I want implement router like in the code below, but in this case I should pass fragment or activity through ViewModel, but guide to app architecture says
The ViewModel doesn't know about UI components
How I can resolve this problem?
class RouterImpl : Router {
override fun openItem(fragment: Fragment, item: Item) {
val action = ItemListFragmentDirections.actionNavigationItemToInfoFragment(item)
class ItemListViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val router: Router
) : ViewModel() {
fun openItem(fragment: Fragment, item: Item) = router.openItem(fragment, item)
If you take a closer look at the VIPER architecture, you'll notice that the Router is tied to the Presenter, which, effectively is Activity/Fragment.
If you still try to combine the MVVM with the VIPER pattern, I'd suggest you take a different approach and try with the DI - Dependency inversion. This way the MVVM will know only about the abstraction of an entity (interface) that is able to perform the routing procedure (traverse fragments).
However, this is a slippery slope, since you're still able to create dependency between the ViewModel and Activity/Fragment and, thus, lead you to the memory leak.
Much safer way would be to implement some sort of observer in the Router (eg. live data observer), which will do exactly what you want in a safe (async) manner.
I have a working Activity (TwalksRouteActivity) that accepts a record id (routeID) from a bundle (passed from a Fragment), pulls the associated record from my repository (routesRepository), and passes an associated value/column (routeName) to my UI. This works fine. However, as I understand best practice (I am learning Android development), the call to my Repository should be in a ViewModel, not an Activity. Is this correct? I have tried but failed to do this myself and would really appreciate some help in how to do this please.
class TwalksRouteActivity() : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var viewModel: RouteViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
//Log.i("CWM","Called ViewModelProvider")
//viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(RouteViewModel::class.java)
var bundle: Bundle? = intent.extras
var routeID = bundle?.getInt("routeID")
lifecycleScope.launch (Dispatchers.Main) {
val database = getDatabase(application)
val routesRepository = RoutesRepository(database)
val selectedRoute = routesRepository.getRoute(routeID)
val routeName = selectedRoute.routeName
Log.d("CWM", routeName.toString())
val routeName_Text: TextView = findViewById(R.id.routeName_text)
routeName_Text.text = routeName.toString()
val routeID_Text: TextView = findViewById(R.id.routeID)
routeID_Text.text = routeID.toString()
You are correct. Best practices include the idea of a ViewModel that handles communications between bussiness logic (your repository) and the activity or fragment which uses or/and dislpays the data. You should check Android Developers ViewModel's official documentation at: ViewModel Overview. Also the guide to app architecture. Check the following image:
As you can see, it describes the data-driven communication flow, and as you said, the ViewModel will call the repository functions that get the data. The ViewModel will then provide the activity with variables and / or functions that can be observed (such as: LiveData), and fire events that the activity will take to make its state changes / data presentation in the UI (this is call reactive pattern).
You should check these Codelabs (free lessons from Google): Incorporate Lifecycle-Aware Components and Android Room with a View - Kotlin (although it mainly covers Room Library, the codelab makes use of ViewModel and Android's best practices recommended by Google). Also, you could check this article: ViewModels and LiveData: Patterns + AntiPatterns.
I could write a lot of code but I think it is beyond the scope of this answer. I'm also learning, and my way was to first understand how these things work and why these things are called "best practices".
The company I just started working at uses a so called Navigator, which I for now interpreted as a stateless ViewModel. My Navigator receives some usecases, with each contains 1 suspend function. The result of any of those usecases could end up in a single LiveData. The Navigator has no coroutine scope, so I pass the responsibility of scoping suspending to the Fragment using fetchValue().
Most current code in project has LiveData in the data layer, which I tried not to. Because of that, their livedata is linked from view to dao.
