After changing of Admob account, my ads are not showing - android

I uploaded my first App on play store, every thing was going perfectly, Ads were showing in app and revenue was generating also but unfortunately my Admob account was blocked. I sent an email for restoring my admob account but they gave a reason for not restoring same account.
Well I created another Admob account, uploaded my same application over that new Admob account but unfortunately ads are not showing while on test mode ads are showing perfectly.
I am very much upset, It will be so nice of you to guide me on this issue.

Don't get upset. You can try Facebook Audience Network.
Here are examples.


What are the steps for an android app to publish play store and showing admob ads?

I have successfully integrated admob "Test ads" in my android app. Then I created an ad unit in admob and replaced the test app id and test ad unit id with my original app id and original ad unit id. then I just published the app in play store. Now are there any steps remaining to do for showing admob ads in my app.
Now you need to go to the app you created in admob (where you created the ad unit), and in its settings you need to link the AdMob app to the PlayStore app.
ps. Months ago this was enough for the ads to run, now I think they have put in a review process where, when you connect the app, they do checks to see if it violates their policies, and if all goes well, they should notify you that everything went well, or else the steps to take to solve the problem. (but I haven't loaded / linking new apps in admob in months, so I'm not sure if they do this process or not, or how long it will take, or whatever, so I recommend you do some research about it).

why google Admob ads not showing up

I just create an android app and wants to integrate ads from my google AdMob account. but Ads do not show up.
But when I test my app from the developer's guidance as they provide sample id's for banner and interstitial ads and also for app id the app work fine but as soon as I put banner id, interstitial ads id and app id from my Admob account then the problem occurred. I did not publish my app till now to play store and I just created my AdMob account does it take time to verify or any suggestion why ads not showing up.
some common issues are :
Make sure you have updated AdMob with your payment details.
Make sure that the ads you created in AdMob are banner ads.
Check your AdMob dashboard to see the status of your ads, are they active?
Verify you used the correct Ad Unit Id.
Give it 24 hours, it can take time for an ad to become active in your
if you do not have traffic on your app Admob will not show ads on your app and if you Will publish your app on play store then AdMob will show ads on your app without traffic read New (privacy policy) if you link your app (published on play store) with Admob then your account will not be suspended directly AdMob will always give you a warning
Notice that if your ad unit id is incorrect, UI will show nothing although the design view will show the AdView.
Make sure you have a valid ad unit id, I used this test ad for a banner: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111.
It's not the app id, it's a different id.

Opening AdMob Account

I am trying to publish my app for the first time. If I am not wrong, in order to put admob ad to my application, I should have an admob account.
My question is do I need to open the admob account with the same gmail account that I used to open my play store developers account?
I watch some tutorial on how to integrate admob to your app from here, in 5:00min there is AdUnit Id, for that, if my my application is not yet publish, then, I should follow the instruction as given here from 5:00min (selecting Add app manually), right?
From here its written,
"Therefore developers need an Adsense account to get payment from New Admob."
How does Adsense account differ from AdMob account?
Do I need to open both Admob and then Adsense account? Do they charge for using their service?
1.) You need not to have Admob account with same gmail account. Just create an Admob account with any gmail id and then create ad units inside that. Note the ad unit id and use that id in your application. The amount that you will earn through that ad unit will be displayed in your admob account, it has nothing to do with the account from which you are hosting the app on playstore.
2.) Yes, until your application is not published, it will show you test ads on your emulator, but you should distribute your application to your friends etc.. after publishing it on google play. Please also read instructions on google admobs, there are various possible reason through which they can block your admob account for 30 days, so you should be aware of that.
Let me know if this helps.

Android Google AdMob

I am using google admob and i already have banners on my app with the tokens from google add mob site. I tried them once without test device and it just loaded a random advertisment and not then one from the app of the token.
Is this wrong or my app will just load the correct ad when submitted on play store?
Thank you for the attention,
Best Regards

AdMob not showing my app name! Can I still continue to publish with adMob ids embedded in adviews?

I have made an app based game in Android studio. I am using ad mob to show banners and interstitial ads in my app. It is in Google play and verything is working fine. Both the ad formats are displaying without issues.
My question is, I have created an app manually in the admob dashboard and have obtained the ad ids which I am using to get ad. It's working. But I am still not able to link it in the admob site since it is not showing my app name (tried searching using both the app and the dev name). I have published my app to google play on 16/08/2015 around 7pm and now it is 18/08/15 10.30am. With ads displaying without error and at the same time "NOT YET LINKED", Is it ok to circulate my app among the persons I know?
Will their impressions and clicks be counted? When will admob list my new app (I can see my old one).? Also, what is the best refresh ad intervals for both banner and interstitial ads to maximize revenue?
But i am still not able to link it in the admob site since it is not
showing my app name
As you have published your app on google play, wait for a while, may be a day or two. And then you will be able to see your app in AdMob search. The thing is Play store takes sometime to index app and similarly it some time to show app in searches.
Will their impressions and clicks be counted?
Yes. Linking your AdMob with app or not linking (until your app apears in AdMob) will have no effect on your payments, clicks etc

