org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Exception while analyzing expression - android

I run a kotlin project successfully on my desktop, but when I import the same project on my laptop and when I rebuild the project, it's throwing "org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.KotlinFrontEndException: Exception while analyzing expression".
As suggested in net, I tried with clean build, invalidate cache and restart. I deleted the cache folders and logs but no results.
I have tried Googling, but found no answer for this particular problem.
Current kotlin plugin version: 1.3.61-release-Studio3.5-1, latest version of plugin is installed, using Android Studio 3.5.2
Any help is apreciated!

I was facing a similar error, updating Kotlin Plugin and restarting Android Studio fixed the issue for me

This seems to be a sync issue. To solve this, I performed these two steps in succession and then re-ran the project:
Deleted the entire build folder
Build > Clean-Project

In my case I was missing some jar files that were required for the app to build. So if you encounter this, check if you have all required dependencies on your classpath.

In my case it was broken xml layout file (the expection message did not indicate the file).


Unsupported kotlin version

My gradle build completes successfully, but I get:
WARNING: Unsupported Kotlin plugin version.
The `embedded-kotlin` and `kotlin-dsl` plugins rely on features of Kotlin `1.5.31` that
might work differently than in the requested version `1.6.10`.
All of my build.gradle.kts scripts refer to using version 1.5.31. The only association my project has with version 1.6.10 is that Android Studio has the Kotlin version 1.6.10 plugin added. If I try to disable that plugin, I get a message that several other plugins will be disabled. If I accept that, android studio crashes and will not start up again. It won't start up again even if you reinstall android studio again. The solution is to find the file named "disabled-plugins.txt" and delete that file. It's in your AppData folder and in a JetBrains subdirectory. It turns out that it's one or more of those other disabled plugins that prevents Android Studio from starting up again.
The question I have is how do I fix this version mismatch issue. I can't delete the plugin from Android Studio for the reasons I mentioned above. If I try to update my project to using version 1.6.10 I get literally 100's of unresolved dependencies. And it seems from opinionated investigation that 1.6.10 still have too many issues for general use.
By the way, when I look at the gradle window for the project I can see where the dependencies come from. Usually when I look at the gradle window I just see sub project folders that I can drill into for more information, but for this project, it has an additional folder name dependencies. I don't know how they get into my project. But when I look at their version numbers that's where the 1.6.10 mismatch happens.
So, I think I understand why the warning message is valid, I'm at a lost on what I need to do to correct this situation. For the moment, I'm just ignoring the warning, and so far I'm not finding any issues in proceeding that way. But that's means I'm proceeding, without an understanding of what's going on here! Sometimes that's okay and at other times that's a bad judgment The error message itself seems inverted. I would think that 1.6.10 is the embedded kotlin and kotlin-dsl since it an android studio plugin, but the error message seems to say it in the opposite way. So anyway, if someone can bring some clarity as to what's going on, and how I'm thinking wrongly about this problem would be greatly appreciated.
I'll accept the following as the answer to what's going on about the unsupported kotlin version:
So, for the moment, I'll go on like this is just a nuisance warning and ignore that.
What I just did was to re-create my Android Studio from a blank brand new project. I copied and pasted stuff from the previous project into the new project. I copied the source and build.script.kts files, so essentially everything is a copy of the disabandoned project. This new project didn't give me the WARNING message anymore. And in additional, I'm now able to upgrade my project to using kotlin 1.6.10, which I previously couldn't do because of the literally 100's of dependencies resolution issues. Whatever, that issue went away, and a lot of others things started working as expected once I recreated the project. I can't say what got my project into that weird state. Deleting the .gradle and .idea folders, wouldn't fix the problem. I didn't try deleting the JetBrains cache, I wish I would have tried that.

