Expected Behavior
Replace mock object initialization using the mockObject function implementation with annotation syntax initialization for JUnit 5 as outlined in the documentation and Medium post by #oleksiyp.
Current Behavior
The test in question is a parameterized test as outlined by #phauer for JUnit 5 which seems to conflict with #ExtendWith(MockKExtension::class). In order to implement tests with LiveData the test must run synchronously in the local unit test using this InstantExecutorExtension designed by #JeroenMols.
Mock object initialization works as expected with the mockObject function, but fails using the annotation #MockK.
Warning message/Build fail:
Repeatable annotations with non-SOURCE retention are not yet supported.
mockObject function implementation (Working as expected)
class NavigateContentTests {
private val mainThreadSurrogate = newSingleThreadContext("UI thread")
private val contentViewModel = ContentViewModel()
// This is the stream of tests to run in the Parameterized test below.
private fun NavigateContent() = Stream.of(
isRealtime = false,
feedType = MAIN,
timeframe = DAY,
mockFeedList = mockDbContentListForDay,
mockContent = mockArticleContent),
fun beforeAll() { mockkObject(ContentRepository) }
fun afterAll() { unmockkAll() // Re-assigns transformation of object to original state prior to mock. }
fun beforeEach() { Dispatchers.setMain(mainThreadSurrogate) }
fun afterEach() {
Dispatchers.resetMain() // Reset main dispatcher to the original Main dispatcher.
fun `Navigate Content`(test: NavigateContentTest) = runBlocking {
every { ContentRepository.getMainFeedList(test.isRealtime, any()) } returns mockGetMainFeedList(
test.mockFeedList, CONTENT)
every {
} returns mockQueryMainContentList(test.mockFeedList)
every { ContentRepository.getContent(test.mockContent.id) } returns mockGetContent(test)
// Tests here...
// Verification here...
Annotation syntax initialization (Not working due to two extensions #ExtendWith)
class NavigateContentTests {
// This object should be mocked.
lateinit var contentRepository: ContentRepository
private val mainThreadSurrogate = newSingleThreadContext("UI thread")
private val contentViewModel = ContentViewModel()
// This is the stream of tests to run in the Parameterized test below.
private fun NavigateContent() = Stream.of(
isRealtime = false,
feedType = MAIN,
timeframe = DAY,
mockFeedList = mockDbContentListForDay,
mockContent = mockArticleContent),
fun beforeAll() { MockKAnnotations.init(this, relaxUnitFun = true) // turn relaxUnitFun on for }
fun afterAll() { unmockkAll() // Re-assigns transformation of object to original state prior to mock. }
fun beforeEach() { Dispatchers.setMain(mainThreadSurrogate) }
fun afterEach() {
Dispatchers.resetMain() // Reset main dispatcher to the original Main dispatcher.
fun `Navigate Content`(test: NavigateContentTest) = runBlocking {
every { contentRepository.getMainFeedList(test.isRealtime, any()) } returns mockGetMainFeedList(
test.mockFeedList, CONTENT)
every {
} returns mockQueryMainContentList(test.mockFeedList)
every { contentRepository.getContent(test.mockContent.id) } returns mockGetContent(test)
// Tests here...
// Verification here...
MockK version: 1.9.3
OS: Mac 10.14.6
Kotlin version: 1.3.50
JDK version: 12.0.1
JUnit version: 5.5.1
Type of test: Unit test
This is a bug according to this GitHub issue, as documented by the MockK creator, #oleksiy.
I will update this post once I see the bug is resolved.
