When does Android's WorkerManager stop a Worker? - android

We have an Android app using WorkManager to handle background sync work. Our sync worker is like this:
public class SyncWorker extends Worker {
public Result doWork() {
if (canNotRetry(getRunAttemptCount())) {
// This could seem unreachable, consider removing... or not... because if stopped by the
// system, the work might be retried by design
return Result.success();
boolean syncOk = false;
try (Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance()) {
// Doing sync related ops & network calls
// checking this.isStopped() between operations to quit
// sync activity when worker has to be stopped
syncOk = true;
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
// On error, continue with following code to avoid any logic in catch
// This method must NOT throw any unhandled exception to avoid unique work to be marked as failed
try {
if (syncOk) {
return Result.success();
if (canNotRetry(getRunAttemptCount() + 1)) {
return Result.success();
} else {
return Result.retry();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return Result.success();
private boolean canNotRetry(int tryNumber) {
// Check if the work has been retry too many times
if (tryNumber > MAX_SYNC_RETRY_COUNT) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void onStopped() {
The work is scheduled by a dedicate method of an helper class:
public static void scheduleWorker(Context context, String syncPolicy, ExistingWorkPolicy existingWorkingPolicy){
Constraints constraints = new Constraints.Builder()
Data.Builder data = new Data.Builder();
data.putString(context.getResources().getString(R.string.sync_worker_policy), syncPolicy);
Log.d(TAG, "Scheduling one-time sync request");
logger.info("Scheduling one-time sync request");
OneTimeWorkRequest oneTimeWorkRequest = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder
WorkManager.getInstance(context).enqueueUniqueWork("OneTimeSyncWorker", existingWorkingPolicy, oneTimeWorkRequest);
that is called when user clicks on "Sync" button or by another worker that is scheduled to run every 20' and calls the helper's function this way:
SyncWorkerManager.scheduleWorker(context, context.getResources().getString(R.string.sync_worker_policy_full), ExistingWorkPolicy.KEEP);
so that a new sync is queued only if not already waiting or running. Notice that sync work policy enforces that a connected network is required.
This strategy works all in all good, but sometimes we find in logs that Worker's onStopped() method is called a few seconds (about 10") after SyncWorker start.
Known that we never programmatically stop a specific Worker for the outside and we only call WorkManager.getInstance(context).cancelAllWork(); during logout procedure or before a new login (that also schedules del periodic Worker), when does the system can decide to stop the worker and call its onStopped() method?
I know that it can happen when:
Constraints are no longer satisfied (network connection dropped)
Worker runs over 10' limit imposed by JobScheduler implementation (our scenario is tested on Android 9 device)
New unique work enqueued with same name and REPLACE policy (we never use this policy in our app for the SyncWorker, only for PeriodicSyncWorker)
Spurious calls due to this bug (we work with "androidx.work:work-runtime:2.2.0")
Is there any other condition that can cause Worker's to be stopped? Something like:
Doze mode
App stand-by buckets
App background restrictions (Settings --> Apps --> My App --> Battery --> Allow Background)
App battery optimization (Settings --> Apps --> My App --> Battery --> Battery Optimization)

There are multiple reasons a Worker can be stopped. You can explicitly ask for it to be cancelled or WorkManager might stop it for a variety of reasons which are documented here.


Android WorkManager network constraint retry without cancelling previous uncompleted work

I use Android WorkManager to download file from Firebase Storage.
The code is as the following
public Result doWork() {
return Result.success();
// Create and start an unique work.
// It mean there is only one work running at the time
public static void start(Context context) {
Constraints constraints = new Constraints.Builder()
// The Worker needs Network connectivity
int backoffDelay = context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.sync_retry_backoff_delay);
OneTimeWorkRequest worker = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(FirebaseSyncService.class)
.setBackoffCriteria(BackoffPolicy.LINEAR, backoffDelay, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.enqueueUniqueWork(SYNC_WORK_ID, ExistingWorkPolicy.KEEP, worker);
I use getWorkInfosForUniqueWorkLiveData() to check state of unique work
And the scenario are as the following
Step-1. Connect internet then start work
Step-2. The program completed download file-1 and file-2
The work state now is RUNNING
Step-3. Disconnect internet
Work will be stopped and WorkManager will retry by adding new Work to queue
The work state now is ENQUEUED
Step-4. Re-connect internet
After reconnecting internet, I expect the WorkManager will perform new work from beginning and the state is RUNING again.
I want to download file-1 and file-2 again.
WorkManager continue previous work and resume from downloading file-3. But the state is ENQUEUED.
Even if I change ExistingWorkPolicy.KEEP -> ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, the behavior is the same.
Thank you for all supports
check these in your worker() Java file.
For doing network call you maybe using try catch, if not you have to use and then check in catch block you have to add return Result.Failure. Otherwise, even if you disconnect your internet it will continuous working(doWork() function),even work state is ENQUEUED and you will see exception in log.(Not sure reason, seems to be bug...)
I'm not faced these issue, when i use with Kotlin CoroutineWorker. its happening only if i use Worker
Note : I'll not suggest this type of coding, use Kotlin CoroutineWorker and forLoop for multiple series of file downloads. here i'm showing only for Demo
public Result doWork() {
try {
}catch (Exception e){
return Result.Failure; // this is important.Otherwise worker not finish,even work state is ENQUEUED
try {
}catch (Exception e){
return Result.Failure;
try {
}catch (Exception e){
return Result.Failure;
try {
}catch (Exception e){
return Result.Failure;
//all success
return Result.success();
Quick Tip, In your case - Its better to use ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, and Network call in background thread(use CoroutineWorker())

