Kotlin Json parsing MVVM - android

I'm trying to learn MVVM architecture on parse Json into a Recyclerview in MVVM using coroutines. But I'm getting error on BlogRepository class.
My Json file looks like this:
"id": 1,
"name": "potter",
"img": "https://images.example.com/potter.jpg"
{ …}
I have created data class as below:
#JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
class ABCCharacters (
#Json(name = "id") val char_id: Int,
#Json(name = "name") val name: String? = null,
#Json(name = "img") val img: String
Then the RestApiService as below:
interface RestApiService {
fun getPopularBlog(): Deferred<List<ABCCharacters>>
companion object {
fun createCorService(): RestApiService {
val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.readTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
return Retrofit.Builder()
class BlogRepository() {
private var character = mutableListOf<ABCCharacters>()
private var mutableLiveData = MutableLiveData<List<ABCCharacters>>()
val completableJob = Job()
private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + completableJob)
private val thisApiCorService by lazy {
fun getMutableLiveData():MutableLiveData<List<ABCCharacters>> {
coroutineScope.launch {
val request = thisApiCorService.getPopularBlog()
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
try {
val response = request.await()
val mBlogWrapper = response;
if (mBlogWrapper != null && mBlogWrapper.name != null) {
character = mBlogWrapper.name as MutableList<ABCCharacters>
} catch (e: HttpException) {
// Log exception //
} catch (e: Throwable) {
// Log error //)
return mutableLiveData;
Finally the ViewModel class
class MainViewModel() : ViewModel() {
val characterRepository= BlogRepository()
val allBlog: LiveData<List<ABCCharacters>> get() = characterRepository.getMutableLiveData()
override fun onCleared() {
I've done this based on https://itnext.io/kotlin-wrapping-your-head-around-livedata-mutablelivedata-coroutine-networking-and-viewmodel-b552c3a74eec
Someone can guide me where am I going wrong & how to fix it?

Your getPopularBlog() API return List<ABCCharacters> instead of ABCCharacters. So, you can't access ABCCharacters's property from your response directly. That's why name property here shows Unresolved reference.
Try below code:
if (mBlogWrapper != null && mBlogWrapper.isNotEmpty()) {
character = mBlogWrapper as MutableList<ABCCharacters>
mutableLiveData.value = character

Your response return List but you want to check single object value (mBlogWrapper.name != null). You dont need this line on your code. In the example he checked if "response" is not a "null" and if the blog list is not null. Analize example one more time ;)
if you still have a problem with it, let me know


Android Retrofit2: Serialize null without GSON or JSONObject

The result of API call in my Android app can be a JSON with configuration which is mapped to SupportConfigurationJson class, or just pure null. When I get a JSON, the app works properly, but when I get null, I get this exception:
kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Expected start of the object '{', but had 'EOF' instead
JSON input: null
I should avoid using GSON in this project. I also found a solution, where API interface will return Response<JSONObject>, and after that my repository should check if this JSONObject is null and map it to SupportConfigurationJson if not. But in the project we always used responses with custom classes so I wonder, is there any other solution to get response with null or custom data class?
GettSupportConfiguration usecase class:
class GetSupportConfiguration #Inject constructor(
private val supportConfigurationRepository: SupportConfigurationRepository
) {
suspend operator fun invoke(): Result<SupportConfiguration?> {
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
if (e.message?.contains("JSON input: null") == true) {
} else {
SupportConfigurationJson class:
data class SupportConfigurationJson(
val imageUrl: String,
val description: String,
val phoneNumber: String?,
val email: String?
SupportConfigurationRepository class:
class SupportConfigurationRepository #Inject constructor(
private val api: SupportConfigurationApi,
private val jsonMapper: SupportConfigurationJsonMapper
) {
suspend fun getSupportConfiguration(): SupportConfiguration? =
private suspend fun mapJsonToSupportConfiguration(
supportConfiguration: SupportConfigurationJson?
) = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
fun <T> Response<T?>.extractOrThrow(): T? {
val body = body()
return if (isSuccessful) body else throw error()
fun <T> Response<T>.error(): Throwable {
val statusCode = HttpStatusCode.from(code())
val errorBody = errorBody()?.string()
val cause = RuntimeException(errorBody ?: "Unknown error.")
return when {
statusCode.isClientError -> ClientError(statusCode, errorBody, cause)
statusCode.isServerError -> ServerError(statusCode, errorBody, cause)
else -> ResponseError(statusCode, errorBody, cause)
SupportConfigurationApi class:
interface SupportConfigurationApi {
suspend fun getSupportConfiguration(): Response<SupportConfigurationJson?>
SupportConfigurationJsonMapper class:
class SupportConfigurationJsonMapper #Inject constructor() {
fun mapToSupportSettings(json: SupportConfigurationJson?): SupportConfiguration? {
return if (json != null) {
email = json.email,
phoneNumber = json.phoneNumber,
description = json.description,
imageUrl = Uri.parse(json.imageUrl)
} else null
I create Retrofit like this:
fun provideAuthorizedRetrofit(
#AuthorizedClient client: OkHttpClient,
#BaseUrl baseUrl: String,
converterFactory: Converter.Factory
): Retrofit {
return Retrofit.Builder()
fun provideConverterFactory(json: Json): Converter.Factory {
val mediaType = "application/json".toMediaType()
return json.asConverterFactory(mediaType)
Everything is explained here (1min read)
Api is supposed to return "{}" for null, If you can't change API add this converter to Retrofit
You are interacting with your repository directly, i will suggest to use
to interact with data layer.
Because you are not catching this exception over here, your app is crashing
suspend fun getSupportConfiguration(): SupportConfiguration? =
Usecase usually catch these errors and show useful error msg at the ui.