I am trying to create a unit test using Spek framework and nhaarman mockito kotlin in my Android Kotlin project. The problem is that when there is nested suspend method I don't know how to mock response.This is how I'm trying
I defined:
val testCoroutineDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
val testCoroutineScope = TestCoroutineScope(testCoroutineDispatcher)
and before any describe
beforeGroup {
Dispatchers.setMain(testCoroutineDispatcher) //not sure if this is working properly
afterGroup {
Dispatchers.resetMain() // reset main dispatcher to the original Main dispatcher
and this is my group
describe("Test view model") {
val contentRepository by memoized(CachingMode.SCOPE) { mock<ContentRepository>() }
val contentViewModel by memoized(CachingMode.SCOPE) {
describe("When something happens") {
beforeGroup {
testCoroutineScope.runBlockingTest {
whenever(contentRepository.fetchAllContents(0, 10))
.thenReturn(Result.success(content))//This is suspend
it("should fetch all content from repository with page 0") {
verifyBlocking(contentRepository) {
fetchAllClassContents(0, 10)
But Im getting the following error
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
Continuation at viewmodel.ContentViewModelSpek$1$3$1$4$1.invokeSuspend(ContentViewModelSpek.kt:92)
-> at repository.ContentRepository.fetchAllClassContents(ContentRepository.kt:23)
Actual invocation has different arguments:
Continuation at viewmodel.ContentViewModel$setContentPage$1.invokeSuspend(ContentViewModel.kt:26)
It seem like mock, method execution and assertion are running in different scopes
I can't find any guide that helps me create test with coroutine
Thanks in advance
I'm trying to test a Room DAO exposing functions that return Flows. The following test won't pass and I'm struggling to see why :
fun `observeHomeCoursesFeatured() does not return courses that are no longer featured`() = runBlocking {
val outputList: MutableList<List<HomeCourse>> = mutableListOf()
launch { subject.observeHomeCoursesFeatured().collect { outputList.add(it) } }
subject.saveHomeCoursesFeatured(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1(), getHomeCourseFeatured2()))
assertEquals(2, outputList.size)
assertEquals(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1(), getHomeCourseFeatured2()), outputList[0])
assertEquals(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1()), outputList[1])
It fails at assertEquals(2, outputList.size) saying that outputList is empty.
This test passes :
fun `observeHomeCoursesFeatured() does not return courses that are no longer featured`() = runBlocking {
subject.saveHomeCoursesFeatured(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1(), getHomeCourseFeatured2()))
assertEquals(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1(), getHomeCourseFeatured2()), subject.observeHomeCoursesFeatured().first())
assertEquals(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1()), subject.observeHomeCoursesFeatured().first())
The second test passing, shows that my DAO is working fine and it is more a question of threading and concurrency between the test thread and the thread that Room uses to trigger Flow changes.
I already added #get:Rule val archRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule() in my test. I also build my test DB with this :
db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(ctx, CoreDatabase::class.java)
What am I missing ?
launch is asynchronous, so you have a race condition.
fun `observeHomeCoursesFeatured() does not return courses that are no longer featured`() = runBlocking {
val job = async { subject.observeHomeCoursesFeatured().take(2).toList() }
subject.saveHomeCoursesFeatured(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1(), getHomeCourseFeatured2()))
val outputList = job.await()
assertEquals(2, outputList.size)
assertEquals(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1(), getHomeCourseFeatured2()), outputList[0])
assertEquals(listOf(getHomeCourseFeatured1()), outputList[1])
Please find below a function using a coroutine to replace callback :
override suspend fun signUp(authentication: Authentication): AuthenticationError {
return suspendCancellableCoroutine {
auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(authentication.email, authentication.password)
.addOnCompleteListener(activityLifeCycleService.getActivity()) { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
} else {
Log.w(this.javaClass.name, "createUserWithEmail:failure", task.exception)
Now I would like to unit testing this function. I am using Mockk :
fun `signup() must be delegated to createUserWithEmailAndPassword()`() = runBlockingTest {
val listener = slot<OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>>()
val authentication = mockk<Authentication> {
every { email } returns "email"
every { password } returns "pswd"
val task = mockk<Task<AuthResult>> {
every { isSuccessful } returns true
every { auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword("email", "pswd") } returns
mockk {
every { addOnCompleteListener(activity, capture(listener)) } returns mockk()
Unfortunately this test failed due to the following exception : java.lang.IllegalStateException: This job has not completed yet
I tried to replace runBlockingTest with runBlocking but the test seems to wait in an infinite loop.
Can someone help me with this UT please?
