I have a "for-loop" in Kotlin which is going to run my code 6 times.
I also have a textView on the app and want to see these 6 results shown there.
I can easily println() the results.
However, If I set the text of textView to these results, it only gets the last result.
What I like to do printing out all 5 results in textView (suggestedNums ) as each result is a separate line.
Is it even possible?
Any help appreciated.
for (i in 1..6) {
val s: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf()
//create 5 numbers from numbers
while (s.size < 5) {
val rnd = (numbers).random()
// remove all 5 random numbers from numbers list.
// sort 5 random numbers and println
// set suggestedNums text to "s"
suggestedNums.text = s.sorted().toString()
You can do it in 2 ways
suggestedNums.text = s.sorted().toString()
suggestedNums.text = suggestedNums.text.toString() + "\n" + s.sorted().toString()
Create a string and append the results with "\n" and set the text outside the for loop
I'm trying to list the first 100 of a shuffled list. I'm telling it to shuffle if the list is at 0 and then increment. I then am trying to call that list in another section of the when but it's not working. How can I accomplish this?
when (countF) {
0 -> {
//shuffle at 0
val randomChaos = chaosList.asSequence().shuffled().take(chaosList.count()).toList()
cResult.text = randomChaos.elementAt(countF) + countF + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + this.cResult.text
1-99 -> {
//show 1-99
cResult.text = randomChaos.elementAt(countF) + countF + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + this.cResult.text
100 -> countF = 0
You would need to create the val randomChaos before the when enclosure for it to be available in the scope of multiple branches of the when statement.
That said, the way you're getting a random element is very convoluted. take(chaosList.count()) is completely redundant. And since you don't use multiple sequence operators, creating a sequence is also redundant. Finally, you are only pulling a single item from the random list, so it's unnecessary to create a shuffled list in the first place. Using elementAt() on a shuffled list is no different than picking any element out of that shuffled list, or simply picking a random item out of a list that isn't shuffled at all.
Also, the first two branches of your when statement currently would produce exactly the same results so they can be merged.
Based on what you described, I'm guessing you had this when statement inside a loop that tries to run it 100 times so you can list all the items. For that to work, you would need to shuffle the list one time outside the loop, and then you could iterate its elements in the loop.
However, there are functions that can make it easier to do what you're suggesting. Here's an example:
val randomChaos = chaosList.shuffled()
cResult.text = randomChaos.asSequence()
.joinToString("\n") { (i, value) ->
In this case, using a Sequence helps avoid creating an intermediate list to hold the first 100 values.
var randomChaos = chaosList.shuffled()
fun cShuf() { randomChaos = chaosList.shuffled() }
cRoll.setOnClickListener() {
cResult.movementMethod = ScrollingMovementMethod()
if (countF < 1) { cShuf() }
cResult.text = randomChaos.elementAt(countF) + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + this.cResult.text
if (countF > 100) countF = 0
I have figured out how to use a function to generate a new shuffe of the list once I've hit > 100 shown.
My issue with making it a function was I was trying to use val variable in the function but the variable already existed so I didn't need to use val, just the name of the variable.
private fun countName(x: String) {
val textView: TextView = findViewById(R.id.result)
for (i in 0 until x.length) {
textView.text = i.toString()
This is what I have so far. It works somewhat but for some reason it is lagging behind 1 number. For example, if I type James, the number it will output would be 4.
How to get the number of characters in a string (usually what you want):
How to get the number of Unicode code points in a string (because sometimes a code point is encoded as multiple characters):
str.codePointCount(0, str.length)
See this Java answer for more details on the difference between these two options.
There are many simple ways to get the number of characters in a string. but if you want to know the mistake in your code you should have started to count from 1 instead of 0.
for (i in 1 until x.length) {
textView.text = i.toString()
I'm pretty new to kotlin and would like to know how to format a number with commas.
Currently, my textview shows a number without any commas, i.e, 15000.
I want it to show 15,000 instead.
Here's my code that I want to format:
txtTotalActive.text = it.statewise[0].active
"it.statewise[0].active" is an object that shows number but as I said, it shows without any commas.
var inoutValue = it.statewise[0].active
val number = java.lang.Double.valueOf(inoutValue)
val dec = DecimalFormat("#,###,###")
val finalOutput = dec.format(number)
txtTotalActive.text = finalOutput
"%,.2f".format(text.toFloat()) <,> = grouping , 2 = precision/number of decimals after "."
The following code convert a list to a string and display to Logcat, but all records are displayed in one line. I hope to display top 10 records per line in Logcat in Android Studio 3.0, how can I do ?
Note: Log.e("My", logList.joinToString("<Br/>", limit =10, truncated = "...more...")) doesn't work
val logList=LogHandler().getListAllLog()
Log.e("My", logList.joinToString("|", limit =10, truncated = "...more..."))
val strings = ArrayList<String>()
strings.add("This is line1")
strings.add("This is line2")
strings.add("This is line3")
You should iterator list. Try this:
fun display(strings: List<String>) {
for (str in strings) {
Log.e("YourTag", str)
you can chop up your List using chunked() method.
e.g. if you want to log 10 records per line, then just call chunked(10).
//assuming logList is an array of String.
//you can use logList.chunked directly if it is a List.
val batchSize = 10 //chop up to 10 per batch
.forEach{subList -> Log.d("My", subList.joinToString("|" )) }
You can simply use "\n" for new line,in logs.
For example:
Log.e(TAG,"Hello \n World");
which will give output as
I hope this helps,thank you.
if its not your answer,please ignore this answer.
I have a textField value as 12345678955. I want to format this value as 1,234,567.8955
Want to seperate the value with comma.
I have tired with some codes. But it doesn't work.
Well, you would want to get your 4 decimal places you would need to divide your number by 10000:
var newNumber = parseInt($.yourTextField.value);
newNumber = Math.round(Number(newNumber)) / 10000;
console.log(newNumber); // 1234567.8955
Next you want to add your commmas:
var parts = newNumber.toString().split(".");
var num = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + (parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "");
console.log(num); // 1,234,567.8955
Thats the functionality, how you tie that to your textField and by which event listener, is yours to work out.
(answer adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/25127753/829989 which you could have easily found on your own)