Unfortunately, all existing answers to this topic are totally outdated.
I wish to launch an Intent that will open an external app with a specific images folder.
Since Android 7.0, the following method does not work:
Intent i=new Intent();
i.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(path)), "image/*");
I am trying using a FileProvider.
public class MyFileProvider extends FileProvider {
from AndroidManifest.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<external-path name="external_files" path="."/>
Intent launch code in main activity onCreate():
Intent i = new Intent();
String path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES).getPath() + "/Pirin 1/"; // Some hard-coded folder I have on my device
Log.d(TAG, "MyDashboardActivity: onCreate: path=" + path);
Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, getPackageName() + ".common.fileprovider", new File(path));
grantUriPermission(getPackageName(), uri, Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);
i.setDataAndType(uri, "image/*");
I am getting the Photos app with an empty black screen and a spinning loader.
LogCat doesn't contain any useful info.
Device: Google Pixel 3
Tried many things already, many different paths, etc., almost giving up...
I wish to launch an Intent that will open an external app with a specific images folder.
There is no official support for this in Android.
Unfortunately, all existing answers to this topic are totally outdated.
Any answer other than "there is no reliable way to do this" is wrong.
Since Android 7.0, the following method does not work
It does not work prior to Android 7.0 either. If path points to a directory, then you are lying to the third-party app, saying that there is an image at that location, when there is no image there (since it is a directory, not a file). I would expect most ACTION_VIEW apps to not handle that well. Expecting them to magically show the contents of the directory is just wishful thinking — there is no requirement for an app that supports ACTION_VIEW for an image to have any ability to show the contents of a directory, let alone fall back to that behavior upon receiving a corrupt ACTION_VIEW Intent.
I am trying using a FileProvider
FileProvider does not serve directories in a way that would fit your needs. For example, there is no means with FileProvider to get the list of content at a particular directory.
Moreover, since ACTION_VIEW does not support directories, you would be back where you started.
(also note that your grantUriPermission() call isn't going to do anything meaningful)
My App is creating a PDF and passes it to other Apps to be displayed elsewhere. I create the file in internal storage to have to ask the user for less permissions.
I create my intent via:
Intent viewIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView);
Java.IO.File document = new Java.IO.File(filePath);
Android.Net.Uri contentUri = FileProvider.GetUriForFile(
_context.PackageName + ".provider",
viewIntent.SetDataAndType(contentUri, GetMimeType(document));
Intent chooser = Intent.CreateChooser(viewIntent, "");
On the Google Pixel 3 XL where I test, I can open a PDF without any issues.
When I do the same on a Huawei tablet with API level 24, sometimes everything works but at other times Adobe Acrobat shows an error: This file could not be accessed. Check the location or the network and try again.
The behavior isn't deterministic, sometimes I get the error but other times everything works fine.
In the Application node of your Android Manifest make sure you've added a FileProvider definition:
<provider android:name="android.support.v4.content.FileProvider" android:authorities="${applicationId}.FileProvider" android:exported="false" android:grantUriPermissions="true">
<meta-data android:name="android.support.FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS" android:resource="#xml/provider_paths" />
Add a Resources/xml/provider_paths file with the contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<external-path name="external_files" path="."/>
You can restrict this later if needed. However, for my use case I put files in external storage, which I share from. You need to adjust this accordingly where you are sharing from.
I.e. if you are sharing the file from internal app storage you will need to add a files-path definition there too.
Then when sharing a file you simply do:
var packageName = context.ApplicationInfo.PackageName;
var fileProviderName = $"{packageName}.FileProvider";
var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend);
intent.SetType("image/*"); // change mime type if wanting to open in other app
FileProvider.GetUriForFile(context, fileProviderName, new Java.IO.File(filePath)));
That should be enough, works fine every time for me for sharing images to another app. I don't think you need the flags for your chooser Intent, only for the inner viewIntent. Also the GrantReadUriPermission should be the only thing needed if you are providing flags.