My simplified classes:
class MyFeatureNavigator(
getUrl1: getUrl1UseCase,
getUrl1: getUrl1UseCase
) {
val url = MediatorLiveData<String>()
fun goToUrl1() {
url.fetchValue { getUrl1() }
fun goToUrl2() {
url.fetchValue { getUrl2() }
fun <T> MediatorLiveData<T>.fetchValue(provideValue: suspend () -> T) {
val liveData = liveData { emit(provideValue()) }
addSource(liveData) {
value = it
class MyFeatureFragment : Fragment {
val viewModel: MyFeatureViewModel by viewModel()
val navigator: MyFeatureNavigator by inject()
fun onViewCreated() {
button.setOnClickListener { navigator.goToUrl1() }
navigator.url.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { url ->
My two questions:
Is fetchValue() a good way to link a suspend function to LiveData? Could it leak? Any other concerns?
My main reason to only use coroutines (and flow) in the data layer, is 'because Google said so'. What's a better reason for this? And: what's the best trade off in being consistent with the project and current good coding practices?
Is fetchValue() a good way to link a suspend function to LiveData?
Could it leak? Any other concerns?
Generally it should work. You probably should remove the previous source of the MediatorLiveData before adding new one, otherwise if you get two calls to fetchValue in a row, the first url can be slower to fetch, so it will come later and win.
I don't see any other correctness concerns, but this code is pretty complicated, creates a couple of intermediate objects and generally difficult to read.
My main reason to only use coroutines (and flow) in the data layer,
is 'because Google said so'. What's a better reason for this?
Google has provided a lot of useful extensions to use coroutines in the UI layer, e.g. take a look at this page. So obviously they encourage people to use it.
Probably you mean the recommendation to use LiveData instead of the Flow in the UI layer. That's not a strict rule and it has one reason: LiveData is a value holder, it keeps its value and provides it immediately to new subscribers without doing any work. That's particularly useful in the UI/ViewModel layer - when a configuration change happens and activity/fragment is recreated, the newly created activity/fragment uses the same view model, subscribes to the same LiveData and receives the value at no cost.
At the same time Flow is 'cold' and if you expose a flow from your view model, each reconfiguration will trigger a new flow collection and the flow will be to execute from scratch.
So e.g. if you fetch data from db or network, LiveData will just provide the last value to new subscriber and Flow will execute the costly db/network operation again.
So as I said there is no strict rule, it depends on the particular use-case. Also I find it very useful to use Flow in view models - it provides a lot of operators and makes the code clean and concise. But than I convert it to a LiveData with help of extensions like asLiveData() and expose this LiveData to the UI. This way I get best from both words - LiveData catches value between reconfigurations and Flow makes the code of view models nice and clean.
Also you can use latest StateFlow and SharedFlow often they also can help to overcome the mentioned Flow issue in the UI layer.
Back to your code, I would implement it like this:
class MyFeatureNavigator(
getUrl1: getUrl1UseCase,
getUrl1: getUrl1UseCase
) {
private val currentUseCase = MutableStateFlow<UseCase?>(null)
val url = currentUseCase.filterNotNull().mapLatest { source -> source.getData()}.asLiveData()
fun goToUrl1() {
currentUseCase.value = getUrl1
fun goToUrl2() {
currentUseCase.value = getUrl2
This way there are no race conditions to care about and code is clean.
And: what's the best trade off in being consistent with the project
and current good coding practices?
That's an arguable question and it should be primarily team decision. In most projects I participated we adopted this rule: when fixing bugs, doing maintenance of existing code, one should follow the same style. When doing big refactoring/implementing new features one should use latest practices adopted by the team.
so in MVVM architecture even in google samples we can see things like this:
class CharacterListActivity :BaseActivity() {
val ViewModel: MainViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
viewModel.getData() // Bad!!!
viewModel.state.observe(this) { state ->
when(state) { // handling state is not views job
Success -> { navigatetoNextPage() } // navigating is not views job
Progress -> { showProgress() }
NetworkError -> { ShowSnackbar(viewModel.error) } // I,m not sure about this one either
Error -> { showErrorDialog(viewModel.error)
We know that any architecture has its own rules that makes the code testable, maintainable, and scalable over time.
in MVVM pattern according to both Wikipedia and Microsoft docs this is the View:
the view is the structure, layout, and appearance of what a user sees on the screen.[6] It displays a representation of the model and receives the user's interaction with the view (clicks, keyboard, gestures, etc.), and it forwards the handling of these to the view model via the data binding (properties, event callbacks, etc.) that is defined to link the view and view model.
each view is defined in XAML, with a limited code-behind that does not contain business logic. However, in some cases, the code-behind might contain UI logic that implements visual behavior such as animations.
