Flutter Launcher: Go back to the HomeScreen when Home Button is pressed - android

I am trying to make a launcher using flutter. I have made multiple screens for doing specific tasks like HomeScreen. AppDrawerScreen and so on. The problem I am facing is whenever I go to say AppDrawerScreen and press on the Home Button, I am not redirected to the HomeScreen. How can I handle this scenario?

I've had the same problem. I guess the only solution is to listen to the Home button, and there go to the first screen. there is a plugin called hardware_buttons, and about the Back button you can use the WillPopScope() widget.

You can achieve this by adding WidgetsBindingObserver mixing to your StatefulWidget class.
And then you can invoke didChangeAppLifecycleState() method where you can listen to the AppLifeCycleState changes like :
resume and soon
But in your case since you want to navigate to HomeScreen when Android Home Button is pressed so you need to check if AppLifeCycleState.inactive is true (which means you have pressed the Android Home Button and app is running in background) and there you can add your code to Navigate to HomeScreen.
Also you can refer to this documentation for more information.


perform the same action as device back button React native

I have added back button to the app and when I click it I want to perform the same action as that of the device back button. how can I achieve that in react native.
Currently I am on Android.r
Could you share any relevant information regarding this please.
Whenever a user press the back button on the device, what the app does is removing the screen at the top of the stack. In react-navigation you can use the "goBack" function to do the same.
source: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/navigation-prop.html#goback-close-the-active-screen-and-move-back

Refreshing home launcher on home button press

I have a launcher application, which users can customise in different ways. But the changes do not reflect. I was thinking if i can detect a home button press and on that create my launcher activity again. But how do i achieve this?
Also, is there a better method for this?
Write the changes you want to make to the disk (such as SharedPreference) and reload them in the onResume function of your home screen activity. Don't do it in onCreate or they will only be loaded once.

How to stop my app from exiting when back/home button button is pressed?

I am making an app exclusive for the tablet it was installed to. I wanted to put a restriction so that when the back button or home button is pressed the user will be prompted to enter a password and if the password is correct application be allowed to exit.
Overriding the back button is pretty easy, just override Activity.onBackPressed() to do whatever you want. Don't call super() or it will close the Activity!
Overriding the home button is more problematic. The only way to do so is to make your app a launcher. Then press home and select your app as the default launcher.
I'm not sure that this could be a good idea. You're "blocking" the user in this way. You can probably override the back button but you will not be able to override the home button (without making the app a launcher).
I did a sort of "kiosk" application and I had the same requirements. I ended up rooting the devices and using this Hide Bar application. The user was not able to go back, and the administrator had a button to enter, with a password, into the "admin panel". In this admin panel you can push a button to go to the launcher. From there you can, with a widget included into the Hide Bar app, restore the back and home buttons.
May be this can help you for setting the passoward.

how to know when a app is opened by homebutton longpress in android

I had a small problem
1.In my app I have both widget and application.
2.If a person uses the widget he will enter into the gallery and ask him to select the image whenever he select the image it will placed as wallpaper.
3.where as in app he will have different choices to use(ex:customizing..etc)
4.So whenever the person used widget and longpress on home screen and selected the app it was opening gallery which is used for widget.
5.But according to my requirement whenever he long press on home screen and selected the app it should go to main application but not widget's one....
Im stugling this...is there any solution for this...hope i have given clear description...if u dont understand plzz let me know
Basically the homebutton puts the app in paused state you can perform the operations by overriding onPause method.
whenever he long press on home screen and selected the app it resumes from the paused state
you can define any action when app resumes in onResume method.
This is as designed by Android,. Long press of home shows you recent apps with saved state.
so since the user has used widget and then long presses to select app. it will show last saved state that is widget gallery.

Remove state maintenance of screens Android?

I am very new developer for Android application so please ignore if there is some technical mistakes in my question.
I have five screen (Home, SR-1, SR-2,SR-3,SR-4 ) in my Android application and I can switch any screen at give time.
When we are pressing device back button it will take we to the previous screen where I was lastly.
But whenever I am pressing Home it will take me to landing screen If in this state I am pressing device back button I will take me to previous view but I want to remove this state maintenance.
(i.e. : When I am coming to Home and I pressed back button It will exit from my application)
Thank you
for each activity: you can add in AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:name="nameofActivity"
From android pressing back button should exit the app :
Immediately after you start a new activity, using startActivity, make sure you call finish() so that the current activity is not stacked behind the new one.