Unique OneTimeWorkRequest in Workmanager

We are using OneTimeWorkRequest to start background task in our project.
At application start, we are starting the OneTimeWorkRequest (say req A)
Depends on user's action we start the same work request A.
At some cases, if the app gets killed when the work request A is in progress, Android automatically restarts the request A when the app restarts. Once again we are also starting the request A again. So two instances of the request A runs in parallel and leads to a deadlock.
To avoid this, I did below code in app start to check if the worker is running but this always returns false.
public static boolean isMyWorkerRunning(String tag) {
List<WorkStatus> status = WorkManager.getInstance().getStatusesByTag(tag).getValue();
return status != null;
Is there a better way to handle this?
I checked the beginUniqueWork(). Is it costlier if I have only one request?
Edit 2:
This question is about unique One time task. For starting unique Periodic task we had a separate API enqueueUniquePeriodicWork(). But we did not have an API for starting unique onetime work. I was confused to use between continuation object or manually check and start approach.
In recent build they Android added new api for this enqueueUniqueWork(). This is the exact reason they mentioned in their release notes.
Add WorkManager.enqueueUniqueWork() API to enqueue unique
OneTimeWorkRequests without having to create a WorkContinuation.
Edit 2:
Nov 8th release notes:
Add WorkManager.enqueueUniqueWork() API to enqueue unique
OneTimeWorkRequests without having to create a WorkContinuation.
This says, alpha11 has this new API to uniquely enqueue a onetimework.
I tried changing the code as follows:
OneTimeWorkRequest impWork = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(WorkerNotesAttachment.class)
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniqueWork(RWORK_TAG_NOTES, ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, impWork);
I tried using the beginUniqueWork API. But it fails to run sometimes. So I ended up writing the following function.
public static boolean isMyWorkerRunning(String tag) {
List<WorkStatus> status = null;
try {
status = WorkManager.getInstance().getStatusesByTag(tag).get();
boolean running = false;
for (WorkStatus workStatus : status) {
if (workStatus.getState() == State.RUNNING
|| workStatus.getState() == State.ENQUEUED) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
return false;
We need to get all the WorkStatus objects and check if atleast one of them is in running or Enqueued state. As the system keeps all the completed works in the DB for few days (Refer pruneWork()), we need to check all the work instances.
Invoke this function before starting the OneTimeWorkRequest.
public static void startCacheWorker() {
String tag = RWORK_TAG_CACHE;
if (isMyWorkerRunning(tag)) {
log("worker", "RWORK: tag already scheduled, skipping " + tag);
// Import contact for given network
OneTimeWorkRequest impWork = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(WorkerCache.class)
You can use beginUniqueWork() with a unique name.
If you use ExistingWorkPolicy:
APPEND: the 2 requests will run serial.
KEEP: will not run the second request if the first is running.
REPLACE: the 2 requests will run parallel.
Using getStatusesByTag returns LiveData of List<WorkStatus>
it was made as LiveData because WorkStatus is kept in Room DB and WorkManger has to query it first on background thread then deliver the result.
so you must observe to get the real value when it's available .
calling getValue() will return last value of the LiveData which isn't available on the time you call it.
What you can do
public static LiveData<Boolean> isMyWorkerRunning(String tag) {
MediatorLiveData<Boolean> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
LiveData<List<WorkStatus>> statusesByTag = WorkManager.getInstance().getStatusesByTag(tag);
result.addSource(statusesByTag, (workStatuses) -> {
boolean isWorking;
if (workStatuses == null || workStatuses.isEmpty())
isWorking = false;
else {
State workState = workStatuses.get(0).getState();
isWorking = !workState.isFinished();
//remove source so you don't get further updates of the status
return result;
Now you don't start the task until you observe on the returning value of isMyWorkerRunning if it's true then it's safe to start it if not this mean that another task with the same tag is running
Since all of the answers are mostly outdated, you can listen for changes on a tagged worker like this:
LiveData<List<WorkInfo>> workInfosByTag = WorkManager.getInstance().getWorkInfosByTagLiveData(tag);
workInfosByTag.observeForever(workInfos -> {
for (WorkInfo workInfo : workInfos) {