Error MSB4044 - Getting this error when building Xamarin android project

Error MSB4044: The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task was not given a value for the required parameter "DesignTimeBuild"- From visual studio for Mac
Tried cleaning the project and and removed all the obj files.
Any help appreciated.
Thank you
Clean your Project and Build individual Components like right click on your common/Droid/iOs individually and click build,instead of doing build all,see if this works
1.) Check in your Build - Configuration manager that iOS project is not selected while Droid project is being build.
2.) Check the packages version that you have installed are compatible, i.e Xamarin.Forms package version should be compatible with Droid other packages and version should be same for your PCL project.
Hope this may solve your issue.
when I replaced the file with another in the Android.coomon.targets, this error was fixed and the project got build successfully.

The project is using unsupported version of Gradle?

I am a beginner so I have limited skills dealing with code errors and this kind of problems. I tried to import a project to Android Studio and then this error appeared, 'The project is using unsupported version of Gradle'. please help if you know the solution and I will be thankful if you can simplify the solution for me because as I said earlier I am a beginner with limited skills.
Many thanks!
You can set the gradle version in the build.gradle file. It's probably on some other places to, check the config files. Also clean your project, it solves these kind of problems. (Build > Clean project)
Build > Clean Project. Then Follow the instruction shown in 'Android Monitor'.
Then also if it not solve, let me know your Studio version???
To change the gradle version in the build.gradle file, as shown in the fellowing picture, and then "Build > Clean project"、"Sync Project with Gradle files" or Ctrl+F9(to rebuild your project).

Intellij IDEA 14 - Package R does not exist

Well, I recognize that this has been asked before, but in browsing the other answers:
IntelliJ IDEA - Can't build anything, always get "package R does not exist"
Error: java: package R does not exist
none of the solutions work.
This is for a project that was building fine until at least the last couple days, so whatever is causing the problem must be new.
Attempting to to a Build > Rebuild Project fails. I see the step for compiling generates sources go by in the status bar, but the next compilation step fails with the dreaded "java: package R does not exist."
R is found just fine in the IDE, so only compilation fails, suggesting there is a problem with the compilation of the generated sources. This seems borne out by the fact that in the out/production/[module] directory, only some resource files show up, no compiled classes, nothing in the "generated" sbupackage, a no apk file.
Interestingly, when I connect my phone to the computer and try running the application on the device, new changes are picked up, so something is being successfully built somewhere.
Things I've tried:
Per the other threads I've tried:
Doing a full rebuild.
Restarting IntelliJ (including with invalidating caches)
Restarting the computer.
Checking that the gen package is included under sources.
Checking for any Excludes (there are none)
Deleting the stub R file and forcing IntelliJ to regenerate it (which it does promptly)
Confirming that there is an Android facet on the module.
Double-checking that the manifest xml file has not changed and that the referenced activity is correct.
Checked that exclude output path is not checked (it's greyed as I'm inheriting from the project compile path, but I tried switching and manually unchecking it... no luck).
The only recent changes in xml were:
A new item in a menu file. I tried removing it to see if somehow that was an issue even though there were no errors reported, but the problem persisted.
I moved a View class to a subpackage of its prior package. That View class is referenced once in a layout xml and I confirmed that the xml was updated with the new package name.
So at this point I'm out of ideas. Sorry to rehash a somewhat common question.
I have the same problem and it definitely related to last update of the IDE. My version is IU-139.1117.1
Before the update Build -> 'Rebuild Project' was working ok in a windows and a mac installation of the IDE. I updated windows first and 'Rebuild Project' shows the error 'Package R does not exist' even for a new Android project. Same error apeared in mac installation imediately after the update. 'Make project', 'Make module' and 'Compile' commands on the Build menu are all working ok with no error only 'Rebuild project' raises the error.
For a new Gradle Android project everything works ok. It seems something is wrong with last update.
It is reported issue in IDEA 14.0.3 (
You can try to Compile Module (Ctrl-Shift-F9) for the module that contains missing R file. It works for me (but I have to do this every time i add/remove items in resources).
don't use Rebuild Project, use Make Project and refresh your project,maybe you should try it a few more times.
Try File | Invalidate Caches. This is solve my problem.
If you cannot wait for a officially stable build, install IDEA EAP 14.0.4 (IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.4 EAP build 139.1408, released on February 20th, 2015) from
I've just solved all issues and rebuild project works again.
Solved with the 14.1 update of intelliJ IDEA, available now.
I had the same issue on a Windows 7 box today with a Java 7 Gradle project, using IntelliJ 14.1.5.
The problem was that somehow the classpath was "too long", but IntelliJ gave me only those strange "java: package foo does not exist" compile error's.
The usual tricks (see also above) did not help.
The workaround was to shorten the classpath a bit, in my case setting GRADLE_USER_HOME to c:/.gradle (was before c:/users/myusername/.gradle). After resyncing the gradle project everything worked fine.
The problem was therefor obviously IMO some kind of windows filesystem path length restriction.

Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 with javax/net/SocketFactory.class

Encounter this problem when trying to Build Project getting such output in console:
[2010-07-19 23:29:23 - myProject]
trouble processing "javax/net/SocketFactory.class":
[2010-07-19 23:29:23 - myProject]
Attempt to include a core VM class in something other than a core library.
It is likely that you have attempted to include the core library from a desktop
virtual machine into an application, which will most assuredly not work. If
you really intend to build a core library -- which is only appropriate as
part of creating a full virtual machine binary, as opposed to compiling an
application -- then use the "--core-library" option to suppress this error
message. If you go ahead and use "--core-library" but are in fact building
an application, then please be aware that your build will still fail at some
point; you will simply be denied the pleasure of reading this helpful error
[2010-07-19 23:29:23 - myProject] 1 error; aborting
[2010-07-19 23:29:23 - myProject] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1
I was looking for my project to use the package javax, not found, clean all also does not help. what I am doing wrong?
Sorry guys, but I could not find good fix for that, I want to emphasize the fact, that i dont use SocketFactory class in my project at all! source code was not changed before this problem, and that's why i think that problem in eclipse or adt or something else, BUT if i use ant(generated by sdk) to build this project there is no problem!!!
I solve this problem by removing Eclipse, Android SDK, Eclipse workspace, and just reinstall them, after this all works fine for now.
Hope this will help someone.
I had the same problem..
This worked for me
project-->properties->java build path->libraries-> remove all including android jars
now go the project browser, right click on the project you are working on,
then android tools---> fix project properties...
do a clean and then build...
I solved the problem (at least for me).
Here's what I did:
Go to Project » Properties » Java Build Path » Libraries
Remove all except the "Android X.Y" click OK.
Go to Project » Clean » Clean projects selected below » select your project and click OK.
That did the trick for me.
Hope it works for you as well
Update: well actually I might have to retract my opinion.. the actions removed the error messages but now I am missing certain classes and methods... arggghhhh
I just restarted Eclipse, and the error didn't appear anymore!
I had the same problem,and solved it as follows:
First clean all jars; (This problem must because your some jars)
Delete the project;
Reimport project;
Make sure your sdk is right, and project select one sdk version;
(This is my issue to solve the problem) Right click your project, and select "build-path", next select "add Librarys", and add your private jars;
clean-build, the problem has fixed;
I just had the same problem and I tried all of the solutions listed here with no success (I was starting to get annoyed). Then I removed the project from the workspace and then imported it again, and there were no problems!
This happened to me this way,
I have a quite an old project which I had to start working again today. I use 'Universal Image Downloader' library for basically every project where I have to deal with lots of images. So in this old project I had the source files of 'Universal Image Downloader' included to it's 'src' path. Back then I was a newbie and slowly I started developing my own library which could handle every day simple Android development tasks very easily. Obviously I included the 'Universal Image Downloader' to this.
After dusting off the old project today the first thing I did was to reference my library to speed up the development process but as I was trying to debug I ran into the "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" over and over again. First I thought it was the support library but even after clearing all libraries and adding only mine and doing a quick 'Fix project properties' I still got it. After trying various solutions I noticed this in the console "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/nostra13/universalimageloader/cache/disc/BaseDiscCache;"
It was as simple as that... I'm trying to compile a class which has already been compiled.
Solution : I just simply removed all the class files I got from 'Universal Image Downloader' library from the 'src' directory. Since my library references "Universal Image Downloader" library the old project started working just fine.