XAML is a Xamarin thing, so now let's get back to our code:
here, since activity decides what to do with the state, the activity works as Controller like in MVC but, activity supposed to be the View ,view is just supposed to do the UI logic.
the activity even tells the ViewModel to get data. this is again not the View's job.
please note that telling what to do to the other modules in the code is not the View's job. this is making the view act as controller. view is supposed to handle its state via callbacks from the ViewModel.
the View is supposed to just tell the ViewModel about events like onClick().
since ViewModel doesn't have access to View, it can't show a dialog or navigate through the app directly!
so what is an alternative approach to do this without violation of architecture rules? should I have a function for any lif cycle event in ViewModel, like viewModel.onCreate? or viewModel.onStart? what about navigation or showing dialogs?
For The Record I'm not mixing Up mvc and mvvm, I'm saying that this pattern does which is recommended buy google.
This is not opinion-based, surely anyone can have their own implementation of any architecture but the rules must always be followed to achieve overtime maintainability.
I can name the violations in this code one by one for you:
1) UI is not responsible for getting data, UI just needs to tell ViewModel about events.
2) UI is not responsible for handling state which is exactly what it does here. more general, UI shouldn't contain any non-UI logic.
3) UI is not responsible for navigating between screens
the activity even tells the ViewModel to get data. this is again not the View's job.
Correct. The data fetch should be triggered either by ViewModel.init, or more accurately the activation of a reactive data source (modeled by LiveData, wrapping said reactive source with onActive/onInactive).
If the fetch MUST happen as a result of create, which is unlikely, then it could be done using the DefaultLifecycleObserver using the Jetpack Lifecycle API to create a custom lifecycle-aware component.
Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/a/59109512/2413303
since ViewModel doesn't have access to View, it can't show a dialog or navigate through the app directly!
You can use a custom lifecycle aware component such as EventEmitter (or here) to send one-off events from the ViewModel to the View.
You can also refer to a slightly more advanced technique where rather than just an event, an actual command is sent down in the form of a lambda expression sent as an event, which will be handled by the Activity when it becomes available.
Refer to https://medium.com/#Zhuinden/simplifying-jetpack-navigation-between-top-level-destinations-using-dagger-hilt-3d918721d91e
typealias NavigationCommand = NavController.() -> Unit
class NavigationDispatcher #Inject constructor() {
private val navigationEmitter: EventEmitter<NavigationCommand> = EventEmitter()
val navigationCommands: EventSource<NavigationCommand> = navigationEmitter
fun emit(navigationCommand: NavigationCommand) {
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var navigationDispatcher: NavigationDispatcher
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
navigationDispatcher.navigationCommands.observe(this) { command ->
command.invoke(Navigation.findNavController(this, R.id.nav_host))
class LoginViewModel #ViewModelInject constructor(
private val navigationDispatcher: NavigationDispatcher,
#Assisted private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {
fun onRegisterClicked() {
navigationDispatcher.emit {
If Hilt is not used, the equivalent can be done using Activity-scoped ViewModel and custom AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory subclasses.
I'm trying to learn the Arrow library and improve my functional programming by transitioning some of my Android Kotlin code from more imperative style to functional style. I've been doing a type of MVI programming in the application to make testing simpler.
"Traditional" Method
My view model has a LiveData of the view's state plus a public method to pass user interactions from the view to the viewmodel so the view model can update state in whatever way is appropriate.
