Error during Android 64-bit Delphi app deployment - android

I'm trying to build a 64-bit android app in Delphi 10.3.3, I get this error during deployment : [PAClient Error] Error: E6409 Cannot open file "D:\...\Android64\Release\TestApp\linked_res.ap_". The system cannot find the file specified
I don't have any file with name linked_res in deployment, I've built the project twice. Why I'm get this error?

go to Deployment ( Project->Deployment ) and add "provider_paths.xml" file and set "remote path" to "res\xml"


Android Studio can't install android 12 when run with Installation Options - APK from app bundle

I use installation Options - Deploy - APK from app bundle becasuse of PAD(Play Asset Delivery).
Android 10, 11 build & run works well, but in android 12, install failed.
and install failed message
Installation failed due to: 'Failed to commit install session 223924615 with command cmd package install-commit 223924615.
Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl223924615.tmp/split_config.xxhdpi.apk (at Binary XML file line #0):
/data/app/vmdl223924615.tmp/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk (at Binary XML file line #0): Failed to read manifest from /data/app/vmdl223924615.tmp/split_assetPack.apk'
(My assets pack name is assetPack)
version info
android studio :
target SDK : 30
min SDK : 26
gradle version : 4.0.2
build tools version : 30.0.2
kotlin version : 1.4.10
implementation ''
Put this line in build.gradle and sync...
work for me....

Invalid resource path specified

I have copied the app-debug.apk from outputs of android studio project and trying to run the apk file on the phone but getting this error :
Invalid resource path specifed
This is my project structure :
For me the cause of this error is the method you sent the file to your device.
I sent the apk file using whatsapp messenger and this error was shown.
But when I sent the file using Bluetooth the apk was installed successfully.

Opening MobileFirst Console throws errors (Eclipse)

I'am using Eclipse JUNO 4.2.2 for JAVA EE Developers with IBM Mobile First 6.3 Developer Edition.
I am also using Java 1.7 and the ADT plug-in in Eclipse.
My problem is when i try to visualize my App in the MobileFirt Console i have an error that says
Server error. Contact the server administrator.
And i have the following logs in my eclipse console:
[ERROR ] C:\Users\Aokiji\IBM%20Workspace\MobileFirstServerConfig\servers\worklight\workarea\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\73\data\cache\\.cache\WEB-INF\lib\ibm_web20_wink_no_abdera_no_jackson- (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\Aokiji\IBM%20Workspace\MobileFirstServerConfig\servers\worklight\workarea\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\73\data\cache\\.cache\WEB-INF\lib\ibm_web20_wink_no_abdera_no_jackson- (The system cannot find the path specified)
[ERROR ] C:\Users\Aokiji\IBM%20Workspace\MobileFirstServerConfig\servers\worklight\workarea\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\73\data\cache\\.cache\WEB-INF\lib\ibm_web20_wink_no_abdera_no_jackson- (The system cannot find the path specified)
C:\Users\Aokiji\IBM%20Workspace\MobileFirstServerConfig\servers\worklight\workarea\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\73\data\cache\\.cache\WEB-INF\lib\ibm_web20_wink_no_abdera_no_jackson- (The system cannot find the path specified)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.wink.common.internal.i18n.Messages
at org.apache.wink.server.internal.DeploymentConfiguration.initAlternateShortcutMap(
at org.apache.wink.server.internal.DeploymentConfiguration.init(
at org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet.getDeploymentConfiguration(
at org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet.createRequestProcessor(
at org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at [internal classes]
at [internal classes]
at [internal classes]
Whenever there are unexplained Mobilefirst Studio errors, such as yours, it is typically best to:
Create a new workspace
Import the project
If it fails still you should install the latest 6.3 plugin. You can obtain it from the following location:

Cannot find src/main/jni from the Android Studio project

In order to use NDK in my application, I included an external tool at Preferences -> Tools -> External Tools.
Here's what I did.
As I right-clicked a class and chose the external javah command to create a c class, it didn't work and left a following message.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a valid class name: /src/main/jni
Process finished with exit code 1
I properly created the jni folder under the main directory, and I'm still not clear why I keep getting this message.
Here's my development environment.
OS: OS X El Capitan
Android Studio: 2.2.2
I solved this problem by modifying the Parameters and Working Directory as follows.
Parameters: -classpath $Classpath$ -v -jni $FileClass$
Working Directory: $ProjectFileDir$/app/src/main/jni

Gradle Error for Android Studio

I'm trying out Android Studio on OS X and am running into a mysterious error message. I went through the Google guide to building a simple UI, but when I finished writing the XML file and hit Run in the IDE, I get the following message ("Test2" is the name of the project):
Gradle: Execution failed for task ':Test2:validateDebugSigning'.
> Could not find matching constructor for: org.gradle.tooling.BuildException(java.lang.String)
I have never developed an android app before, so I don't know how common this is. I did a search for this error and found no one encountering the same problem.
I tried the solution from Abhan and I get a new error message:
Error: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.settings.GradleSettings cannot be cast to org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.settings.GradleSettings
It warns you that android plug-in task validateDebugSigning cannot access the debug key. Check your accessibility to the debug.keystore.
On linux or OS X, the default location is ~/.android. On windows, it's in C:\Documents and Settings\.android\ or C:\Users\.android.