Thanks in advance
As can be seen in this post:
This exception usually means that some coroutines from your tests were scheduled outside the test scope (more specifically the test dispatcher).
Instead of performing this:
private val networkContext: CoroutineContext = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
private val sut = Foo(
fun `some test`() = runBlockingTest() {
// given
// when
// then
Create a test scope passing test dispatcher:
private val testDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
private val testScope = TestCoroutineScope(testDispatcher)
private val networkContext: CoroutineContext = testDispatcher
private val sut = Foo(
Then in test perform testScope.runBlockingTest
fun `some test`() = testScope.runBlockingTest {
See also Craig Russell's "Unit Testing Coroutine Suspend Functions using TestCoroutineDispatcher"
In case of Flow testing:
Don't use flow.collect directly inside runBlockingTest. It should be wrapped in launch
Don't forget to cancel TestCoroutineScope in the end of a test. It will stop a Flow collecting.
class CoroutinesPlayground {
private val job = Job()
private val testDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher()
private val testScope = TestScope(job + testDispatcher)
fun `play with coroutines here`() = testScope.runBlockingTest {
val flow = MutableSharedFlow<Int>()
launch {
flow.collect { value ->
println("Value: $value")
launch {
repeat(10) { value ->
This is not an official solution, so use it at your own risk.
This is similar to what #azizbekian posted, but instead of calling runBlocking, you call launch.
As this is using TestCoroutineDispatcher, any tasks scheduled to be run without delay are immediately executed. This might not be suitable if you have several tasks running asynchronously.
It might not be suitable for every case but I hope that it helps for simple cases.
You can also follow up on this issue here:
If you know how to solve this using the already existing runBlockingTest and runBlocking, please be so kind and share with the community.
class MyTest {
private val dispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
private val testScope = TestCoroutineScope(dispatcher)
fun myTest {
val apiService = mockk<ApiService>()
val repository = MyRepository(apiService)
testScope.launch {
verify { apiService.expectedFunctionToBeCalled() }
According to my understanding, this exception occurs when you are using a different dispatcher in your code inside the runBlockingTest { } block with the one that started runBlockingTest { }.
So in order to avoid this, you first have to make sure you inject Dispatchers in your code, instead of hardcoding it throughout your app. If you haven't done it, there's nowhere to begin because you cannot assign a test dispatcher to your test codes.
Then, in your BaseUnitTest, you should have something like this:
val coroutineRule = CoroutineTestRule()
class CoroutineTestRule(
val testDispatcher: TestCoroutineDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
) : TestWatcher() {
override fun finished(description: Description?) {
override fun starting(description: Description?) {
Next step really depends on how you do Depedency Injection. The main point is to make sure your test codes are using coroutineRule.testDispatcher after the injection.
Finally, call runBlockingTest { } from this testDispatcher:
fun `This should pass`() = coroutineRule.testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
//Your test code where dispatcher is injected
There is an open issue for this problem: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/1204
The solution is to use the CoroutineScope intead of the TestCoroutinScope until the issue is resolved, you can do by replacing
fun `signup() must be delegated to createUserWithEmailAndPassword()`() =
runBlockingTest {
fun `signup() must be delegated to createUserWithEmailAndPassword()`() =
runBlocking {
None of these answers quite worked for my setup due to frequent changes in the coroutines API.
This specifically works using version 1.6.0 of kotlin-coroutines-test, added as a testImplementation dependency.
fun `test my function causes flow emission`() = runTest {
// calling this function will result in my flow emitting a value
val job = launch {
// Force my flow to update via collect invocation
// immediately cancel job
assertEquals("1234", viewModel.myMemberFlow.value)
If you have any
inside the launch, you must call to
Example code:
val channel = Channel<Success<Any>>()
val flow = channel.consumeAsFlow()
launch {
runBlockingTest deprecated since 1.6.0 and replaced with runTest.
You need to swap arch background executor with one that execute tasks synchronously. eg. For room suspend functions, live data etc.