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
val state = MutableLiveData(MyViewState()) // MyViewState is a data class with relevant data
fun instruct(intent: MyIntent) { // MyIntent is a sealed class of data classes representing user interactions
return when(intent) {
is FirstIntent -> return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val result = myRoomRepository.suspendFunctionManipulatingDatabase(intent.myVal)
}.run { Unit }
is SecondIntent -> return updateStateWithResult(intent.myVal)
The Activity subscribes to the LiveData and, on changes to state, it runs a render function using the state. The activity also passes user interactions to the view model as intents (not to be confused with Android's Intent class).
class MyActivity: AppCompatActivity() {
private val viewModel = MyViewModel()
override fun onCreateView() {
viewModel.state.observe(this, Observer { render(it) })
myWidget.onClickObserver = {
private fun render(state: MyViewState) { /* update view with state */ }
Arrow.IO Functional Programming
I'm having trouble finding examples that aren't way over my head using Arrow's IO monad to make impure functions with side effects obvious and unit-testable.
View Model
So far I have turned my view model into:
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
// ...
fun instruct(intent: MyIntent): IO<Unit> {
return when(intent) {
is FirstIntent -> IO.fx {
val (result) = effect { myRoomRepository.suspendFunctionManipulatingDatabase(intent.myVal) }
is SecondIntent -> IO { updateStateWithResult(intent.myVal) }
I do not know how I am supposed to make this IO stuff run in Dispatcher.IO like I've been doing with viewModelScope.launch. I can't find an example for how to do this with Arrow. The ones that make API calls all seem to be something other than Android apps, so there is no guidance about Android UI vs IO threads.
View model unit test
Now, because one benefit I'm seeing to this is that when I write my view model's unit tests, I can have a test. If I mock the repository in order to check whether suspendFunctionManipulatingDatabase is called with the expected parameter.
fun myTest() {
val result: IO<Unit> = viewModel.instruct(someIntent)
// verify suspendFunctionManipulatingDatabase argument was as expected
I do not know how to incorporate the above into my Activity.
class MyActivity: AppCompatActivity() {
private val viewModel = MyViewModel()
override fun onCreateView() {
viewModel.state.observe(this, Observer { render(it) })
myWidget.onClickObserver = {
viewModel.instruct(someIntent).unsafeRunSync() // Is this how I should do it?
// ...
My understanding is anything in an IO block does not run right away (i.e., it's lazy). You have to call attempt() or unsafeRunSync() to get the contents to be evaluated.
Calling viewModel.instruct from Activity means I need to create some scope and invoke in Dispatchers.IO right? Is this Bad(TM)? I was able to confine coroutines completely to the view model using the "traditional" method.
Where do I incorporate Dispatchers.IO to replicate what I did with viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO)?
Is this the way you're supposed to structure a unit test when using Arrow's IO?
That's a really good post to read indeed. I'd also recommend digging into this sample app I wrote that is using ArrowFx also.
Note how we build the complete program using fx and returning Kind at all levels in our architecture. That makes the code polymorphic to the type F, so you can run it using different runtime data types for F at will, depending on the environment. In this case we end up running it using IO at the edges. That's the activity in this case, but could also be the application class or a fragment. Think about this as what'd be the entry points to your apps. If we were talking about jvm programs the equivalent would be main(). This is just an example of how to write polymorphic programs, but you could use IO.fx instead and return IO everywhere, if you want to stay simpler.
Note how we use continueOn() in the data source inside the fx block to leave and come back to the main thread. Coroutine context changes are explicit in ArrowFx, so the computation jumps to the passed thread right after the continueOn until you deliberately switch again to a different one. That intentionally makes thread changes explicit.
You could inject those dispatchers to use different ones in tests. Hopefully I can provide examples of this soon in the repo, but you can probably imagine how this would look.
