I have this AppModule class that contains a few functions:
static FirebaseFirestore provideFirebaseFirestore() {
return FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
static CollectionReference provideBarsCollRef(FirebaseFirestore db) {
return db.collection("bars");
Now I want to inject in my repository class an instance of CollectionReference but I get the following error:
error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] com.google.firebase.firestore.CollectionReference cannot be provided without an #Inject constructor or an #Provides-annotated method.
This my repository class:
class BarsRepository {
private CollectionReference barsRef;
BarsRepository(#Named("barsRef") CollectionReference barsRef) {
this.barsRef = barsRef;
//Method where I use barsRef
And this is my AppComponent class:
#Component(modules = {AndroidSupportInjectionModule.class, AppModule.class, ActivityBuildersModule.class, BarsViewModelModule.class})
public interface AppComponent extends AndroidInjector<BaseApplication> {
interface Builder{
Builder application(Application application);
AppComponent build();
If I remove the #Named("barsRef"), it works fine.
Here is the solution.
static CollectionReference provideBarsCollRef(FirebaseFirestore db) {
return db.collection("bars");
Remove Singleton from above code. It will work.
The reason why it is happening is because of singleton Scope. Singleton is used to ensure that only one object will be shared within that component.
I can't understand how properly inject Context when I have a component with multiple modules dependencies and I want use Component.Builder annotation.
I have an application module:
public class ApplicationModule {
public AppDatabase provideDatabase(Context context){
return AppDatabase.getInstance(context);
And here is my ApplicationComponent where I used the Component.Builder in order to provide the context at the dependency graph:
#Component(modules = { ApplicationModule.class } )
public interface ApplicationComponent {
void inject(MainFragment mainFragment);
interface Builder {
Builder context(Context context);
ApplicationComponent build();
From my custom application I use the following code in order to provide the context:
appComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.builder().context(getApplicationContext()).build();
Then I have another Dagger module, used for providing my ViewModelsFactory:
public class ViewModelModule {
public MainFragmentViewModelFactory provideMainFragmentViewModelFactory(IVehicleProvider vehicleProvider, IPaymentProvider paymentProvider, IBackgroundOperationResponse response){
return new MainFragmentViewModelFactory(vehicleProvider, paymentProvider, response);
And the relative ViewModelComponent, where I used again the Component.Builder and as you can see I have three modules here: ViewModelModule, ApplicationModule and ProviderModule
#Component( modules = { ViewModelModule.class, ApplicationModule.class, ProviderModule.class })
public interface ViewModelComponent {
MainFragmentViewModelFactory getMainFragmentViewModelFactory();
interface Builder{
Builder context(Context context);
Builder response(IBackgroundOperationResponse response);
ViewModelComponent build();
Finally, since MainFragmentViewModelFactory requires IVehicleProvider and IPaymentProvider, I have another module:
public abstract class ProviderModule {
abstract IVehicleProvider bindVehicleProvider(VehicleProvider vehicleProvider);
abstract IPaymentProvider bindPaymentProvider(PaymentProvider paymentProvider);
The followings are the constructors of PaymentProvider and VehicleProvider:
public PaymentProvider(AppDatabase db){
this.db = db;
public VehicleProvider(AppDatabase db){
this.db = db;
They require an AppDatabase which is provided on ApplicationModule class. AppDatabase requires a Context which is again provided in the ApplicationComponent using the Component.Builder
This code works properly, when I need to use mainFragmentViewModelFactory I just call
mainFragmentViewModelFactory = DaggerViewModelComponent
However, I'm not sure I did the correct steps since in the ViewModelModule I requested again a Context dependency, but is already provided in the ApplicationModule. Have I done the correct steps? Instead of create again a BindsInstance Context in the ViewModelComponent can I use the one privided in ApplicationModule?