I am trying to share an image via classic Intent. I have added the following items:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<files-path name="my_images" path="." />
android:resource="#xml/file_paths" />
And finally MainActivity.java:
private void shareFile(String fileName) {
Intent share = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, "com.example.android.fileprovider", new File(this.getApplicationInfo().dataDir + "/app_flutter/userphotos", fileName));
share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(share, "Share"));
The problem I am facing is that image I am trying to share has the following path:
However the FileProvider is trying to access it from here:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find configured root
that contains
For saving images I am using package path_provider and I am saving items under
getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(), which in Android is AppData directory.
I am not sure why FileProvider decided suddenly to go from /data/user/0/ to /data/data/ folder, therefore any help or tips regarding this matter would be highly appreciated.
I have updated the code as per recommendations and replaced the Uri under MainActivity.java with the following line:
Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, "com.example.android.fileprovider", new File(this.getDir("flutter", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getPath() + "/app_flutter/userphotos", path));
Nonetheless, the problem still persists (same exception that file is supposed to be under /data/data/<package> instead of /data/user/0. I have also tried to add additional persmissions to my AndroidManifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
but it did not work as well. Could the problem lie with my file_paths.xml file?
In the end, none of the proposed solutions did not work; neither using extenal-path, nor the other solution.
The way how I managed in the end to share file was to actually copy it to a temporary (cache) directory first (in flutter path_provider it's getTemporaryDirectory()) and update file_paths.xml to following:
<cache-path name="image" path="."/>
and finally under MainActivity.java:
Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, "com.example.android.fileprovider", new File(this.getCacheDir(), path));
Under the hood, Flutter's getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() is using getDir() instead of dataDir, which could be different.
From the Android documentation on getDataDir(), which is equivalent to this.getApplicationInfo().dataDir:
Returns the absolute path to the directory on the filesystem where all private files belonging to this app are stored. Apps should not use this path directly; they should instead use getFilesDir(), getCacheDir(), getDir(String, int), or other storage APIs on this class.
The returned path may change over time if the calling app is moved to an adopted storage device, so only relative paths should be persisted.
Therefore, to ensure consistency between the directory used for saving images by Flutter and the directory used to retrieve the files via FileProvider, the getUriForFile line in MainActivity.java could be modified like this:
FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, "com.example.android.fileprovider", new File(<your application context>.getDir("flutter", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getPath() + "/app_flutter/userphotos", fileName));
... replacing <your application context> with the variable storing your application's context, if any.
I'm going crazy, I used the new Android FileProvider in the past but I can't get it to work with a (trivial) just-created file in the Download folder.
In my AsyncTask.onPostExecute I call
Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, FileProvider.getUriForFile(mContext, BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".fileprovider", output));
My FileProvider XML is like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<external-path name="Download" path="Download"/>
In Genymotion emulator I always get, choosing Amaze Text Editor as target app:
While I can see the file content with HTML Viewer:
I can't understand this behavior and fix what should be a trivial thing like opening a pure-text file with the desidered text editor.
thanks a lot
OK, there are two problems here. One is a bug in your code that triggers a bug in Amaze, and one is a bug in Amaze that you can work around.
setType() has a nasty side effect: it wipes out your Uri in the Intent. It is the equivalent of calling setDataAndType(null, ...) (where ... is your MIME type). That's not good. So, instead of putting the Uri in the constructor and calling setType(), call setDataAndType() and provide the Uri there.
This gets you past the initial Amaze bug, where they fail to handle a null Uri correctly.
Then, though, they try to open the Uri in read-write mode. You are only granting read access, so this fails. Their second bug is that they think that they get a FileNotFoundException when they cannot open the file in read-write mode, and at that point they try read-only mode. In reality, at least on Android 8.1, they get a SecurityException. You can work around this by providing both read and write permissions.
So, unless you specifically want to block write access, this code works:
Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
myIntent.setDataAndType(FileProvider.getUriForFile(mContext, BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".fileprovider", output), "text/plain");
I am implementing a File Provider, followed the doc carefully but unable to use the files in the app itself or share any file.
Added manifest, created xml file for dir sharing, generating content uri, granting uri permission, tried sharing files with cache, external, internal dir but nothing is working.
Searched the net but found nothing which is missing in the code.
