Inflate the xml
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
return ViewHolder(
.inflate(R.layout.search_people_list_item, parent, false))
//Bind every dataView to the xml based on the Int value
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ViewHolder, holderNumber: Int, user: User) {
viewHolder.apply {
itemView.search_people_person_list_name.text = user.Name
itemView.search_people_person_username.text = user.UserName
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return mSnapshots!!.size
//Adds functionality to each View (aka ViewHolder) which is every person downloaded
inner class ViewHolder(itemView: View?) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView!!), View.OnClickListener {
//We are downloading User Objects so this Variable will be assigned to the UserObject downloaded
var currentUser : User? = null
//When the class is initiated this function is called which sets an OnClickListener to each View
init {
//The Data from the Object is used to Populate the TextViews
fun bind(model: User) {
currentUser = model
itemView.search_people_person_list_name.text = model.Name
itemView.search_people_person_username.text = model.UserName
//If the user has set a profilePhoto then download & populate it with Glide
if ( model.ProfilePhotoChosen ) {
CompanionObjects.getPersonProfilePhotoStorageRef(model.Uid).downloadUrl.addOnSuccessListener {
val downloadUrl = it.toString()
}.addOnFailureListener {
Timber.i("unable to retrieve your profile photo")
//Clear the View with the Glide.with(View).clear() method as the view will be reused and the photo
//might also get reused unnecessarily
else {
//The onClick function is called when the View is clicked, in this case we are starting
// an Intent with the Intent Extra of userId to the PersonProfile Activity
// which will check for the IntentExtras and Populate the elements
override fun onClick(v: View?) {
val userId = currentUser!!.Uid
Timber.i("The click is $userId")
val intent = Intent(v!!.context,
intent.putExtra(CompanionObjects.USER_ID_INTENT_EXTRA, userId)
Here are 2 of the methods in the Activity class, Inspite of calling the onStart and onStop method, the itemCount method always returns 0
override fun onStop() {
//Retrieves data from Firestore and assigns the retrieved data to the search People Adapter
private fun retrieveDataFromFirestore(searchQuery : String) {
mFirestore = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
//Assigns the Collection Name from which needs to be queried
//the where conditions ensure to query a userDocument whose userName starts with the query entered in the searchField
val userNameQuery = mFirestore.collection(CompanionObjects.USERS_COLLECTION_NAME)
.whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("userName", searchQuery)
.whereLessThanOrEqualTo("userName", "$searchQuery\uF7FF")
//Assigns the query to the User Objects that are related to Firestore
users = FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder<User>()
//Assigns the Firestore queried data to the search People Adapter
adapter = SearchPeopleAdapter(users!!)
search_people_list.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
search_people_list.adapter = adapter
When I call getItemCount method in the Activity class. It always returns 0 even thou the adapter does hold Views. How do I retrieve the exact count in the Adapter
Please make sure mSnapshots = user!!.snapshots produces items.
In fun retrieveDataFromFirestore(searchQuery : String) after adding items in adapter!!.firestoreRecyclerAdapter(users!!), you are not notifying RecyclerView to update.
So, don't forget to call
Your code might looks like this:
private fun retrieveDataFromFirestore(searchQuery : String) {
mFirestore = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
//Assigns the Collection Name from which needs to be queried
//the where conditions ensure to query a userDocument whose userName starts with the query entered in the searchField
val userNameQuery = mFirestore.collection(CompanionObjects.USERS_COLLECTION_NAME)
.whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("userName", searchQuery)
.whereLessThanOrEqualTo("userName", "$searchQuery\uF7FF")
//Assigns the query to the User Objects that are related to Firestore
users = FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder<User>()
//Assigns the Firestore queried data to the search People Adapter
adapter = SearchPeopleAdapter(users!!)
adapter!!.notifyDataSetChanged(); //<------- Add this line---------
search_people_list.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
search_people_list.adapter = adapter
Ok I solved this, Here is the code:
private fun retrieveDataFromFirestore(searchQuery : String) {
mFirestore = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
//Assigns the Collection Name from which needs to be queried
//the where conditions ensure to query a userDocument whose userName
starts with the query entered in the searchField
val userNameQuery = mFirestore.collection(CompanionObjects.USERS_COLLECTION_NAME)
.whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(userName, searchQuery.toLowerCase())
.whereLessThanOrEqualTo(userName, "${searchQuery.toLowerCase()}\uF7FF")
//Assign the Query to the user variable
users = FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder<User>()
//Assigns the Firestore queried data to the search People Adapter
adapter = object : SearchPeopleAdapter(users!!) {
//Need to create a class Body because it is open and this gives
//option to override its onDataChanged method in the Activity rather than in its adapter class
override fun onDataChanged() {
if ( itemCount == 0 ) {
search_people_list.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
retrieving_progress.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
empty_search_users_text.visibility = View.VISIBLE
//If was not searching with name field then prompt search with name field
if ( !searchingWithNameField ) {
//Code to add formatting options to the text like underline it
val content = SpannableString(getString(R.string.search_with_name_instead))
content.setSpan(UnderlineSpan(), 0, content.length, 0)
change_search_field_text.text = content
} else
//If was not searching with username field then prompt search with username field
//Code to add formatting options to the text like underline it
val content = SpannableString(getString(R.string.search_with_username_instead))
content.setSpan(UnderlineSpan(), 0, content.length, 0)
change_search_field_text.text = content
change_search_field_text.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
//The adapter count is not 0 so show the recyclerView and hide the progress bar, emptyText, Change Search field Text etc.