I use Dagger 2 in my android project and want to use the #Inject in an Activity and inside another Activity which extends the first one -> MainActivity extends NetworkBaseActivity. In both Activities inside the onCreate() methods I have this:
Also, I have the next structure:
#Component(modules = {
public interface AppComponent {
interface Builder {
Builder application(Application application);
AppComponent build();
void inject(App app);
public abstract class ActivityBuilderModule {
#ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = {NetworkActivityModule.class})
public abstract NetworkBaseActivity bindNetworkBaseActivity();
#ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = {MainActivityModule.class})
public abstract MainActivity bindMainActivity();
public class NetworkActivityModule {
public NetworkViewModelFactory
provideNetworkViewModelFactory(AuthRepository authRepository) {
return new NetworkViewModelFactory(authRepository);
public AuthRepository provideAuthRepository(WebServiceApi webServiceApi,
SharedPreferencesManager sharedPreferencesManager) {
return new AuthRepository(webServiceApi, sharedPreferencesManager);
public class MainActivityModule {
And in the onCreate() callback of my Application class I have this:
But receive this error:
error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] [dagger.android.AndroidInjector.inject(T)]
com.example.android.view.base.NetworkViewModelFactory cannot be provided
without an #Inject constructor or an #Provides-annotated method.
A binding with matching key exists in component:
com.example.android.view.base.NetworkViewModelFactory is injected at
com.example.android.view.main.MainActivity is injected at
component path: com.example.android.data.di.AppComponent ?
Any suggestions? :)
As MainActivity extends from NetworkBaseActivity you just need an AndroidInjector for the MainActivity. NetworkBaseActivity will then be injected through MainActivity.
public class NetworkActivityModule {
#ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = { NetworkActivityModule.class })
public abstract MainActivity bindMainActivity();
You have to inject the constructor of your NetworkViewModelFactory class. The constructor should look something like this:
public NetworkViewModelFactory(AuthRepository authRepository) { }
But I'm not sure, it would be better to see the NetworkViewModelFactory class code too.
I am writing an app where I am using Dagger2 for dependency Injection. I am new to dagger. I am getting confused on how it works and I am not able to figure it out how to use this library. I have tried writing below modules and components with the help of examples in blogs. I have mentioned the purpose of that module. Please correct me if I am wrong.
App Module and Component : It should generate a singleton instance across the application and I want to use this instance to access some android resources
public class AppModule {
private BaseApplication baseApplication;
public AppModule(BaseApplication baseApplication){
this.baseApplication = baseApplication;
BaseApplication providesApplication(){
return baseApplication;
#Component(modules = {AppModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
BaseApplication getBaseApplication();
Instantiation of AppComponent
public class BaseApplication extends Application {
private AppComponent appComponent;
public void onCreate() {
appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(new
public AppComponent getAppComponent(){
return appComponent;
The above code works fine. I am getting problems in the below code
Location Module and Component : Is it Ok if I don't have a constructor
for the below module?
public class LocationModule {
public #interface LocationPriority {}
LocationRequest providesLocationRequest(){
return new LocationRequest()
LocationRequest providesCustomLocationRequest(int interval, int
fastestInterval, #LocationPriority int priority, float updateDisplacement) {
return new LocationRequest()
LocationSettingsRequest providesLocationSettingsRequest(LocationRequest
return new LocationSettingsRequest.Builder()
FusedLocationProviderClient providesFusedLocationClient(BaseApplication
return LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(baseApplication);
SettingsClient providesSettingsClient(BaseApplication baseApplication){
return LocationServices.getSettingsClient(baseApplication);
#Component(modules = {LocationModule.class, AppModule.class})
public interface LocationComponent {
**Do we Really need a method here?**
void inject(GetLocationUseCase getLocationUseCase);
I am getting the following error
error: cannot access Nullable class file for
javax.annotation.Nullable not found
after using #Inject in below class. If I remove #Inject the error goes away.
public final class GetLocationUseCase implements
UseCaseContract.BusinessLogic {
UseCaseContract.Mediator mediator;
FusedLocationProviderClient fusedLocationProviderClientl;
public void onInitialize() {
BaseApplication application = mediator.requestUserContext();
Why am I getting that error? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You need to add missing modules in your Component ..