workstatus observer always in enqueued state

I am trying to observe my workers but they are always in queued state or sometime it's RUNNING but never SUCCEED or FAILED.
is workStatus.state from return in doWork() or it's different?
this is my worker script:
package com.mockie.daikokuten.sync.workers
import androidx.work.Worker
class TestWorker:Worker()
override fun doWork():Worker.Result
return Worker.Result.SUCCESS
this is script to observe the workers :
val test = PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(
WorkManager.getInstance()?.enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("test_worker", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, test)
.observe(this, Observer { workStatus ->
if (workStatus != null)
for(ws in workStatus)
Log.d(":dump2 id ", ws.id.toString())
Log.d(":dump2 tag", ws.tags.toString())
Log.d(":dump2 state", ws.state.toString())
this is the result in Logcat:
07-23 17:12:30.901 29740-29740/com.mockie.daikokuten D/:dump2 id: 5c6297f7-11d8-4f2f-a327-773672a7435c
07-23 17:12:30.901 29740-29740/com.mockie.daikokuten D/:dump2 tag: [test_worker, com.mockie.daikokuten.sync.workers.TestWorker]
07-23 17:12:30.901 29740-29740/com.mockie.daikokuten D/:dump2 state: ENQUEUED
For your periodic work request you should see
where the latter ENQUEUED is the state of the next work request.
You might get very briefly a SUCCEEDED between RUNNING and ENQUEUED, but I have never seen that.
For a onetime work request you see
or whatever you return in doWork().
(Android 8.1 API 27, 1.0.0-alpha04)
This is for anyone who is having trouble getting their output data from periodic work.
It's more like a hack.
In your Worker, just define a static mutable Live Data.
At the place where you observe your work's state, observe this live data when your state turns to "RUNNING".
Here's a template :
The actual Worker:
public class SomeWorker extends Worker{
//This live data can be of any type. I'm setting Boolean
Public static MutableLiveData<Boolean> outputObservable = new MutableLiveData();
private boolean output_boolean;
//Do you work here post your result to the live data
output_boolean = SomeTaskThatReturnsABoolean();
return Result.Success();
}catch(Exception e){
return Result.Failure();
Your activity that observes this worker's info:
//In YourActivity class inside OnCreate
mWorkManager.getWorkInfoForUniqueWorkLiveData(YOUR_TAG).observe (this,
new Observer<List<WorkInfo>>(){
public void onChanged(#Nullable List<WorkInfo> workInfos) {
if(workInfos!=null && (!(workInfos.isEmpty()))) {
WorkInfo info = workInfos.get(0);
new Observer<Boolean>(){
public void onChanged(#Nullable Boolean aBoolean) {
//EDIT: Remove the observer of the worker otherwise
//before execution of your below code, the observation might switch
//Do whatever you have to if it's true
//Do whatever you have to if it's false
In this way you can observe your results when the state of the work is under running, before it gets switched back to enqueued.
The above answer is correct. For PeriodicWork you should see:
However, there is a bug in alpha04 which causes PeriodicWork to not run on API >= 23. This will be fixed in alpha05. For more info take a look at https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/111195153.
IMPORTANT: As of a couple of days ago: alpha05 has shipped. This bug is fixed.

Showing detailed progress for running WorkManager workers

I want to replace the job scheduling aspect of my existing data syncing system with the new JetPack WorkManager (link to codelabs) component (in a sandbox branch of the app). My existing system works well but some of the new features in WorkManager would come in handy (e.g. chaining).
My current system uses a shared LiveData to communicate the progress from a job in progress to any UI element (RecyclerView in my case) observing on it (I'm actually SwitchMapping in the ViewModel into a list of SyncItems)
data class SyncItem(
val title: String,
private var _progress: Int,
var total: Int) : BaseObservable() {
var progress: Int
#Bindable get() = _progress
set(value) {
_progress = value
The new WorkManager component has several methods (getStatusById, getStatusesByTag, etc.) that can be used to retrieve a LiveData with one or more WorkStatuses, but these only report a course-grained status (running, success, failed, cancelled).
What is the recommended way of communicating progress (e.g. '546/1234 items downloaded') to the UI? The setOutputData/getOutputData pair seems to be used more to communicate between Workers (which I need when chaining) than with the UI.
Attached is a screenshot of what it looks like (in a [test] version of my app using my old method) when a user opens the sync status page (2 items completed, rest in progress).
In the final product the user will be able to cancel any jobs in progress and re-issue once-off work requests. Normally the jobs will be fired off by PeriodicWorkRequest.
Natively Supported
implementation 'androidx.work:work-runtime:2.5.0'
Report progress on Worker:
public class FooWorker extends Worker {
public FooWorker(#NonNull Context context, #NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams) {
super(context, workerParams);
public Result doWork() {
try {
setProgressAsync(new Data.Builder().putInt("progress", 0).build());
setProgressAsync(new Data.Builder().putInt("progress", 50).build());
setProgressAsync(new Data.Builder().putInt("progress", 100).build());
return Result.success();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return Result.failure();
Observe progress of Worker:
WorkManager.getInstance(context).getWorkInfosForUniqueWorkLiveData("test").observe(lifecycleOwner, new Observer<List<WorkInfo>>() {
public void onChanged(List<WorkInfo> workInfos) {
if (workInfos.size() > 0) {
WorkInfo info = workInfos.get(0);
int progress = info.getProgress().getInt("progress", -1);
//Do something with progress variable
ListenableWorker now supports the setProgressAsync() API, which allows it to persist intermediate progress. These APIs allow developers to set intermediate progress that can be observed by the UI. Progress is represented by the Data type, which is a serializable container of properties (similar to input and output, and subject to the same restrictions).
See Android Documentation
The best way to do it is to write intermediate progress to your own data store and expose a LiveData<>. We are considering adding this feature in a future alpha.

