Make TalkBack read button content description programmatically - android

I have a button with 2 states, start and stop. In accessibility mode using TalkBack when the user double-taps the button I change the text of the button to stop so I must say to TalkBack in some way that this happened. I managed to achieve removing and readding focus to the button with following:
button.performAccessibilityAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS, null);
// This works for the focus but doesn't make TalkBack speak. button.performAccessibilityAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS, null);
// Needed for TalkBack to speak.
button.performAccessibilityAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SELECT, null);
The problem with this is that TalkBack will only read the content description, but not say "double tap to activate" which gets read when you select the button manually.
Following didn't work:
Maybe somebody has a hint what am I missing?

In your clickListener use announceAccessibility


Make onFocus event available on a touchable element in React Native on non-TVs

Is there any way to enable onFocus, onBlur etc. on Touchable-Elements on non-TVs devices?
The touchable elements event is not triggered, but the default feedback is visible when I use the physical keyboard.
I need simple dialogs on a Zebra mc3300. This device has a physical keyboard and when I show a dialog with a yes/no question, one button should have focus when the dialog becomes visible.
I'm not sure, maybe ref.current?.focus() works, when I press enter the key onPress is triggered, but i don't get any visible feedback which key has the focus. Only when I use the hardware button to switch to the next element and back again, the button became a different opacity.
Many thanks to you.

Prevent losing focus on EditText when clicking on a button in Android

I'm writing a custom EditText that will have functionalities to bold/italic/underline/lists .... for Android
It's working so far so good but I've a problem that when a user clicking on a Button (for styling bold/italic...), the user will lose focus on the EditText.
Anyone has any ideas how to prevent the button taking focus from the EditText?
Thanks :)
The easiest thing to do would be to have the onClickListener of those buttons refocus the edit text as their last instruction.
You can also try putting focusable=false (and focusableInTouchMode=false) on the buttons. That may work, I'm not sure if focus is removed from the edit text when the screen is touched or when another item receives focus, which is subtly but important difference here. It would also slightly change any drawables on the button that use focused state.

Announce QuickAction window dismissal with TalkBack

I have a custom QuickAction menu in my app. I have added contentDescription "Open Menu" for the ImageView which opens the menu. So my TalkBack(form the Accessibility settings) announces the same. The popup menu has setOutsideTouchable(true) to dismiss it when touched outside. When TalkBack is On user has to double tap to dismiss it but Android does not announce any such message. Ideally, it should announce "Double tap to dismiss ...". How can I achieve this ? Also, I would like to announce when the menu is dismissed. I have tried sending AccessibilityEvent inside:QuickAction.setOnDismissListener(new myQuickAction.OnDismissListener() {
public void onDismiss() {
// tried sending event here
} Added reference image to explain in detail. On clicking button blue popup is the QuickAction popup. Now I want to announce "Dismiss Menu" when user tap anywhere(black dot) on white region. White region is actually my LinearLayout containing header, footer etc.(that are not shown in the image). I have tried adding the contentDescription, importantForAccessibility for the layout but to no avail.
I would add either a little "X" box, or if you don't want to mess up your UI, make your layout container focusable, and add the content-description "Double Tap to Dismiss". (Note: The double tap is a talkback gesture, don't add this, just replicating from your question.)
EDIT: Essentially, what I'm recommending, is instead of adding an "X" button to the view, allow the layout view to act as an "X" button itself. By adding a contentDescription to the layout, you are making it focusable, even though typical users wouldn't interact with this view, nothing is keeping TalkBack users from doing so. Thus you do not change your layout visually, but still have the accessibility benefit of a separate close button, even though technically speaking this is not necessary, as users should understand how to close modals without it.
I don't believe announcing that it has been dismissed is necessary. Shifting focus back to the element that was focused before you opened the modal is the typical approach. Have this happen after your double tap, and TalkBack users will know the menu was dismissed, because they are back in the main view, on the element that opened the modal.
Sidenote: Ensure your QuickAction behaves as a modal!

Lose Focus when clicking actionbar button

I have implemented a listener : onFocusChanged to insert values in db when a edittext lose focus.
The thing is when I click the Send button (in action bar), it first do the action, and then it triggers a last onFocusChanged.
It should first lose the focus, and then execute the action?
Can anybody explain me that?
The solution should be giving focus to another button that is not edittext, but I just have a actionbar button, and it seems difficult giving it the focus.
Any suggestion will be appreciated !
I suspect that tapping the Send button isn't changing the focus at all (it is probably a nonfocusable view). What does your send operation do? Is there something at the end of Send which might be setting focus to some other view?

PhoneGap + Android page doesn't refresh after soft keyboard closes

Most of the time (but not always), when I finish typing in a or and the soft keyboard hides, the view area is left raised with a black space on the bottom. Clicking, tilting or otherwise engaging the phone corrects the screen. However, user's first motion is usually pressing , but if you click submit it jumps down and you actually just click on the text area again. How do you stop this and get the screen to reset after the keyboard closes.
Take a look at you AndroidManifest.xml
I think you need to change android:configChanges.
I have the exact same problem what i did was handle hidekeyboard even in javascript and do something like window.scrollTo(0,0) or $("input[type=text],textarea").blur();
This will cause the the screen to get back to normal position
But there is just one problem when click from input field of type = text to a input field password it internally hide the keyboard which causes the hidekeyboard event to fire and scrolls the screen to top. This is the only side effect of this
Let me know if you find the solution for this

