I'm having trouble using link dropdown import:
As the image below I did the import correctly, but an error is occurring. How to solve this problem?
Dropdown Usage Process:
pubspec.yaml dependencies added dropdown 1.0.2 as shown in the image -
I performed the import correctly but gave the error as the first image -
did you run this command
flutter get
Once you run this command, please hot reload your app. If that doesn't work, try to re-run app from start.
This should fix your problem, if problem still persist please contact package developer or leave issue on package github repo.
I'm using NativeBase icon on my react app. But when i tried to run it on Android, all of my icons won't show up and i got this following error
WARN Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 11): Error: The method
or property expo-file-system.downloadAsync is not available on
android, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies
Can someone help me? I've been stuck in this problem for days. Thanks.
I think there is a version compatibility issue
install vector-icon by this command
expo install #expo/vector-icons
Try running the following command:
expo install expo-file-system
If you are using icons from react-native-vector-icons, execute following command:
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
if you are not using react-native-vector-icons, make following chnnages:
import { Ionicons } from '#expo/vector-icons'; instead of.. import
Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';.
Once the above steps are done, Restart your app.
I hope it will solve your problem. Refernce
UPDATE: Solved! (see fix at the bottom)
I'm trying to go through the Android Room tutorial but get stuck on step3. I keep getting an error when trying to update the gradle file as specified by the tutorial.
When trying to build, I get the following error:
Setting roomVersion to "2.1.0-alpha06" or just "2.1.0" generates the same type of error.
Is it only me or is there something wrong with this tutorial?
Anyone with an idea why the androidx.room:room-testing dependancy fails to build?
I solved the issue by uninstalling Android Studio and re-installing it. I also needed to do a full cleanup and remove all "android studio" and "gradle" related files on my system. Maybe a bit overkill, but this is whats fixed it for me.
I wan to use flutter markdown
package, but I can't.
I added dependency (in pubspec.yaml):
flutter_markdown: "^0.0.9"
After I upgraded package and dependency, but when I used
import 'package:flutter_markdown/flutter_markdown.dart';
statement I got error message URI doesn't exist.
I upgraded flutter and tried again, but nothing. I tried adding another way:
git: "https://github.com/flutter/flutter_markdown.git"
But result is the same.
How can I solve this problem?
(I use other packages without problem.)
I solved this thanks to #raju-bitter comment.
Close your IDE (Android Studio/Intellij Idea/etc)
Remove the cache
directory (My was located at C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Pub)
Reopen your IDE.
If you still get an error then execute flutter package get in your terminal or from IDE menu.
My Android Studio version is 2.3. I imported a project from github but it won't build. The error displayed is:
There's an error displayed, so this must be a common problem. Then I handle as shown:
But it still doesn't work. It rebuilds in one second and still shows that problem. And the setting switches back to "offline".
The project which I import is this: github.com/452MJ/C9MJ
So how should I solve this?
*My native language is not English, so thanks for your patience.
currently I'm trying to implement and apply a pull to refresh list view for my sample app. Now I found out about chrisbanes pull to refresh here. Yes I know it's no longer maintaned but I can't find any alternatives. Anyway I tried to read a lot of questions about importing a project and I think I'm always lost about it especially with the gradle structure.
What I tried so far is to import the project in eclipse then gradle export and copy paste it on a directory named libraries following the steps in this link. I get an error saying Cannot create class-file.
As for the other test I've done I always get a gradle error. I forgot the exact error message but most of it are because of gradle.build.
Now can anyone tell me on the steps on how I can import this project library for my Android Studio project on a step by step basis? My apologies for asking too much.