Subscribe to observable after dispose

i am building my app on android repository by Fernando Cejas and i have a problem with subscribing to observable after calling dispose.
When i come to dashboard, i call method subscribeOnUserMessages.execute(new Subscriber(), new Params(token)), which is method in UseCase class
public void execute(DisposableObserver<T> observer, Params params) {
final Observable<T> observable = this.buildUseCaseObservable(params)
In child class SubscribeOnUserMessages i simply call repository like this
return messageRepository.subscribeOnUserMessages(params);
In my socket implementation i create like this
return Observable.create(emitter -> {
if (!isThereInternetConnection()) {
Timber.w("Network connection exception");
emitter.onError(new NetworkConnectionException());
* Open socket if not opened
String channelName = CHANNEL_PRIVATE_USER + params.getAuthenticated().getUuid();
if (subscribedChannels.contains(channelName)) {
Timber.d("Channel %s is already subscribed", channelName);
JSONObject auth;
try {
auth = createAuthJson(CHANNEL, channelName, params.getToken());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Timber.e("Couldn't create auth json");
mSocket.emit(SUBSCRIBE, auth);
Timber.d("Emitted subscribe with channel: %s ", CHANNEL_PRIVATE_USER + params.getAuthenticated().getUuid());
subscribedChannels.add(CHANNEL_PRIVATE_USER + params.getAuthenticated().getUuid());
Timber.d("Subscribing on event: %s\n with user: %s", EVENT_USER_NEW_MESSAGE, params.getAuthenticated().getUuid());
if (mSocket.hasListeners(EVENT_USER_NEW_MESSAGE)) {
Timber.v("Socket already has listener on event: %s", EVENT_USER_NEW_MESSAGE);
mSocket.on(EVENT_USER_NEW_MESSAGE, args -> {
if (args[1] == null) {
emitter.onError(new EmptyResponseException());
Timber.d("Event - %s %s", EVENT_USER_NEW_MESSAGE, args[1].toString());
try {
MessageEntity messageEntity = messageEntityJsonMapper.transform(args[1]);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Timber.e(e, "Could not parse message json");
Symptoms are that first time i subscribe everything is going through to presentation layer. When i dispose after going to second screen and come back i only see logs coming to socket implementation, but not going through.
My question is: Is there a method for subscribing to same observable again? I've already tried to save that observable in my use case in singleton and subscribe to that observable, didn't help.
Without additional info and details regrading socket implementation it is hard to spot the problem exactly, but, from the code you've posted, you don't have dispose logic, so while you might properly call dispose() to the Observable at the correct lifecycle event, your socket will actually stay open, and it might not got disconnected/closed properly ever.
That might lead to a problems opening and connecting to the socket at the 2nd time, as you might try to reopen already open socket and depends on your internal socket impl that might be a problem.
(I can see in the comment that openSocket if not already opened, but still there might be problem elsewhere calling some method on the socket multiple times or setting listeners, again depends on the socket impl)
As a general guidelines, you should add dispose logic using emitter.setCancellable()/emitter.setDisposable() in order to dispose properly the socket resources when you no longer need them, thus - when applying subscribe again (whether the same object or not) will invoke your subscription logic again that will reopen the socket and listen to it.
It is not clear to me if you like to keep the socket open when you moving to a different screen (I don't think it is a good practice, as you will keep this resource open and might never get back to the screen again to use it), but if that's the case as #Phoenix Wang mentioned, you can use publish kind operators to multicast the Observable, so every new Subscriber will not try to reopen the socket (i.e. invoking the subscription logic) but will just get notify about messages running in the already opened socket.