For the syntax on how to write tests note that your program will return Kind (if you go polymorphic) or IO, so you would unsafeRunSync it from tests (vs unsafeRunAsync or unsafeRunAsyncCancellable in production code since Android needs it to be asynchronous). That is because we want our test to be synchronous and also blocking (for the latter we need to inject the proper dispatchers).
Current caveats: The solution proposed in the repo still doesn't care of cancellation, lifecycle or surviving config changes. That's something I'd like to address soon. Using ViewModels with a hybrid style might have a chance. This is Android so I'd not fear hybrid styles if that brings better productivity. Another alternative I've got in mind would maybe be something a bit more functional. ViewModels end up retaining themselves using the retain config state existing APIs under the hood by using the ViewModelStore. That ultimately sounds like a simple cache that is definitely a side effect and could be implemented wrapped into IO. I want to give a thought to this.
I would definitely also recommend reading the complete ArrowFx docs for better understanding: https://arrow-kt.io/docs/fx/ I think it would be helpful.
For more thoughts on approaches using Functional Programming and Arrow to Android you can take a look to my blog https://jorgecastillo.dev/ my plan is to write deep content around this starting 2020, since there's a lot of people interested.
In the other hand, you can find me or any other Arrow team maintainers in the Kotlinlang JetBrains Slack, where we could have more detailed conversations or try to resolve any doubts you can have https://kotlinlang.slack.com/
As a final clarification: Functional Programming is just a paradigm that resolves generic concerns like asynchrony, threading, concurrency, dependency injection, error handling, etc. Those problems can be found on any program, regardless of the platform. Even within an Android app. That is why FP is an option as valid for mobile as any other one, but we are still into explorations to provide the best APIs to fulfill the usual Android needs in a more ergonomic way. We are in the process of exploration in this sense, and 2020 is going to be a very promising year.
Hopefully this helped! Your thoughts seem to be well aligned with how things should work in this approach overall.
I am having a DB populated with weather data, in both imperial and metric units. Now, I have made two different classes which act as a model to get data from the DB. CurrentWeatherMetric has only metric columns, and CurrentWeatherImperial has only imperial fields.
Since I am using MVVM architecture pattern, the ViewModel provides me this data, by calling a function in ViewModel getData(Unit.METRIC) where Unit is an enum class I've made to distinguish the data.
The problem arises here.
My viewModel looks like:
class WeatherViewModel(
private val weatherRepository: WeatherRepositoryImpl
) : ViewModel() {
lateinit var currentWeather: LiveData<CurrentWeather>
lateinit var forecastWeather: LiveData<List<ForecastWeather>>
fun getValuesOfUnit(unit: Unit) {
currentWeather = when (unit) {
private fun getWeather() {
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
As you can see, lateinit var currentWeather: LiveData<CurrentWeather>,
I had to make another class which store the data of the query with units. I made this so that I could easily implement databinding with it. But I feel this is a really wrong way to do things and hence I have asked this question. How can I get rid of that lateinit variable and implement databinding to adapt to any of the data.
In my current data binding layout, I have data field as:
type="com.mythio.weather.ui.WeatherViewModel" />
And I bind to views by:
If the question title makes a little sense about what I am asking, or seems misleading, please feel free to edit this to make it a better question.
When using MVVM architecture pattern, Google's recommended way is to make ViewModel that handles connection between your data and view, so it contains UI logic as well as some portion of business logic bound to your UI.
Moreover, implementation of ViewModel in recommended way helps you handle UI lifecycle (Activity/Fragments) in better and hassle-free way.
When using data-binding with MVVM, it's good practice to bind ViewModel directly to xml so that, when data changes you can directly reflect it to UI using LiveData without wiring it manually.
Hence, LiveData can be used as Data-Value holder as it's also Lifecycle-aware component.
On the other hand, Repositories are good way to manage business logic and providing "single source of truth" for data driving through app. So, all data sources like local-db, API calls, shared-preferences etc. should be accessed via repository.
So, yes!! Things you're doing are good & you're on the right track while following MVVM Architecture Pattern.
Note: You can refer here for more info and some improvements in your code.