Unable to invoke no-args constructor for retrofit2.Call MVVM Coroutines Retrofit

I want to use coroutines in my project only when I use coroutines I get the error :Unable to invoke no-args constructor. I don't know why it's given this error. I am also new to coroutines.
here is my apiclient class:
class ApiClient {
val retro = Retrofit.Builder()
Here is my endpoint class:
suspend fun get(
#Query("near") city: String,
#Query("limit") limit: String = Constants.limit,
#Query("radius") radius: String = Constants.radius,
#Query("client_id") id: String = Constants.clientId,
#Query("client_secret") secret: String = Constants.clientSecret,
#Query("v") date: String
): Call<VenuesMainResponse>
my Repository class:
class VenuesRepository() {
private val _data: MutableLiveData<VenuesMainResponse?> = MutableLiveData(null)
val data: LiveData<VenuesMainResponse?> get() = _data
suspend fun fetch(city: String, date: String) {
val retrofit = ApiClient()
val api = retrofit.retro.create(VenuesEndpoint::class.java)
city = city,
date = date
).enqueue(object : Callback<VenuesMainResponse>{
override fun onResponse(call: Call<VenuesMainResponse>, response: Response<VenuesMainResponse>) {
val res = response.body()
if (response.code() == 200 && res != null) {
_data.value = res
} else {
_data.value = null
override fun onFailure(call: Call<VenuesMainResponse>, t: Throwable) {
_data.value = null
my ViewModel class:
class VenueViewModel( ) : ViewModel() {
private val repository = VenuesRepository()
fun getData(city: String, date: String): LiveData<VenuesMainResponse?> {
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
repository.fetch(city, date)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.d("Hallo", "Exception: " + e.message)
return repository.data
part of activity class:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(){
private lateinit var venuesViewModel: VenueViewModel
private lateinit var adapter: HomeAdapter
private var searchData: List<Venue>? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val editText = findViewById<EditText>(R.id.main_search)
venuesViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[VenueViewModel::class.java]
city = "",
date = ""
).observe(this, Observer {
it?.let { res ->
rv_home.visibility = View.VISIBLE
searchData = it.response.venues
this is my VenuesMainResponse data class
data class VenuesMainResponse(
val response: VenuesResponse
I think the no-args constructor warning should be related to your VenuesMainResponse, is it a data class? You should add the code for it as well and the complete Log details
Also, with Coroutines you should the change return value of the get() from Call<VenuesMainResponse> to VenuesMainResponse. You can then use a try-catch block to get the value instead of using enqueue on the Call.
Check this answer for knowing about it and feel free to ask if this doesn't solve the issue yet :)
Ok so I just noticed that it seems that you are trying to use the foursquare API. I recently helped out someone on StackOverFlow with the foursquare API so I kinda recognize those Query parameters and the Venue response in the code you provided above.
I guided the person on how to fetch the Venues from the Response using the MVVM architecture as well. You can find the complete code for getting the response after the UPDATE block in the answer here.
This answer by me has code with detailed explanation for ViewModel, Repository, MainActivity, and all the Model classes that you will need for fetching Venues from the foursquare API.
Let me know if you are unable to understand it, I'll help you out! :)
So here is the change that will allow you to use this code with Coroutines as well.
class Repository {
private val _data: MutableLiveData<mainResponse?> = MutableLiveData(null)
val data: LiveData<mainResponse?> get() = _data
suspend fun fetch(longlat: String, date: String) {
val retrofit = Retro()
val api = retrofit.retro.create(api::class.java)
try {
val response = api.get(
longLat = longlat,
date = date
_data.value = response
} catch (e: Exception) {
_data.value = null
class ViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val repository = Repository()
val data: LiveData<mainResponse?> = repository.data
fun getData(longLat: String, date: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
repository.fetch(longLat, date)
interface api {
suspend fun get(
#Query("ll") longLat: String,
#Query("client_id") id: String = Const.clientId,
#Query("client_secret") secret: String = Const.clientSecret,
#Query("v") date: String
): mainResponse
private val viewModel by viewModels<ViewModel>()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
longLat = "40.7,-74",
date = "20210718" // date format is: YYYYMMDD
.observe(this, Observer {
it?.let { res ->
res.response.venues.forEach { venue ->
val name = venue.name
Log.d("name ",name)