For example, you will get this error if you remove NetModule from below
#Component(modules = {AppModule.class, NetModule.class, MainModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
In case someone like me out there. I forgot to add #Provides annotation to the Dagger Module.
In my case I had a class with #Inject annotated constructor which extended another 3rd party class which had #Nullable annotation on one of the method parameters. Once I removed this extension everything started to work normally.
After wasting about 1 day on this issue, I found out that I need to temporarily add findbugs dependency like this:
implementation 'com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:3.0.2'
Then dagger will print the actual error.
I'm trying to use the latest version of Dagger 2 V2.11 for Android
Here is my code:
#Component(modules = {
public interface AppComponent {
void inject(MyApplication myApplication);
interface Builder {
Builder application(Application application);
AppComponent build();
ExceptionRequestsServices exceptionRequestsServices();
#Module(includes = {ActivityModule.class, FragmentModule.class})
public class AppModule {
CompositeDisposable provideCompositeDisposable() {
return new CompositeDisposable();
ExceptionRequestsServices provideExceptionRequests() {
return new Retrofit.Builder()
NetworkManager provideNetworkManager(Application app) {
return new NetworkManager(app);
public abstract class ActivityBuildersModule {
abstract ExceptionRequestsActivity contributeExceptionRequestsActivity();
public abstract class ActivityModule {
static ExceptionRequestsMvpPresenter<ExceptionRequestsMvpView> bindExceptionRequestsPresenter(
ExceptionRequestsPresenter<ExceptionRequestsMvpView> presenter) {
return presenter;
public abstract class FragmentBuildersModule {
abstract AddApplicantFragment contributeAddApplicantFragment();
abstract PledgeFragment contributePledgeFragment();
public abstract class FragmentModule {
static AddApplicantMvpPresenter<AddApplicantMvpView> bindAddApplicantPresenter(
AddApplicantPresenter<AddApplicantMvpView> presenter) {
return presenter;
static PledgeMvpPresenter<PledgeMvpView> bindPledgePresenter(
PledgePresenter<PledgeMvpView> presenter) {
return presenter;
public class AddApplicantPresenter<V extends AddApplicantMvpView> extends BasePresenter<V> implements AddApplicantMvpPresenter<V> {
ExceptionRequestsServices mExceptionRequestsServices;
NetworkManager mNetworkManager;
public AddApplicantPresenter(CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable) {
public interface AddApplicantMvpPresenter<V extends AddApplicantMvpView> extends MvpPresenter<V> {
void addApplicant(String name, String qatarId,
String date, String mobile,
ChosenImage chosenImage);
public #interface ActivityScope {
public #interface FragmentScope {
Error Log:
Error:(21, 1) error: mypackagename.di.component.AppComponent scoped with #Singleton may not reference bindings with different scopes:
#Provides #mypackagename.di.scope.ActivityScope mypackagename.ui.exceptionrequests.ExceptionRequestsMvpPresenter<mypackagename.ui.exceptionrequests.ExceptionRequestsMvpView> mypackagename.di.module.ActivityModule.bindExceptionRequestsPresenter(mypackagename.ui.exceptionrequests.ExceptionRequestsPresenter<mypackagename.ui.exceptionrequests.ExceptionRequestsMvpView>)
#Provides #mypackagename.di.scope.FragmentScope mypackagename.ui.addapplicant.AddApplicantMvpPresenter<mypackagename.ui.addapplicant.AddApplicantMvpView> mypackagename.di.module.FragmentModule.bindAddApplicantPresenter(mypackagename.ui.addapplicant.AddApplicantPresenter<mypackagename.ui.addapplicant.AddApplicantMvpView>)
#Provides #mypackagename.di.scope.FragmentScope mypackagename.ui.pledge.PledgeMvpPresenter<mypackagename.ui.pledge.PledgeMvpView> mypackagename.di.module.FragmentModule.bindPledgePresenter(mypackagename.ui.pledge.PledgePresenter<mypackagename.ui.pledge.PledgeMvpView>)
Modules & Components can't have different Scopes
You can have Components to have multiple Scopes and this can solve it.
