Remove Android app border with FireMonkey - android

I create an Android app with FireMonkey (10.2.2), but I don't understand why I have a top and right white border. I never added that to my app.
I started to create an example app, just a black form with a black TRectangle without sides.
I don't have to code anything, just design. When I compile for Windows, it's OK. I have this border only on Android.
I get this result:
You can download the example project here : Click Here to Download

I was having the exact same problem when adding a TStyleBook, but I found a workaround. The steps are the following:
Click on the form (I've done it in the Master view, of course)
Go to the Properties tab, then open Fill > Color
Choose your desired color, you can copy it from the style you imported for the TStyleBook (In my case it was: #FF2B3840 from the backgroundstyle setting in the style)
Within Fill also change the Kind to the value Solid
Basically, this workaround is about manually overriding the inherited style from TStyleBook. I know this is not ideal because it's a hardcoded value you'll have to keep track of if you ever change styles at runtime in your app.
Source link #1: Click here.
Source link #2: Click here.
Source link #3: Click here.


The android studio changes the background of button

I have a problem with my Floating Action Button. I want to get the same "plus" button as in google design, however, when I import the "add_white" icon from material design studio and put it into project, it is redefined to have black background which completely distorts the effect.
I show on the attached picture how the problem looks like - the image in all possible dimensions is correctly inserted in the folder, however, the android studio reads it differently.
Thank you in advance,
How to fix it/ or just get the proper "cross/plus" sign to the button?
I'd recommend you to download the icon in svg format from, you can add it to Android Studio by doing a right-click on the project and selecting Vector assets, you'll be able to remove your 5 ic_apps_white_48 pngs and use the one imported.

Custom Shape Button Android

I have to address this type of views which has buttons below example.
It is in the iOS. so is there any way to make it in Android.
I also have to give click events on all of those buttons.
I would recommend just exporting these custom images to pngs. Then adding the pngs to your Android project and simply referencing them in the code or XML. Then on a click event you can simply change the icon to indicate that it has been clicked and if the user clicks on it one more time change it back.
This will also ensure that the Android images look identical to the iOS ones.

iOS equivalent to androids colors.xml

I'm developing an app with different brandings that do share the same codebase for most parts. In my android project, I got a xml file for every branding containing the colors. Every view used the color codes defined within these xml files instead of using 'hard coded' color codes.
I would like to achieve the same thing within iOS. How can I do this? I would prefer a solution that does not involve dragging all references into the view controller and set colors via code. Is this possible with Xcode?
Please click on a view and check for Background.Click on dropdown and check
other... is present , click on that now follow the screenshot attached.

Android Studio "Resource" Window

I have started Android development and I need to access the 'resource' window. I have searched around and have not found an answer. What I am doing is I am trying to change the background color of my app using the 'color.xml' file I have created. The problem is, I cannot find the 'background_color' resource in the 'RelativeLayout' panel in the 'Design' view in Android Studio. Does anyone know where or how to open this window?!
Sorry for my noobish-ness,
To pull up the "resources" window, you have to:
Open the activity in "Design" mode.
Select the "RelativeLayout"
Go to "Properties" pane and find whatever property you need.
Once selected, click the "..." button.
A window appears with a list of all properties.
If you want to set a background color of a relativeLayout, you can use the background resource. This can be any of the predefined colors, or a special layout file you made that specifies the shape of the layout, curved edges, etc.

what is the color used in seekbar

I am trying to find the color code for the bright light blue color used by the Android framework in some of their widgets. I understand that the framework uses 9 patch images to draw these widgets, so the color code would theoretically not be stored in the framework code.
But is there a way to find what was the color code used in the SeekBar or the ToggleButton(the small blue line when Checked)?
I generally use #33B5E5 for the color.
Take a screenshot of the image and upload it to this site and click the color you want to know about.
In Android-Studio you can do it in the Program itself too. To do that, follow this steps:
Put the Item in your view that you wish to know the color from or have a picture or screenshot ready and open on the PC
Select an item (Button, View, etc) in the "Component-Tree" on right side and go to the "Color-Property" or the prop "Backgroud" of the selected item (one has to be in Design-Mode to see the Component-Tree).
Then click the "..." behind the Property-Edittextfield and a menu opens up where you can choose a color, by either go to the System-Tab and choose a predefined Android-System Color (you see all the different greens here for example). After select a color you see the value of it in the value window below.
You can also go to the Color-Tab and click the little color-selector item, then hover it over the Layout-item that you draged to the view in step 1 and try to hover the spot where the needed color is. You can have also a screenshot open, or the android emulator or something. The color-picker lets you hover also over outside program views, not only insde Androidstudio.
Voila, there you have all system colors.

