The below error shows up when i try link the library react-native-firebase
Package react-native-firebase has been ignored because it contains invalid configuration. Reason: Unknown option with value ""\ implementation project(':react-native-firebase')"" was found. This is either a typing error or a user mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.
And when i run the app the below error shows
From my research this happens in react native version 0.60 but have no idea how to solve it ??
Related GitHub issue link below
I'm using delphi to build my ios App. Starting with firebase 9, I cannot anymore compile my project with firebase. when I try (with -ObjC linker flag) i receive error like:
[DCC Error] E2597 ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'FBLPromises'
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
Error: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_FIRHeartbeatController", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ios-arm64/FirebaseCore.framework/FirebaseCore(FIRHeartbeatLogger.o);
and this still firebase 10.2.0. but with firebase 8.15.0 it's was working fine. Is there any change made in firebase 9.0.0 that can explain this? Is there any workaround?
According to this github issues page this issue is similar to what you're facing. You may need to add FirebaseCoreInternal.xcframework into your project.
I'm using NativeBase icon on my react app. But when i tried to run it on Android, all of my icons won't show up and i got this following error
WARN Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 11): Error: The method
or property expo-file-system.downloadAsync is not available on
android, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies
Can someone help me? I've been stuck in this problem for days. Thanks.
I think there is a version compatibility issue
install vector-icon by this command
expo install #expo/vector-icons
Try running the following command:
expo install expo-file-system
If you are using icons from react-native-vector-icons, execute following command:
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
if you are not using react-native-vector-icons, make following chnnages:
import { Ionicons } from '#expo/vector-icons'; instead of.. import
Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';.
Once the above steps are done, Restart your app.
I hope it will solve your problem. Refernce
I'm trying to compile the APK for Flutter, but I'm getting an error in r8. I already have other apps in Flutter, but I never had a problem compiling and making the tests with them. I realize that the problem is the WebView library because when I remove it from the pubspec the app compiles. But I can't discard the use of the WebView at the moment, it is important for the app. The strange thing is that I can debug the app on the device.
I've tried several solutions like the ones below:
gradlew clean in project-flutter / android
flutter clean
And the following steps:
Updated to the latest version of webview dependency in the pub spec.
I have already switched to the flutter master channel.
Also performed the flutter upgrade but nothing solves the problem.
I get the following error:
R8: Program type already present:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task
':app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithR8ForRelease'. Compilation failed to
ref r8:
Found out the answer, you can remove the webview_flutter from your pubspec.yaml, so you just use youtube_player_flutter on your pubspec.yaml. You still can use the webview with all the functionality from webview_flutter with import 'package:webview_media/webview_flutter.dart'; on the dart file that using the webview.
As the message indicate the class io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutter.BuildConfig is present twice in the input. You will need to track down the two dependencies which have this class.
You can use
./gradlew app:dependencies
./gradlew app:androidDependencies
to get information on all dependencies. Then you need to figure out how to avoid one of these dependencies.
I got this problem cause youtube_player_flutter and flutter_html were using the same dependency flutter_webview.
I used this and work like a charm
flutter_html: ^1.0.0
webview_flutter: ^0.3.19+5
youtube_player_flutter: 6.0.3+2
Working for me
I replaced webview_flutter 0.3.19+9 from pubspec.yaml with webview_media 0.1.1+3
It was really helpful for me [][1]
Working for me.
Just update the packages of both youtube_player_flutter and webview_flutter. After that use both flutter clean and flutter packages get commands to solve this issue.
I had the same issue using webview_flutter and youtube_player_flutter. I used the solution by #srinivasanrsp on Github. It works.
The problem:
youtube_player_flutter uses the webview to play the videos from Youtube. so you are (unknowingly) trying to import and use the same package.
Remove the webview_flutter package from the pubspec.yaml file
Use import 'package:webview_media/webview_flutter.dart' as your webview.;
This works just fine.
I'm currently making an e-commerce project using flutter. I need a payment gateway to make transactions, so I install the "stripe_payment" package (
After I followed the installation steps, I run the "flutter run" command. The result is the package stripe can run well in my application.
However, when I run the "flutter build apk", an error appears as below:
The main errors are:
e: C:\Users\samue\AppData\Roaming\Pub\Cache\hosted\\stripe_payment-1.0.5\android\src\main\kotlin\de\jonasbark\stripepayment\StripeDialog.kt: (6, 36): Unresolved reference: snackbar
When I open the C:\Users\samue\AppData\Roaming\Pub\Cache\hosted\\stripe_payment-1.0.5\android\src\main\kotlin\de\jonasbark\stripepayment\StripeDialog.kt file and I check line 6, I see inside the file importing import
Then I looked for a solution on google, it looks like the problem is build.gradle. Here I attach the contents of the file from build.gradle
But I tried editing the build.gradle dependencies section that I got from Google, but all of them didn't work. When I run the flutter build apk, the same error still appears.
I have found the solution. I deleted the package "search_widget", then the package "stripe_payment" can run normally again without any errors during the build.
From this problem, I just understood that there are possibilities that packages on flutter can conflict, causing errors.
Whenever I try to run my first app the hello world app without any changes, I get this error:
VM aborting Fatal signal 6(SIGABRT) at 0x00007ec3(code=-6),thread
What does this error mean and how can I fix this?
Below is the error from console:
[2015-06-26 21:35:16 - android-support-v7-appcompat] Could not find android-support-v7-appcompat.apk!
The last error message posted indicates that your application is missing the android-support-v7-appcompat library. This is a library that enables the backwards compatibility of many UI features as described here. It is required for the default Android code examples to work.
Please make sure that you have downloaded the support packages with the SDK manager and attached the resources to your project as described in the official setup guide.
The console error also indicates that you have accidentally compiled the library apk itself to the project, which should not be done. Please check these links: Could not find appcompat_v7.apk and Android Could not find android-support-v7-appcompat.apk error