I know that is possible to preview xml drawables in Android Studio but I wonder if there is a way to preview them in Visual Studio instead of going back and forth between Android Studio and Visual Studio. Any tips?
There is no way right now to view XML drawables directly by themselves in Visual Studio for now.
But, since you can view Android AXML Layout files in Visual Studio, so you can view the usage of those XML drawables in your layout files. For example, I am able to see drawables I created for circles around numbers within my layout AXML file
I am new to Android studio Text/Design Tab Missing for only XML file created in drawable resources folders and yes I've tried invalidate cache/restart option but it is not working
Activity.xml ScreenShot:
Button.xml ScreenShot:
You can find Preview on the right side of the window:
Or you can enable this window using menu:
View -> Tool Windows -> Preview:
Design/Text tab is intended for designing layout XML resources only. And the drawables XML resources are not same as layout, they are mostly defined as selector, shape, etc which never contain any UI elements like TextView, ImageView which needs to be designed. So Android Studio doesn't feel it necessary to put that Design/Text tab for drawables XML resources too.
However you can try using the Preview option to have your work preview, as #Boken mentioned in the another answer.
For Android in RelativeView , some attributes arent working. It keeps saying they aren't declared. How do i fix this?
This is in VS community 2015 with Xamarin
That's fine. It will always say there are some errors but it will compile. I usually use Android Studio to edit those XML files and paste to VS. The VS designer is not as easy to use as Android Studio's.
But here Relative Layout do not have Orientation, that's for Linear Layout.
I cannot see an window showing preview for xml in the eclipse adt.
please help.
Click Graphical Layout Tab . near the YOUR_FILE_NAME.xml Tab
Select Graphical Layout Tab in xml editor.
How can i see the preview in eclipse adt while coding in xml?
It is not Possible. The functionality is not included in Eclipse. It is there in Android Studio i.e. you can see layout changes with corresponding code change side by side the functionality comes with the name tab preview.
I recommend you switch to Android Studio for that.
This may be useful to you : Where is Android Studio layout preview?
I am using Android studio 130.677228. Everything is OK and installed and my project has been built successfully. But I do not have Preview tab for layouts and there is no “Preview” menu in “Tool Windows”
Why? How can I solve this?
I have read:
Where is Android Studio layout preview?
Select target API in the Android Studio layout design preview
How do I show the rich layout editor in Android Studio?
But my answer is not there.
From what I can see you are editing a Menu resource file, not a Layout resource file. The Layout preview is only available when editing a Layout resource.
Once you are editing an actual resource file, which should be stored in it '/layout/' folder, you will see the editor preview on the far right side, below Maven Projects.
To see the menu preview you have to lower the API level to 16 or lower and it will show you on the device in top right corner. On higher API levels only a blank white screen is shown.
At least in Android studio 1.2.2 (Possibly others?) your menu can be shown even if its not a layout. You just have to choose AppTheme via appropriate button on preview screen of Android studio.
Chose for example Holo.CompactMenu with lets say nexus 5 set as device.
It will roughly show you the menu elements.
I'm new to developing with Android, and the biggest new thing is the way the UI is rendered (relative to other views instead of absolute locations and sizes). As a result, I've been experimenting a lot with layouts, and find myself changing 1 view or even just 1 property of a view, then having to recompile and launch it back into the emulator to see the result. Is there a tool that quickly (or at least quicker) shows what a UI looks like give a layout xml file?
You can look at http://www.droiddraw.org/ but it is not perfect.
You can use Eclipse with Android Development Tools, when opening a layout file you get a preview of what looks like. Besides, ADT provides some nice features for developing and debugging in the Android platform.
When you're in the XML view, simply click the "Layout" tab on the bottom, and you'll be taken to a visual representation of your layout:
Like so:
There are some limitations for sure (e.g. text shadowing, for one, will not be depicted in this view), but it's a good way to get a general idea of how your layout is working.
Versions 2.x and higher of Android Studio render the XML in real-time in the Preview pane of the IDE and it even juxtaposes the XML and outline views side by side.