Re-create uri from decoded string - android

I get an Uri and I do:
String s = Uri.decode(uri.toString());
But when I encode the string again I haven't got the same result:
Uri uri = Uri.parse(Uri.encode(s));
Uri received without decoding (just called toString()):
Uri created via parse/encode method:
Is there a way to re-parse correctly the Uri?

Is there a way to re-parse correctly the Uri?
No. Hold onto the original Uri. This is not significantly different than converting an image to monochrome, then wondering how to get the original color image back. The decode() and encode() methods are not designed to decode and encode Uri values, but rather specific pieces (e.g., query parameter values).


Android Upload Image using path or uri?

I'm having a trouble bringing the images from the gallery to my app.
The hard part is that, in some articles they use uri rather than path, but in others vice versa.
Plus, I'm not also sure... when I get Uri from the intent coming back, should I use cursor to get images data? (How to get Images from Cursor in android?) In some other references, they do it in the easy way, just with 'getPath()' method.
Do I need either of path or uri? or Only one of these?
I'm so confused now..
Always use Uri:
File file = new File(uri.getPath());
Bitmap bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath());
and when you have bitmap simply load it in to ImageView

How to get video thumbnail from file or content Uri?

I have tried:
But this returns null for a content Uri. I have also tried this:
private Bitmap getVideoThumbnail(Context context, Uri uri) throws IllegalArgumentException,
MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
return retriever.getFrameAtTime();
This works for both file scheme and content scheme Uris. But it takes ~1.5s to get thumbnail of content Uris representing remote data blocking the UI. I suppose I could make this async and receive the thumbnail is a callback. But I thought there must be a simpler approach to get thumbnails for both file and content Uris. Also this method throws IllegalArgumentExceptions sporadically.
So, is there a way to reliably get thumbnail from file or content Uri schemes?

Sharing image from app private storage to Facebook

I'm attempting to take a very generic approach in providing sharing options for sharing images from my app's private storage, but I've encountered a problem that appears to be specific to sharing images to the Facebook app (com.facebook.katana):
I launch an intent with EXTRA_STREAM containing a Uri to an image inside the private directory of my app.
Through a ContentProvider, I provide access to the desired file by returning the following in openFile():
return, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY);
When sharing to Facebook, the image doesn't appear. Every other app, however, does work. Debugging calls into my ContentProvider, I see that Facebook does indeed query the ContentProvider, and openFile() is hit. Nevertheless, the image doesn't appear.
After much head scratching, I realized I was returning null as the MIME type. I changed the result of getType() to return "image/png", and that was it: Facebook accepted my image:
public String getType(#NonNull Uri uri) {
// It's absolutely imperative that we provide the MIME type, otherwise some apps like
// Facebook will simply ignore the file
return "image/png";
I would point out that you should return the actual MIME type of the file associated with the Uri; I'm returning PNG here because I'm lazy, and I know that all my images are of that type.

Get mime type of content scheme

In order to send an image to a server from my android application, I have to get mime type of the image (or, at least, its extension).
I get the image from a ACTION_GET_CONTENT intent. Some applications, like Dropbox, send a file:// scheme data, so I can guess the extension using MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(), but some others, like Google Drive, send a content:// scheme, which not permit to do so.
I've tried many things before posting here, like this:
AssetFileDescriptor asset = getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(getIntent().getData(), "r");
FileInputStream stream = asset.createInputStream();
String mime = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(stream); // returns null
The only workaround I think is to decode the asset into a Bitmap, then generate a new compressed image (using Bitmap.compress()), but it will add some work to the phone, and it could change the format/quality of original image, so I reserve it only if there is no other solution.
Does anyone have an idea about my problem? Thanks a lot for help ;)
As suggested by #sh3psheep on Twitter, I've tried this, and it works for content:// schemes:
Uri data = getIntent().getData();
String mime = getContentResolver().getType(data); // returns correct MIME type, such as "image/png"
The only con I found is that it does not support file:// scheme, but we can handle it using method I described in question.

How can I get the photo saved in Android cell phone in my application

I want display the images saved in the cell phone in my own application. now I am using MediaStore.Images.Media to do this. I can get the name, size and other information of the images. but i don't know how to get the bitmap? can u help me. thx.
There is a method getBitmap(ContentResolver cr, Uri url), but i don't know how to get the Uri of one certain image.
The content uri will the base content uri appended with the id of the image you want. You can build with:
Uri bitmapUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,

