Images are blurry when rotate the screen android device with Glide - android

I use glide to load the drawable image in the adapter (the error occurred with the image not located in recyclerview):
Glide.with (holder.ivPreview) .load (mThemeDrawableIds.get (position)).into (holder.ivPreview)
When recording mThemeDrawableIds will be reloaded and notify again. However, the image is blurred compared to the original image.
I tried clearing the cache but the result is still the same.

It might help to also add android:adjustViewBounds="true" to your ImageView in XML.
Also try this code :
Glide.with(imageView).load(mThemeDrawableIds.get (position))
.apply(new RequestOptions()


Issue with loading very high resolution (15000 x 8438) image with glide

I am trying to load very high resolution image (15000 x 8438) with glide and saving it as bitmap.
I am using glide for that. The problem is that when I try to save bitmap image to file I get black image instead of actual image.
I feel maybe this is because of very high resolution. After converting to bitmap these values I have obtained: width 15000 height: 8438 getAllocationInBytes : 506280000.
I tried to downscale image with .downsample(DownsampleStrategy.AT_MOST) but image is still 15000 x 8438.
The code I am using is:
.into(FileTarget(someFile, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90) {}
Can someone please help, how can I down scale the image and save it to the file. Also is it possible to achieve it with glide ?
Thank you.
To make downsample works as expected, you probably forgot to add the maxWidth and maxHeight override:
.override(maxWidth, maxHeight)

Glide not resize image correctly on Android

I use the bumptech android-glide library to show a bottom banner image on my android application on two different activities. The problem is the main Activity load the image and shows at full size instead of showing centered.
I override the size in both definitions but I can't resize the image on the first Activity. I think the second one is using the cached image loaded by glide but I'm not really sure.
Code of image declared on both layout Activities
Code of glide library on both Activities
ImageView sponsorImage = (ImageView) findViewById(;
String sponsor_url = "";
Thanks and any help is appreciated.
Try to use DiskCacheStrategy.SOURCE

How to load GIF image from drawable folder into ImageView using glide?

I have to show load GIF image from drawable to ImageView using glide.I have tried with following.
But isn't seem working and it's working when I'm place image in raw folder.but the problem is I have to use different dimension images.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can try to use Ion it works fine for me.
Using Ion
Using Glide
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
GlideDrawableImageViewTarget imageViewTarget = new GlideDrawableImageViewTarget(imageView);
Another Approach
For Glide 3.0 you need to set asGif() earlier:
Keep in mind that just using load() will load either a GIF or a Bitmap depending on the type of the data. Unless you want your load to fail if the given url is not a gif, you don't need to specify asGif()
Just pass the resource id directly to load():
.asGif() // you may not need this
Steps to load Gif images from drawable
You need to move your Gif image tores/raw folder of your project
if your project don't have raw folder in resource directly then simply make one and put your gif in it )
and then you can simply load your gif with just one line of code
.into(new GlideDrawableImageViewTarget(
(ImageView) findViewById(;
Place your Gif in the "raw" folder and use
GlideDrawableImageViewTarget imageViewTarget = new GlideDrawableImageViewTarget(imageView);
For Glide 4

Picasso center image without resizing into ImageView

I've come across this simple problem with the Picasso library. I haven't find any way to put an image into ImageView center it like android:ScaleType="center" does without cropping. Do you have any ideas about how to solve this ? My problem is that I don't know at the runtime the height and width of the BitMap I download so I can't use resize() properly.
This is a little late, but for anyone who's looking for a solution :
// call .centerInside() or .centerCrop() to avoid a stretched image
If your ImageView is fixed one dimension and flexible another dimension (ex. android:width="match_parent", android:height="wrap_content"), you should be able to use android:adjustViewBounds="true" to get the ImageView to resize to display your image without cropping.
i am not found fit to center without resizing,
.centerCrop(Gravity.CENTER).into(imageView, new Callback()

Image transformation not applied after orientation change with Picasso

I am using Picasso and a RoundedTransformation class that applies rounded corners to an image I load with Picasso. Relevant code is below:
Transformation transformation = new RoundedTransformationBuilder()
ImageView cardViewTop1Image = (ImageView) cardViewTop1.findViewById(;
This all works great until I go through two orientation changes - first to horizontal orientation, then back to vertical orientation. When I switch back to vertical orientation, the rounded transformation is no longer applied.
I believe that Picasso is caching the non-transformed image and then filling the ImageView with it. Is there a way I could cache the transformed image or load the non-transformed image from the cache and then apply the transformation? Thanks for the help!
Try this approach to stop caching.
.memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy.NO_CACHE )
Or try another Transformation. I use this .