Why I get Unable to create converter exception from retrofit?

My problem is, when I use Call inside my retrofit api, I get this exception:
Unable to create converter for retrofit2.Call<java.util.List>
for method IntegApi.getAllProductBarcodeAsync
The intersting thing, if I don't use Call then the error message is gone.
I want to use Call, becuse I would like to use a custom response class, because i want the know when the api sends 404 status, and then I want to skip this exception.
I use Moshi to convert Json
Sync function:
private suspend fun syncProductBarcodes() {
try {
val productBarcodes = api.getAllProductBarcodeAsync().await()
if(productBarcodes.isSuccessful) {
productBarcodeRepository.deleteAndInsertAll(productBarcodes.body() ?: emptyList())
}catch (e: Exception){
throw e
suspend fun getAllProductBarcodeAsync(): Call<List<ProductBarcode>>
Entity class:
tableName = ProductBarcode.TABLE_NAME
#JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
class ProductBarcode(
#ColumnInfo(name = "id")
#Json(name = "Id")
val id: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "product_id", index = true)
#Json(name = "ProductId")
var ProductId: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "barcode", index = true)
#Json(name = "Barcode")
var barcode: String = ""
) {
companion object {
const val TABLE_NAME = "product_barcode"
suspend fun <T> Call<T>.await(): Response<T> = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
val callback = object : Callback<T> {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<T>, t: Throwable) {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<T>, response: Response<T>) =
continuation.resumeNormallyOrWithException {
if (response.isSuccessful || response.code() == 404) {
return#resumeNormallyOrWithException response
} else {
throw IllegalStateException("Http error ${response.code()}, request:${request().url()}")
fun provideMoshi(): Moshi {
return Moshi.Builder()
fun provideIntegApi(
#Named("base_url") url: String, moshi: Moshi,
prefManager: PrefManager
): IntegApi {
var builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
builder = BuildTypeInitializations.setupInterceptor(builder)
builder.addInterceptor { chain ->
val request = chain.request().newBuilder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer ${prefManager.token}")
.addHeader("Connection", "close")
val response = chain.proceed(request)
return#addInterceptor response
.readTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.writeTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.connectTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
return Retrofit.Builder()
I don't know exactly why, but If the Api send 404 response, after than I get the Unable to crate converter exception, but I the server send the response, the error message is gone.
If is use this :
val getAllProductBarcodeAsync: Call<List<ProductBarcode>>
instead of this:
suspend fun getAllProductBarcodeAsync(): Call<List<ProductBarcode>>
There won't be error, and everything works fine, but I don't understand what's the problem
I changed Moshi to Jackson, and it doesn't throw converter error like moshi, but throw Http 404 Error which is more friendlier for me, but I' m not completely satisfied. I created await() fun because of Http 404 errors, and I think this bunch of code skipped because of http 404?
Finally I found the issue, I made a mistake, because I tried to use suspend fun and retrofit Call at the same time. I deleted the suspend keyword, and it works perfectly.