Try to move it to different component and add it as component dependencies
I hope in future they can solve this, the way I've done it in my project.
Currently, Dagger2 allows module with NoScope & single scope. This should match with your components.
Thumb Rule:: Different scopes have different components.
For your application, you need three components,
FragmentComponent (FragmentScope) :- (Ideally this should be ActivityComponent)
ApplicationComponent (Singleton)
Read more about scopes.
Previously I had only one AppComponent with four modules (AppModule, NetworkModule, StorageModule, PresentersModule) and injected singletons everywhere. Recently, I decided to make small refactoring in my app and divide it into scopes. I think, presenters can live within activities only, so I created #ActivityScope and ActivityModule, but the project cannot be compiled because of my misunderstanding how to mix these scopes.
I've read a lot of articles and questions at stackoverflow, but everywhere there are simple examples where modules are independent. In my case such thing as
#Component(modules = { AppModule.class, StorageModule.class, NetworkModule.class })
public interface AppComponent {
ActivityComponent plus(PresentersModule module); // <-- error
is not working. I get this error:
Error:(19, 1) error: com.my.package.di.component.ActivityComponent scoped with #com.my.package.di.scope.ActivityScope may not reference bindings with different scopes:
#Provides #Singleton android.app.Application com.my.package.di.module.AppModule.provideApplication()
#Provides #Singleton com.my.package.network.FeedBurnerApi com.my.package.di.module.NetworkModule.provideFeedBurnerApi(android.app.Application)
#Provides #Singleton android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper com.my.package.di.module.StorageModule.provideSQLiteOpenHelper(android.app.Application)
#Provides #Singleton com.my.package.storage.Repository com.my.package.di.module.StorageModule.provideRepository(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper)
#Provides #Singleton com.my.package.SharedPreferencesHelper com.my.package.di.module.StorageModule.provideSharedPreferencesHelper(android.app.Application)
So, the question is how I can get the instance of my ActivityComponent?
You can see dependencies between modules below:
Application module:
public final class AppModule {
private final MyApplication mApplication;
public AppModule(MyApplication application) { ... }
#Provides #Singleton Application provideApplication() { ... }
Network module:
#Module(includes = { AppModule.class })
public final class NetworkModule {
#Provides #Singleton FeedBurnerApi provideFeedBurnerApi(Application application) { ... }
#Provides #Singleton Retrofit provideRetrofit() { ... }
Storage module:
#Module(includes = { AppModule.class })
public final class StorageModule {
#Provides #Singleton Repository provideRepository(SQLiteOpenHelper sqLiteOpenHelper) { ... }
#Provides #Singleton SQLiteOpenHelper provideSQLiteOpenHelper(Application application) { ... }
#Provides #Singleton SharedPreferencesHelper provideSharedPreferencesHelper(Application application) { ... }
Presenters module:
#Module(includes = { AppModule.class, NetworkModule.class, StorageModule.class })
public final class PresentersModule {
#Provides FeedPageViewPresenter provideFeedPageViewPresenter(FeedBurnerApi api, Repository repository, SharedPreferencesHelper preferences) { ... }
#Provides #ActivityScope SlidingTabsViewPresenter provideSlidingTabsViewPresenter(Repository repository) { ... }
Application component:
#Component(modules = { AppModule.class, StorageModule.class, NetworkModule.class })
public interface AppComponent {}
Activity component:
#Subcomponent(modules = PresentersModule.class)
public interface ActivityComponent {
void inject(FeedPageView view);
void inject(SlidingTabsView view);
The problem was in my PresentersModule.
Since Subcomponents have access to entire objects graph from their parents, I don't need to include these dependencies in my sub-module.
So, I changed this code:
#Module(includes = { AppModule.class, NetworkModule.class, StorageModule.class })
public final class PresentersModule { ... }
with this:
public final class PresentersModule { ... }
and it solved my issue.