Unity GAv4 Plugin - LogScreen not visible, LogEvent is visible - android

I am adding Google Analytics tracking to my Unity game (opted in for GA instead of Firebase). I'm using GA v4, just downloaded this morning from Google, and Unity version 2018.3.14f1.
I've imported GAv4 package, have setup property ID (for Android, iOS and Others) in prefab, added prefab to hierarchy and I'm able to start session and send event using LogEvent method. These are visible in GA backoffice, I can see my device in real-time, device location and events it's firing.
However, problem is that it does not show LogScreen in the backoffice.
Here is the line that calls LogScreen:
googleAnalytics.LogScreen(new AppViewHitBuilder().SetScreenName("main_menu"));
This line is called after googleAnalytics.StartSession() so should be fine.
Just as a reference, here is my line to send GA event (which works and is visible in analytics console):
googleAnalytics.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder().SetEventCategory("event_category").SetEventAction("event_action"));
I can't figure out what's the issue, as events are working fine, but LogScreen is not.
I would expect to see LogScreen shown in Active Page feed in GA real-time overview tab, but I can't see it, neither there nor anywhere else.
I have tested it on Android device only, Android 9, Xiaomi Mi8 Pro.
Also important notice: when running inside Unity IDE, it has no errors thrown but no data (even session and events) are not shown in GA console. Session and events ARE visible in GA console when running on mobile device.
Any directions on what am I doing wrong would be greatly appreciated!

I would use something else. GA is shutting down. Maybe you get the error because GA might restrict the access for the new comers. Your code seems okay.


Flutter log event with google analytics

I have set up Google Analytics with in my flutter app. It all seems to be working as standard, with data coming through and being displayed on the analytics console screen, showing users, events count that sort of thing.
I see the default events are: user_engagement, screen_view, session_start, first_open, app_remove, app_clear_data.
These are all having event count data coming through fine. I want to set up my own custom event within the flutter app. I have tried this...
_sendAnalyticsEvent() async {
FirebaseAnalytics analytics = FirebaseAnalytics();
await analytics.logEvent(
name: "save_plant",
parameters: <String, dynamic>{
'plant_name': currentPlant.name,
'plant_species': currentPlant.species,
'plant_group': currentPlant.group,
'new_plant': widget.newPlant
... but nothing seems to be coming through on the events. Am I missing something here with doing custom events with a flutter app? I have the google-services.json file correctly in the android app directory.
When You log an event with FirebaseAnalytics, it takes up to 24 hours to get it available in the Events dashboard.
If You want to test "real time" logging, You should try the Debug View (link).
After You set it up for a specific device (there are two easy steps, check it out here), You will see each event only a few seconds after You log it from Your app, in the DebugView section.
Update to 5.0.11, should resolve the issue
firebase_analytics: ^5.0.11

Google Tag Manager not Working?

I set up some tags using Google Tag Manager to track click event. I went in to check event states on Google Analytics(GA). I couldn't see any event on GA. And I try to send event just by GA directly. It's work. I'm sure GTM it's work before. But now I don't know what happen? I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this. Thanks!
My Environment
Mobile : iPhone 8
iOS Version : 11.2
XCode Version : 9.2
Google Library : GoogleAnalyticsServicesiOS_3.17
(*) I also tried it on Android. It's not work too.
My GA Code
Some GA event log are showed on terminal.
I could see record on GA console.
This is my GTM code.
Some GTM event log are showed on terminal.
The GTM event log are not display on console.
Thanks for your reply, #Sathishkumar Jayaraj.
It's work. I followed your idea creating custom dimensions and tag them in GTM. But when I recover my project setting. It's still work. It's confused me.
My Setting
Push data structure
GTM setting
Now I get the event. But it show key-info apparently. I will try to show value-info.

'Cannot read property 'listRegistrationsByTag' of undefined' from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Push.RegisterAsync

This is a Xamarin.Forms app running on Android, based on the Azure getting started Mobile App example.
I'm trying to register a device's id for notification services. Originally I was getting unauthorized, so I relaxed authorization settings on the backend. Now I am getting this error and cannot find a reason why.
I checked and double checked that notification hub has the correct Firebase details that align with the app and cannot see what the problem is here, any help appreciated.
If you set WEBSITE_PUSH_ENABLED=false in your appsettings, does the problem go away?
Can you check your Mobile App's app settings?
Specifically, I am looking for the existence of the app setting "MS_NotificationHubName". If that app setting doesn't exist, you need to add it, with the name of your notification hub.
There is a bug in the Azure App Service Push blade right now. A fix is being rolled out. In the interim, instead of using RegisterAsync(), use the method described in the book http://aka.ms/zumobook - chapter 5.

PlayBasis not registering users, getting message='User doesn't exist'

I'm trying to register users on my PlayBasis App using the Android SDK. However, it's not registering them.
The method
PlayerApi.register onSuccess()
is being called but the users never get registered. They don't show on the dashboard and when I try to get them I receive
RequestError{message='User doesn't exist', errorCode=200}
Can you recommend any other gamification platform that offer low price for small/indie apps?
I have investigated the case and found that
you actually can registered 7 players into our system on 24 September.
And this would also explain why Android SDK fires onSuccess().
However, it is like the problem is that you cannot find those players.
Just want to verify with you first that for getting detail of player,
you should supply "player_id", NOT "username".
Lastly, on "User" menu on the dashboard, you are going to find
only the list of dashboard users, NOT the list of players.
Best Regards,

Google Analytics Phonegap v1.9

Hi all i have integrated GA into my phonegap 1.9 project. I got it working about 3 days ago when i saw sessions in my GA account. However, it does not seem to show any more sessions or active users. Can someone tell me what is the repairing timeframe to show stats 48hrs? also how do i get it working to show realtime usage. thanks.
ps. in my LogCat i see its being started successfully and appears to be tracking...
window.plugins.analytics.start("UA-XXXXXXXX-1", function(){console.log("Analytics: start success");}, function(){console.log("Analytics: start failure");})
window.plugins.analytics.trackPageView("index.html", function(){console.log("Track: start success");}, function(){console.log("Track: failed");});
Thanks in advance!!!!
If you see the logs you have in your code, you should see the statistics right away. Go to your analeptics home page, Click on Home next to the "Standard Reporting", then click on Real-Time, the click on Overview. If you wrote the UA-ID and everything properly, you should see the usages right away ...
In iOS and Titanium, there is 20 seconds delay because of API implementation, but I am not sure about PhoneGap.

