Why do Android view values differ in runtime? - android

I'm trying to run the following unit test code snippet and it fails:
final TextView textView = mView.findViewById(R.id.title);
assertEquals(View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START, textView.getTextAlignment()); // FAILS
The text alignment is set in the layout file like this:
android:textAlignment="viewStart" />
The test doesn't even succeed when I set the text alignment programmatically like this:
final TextView textView = mView.findViewById(R.id.title);
assertEquals(View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START, textView.getTextAlignment()); // STILL FAILS
What could be the problem? Why is the value different from the constant when I get it from the TextView object by using the getter?
I've checked what the exact int values of the two values are. TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START is 5 but when I get the text alignment value from the TextView object I get 1.

Because at runtime this is converted into ALIGN_LEFT or ALIGN_RIGHT, depending on the LTR of the locale. Its not kept as VIEW_START and recalculated.


Getting a name id from the value of a string in android

I have a string I'm using in a text view for example
I want to be able to get the key "yes" from this Textview , not the value of this string but just the key that leads to it , is there some way I can use the value of the string to get it ?
there is no option for getting string resource id (you are naming it "key") after setting with android:text. TextView is resolving it in its runtime, fetching String and "forgets" way how it was set up. same case when setting e.g. image for ImageView (android:src="#drawable/drawable_name") or some dimensions for all Views (e.g. android:padding="#dimen/some_dimension")
if you really need this reference in code then it would be better to NOT set this text via XML, instead store this reference under some final int variable in code and use it for setting text for TextView programmatically, further use same variable in another place you need

Dynamic Text Field - Android

I'm trying to create a dynamic text field that will take multiple fields of user input during a single activity, do a calculation in the java file, and then display the resulting value within the SAME activity in a text field.
Is there any way of doing this? I just figured out that I can't edit strings.xml dynamically, so are there any structures I can use that will allow me to constantly change the values?
Thanks all.
This will be pretty straight forward:
String yourTextValue = "text";
TextView myTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1);
Just call setText() with your String value (whatever it may be) each time you want to change the value of your TextView.

Loading data to TextView in Android

I have a XML tag like "Yes,No,Dontknow " and I am parsing the XML file and getting the data. Now I need to display each option in separate TextView, i.e: 'yes' should be displayed in one TextView, 'No' should be displayed in another TextView, and 'Dontknow' should be displayed in another TextView, but how can I do this, can anyone give me some idea (I am new to Android).
Use setText() method of TextView to load text into it.
You can use string tokenizer:
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(theString, ",");
while( tokens.hasMoreTokens() ){
String token = tokens.nextToken();
// here you must have the reference to the text view...
If you are creating the text views programmatically, then you must create or reference those text views inside the loop. Other wise, if the text views are static, you better put each token inside an array or something (words[0] will be Yes, word[1] will be No, etc) and then you set those strings manually.
You can just declare 3 separate TextView in you Activity layout file. Using attribute android:text you can assign the text for the TextView.
parse xml file store that in a string.take an array like String[] array = parsedstring.split(","); then take 3 text views ,put array[0],array[1],array[2] on to textview
If you want to split comma-separated strings, take a look at using java.util.StringTokenizer. You can tell it to use , as the token separator.

Change Layout Of Text Created In Java [Android]

Ok right , i asked how to create a random number from 1-100 for android and i came to this
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
int random = (int)Math.ceil(Math.random()*101);
tv.setText("Your Number Is..."+ random );
What this does is create the default kinda "hello world" style text view and says "Your Number Is.... [Then Random Number]
My problem is that i cant change the layout of this text , because it is not defined in XML, if someone could tell me how to change the style , or like make the random number into a string so i could use it for any Textview layout that would be great ..
Thanks :)
If by change the style you mean the text color, text size, and you want to change them programmatically, have a look at the setTextColor and setTextSize methods.
More info here
If you want more advanced formatting to set programmatically, see this link.
The below example demonstrates how to make your text bold and italic.
tv.setText("Your Number Is..."+ random, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE );
Spannable myText = (Spannable) tv.getText();
myText.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC),0,myText.length(),0);
Try the below for the android:textSize="100dp" and android:gravity="center" :
tv.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 100);
Putting it into a string is easy.
String randomAsAString = Integer.toString(random)
You can then use the XML properties of the TextView to change its formatting, such as android:textSize="30dp" or android:textColor="#900".
By the way, if you're happy with the answer to your previous question, you should go back and mark an answer as "Accepted". That gives 'reputation' points to the person whose answer you accepted and closes the question so that people don't think you're still waiting for a better answer. You can read more about reputation in the FAQ.
You can't reference the string entirely in xml while still giving it a random number. This is because the "#string/some_string" format only allows unchangeable strings. The execption to this is using parameters, e.g. setting the string as
<string name="random_number">The random number is %d</string>
Then you could call up that string using something like
yourTextView.setText(this.getString(R.string.random_number, random))
As for your other question about setting a background to a textView, that's also easy.
You should take advantage of Eclipse's autocomplete feature... it makes finding these commands a lot easier. For example, simply type the name of your TextView followed by a period, pause half a second for the list of options to come up, then "setB" and it should then filter the list to the three setBackground Drawable/Resource/Color options.
tv.setText(Html.fromHtml("Your number is: <b>" + random + "</b>"));
For basic HTML text-styling tags.
You could also do something like this.
Define your string in strings.xml like:
<string name="your_number_is">Your number is <xliff:g id="number">%s</xliff:g>.</string>
Create a TextView in a layout xml:
<TextView android:id="#+id/your_number_is"
Then your code would look like:
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.your_number_is);
int random = (int)Math.ceil(Math.random()*101);
tv.setText(getString(R.string.your_number_is, random));
This will make it a lot easier when you later on would like to change your text or maybe localize your app.
if you have thead troubles use this:
new Thread(){
public void run(){
TextView v = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.mytext);

Reading from and writing to EditText

What is the best way to read the text from an EditText into code, and to write some text from code to the EditText?
Sorry I have ment not the TextView but the EditText
Hi all
I am a new to android I wish to write automatically from code to EditText and read in code from EditText
What is the best way to do it.
Java classes usually expose readable attributes with a get* method, and writable attributes with a set* method. In the case of a EditText these are:
see here and here (they are inherited from TextView)
Note: Scroll around a bit. You will see that they are defined multiple time. With different parameters. Pick the one you need.
A simple example. Let's assume you have a TextView with the id myTextField:
EditText myText = (EditText) this.findViewById(R.id.myTextField);
// Setting the text:
myText.setText( "Hello World!" );
// "Reading" the text (printing it to stdout):
System.out.println( myText.getText() );

