Want Scrolling list to specific position - android

Can We scroll listview on basis of item name on button clicking in android.
Like I have list with multiple header and i want to scroll the list to that header on button clicking.

You can get list position by name using below function.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof YourModel)) return false;
YourModel that = (YourModel) o;
return Objects.equals(itemName, that.itemName);
After that you can scroll to particular position using scrollToPosition(position);

For scroll to any postition X:
Smoothly scroll to the specified adapter position.
smoothScrollToPosition(int position)

if you are using Recyclerview then try this
And if you are using ListView then try this
// For smooth scroll:
//For direct scroll


How to update previous Items in Android Recycler view?

I have a RecyclerView to list a set of data. And on clicking each item , I have validation to check previous item is entered or not. If that item is not entered I want to enable an inline error (which is hidden in normal case) message in the previous row. I have done the scenario as shown below but error is showing only in the current row. Anyone suggest how I can enable/update previous row or a specific row.
public boolean _validateListItems(int itemIndex)
int previousItemIndex = itemIndex - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= previousItemIndex; i++)
if ((listRecyclerItem.get(i).getEnable()==0))
return false;
return true;
holder.expand_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
mExpandedPosition = isExpanded ? -1:position;
holder.error.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.error_red));
First of all RecyclerView is something that recycle view. View is generated is based on Data Model.
So, lets store the user button/checkbox click/checked action) to the respective Model/Item. To run the validation, get the items from the Adapter and check your conditions in Activity/Fragment [Looping is an expensive operation, use Coroutine or RxJava]. Execute your validation and if Validation is true for an item, just update the Item from the list and finally update the Adapter. You can pass the Error message in the item and render it to the View. And finally, must use DiffUtil to update the items in adapter.
Declare an interface for your adapter that has callback to your viewModel and when each item changed you can return the call back ito viewmodel and store it in an object or array
for example :
interface Callback { void onDataChanged(int itemPosition); }
call that method in onBindViewHolder when your item text changed
and in view model add the returned item into a list
when you clicked on a button, you can check the items if your necessary item didn't exist you can return error

View resets after scrolling in RecyclerView

I am implemeting multiple selection on GridManager using RecyclerView.
Here is my code inside adapter
imgStamps.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
//First setting up isSelected() or not
if (imageList.get(getAdapterPosition()).isSelected()) {
} else {
//Setting blur image on Imageview onLongclick and resting on again press.
if (imageList.get(getAdapterPosition()).isSelected()) {
} else {
mCommunicator.clicked(mCount, getAdapterPosition());
return true;
The above code is inside ViewHolder not onBindViewHolder.
If I am selectimg first image and scrolls down and then up the view gets reset.
Can the mistake or behaviour can be pointed out?
RecyclerView reuses your layout. Put your logic on onBindViewHolder method.
For more information explore this question
How to properly highlight selected item on RecyclerView?
RecyclerView will reused your item view when you scroll. To manager multi select you must have an array of selected position (or selected model). And onBindViewHolder, check position in this array to check item selected or not. For more details implement, please refer to : Multi selection in RecyclerView?

Save position of specific item in RecyclerView after new data insertion

I implement RecyclerView which have two ViewType. The list is dynamic and when user scroll down/up it add some items. In my RecyclerView just one of the item has different ViewType (consider this as expandable list which only one of item expand at a time).
I save position for expanded item But when new data added this position changed and I lost expanded item. Because data added in scroll down/up, updating expanded item according to size of new data is not good Idea.
One thing to mention is that I want to scroll to expanded item at first load. so I guess saving position would be best choice. (I guess but I'm not sure);
I want to know what's the efficient way to handle this issue?
Implement hashcode and equals method, using this get the position for the expanded model object.
Example :
public class Employee {
protected long employeeId;
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;
public boolean equals(Object o){
if(o == null) return false;
if(!(o instanceof) Employee) return false;
Employee other = (Employee) o;
if(this.employeeId != other.employeeId) return false;
if(! this.firstName.equals(other.firstName)) return false;
if(! this.lastName.equals(other.lastName)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode(){
return (int) employeeId;
// To get the index of expanded item
int expandedItemIndex = EmployeeList.indexOf(expandedEmployeeModel);
Likely you use model for loading data to RecyclerView. And this model (for ex. ContactModel) contains different values for your ViewHolders.
What is point, that you use special references for that saved position. What you need to do, it's just put that position (of expanded item) to current model. And after all most works fine.

How to show and hide view in recycler view in Android?