Retrofit POST response conversion fails without a trace

I'm building an app for a company using MVVM & clean architecture so I've created 3 modules, the app module (presentation layer), the data module (data layer) & the domain module (domain/interactors layer). Now, in my data module, I'm using Retrofit and Gson to automatically convert the JSON I'm receiving from a login POST request to my kotlin data class named NetUserSession that you see below. The problem I'm having is that the logging interceptor prints the response with the data in it normally but the response.body() returns an empty NetUserSession object with null values which makes me think that the automatic conversion isn't happening for some reason. Can somebody please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
val domainModule = module {
single<LoginRepository> {LoginRepositoryImpl(get())}
single { LoginUseCase(get()) }
val presentationModule = module {
viewModel { LoginViewModel(get(),get()) }
val dataModule = module {
single { ApiServiceImpl().getApiService() }
single { LoginRepositoryImpl(get()) }
Api interface & retrofit:
interface ApiService {
fun getLoginResult(#Body netUser: NetUser) : Call<NetUserSession>
fun getBooks(#Header("Authorization") token:String) : Call<List<NetBook>>
class ApiServiceImpl {
fun getApiService(): ApiService {
val logging = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
//TODO:SP Remove the interceptor code when done debugging
val client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(baseUrl)
// tell retrofit to implement the interface of our api
return retrofit.create(ApiService::class.java)
data class NetUserSession(
val expires_in: Int,
val token_type: String,
val refresh_token: String,
val access_token: String
) {
fun toUserSession(): UserSession = UserSession(
expiresIn = expires_in,
tokenType = token_type,
refreshToken = refresh_token,
accessToken = access_token
UserSession in domain:
data class UserSession(
val expiresIn:Int,
val tokenType:String,
val refreshToken:String,
val accessToken:String
LoginRepositoryImpl where the error occurs:
class LoginRepositoryImpl(private val apiService: ApiService) : LoginRepository {
override suspend fun login(username:String,password:String): UserSession? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO){
val response = apiService.getLoginResult(NetUser(username,password)).awaitResponse()
println("THE RESPONSE WAS : ${response.body()}")
return#withContext if(response.isSuccessful) response.body()?.toUserSession() else null
LoggingInterceptor result after the 200-OK:
Response.body() print result:
THE RESPONSE WAS : NetUserSession(expires_in=0, token_type=null, refresh_token=null, access_token=null)
Any ideas what I'm failing to see here?
After busting my head for hours, the solution was to simply change the model class's members from val to var like so :
data class NetUserSession(
var expires_in: Int = 0,
var token_type: String? = null,
var refresh_token: String? = null,
var access_token: String? = null
) {
fun toUserSession(): UserSession = UserSession(
expiresIn = expires_in,
tokenType = token_type!!,
refreshToken = refresh_token!!,
accessToken = access_token!!