Below is the code:
android:grantUriPermissions="true" >
android:resource="#xml/filepaths" />
<paths xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<cache-path name="widgetDoc" path="."/>
private Uri getFileUri(Context context, String name){
File newFile = new File(context.getCacheDir() + File.separator + StorageUtil.INTERNAL_DIR, name);
Uri contentUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, "package.widget.fileprovider", newFile);
return contentUri;
Code to access pdf file:
Intent target = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Uri uri = getFileUri(getApplicationContext(), file);
Intent intent = Intent.createChooser(target, "Choose Pdf Viewer...");
Code to access image:
imageview.setImageURI(getFileUri(getApplicationContext(), file));
Kindly help me out where I am going wrong, not even able to use these files in my own app too.
Thanks in advance.
I need to show these image files in a widget and now if am accessing the image files from the widget then it is giving IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find configured root however it is working fine with activity
Ideally, use setImageViewBitmap(), and make sure that your image is small (under 1MB in heap space, such as less than 512x512).
While the RemoteViews can accept a Uri, you have good way of associating Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION with a RemoteViews for the purposes of populating an ImageView. And, you cannot export your FileProvider, as FileProvider does not allow that.
You can attempt to identify the user's chosen home screen and use grantUriPermission() to grant the home screen access to this Uri, but I would expect that solution to be fragile.
This was my original question:
I want to be able to open a pdf file
in my app using the android's built in
pdf viewer app, but i dont know how to
start other apps. I'm sure i have to
call start activity, i just dont know
how to identify the app im opening and
how to pass the file to that specific
Anyone have a clue?
I just learned that the pdf viewer i have on my phone is actually made by HTC and that Adobe just barely released their android pdf viewer (which is great). So the new question is this: how do i verify that the user has installed adobe's viewer, and then how do i open the file in that app from my app?
You can programmatically determine whether a suitable application exists on the user's device, without catching exceptions.
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
List<ResolveInfo> activities = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0);
if (activities.size() > 0) {
} else {
// Do something else here. Maybe pop up a Dialog or Toast
AFAIK, Adobe has not documented any public Intents it wants developers to use.
You can try an ACTION_VIEW Intent with a Uri pointing to the file (either on the SD card or MODE_WORLD_READABLE in your app-local file store) and a MIME type of "application/pdf".
FileFinalpath = SdCardpath + "/" + Filepath + Filename;
File file = new File(FileFinalpath);
if (file.exists()) {
Uri filepath = Uri.fromFile(file);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(filepath, "application/pdf");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
alert.showAlertDialog(PDF_Activity.this, "File Not Started...","File Not Started From SdCard ", false);
Log.e("error", "" + e);
} else {
alert.showAlertDialog(PDF_Activity.this, "File Not Found...","File Not Found From SdCard ", false);
Although this is a pretty old topic, here is a solution for opening a PDF that is in the asset/ folder with an external PDF reader app. It uses a custom content provider: https://github.com/commonsguy/cwac-provider
Using this you can define any file to be provided from the assets/ or res/raw/ folder.
Try it! Best and easiest solution I found so far.
I was also faced same issue when was trying to display PDF on android device and finally end up with the solution (3rd party PDF library integration)
while I have tested multiple libraries for this listed below which are also working,
& mupdf which comes with the ndk flavour (https://code.google.com/p/mupdf/downloads/detail?name=mupdf-1.2-source.zip&can=2&q=) and need to extract with NDK and then use it in application as a jar or java etc. nice article to explain the use of this library # http://dixitpatel.com/integrating-pdf-in-android-application/
Android has a built in framework from Android 5.0 / Lollipop, it's called PDFRenderer. If you can make the assumption that your users have Android 5.0, it's probably the best solution.
There's an official example on Google's developer site:
It doesn't support annotation or other more advanced features; for those your really back to either using an Intent to open a full app, or embedding an SDK like mupdf.
(Disclaimer: I very occasionally do work on mupdf.)
In addition to the ones marked as answer you would need these permissions in the manifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)
Uri outputFileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(getActivity(), BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".provider", file);
intent.setDataAndType(outputFileUri, "application/pdf");
Intent in = Intent.createChooser(intent, "Open File");
also add provider_paths.xml at res -> xml folder
and need to add below code at manifests
android:resource="#xml/provider_paths" />