In my app I am using recycler view.I want to show and hide view on particular condition.But when I scroll recycler views I am not getting expected behaviour.When I Visible a view it gets visible for other rows as well randomly.
What I understand is when it recycles it reuses view and when previous view when it gets recycled it finds the visibility of that view.How can I hide view on particular condition? here is my adapter code
public void onBindViewHolder(UrduRhymesViewHolder holder, int position) {
RhymesModel current = mUrduRhymesList.get(position);
AppUtility.setCustomFont(mContext, holder.tvUrduRhymesName, Constants.HANDLEE_REGULAR);
holder.ivUrduRhymesLogo.setImageUrl(current.getThumbnailUrl(), mImageRequest);
int status = AppUtility.getFavouriteStatus(mContext, current.getRhymeName(), new UrduRhymesDb(mContext));
if (status == 0)
ProgressbarDetails progressbarDetails = ProgressbarDetails.getProgressDetail(current.getRhymeName());
if (progressbarDetails == null) {
progressbarDetails = new ProgressbarDetails();
progressbarDetails.prgProgressBar = holder.pbRhymeDownload;
progressbarDetails.download_btn_settings = holder.downloadButtonLayout;
} else {
progressbarDetails.prgProgressBar = holder.pbRhymeDownload;
progressbarDetails.download_btn_settings = holder.downloadButtonLayout;
ProgressbarDetails.addUpdateProgressDetail(current.getRhymeName(), progressbarDetails);
if (progressbarDetails != null && progressbarDetails.isDownloading) {
Log.e("test","downloading foe position "+position );
} else {
Log.e("test","should not be visible for position "+position);
Here progressbarDetails.isDownloading (having value true) is the criteria when I want to show my view but is else clause it is not hiding my view
Edit: Here ProgressbarDetails (Singleton )is a class keeping reference of every row of adapter's progress bar.
No direct way of hiding and unhiding recylerview childitems.
Let us assume that the recyclerview adapter is ArrayList
Now make another arraylist (temp_list)
Hide: iterate through your adapter items and remove the ones that you want to hide. Put each of these into temp_list. After iteration is over, call notifyDataSetChanged()
Show: iterate through your temp_list items and remove the ones that you want to show. Put each of these into adapter. After iteration is over, call notifyDataSetChanged()
You should add a flag in your viewHolder that indicates if this view should be displayed or not . and check this flag every time in the onBindViewHolder.
because the recyclerView reuses the same views you should make a decision depending on something special for every view in you viewHolder.
do u mean when your data has been changed?
and your layout want to change ?

How to disable all elements (also the ones not currently visible in the screen) in a listview?

I have a ListView with a set of elements. When I click one of the I would like to disable all the others. If I click again on the selected item all the other items are enabled again.
I tried the different proposed solution without success. I hope someone can help me.
This is my code:
//action to take when a presentation is selected
listview.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, final View view,
int position, long id) {
//disable the other items when one is selected
for(int i=0;i<parent.getCount();i++){
if(i!=position)//disable all the items except the select one
}else if(selectedPresentation==position){
//enable again all the items
for(int i=0;i<parent.getCount();i++){
Where selectedPresentation is a global variable storing the selected item. If no item is selected its value is -1.
Thank you for your help!
Make your own subclass of ArrayAdapter that has AreAllItemsEnabled() return false, and define isEnabled(int position) to return false for a given item in your the ones you want to disable.
In your custom ArrayAdapter overide isEnabled method as following
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
return false;
other option
Don't implement onItemclickListener. This will not give you any update of item click. Only register onClick listener to views.
You may take another object of the List(Arraylist) which is populating elements in listview then on click copy the corresponding position data to new arraylist you made and then notifyDataSet and when you click again you populate listview with original list so it will apear again....Just do this trick it might work for you
parent.getChildeAt() only work for visible Item.
you should change something in adapter.
if make custom adapter then you can do some thing like #ṁᾶƔƏň ツ answer, but if you use default adapter you can change adapter's arraylist that before you pass it to adapter.
put boolean in it (in arraylist) and in on item click true/false it for all item.
I wrote this solution and seems it works fine!
listview.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, final View view,
int position, long id) {
//disable the other items when one is selected
Toast.makeText(context, "onClick called",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // this will flash up twice
for(int i=0;i<adapter.getCount();i++){
if(i!=position)//disable all the items except the select one
}else if(selectedPresentation==position){
//enable again all the items
for(int i=0;i<adapter.getCount();i++){
And in my adapter I wrote:
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
if(selectedPresentation==-1 || selectedPresentation==position)
return true;
return false;
Now my concern is how to show the items in the listView as disabled