Hit same problem shown on your log when trying to run an example project which was imported into eclipse.
Additional Info: in eclipse's Problems View I see the following error:
"The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved"
In my case the imported project find the libraries just right(by just right I mean I can see the external path to each of the android libs in this case 2 libs, android.jar and maps.jar). So no shuffling of libs in my case, but might be your problem.
I followed Spock's suggestion of cleaning the project which I had to clean multiple times until it somehow resolve its issues. After, issue was solved I had to specify an AVD for the project to run and soon after was up and running on the emulator. Also, note that my eclipse is set up to Build Automatically.
In my case I'm not missing any class files or anything after the clean as the build is properly generating them.
I was getting the same error. My problem was that i had an android device hooked up to debug with. As soon as I unplugged it I was able to export.
The answer I found was checking the source and library build path in the project's properties. Most likely there will be a duplicate as in something being referenced in both the source and library tabs. So delete the extra in the source tab and then clean the project and you should be good to go.
Either: is in your source code, or is included in a JAR file in your project
Under certain conditions it gets its knickers in a twist and the best fix I've found is to remove referenced jars, clean, add them back in and then compile again.
I believe the error can be caused by including the same classes twice.
This error will also occur (and you won't be able to get rid of it by cleaning) when using classes that are not part of the Android environment.
To summarise the information in the link provided (well my understanding when I glanced over it)
The Android Davik VM tries to compile the jars but finds some stuff that it can't compile to .dex files
Just create a "lib" directory in the root of the project (where the src, bin res directories are) and add them to the build path. Project Properties... Java Build Path... Libraries.. Add JARs..
I could resolve this issue by creating a new project, looks like the some project settings were creating this issue and could not really find the root cause for that. But, dumping the existing source code onto the new project resovled this issue. If anyone has found the root cause for this problem pls do let me know.
I had the same problem and solved it as follows:
- Go to Project/Properties/Java Build Path/Libraries and remove all JARs except Android
- Do a project clean
- Add the JARs again as External JARs (first time I added them internally, so that might be the problem)
After that the error was gone.
I solved the problem by updating available packages in the Android SDK et AVD manager. No need to remove Eclipse.
Whenever the Project is having the ambitious data. This problem is caused. May be android can't able to find which one choose.
From what I understand, this same cryptic error could be caused from a wide variety of reasons. I've got "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" error too. In my case the problem was that for some reason Project -> Properties -> Java Compiler was not set to "Enable project specific settings" with proper Java 1.5 settings, but was left to defaults instead (1.6 in my case). Debug, build and test on devices/emulators worked fine, but export always failed with the above error message.
If unsure about the proper settings, create the same project on some alternative location and just copy all needed files from the old project into the new one. This fixed the issue for me.
The next problem with the same error message came from using proguard. Updating to the latest version by replacing the one that came with android sdk, fixed that.
Hope this helps
My problem was having a jar file in my src folder. Removing jars from the build path works, but only if you don't need the jar in question. For people who need the jar in question, make sure that your jar file is not in the project folder (maybe just src subtree, but I would keep it separate to test). Put it on your desktop or something and try the "Add external jar.." option. Be sure to remove the jar from the project filesystem before adding another external. Having both is what causes the problem.
I have done it as the instruction of the first answer and it works.(Linux)
I think the problem may caused by SDK or ADT updates.
I do have to clear all the lib in Java Building path and then use android tools to fix the project. After cleaning and rebuild, it works as before.