search_people_list.visibility = View.VISIBLE
retrieving_progress.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
empty_search_users_text.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
change_search_field_text.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
//Should persist only if there is a result from the query ofCourse
adapterCreated = true
//Make the progress bar visible and invisible soon as a document is added to the adapter
search_people_list.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
search_people_list.adapter = adapter
So, What I did was made the adapter class open, then created an instance of the Adapter in the Activity and called the OnDataChanged() method in the Activity which watches for the itemCount in the Adapter. This way I am able to retrieve the correct the adapterCount value.

android fragment in a listview

I have a listView that has a custom layout that contains a fragment. The problem I am having is when I add the fragment to the listView row I get a never ending loop that keeps going through the getView code.
I have only been doing Android coding for a couple months so any help would be great. Please let me know if there is any more of my code I need to post
This is my adapter code:
class AdapterReply(
private val context: Context,
private val ph: Phan,
private val replies: ArrayList<Reply> ) : BaseAdapter() {
override fun getCount(): Int {
return replies.size
override fun getItem(position: Int): Reply {
return replies[position]
override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long {
return position.toLong()
override fun getView(position: Int, convertView: View?, viewGroup: ViewGroup?): View? {
val rowMain: View?
val rowHolder: ListRowHolder
val contacts = ph.contacts
val reply = replies[position]
Log.d("AdapterReply", "Binding reply: Position $position ${} Detail: ${reply.detail}")
if (convertView == null) {
val layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup!!.context)
rowMain = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.reply_item_row, viewGroup, false)
rowHolder = ListRowHolder(rowMain)
rowMain.tag = rowHolder
Log.d("AdapterReply", "New Item")
} else {
rowMain = convertView
rowHolder = rowMain.tag as ListRowHolder
Log.d("AdapterReply", "Old item from memory")
rowHolder.itemDetail.text = Helpers.anonymizeContent(reply.detail, ph.anonymousMetadata, ph.isViewerMember())
rowHolder.itemLastActive.text = Helpers.getFormattedDate(reply.lastActive())
if(reply.attachments.size > 0){
val imageAttachment = reply.attachments.filter { attachment: Attachment -> attachment.type == 0 }[0]
var imageUrl = Constants.BASE_URL + imageAttachment.url
imageUrl = Constants.BASE_URL + imageAttachment.anonUrl
var poster: Contact? =
if(contacts.size > 0) {
val posterList = contacts.filter { contact: Contact -> == reply.rlContactID }
if (posterList.isNotEmpty()) {
poster = posterList[0]
if(poster != null) {
if(poster.anonymizedName.isNotEmpty()) {
rowHolder.itemPoster.text = poster.anonymizedName
} else {
val posterName = "${poster.firstName} ${poster.lastName}"
rowHolder.itemPoster.text = posterName
//Code the causes the problem
val manager = (rowMain!!.context as AppCompatActivity).supportFragmentManager
val posterAvatarFragment =
.add(, posterAvatarFragment, "ReplyAvatarFragment")
//End Code the causes the problem
bindReplies(rowMain, ph, reply.replies)
return rowMain
internal class ListRowHolder(row: View?) {
var itemDetail : TextView = row!!.reply_view_detail
var itemImage : ImageView = row!!.reply_view_image
var itemPoster : TextView = row!!.reply_view_posterName
var itemLastActive : TextView= row!!.reply_view_lastActive
var itemReplyReplies: ListView = row!!.reply_view_replyList
private fun bindReplies(viewRow: View?, ph: Phan, replies : ArrayList<Reply>){
if(replies.isNotEmpty()) {
val myObject = AdapterReply(context, ph, replies)
val replyListView = viewRow!!.reply_view_replyList
Log.d("AdapterReply", "Binding Replies: ${ph.encodedId} ${replies.size}")
replyListView.adapter = myObject
.add(, posterAvatarFragment, "ReplyAvatarFragment")
Man, I'm not sure do you know, what function performs adapter class in listview. Adapter class is used to fill listview by rows passed in array inside class constructor. getView method is called for every row in array, so for example, if you have an array with 10 rows, this code will fire ten times. If you do automatically change fragment to another, and during filling an old view you will change layout to a another layout with the same data, your code will make an infinity loop, because you will repeat all time the same cases. You should avoid actions, which will dynamically change layout during load him. In my sugestion, if you want to use a multiple layouts inside one adapter, there are two special methods to set layout for row, based on some conditions: getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount. In first one you can use your conditions to check, which layout should be used for row. Second one is to set number of layouts, which will be used in your adapter class. Let search some examples of usage.