Accessing sharedPreferences inside Retrofit Interceptor

Here is a Retrofit Interceptor used to inject automatically a token inside requests. I'm trying to get this token from sharedPreferences but getSharedPreferences is not available there.
How can i retrieve my token from sharedpreferences inside this Interceptor ?
import android.preference.PreferenceManager
import okhttp3.Interceptor
import okhttp3.Response
class ServiceInterceptor: Interceptor {
var token : String = "";
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
var request = chain.request()
if(request.header("No-Authentication") == null){
if (request.url.toString().contains("/user/signin") === false) {
// Add Authorization header only if it's not the user signin request.
// Get token from shared preferences
val sharedPreference = PreferenceManager.getSharedPreferences()
token = sharedPreference.getString("token")
if (!token.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val finalToken = "Bearer " + token
request = request.newBuilder()
.addHeader("Authorization", finalToken)
return chain.proceed(request)
There's a simple solution for this in Kotlin – just copy & paste the code into a new AppPreferences.kt file and follow the 4 TODO steps outlined in the code:
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Context.MODE_PRIVATE
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import androidx.core.content.edit
object AppPreferences {
private var sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences? = null
// TODO step 1: call `AppPreferences.setup(applicationContext)` in your MainActivity's `onCreate` method
fun setup(context: Context) {
// TODO step 2: set your app name here
sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("<YOUR_APP_NAME>.sharedprefs", MODE_PRIVATE)
// TODO step 4: replace these example attributes with your stored values
var heightInCentimeters: Int?
get() = Key.HEIGHT.getInt()
set(value) = Key.HEIGHT.setInt(value)
var birthdayInMilliseconds: Long?
get() = Key.BIRTHDAY.getLong()
set(value) = Key.BIRTHDAY.setLong(value)
private enum class Key {
HEIGHT, BIRTHDAY; // TODO step 3: replace these cases with your stored values keys
fun getBoolean(): Boolean? = if (sharedPreferences!!.contains(name)) sharedPreferences!!.getBoolean(name, false) else null
fun getFloat(): Float? = if (sharedPreferences!!.contains(name)) sharedPreferences!!.getFloat(name, 0f) else null
fun getInt(): Int? = if (sharedPreferences!!.contains(name)) sharedPreferences!!.getInt(name, 0) else null
fun getLong(): Long? = if (sharedPreferences!!.contains(name)) sharedPreferences!!.getLong(name, 0) else null
fun getString(): String? = if (sharedPreferences!!.contains(name)) sharedPreferences!!.getString(name, "") else null
fun setBoolean(value: Boolean?) = value?.let { sharedPreferences!!.edit { putBoolean(name, value) } } ?: remove()
fun setFloat(value: Float?) = value?.let { sharedPreferences!!.edit { putFloat(name, value) } } ?: remove()
fun setInt(value: Int?) = value?.let { sharedPreferences!!.edit { putInt(name, value) } } ?: remove()
fun setLong(value: Long?) = value?.let { sharedPreferences!!.edit { putLong(name, value) } } ?: remove()
fun setString(value: String?) = value?.let { sharedPreferences!!.edit { putString(name, value) } } ?: remove()
fun exists(): Boolean = sharedPreferences!!.contains(name)
fun remove() = sharedPreferences!!.edit { remove(name) }
Now from anywhere within your app you can get a value like this:
val heightInCentimeters: Int? = AppPreferences.heightInCentimeters
val heightOrDefault: Int = AppPreferences.heightInCentimeters ?: 170
Setting a value to the SharedPreferences is just as easy:
AppPreferences.heightInCentimeters = 160 // sets a new value
The above is extracted from my FitnessTracker project. See this file for a full example.
As coroutineDispatcher has commented you should pass in the shared preferences into the interceptor's constructor and hold a reference to them.
Try this:
class ServiceInterceptor(private val prefs: SharedPreferences): Interceptor {
val token: String get() = prefs.getString("token")
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
var request = chain.request()
if(request.header("No-Authentication") == null){
if (request.url.toString().contains("/user/signin") === false) {
// Add Authorization header only if it's not the user signin request.
request = token
.takeUnless { it.isNullOrEmpty }
?.let {
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $it")
?: request
return chain.proceed(request)
The interceptor now takes in a reference to shared preferences so the dependency has been inverted and it can allow for easy testing by stubbing the passed SharedPreferences.
And it can be instanatiated like this:
You can create a singleton class for SharedPreference and then you can access it from any class you want.
class SessionManager private constructor(context:Context) {
private val prefs:SharedPreferences
private val editor:SharedPreferences.Editor
var token:String
get() {
return prefs.getString("token", "")
set(token) {
editor.putString("token", token)
prefs = context.getSharedPreferences("Your_Preference_name", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
editor = prefs.edit()
companion object {
private val jInstance:SessionManager
#Synchronized fun getInstance(context:Context):SessionManager {
if (jInstance != null)
return jInstance
jInstance = SessionManager(context)
return jInstance
Now you have to pass context in constructor of ServiceInterceptor and you can access SharedPreference like following.
val token = SessionManager.getInstance(context).token;
try this
val token = PreferenceManager.getSharedPreferences().getToken("","")
builder.addInterceptor { chain ->
val original = chain.request()
val requestBuilder = original.newBuilder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $token")
val request = requestBuilder.build()
return builder.build()
I needed to store JWT token in my application and I was struggling with the same issue and came up with a solution, it may be useful for some of you.
It's achievable with dependency injection using Dagger Hilt.
Inject ServiceInterceptor to RetrofitClient
class RetrofitClient #Inject constructor(
private val serviceInterceptor: ServiceInterceptor,
) {
val api: ApiInterface by lazy {
JsonDeserializer { json, _, _ ->
Inject SharedPreferences to ServiceInterceptor
class ServiceInterceptor #Inject constructor(
private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences,
) : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val token = sharedPreferences.getString("JWT_AUTH_TOKEN", "")
var request = chain.request()
if (request.header("No-Authentication") == null) {
if (token != null && token.isNotEmpty()) {
val bearerToken = "Bearer $token"
request = request.newBuilder()
.addHeader("Authorization", bearerToken)
return chain.proceed(request)
Define Module for dagger hilt:
object ConfigModule {
fun provideSharedPreferences(#ApplicationContext context: Context): SharedPreferences =
context.getSharedPreferences("JWT_AUTH_TOKEN", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
fun provideServiceInterceptor(sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences): ServiceInterceptor =
fun provideRetrofitClient(serviceInterceptor: ServiceInterceptor): RetrofitClient =
That's it, you should be good to go with injecting your RetrofitClient into your repository like that:
class CustomRepository #Inject constructor(
private val retrofitClient: RetrofitClient,
If you want to write to SharedPreferences from other classes just inject it:
class LoginUserFragment #Inject constructor(
private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences,
And then to write your JWT token to SharedPreferences use code:
with(sharedPreferences.edit()) {
putString("JWT_AUTH_TOKEN", token)