You need the following dependency for core testing
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.arch.core:core-testing:2.1.0'
Then add the following at the top of test class
val instantExecutor = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
InstantTaskExecutorRule A JUnit Test Rule that swaps the background executor used by the
Architecture Components with a different one which executes each task
You can use this rule for your host side tests that use Architecture
As I mentioned here about fixing runBlockingTest, maybe it could help you too.
Add this dependency if you don't have it
testImplementation "androidx.arch.core:core-testing:$versions.testCoreTesting" (2.1.0)
Then in your test class declare InstantTaskExecutorRule rule:
val instantTaskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
The error I have:
The code with the error:
#PrepareForTest(PotatoProvider::class, PotatoConsumer::class)
class WantedButNotInvoked {
lateinit var potatoConsumer: PotatoConsumer
fun potato() {
//verify(potatoConsumer).accept(any()) //-> This fails too with the same reason
data class Potato(val value: Int = 1)
class PotatoConsumer : Consumer<Potato> {
override fun accept(t: Potato?) {
So I making subscribe with this mock(potatoConsumer), and the rxJava have called 'accept', and mockito mark it as interaction, but mockito thinks this interaction is not what I'm expecting, why?
Versions of libraries used her:
mockitoVersion = '2.8.9'
mockitoAndroidVersion = '2.7.22'
rxKotlin = "2.3.0"
rxJavaVersion = "2.2.10"
Kinda workaround
Some fields mocked by powermock, fails on 'verify', but fields mocked with mockito is not;
Mockito can't mock not opened fields, without mock-maker-inline, but mockito conflicts with Powermock mock-maker-inline;
Powermock can delegate calls of mock-maker-inline to other mock-maker-inline(https://github.com/powermock/powermock/wiki/PowerMock-Configuration)
Use Mockito.mock on the failed fields instead of #Mock/Powermock mock injection
Example of the "green" potato test method using PowerMockRunner
fun potato() {
potatoConsumer = mock() // <-
I am not familiar with PowerMock but I tried this test and it passes:
fun potato() {
fakePotatoProvider = Mockito.mock(PotatoProvider::class.java)
potatoConsumer = Mockito.mock(PotatoConsumer::class.java)
Maybe because you aren't passing the same instance of Potato(). Try to refactor your code to this
fun potato() {
val testPotato = Potato()
As I mentioned above, the reason why it might be failing is the constant creation of new instances when passing your Potato object, hance that comparison fails.
In our project (at work - I cannot post real code), we have implemented clean MVVM. Views communicate with ViewModels via LiveData. ViewModel hosts two kinds of use cases: 'action use cases' to do something, and 'state updater use cases'. Backward communication is asynchronous (in terms of action reaction). It's not like an API call where you get the result from the call. It's BLE, so after writing the characteristic there will be a notification characteristic we listen to. So we use a lot of Rx to update the state. It's in Kotlin.
class SomeViewModel #Inject constructor(private val someActionUseCase: SomeActionUseCase,
someUpdateStateUseCase: SomeUpdateStateUseCase) : ViewModel() {
private val someState = MutableLiveData<SomeState>()
private val stateSubscription: Disposable
// region Lifecycle
init {
stateSubscription = someUpdateStateUseCase.state()
.subscribeIoObserveMain() // extension function
.subscribe { newState ->
someState.value = newState
override fun onCleared() {
// endregion
// region Public Functions
fun someState() = someState
fun someAction(someValue: Boolean) {
val someNewValue = if (someValue) "This" else "That"
// endregion
Update state use case:
class UpdateSomeStateUseCase #Inject constructor(
private var state: SomeState = initialState) {
private val statePublisher: PublishProcessor<SomeState> =
fun update(state: SomeState) {
this.state = state
fun state(): Observable<SomeState> = statePublisher.toObservable()
We are using Spek for unit tests.
