How to view result from JSON API in browser - android

I have a JSON API URL "http://myurl/getDataMethod" this takes a parameter "parameter1". How can I call this API in browser to view its result? Can I use JSFiddle to see the result on runtime? If not then can you provide code for viewing the result in Android app?
I tried calling the API in android App but I got error, I don;t know why. Also my parameter is having # symbol which is getting converted to %40 when I call the URL through code in APP. I just want to view the data from this API by passing parameter, please help/advise. Thanks.

You can always use an API Tester tool like Postman for testing/viewing the response received from an API. Also if your API method is GET, you can even use a browser by passing the relevant query parameters.
When you try to call an API from a browser, the entire URL gets Encoded so # becomes %40

Use Postman software to access your api and its data anytime before you start coding so as to know the data structure and flow.
Refer to the Postman tutorials or official documentation to learn more about the working
Postman documentation link:


my API dose not work on flutter and return 404

Hi I training to work with API in flutter, my API work correctly on mvc .net core and when I want signup user with postman everything work correct. but in flutter i get the 404 error. here this 3 images is my code. 1: api code. 2.flutter code. and the error 3.postman screenshot
how can I fix this?
1- Url, protocol type and port in postman different from in your code.
By the way when using HTTP,doesn't need to add 80 port in url "".
2- Please check your parameter that isn't null or undefined.

Problems with retrofit2 calls format

I am experiencing some issues with a retrofit call to the backend. I explain you the situation:
I have developed the API call in the postman by the next way:
In the Android studio I try to do the API call by the next way:
Call<Gaiak> getGaiak(#Query("grupo") String grupo);
But what I get is a empty object of JSON type, as I got if in the postman I make an api call without the param I showed before, and with the parameter specifyed in the body:
Does any of you know why I am having porblems with the Studio?
The final answer was watching the name that recived the data that you were receiving, in my case I put http and observed the mistake.

How can I connect to WMATA API?

I am working on a project using WMATA (DC Metro) API and I need to retrieve some data such as stations names, pathing of two stations...
I have an API Key but I don't know to do the networking part.
Should WMATA return an OAuthToken? How can I send a request?
No, you don't need OAuthToken or any Auth method, you just need to send your api_key at request header. There are a lot of example on wmata documentation. You can use Java examples as a reference for Kotlin.
Look at the Java section bottom of this page and find this line:
request.setHeader("api_key", "{subscription key}");
{subscription key}
with your API Key

Google Safe Browsing API v2 sample Implementation Android

I am trying to implement a Sample application in Android which gets the malware and phishing list from safe Browsing API and checks the authenticity of URL, this is client side method, but I am constantly getting 400 (Bad Request) as response code when I am trying to hit the URL.
Searched throughout the internet but couldn't get any sample working code.
Even on Developer's Guide page it is not mentioned how to send the list name correctly in POST request for downloading or updating.
Please help me by providing the correct procedure of how to send list name (if code snippet can be posted, it would be great as I am new to Android.)
Check out that request should end with '\n'. It is common to ignore this. I hope it helps.

Google Places API autocomplete - REQUEST_DENIED

I'm having a difficult time getting a valid autocomplete response from the Google Places API. I'm using code based on [their example}( (which, interestingly is using a seemingly invalid country code of "uk").
I have enabled Places API in my Google Code Console.
My API key was generated when I first enabled the Maps API a couple of weeks ago, and the MapFragment I'm using is working perfectly, so I have no reason to suspect that the API key is invalid.
The URL I'm using is
I always get {"status":"REQUEST_DENIED","predictions":[]} as my response.
I have verified multiple times that my url is formed correctly and adheres to the requirements of the Places API autocomplete endpoint, yet I do not get the response I'm expecting.
I have seen a number of suggestions of how to fix this on SO and elsewhere, but none of them have worked for me (i.e.-using http instead of https, use port 443, etc.) I have tried these in all reasonable combinations with no change in the response.
Please help me find what I'm doing wrong.
I tried the URL you provided with my key and it returned the expected results. I suspect you are using an Android key instead of a Browser key. Try creating and using a Browser key (under "Simple API Access").
Use the server or browser key instead of the iOS key. Keep the refers field blank to allow all refers.
Here is a sample project which does the same :
Try this way
also refer this like
REQUEST_DENIED indicates that your request was denied, generally because of lack of a sensor parameter.try this

