I want to change if it is possible, only the background color/tint of all Sundays of the current month
like this pic, thank you for your time
This documentation should help you out. Using the getFirstDayofWeek() should get your Sunday and then using setWeekDayTextAppearance I'm assuming would allow you to change it. I haven't personally used CalendarView before but the documentation looks pretty straightforward.
I want to display a DatePicker, that contains only a calendar, but i get this kind of bug:
Screen with error
I found some people had this kind of problem too, but have somebody found a solution for this?
It occurs on Api > 21, most of resolutions.
Found out that this can be easily reproduced after we set the Setting->Display->Display Size to Large. And then go to a month that needs to show 6 rows. The Google Calendar app have the same problem.
So it should be a bug in the DatePicker. The only easy solution is to change the datepicker to the spinner style.
I am trying to use the object CalendarView in my XML file and appears good, but I have one problem.
I want to create Two buttons to go forward and move backwards month by month.
Another option is that I could create a ScrollViewHorizontal to show month by month.
Can anyone help me to do this??
Thank you so much.
CalendarView cannot be used as it is in the way that you are asking. There are many 3rd party libraries that you can see. Here is one which is really good. https://github.com/roomorama/Caldroid
I have a calendar view and I want to customize individual days (say change color) under specific condition that I have. For example change the color of days if day is odd number or even number. Is there a way to do that?
I think maybe you can just modify android calender source code from here : https://github.com/android/platform_packages_apps_calendar
As I know, if you use calenderview, you can just use it, not modify it
I am sure,I think my question is something different in android.I goggled 100s of sites i saw the date picker in android, all are same type, no one give the different date picker.
My Task is to design custom date picker. Please find this below screen shot.
For that I goggled, I didn't find any solution. I think, For android solutions this is the best site.
coming to my date picker it is totally dialog box. In that red symbol,name,close mark,submit i can do it. But i want that sun,man,tue,web In red color and on the top month and year. In below dates with green color picker. so Please tell me how can I do that task.
All advices are accepted.
I can only suggest how I would have gone for such a calendar. By the UI it is clear that it has to come as a pop-up or to better say a dialog. Now you have to google the opensource calendars if any or just using the calendar API provided by java you can get the calendar for a month year etc. and move it across previous month by normal java function calls.
Now that you have got the data to populate in your calendar. You have to design a custom layout xml create ~30-40 boxes or a grid with dynamic textviews or a webview with <table>, <tr>, <td> the choice is completely yours.
If you can't find anything opensource then I would suggest you should do these things by the suggested approach.
I have spent almost 10 days searching for a tutorial or any help describing how to add a colour picker to my Clock Widget.
My widget is a simple clock with 7 colours, but I want to make it completely usable free. "the user chooses what colour he/she like", "the clock, NOT the background" of that clock.
Could you please direct me and help me to find the way to make it like that?
I tried to use the setBackgroundResources to change the actual background to the the frame of the clock "clock_dial", and tried to make the background a BLANK image to avoid the colour effect on the image. But I almost gave up guys.
Help is appreciated.
views.setInt(R.id.widget_aclock, "setBackgroundResource", R.drawable.whand_dial);
views.setInt(R.id.widget_aclock, "setBackgroundColor", color);
https://github.com/LarsWerkman/HoloColorPicker may be what you are looking for, but with such a vague description I am not sure.