class SomeViewModelTest : SubjectSpek<SomeViewModel>({
var mockSomeActionUseCase = mock<SomeActionUseCase>()
var mockSomeUpdateStateUseCase = mock<SomeUpdateStateUseCase>()
var liveState = MutableLiveData<SomeState>()
val initialState = SomeState(initialValue)
val newState = SomeState(newValue)
val behaviorSubject = BehaviorSubject.createDefault(initialState)
subject {
mockSomeActionUseCase = mock()
mockSomeUpdateStateUseCase = mock()
SomeViewModel(mockSomeActionUseCase, mockSomeUpdateStateUseCase).apply {
liveState = state() as MutableLiveData<SomeState>
beforeGroup { setTestRxAndLiveData() }
afterGroup { resetTestRxAndLiveData() }
context("some screen") {
given("the action to open the screen") {
on("screen opened") {
it("displays the initial state") {
assertEquals(liveState.value, initialState)
given("some setup") {
on("some action") {
it("does something") {
on("action updating the state") {
it("displays new state") {
assertEquals(liveState.value, newState)
At first we were using an Observable instead of the BehaviorSubject:
var observable = Observable.just(initialState)
observable = Observable.just(newState)
assertEquals(liveState.value, newState)
instead of the:
val behaviorSubject = BehaviorSubject.createDefault(initialState)
assertEquals(liveState.value, newState)
but the unit test were being flaky. Mostly they would pass (always when ran in isolation), but sometime they would fail when running the whole suit. Thinking it is to do with asynchronous nature of the Rx we moved to BehaviourSubject to be able to control when the onNext() happens. Test are now passing when we run them from AndroidStudio on the local machine, but they are still flaky on the build machine. Restarting the build often makes them pass.
The tests which fail are always the ones where we assert the value of LiveData. So the suspects are LiveData, Rx, Spek or their combination.
Question: Did anyone have similar experiences writing unit tests with LiveData, using Spek or maybe Rx, and did you find ways to write them which solve these flakiness issues?
Helper and extension functions used:
fun instantTaskExecutorRuleStart() =
ArchTaskExecutor.getInstance().setDelegate(object : TaskExecutor() {
override fun executeOnDiskIO(runnable: Runnable) {
override fun isMainThread(): Boolean {
return true
override fun postToMainThread(runnable: Runnable) {
fun instantTaskExecutorRuleFinish() = ArchTaskExecutor.getInstance().setDelegate(null)
fun setRxSchedulersTrampolineOnMain() = RxAndroidPlugins.setInitMainThreadSchedulerHandler { Schedulers.trampoline() }
fun setTestRxAndLiveData() {
fun resetTestRxAndLiveData() {
fun <T> Observable<T>.subscribeIoObserveMain(): Observable<T> =
fun <T> Observable<T>.subscribeOnIoThread(): Observable<T> = subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())
fun <T> Observable<T>.observeOnMainThread(): Observable<T> =
I didn't used Speck for unit-testing. I've used java unit-test platform and it works perfect with Rx & LiveData, but you have to keep in mind one thing. Rx & LiveData are async and you can't do something like someObserver.subscribe{}, someObserver.doSmth{}, assert{} this will work sometimes but it's not the correct way to do it.
For Rx there's TestObservers for observing Rx events. Something like:
public void testMethod() {
TestObserver<SomeObject> observer = new TestObserver()
// or
observer.awaitTerminalEvent(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
For LiveData also, you'll have to use CountDownLatch to wait for LiveData execution. Something like this:
public void someLiveDataTest() {
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); // if you want to check one time exec
somethingTahtReturnsLiveData.observeForever(params -> {
/// you can take the params value here
//trigger live data here
latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Using this approach your test should run ok in any order on any machine. Also the wait time for latch & terminal event should be as low as possible, the tests should run fast.
Note1: The code is in JAVA but you can change it easily in kotlin.
Note2: Singleton are the biggest enemy of unit-testing ;). (With static methods by their side).
The issue is not with LiveData; it is the more common problem - singletons. Here the Update...StateUseCases had to be singletons; otherwise if observers got a different instance they would have a different PublishProcessor and would not get what was published.
There is a test for each Update...StateUseCases and there is a test for each ViewModel into which Update...StateUseCases is injected (well indirectly via the ...StateObserver).
The state exists within the Update...StateUseCases, and since it is a singleton, it gets changed in both tests and they use the same instance becoming dependent on each other.
Firstly try to avoid using singletons if possible.
If not, reset the state after each test group.