How to detect user screenshot action in flutter? - android

How can I detect if the user creating a screenshot?
I do not care about the capture pictures, I just want to know when and where user creating the screenshot
How can I detect this in the flutter app?

You can try this plugin, it might be what you are looking for:
In order to accomplish what you are looking for from the README:
import 'package:screenshot_callback/screenshot_callback.dart';
ScreenshotCallback screenshotCallback = ScreenshotCallback();
screenshotCallback.addListener(() {
//Void funtions are implemented
print('detect screenshot');

screenshot_callback: ^1.1.3
void init() async {
await initScreenshotCallback();
//It must be created after permission is granted.
Future<void> initScreenshotCallback() async {
screenshotCallback = ScreenshotCallback();
screenshotCallback.addListener(() {
setState(() {
text = "Screenshot callback Fired!";
screenshotCallback.addListener(() {
print("We can add multiple listeners ");


Flutter - Denying permission on camera throws exception

Here is my initializeCamera code :
initializeCamera() async {
try {
final cameras = await availableCameras();
final firstCamera = cameras.first; = firstCamera;
setState(() {
cameraAuthorized = true;
ContextManager.cameraAuthorized = cameraAuthorized;
} catch(e) { = null;
setState(() {
cameraAuthorized = false;
ContextManager.cameraAuthorized = cameraAuthorized;
Here is my initState code where I call the initializeCamera function and after that initialize the CameraController :
void initState() {
initializeCamera().then((value) {
if ( != null) {
setState(() {
_controller = CameraController(,
_initializeControllerFuture = _controller.initialize();
When I am running the code with flutter web from my computer browser I get this popup from my initializeCamera step :
When I click "allow" the rest of the code which is called in the then()
and especially _controller.initialize(), which initialize my camera on the device, is executed and the camera starts working. When I click "deny" another part of the code that I customed is run to display a message on the screen, in other words everything works fine.
When I'm running on the Android Emulator everything from my initializeCamera() function to _controller.initialize() is run without interruption until I get this popup :
Whether I choose "while using the app" or "only this time" the camera starts working and everything is ok. But when I click "deny" the app throws a CameraException.
I tried to wrap this line (which is causing the issue) :
_initializeControllerFuture = _controller.initialize()
in try/catch, and also specifying the name of the exception, but nothing worked.
What I don't get here, is that _controller.initialize() function is called before the popup show in the emulator, so the camera is initialized on the device before we can actually choose to deny/allow it.
While on the computer you actually get to choose whether you deny/allow the camera before the _controller.initialize() function is executed, which make perfect sense to me.
The ways it works on the emulator doesn't make any sense for me, if someone more knowledgeable could enlighten me, thanks.

How to read and use shared preference values in initstate()? I can read and use values in other widgets but not in my API which i call in initstate

I am creating a list of businesses through RestAPI in initstate. I need to use sharedpreference value as one of its parameter but when i try to load data, the sharepreference value is null initial but that value can be used in other widgets easily.
The problem is how to read sharepreference value and use at the same time in initstate.?
I have tried many options like taking my api out of initstate and defining with async function and call it in initstate.
void initState() {
getBizList() async {
await api
.bizListAPI(widget.subCatid, savedCityID, supSubFinal, areaFinal)
.then((response) {
setState(() {
bizListOBJ = response;
loadData() async {
SharedPreferences savedPref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
setState(() {
savedCity = (savedPref.getString('savedCity') ?? "Mumbai");
savedCityID = (savedPref.getString('savedCityID') ?? "1");
in above code i am able to get or read data and show city name from sharedpreference(savedCity) which is in appbar but i want to use savedcityID data to pass in my api in initstate.
I also tried to use following plugin
With this I was able to do what i wanted but each time i close my app and open again ...
i got following error
"_prefsInstance != null,
"Maybe call Prefs.getKeysF() instead. SharedPreferences not ready yet!");"
after that when i go back and open page again, the app and biz list works perfect till again i close my app.
sorry for my any noob explanation or question. Actually this is my 1st question in stack and I am beginner in flutter.
Can you try this?
void initState() {
loadData().then((_) {
You need to use set state inside init state because
are async function so you need to refresh page to get value.
Try this
void initState() {
// TODO: implement initState
setState(() {

Remove back button if platform is Android

i have a problem in my app. (i'm using Ionic v1)
I want to hide the back button if the platform is Android, but if is iOS i want to show it.
I have the following code:
.config(function($ionicConfigProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// if none of the above states are matched, use this as the fallback
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) {
$"tabs-icon-top tabs-striped");
else if (ionic.Platform.isIOS()) {
$"tabs-icon-top tabs-striped");
Thank you!
Put your code inside $ionicPlatform.ready method:
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) {
$"tabs-icon-top tabs-striped");
else if (ionic.Platform.isIOS()) {
$"tabs-icon-top tabs-striped");

Xamarin Forms ListView ItemSelected functionality

Here is a function that gets called when an item gets selected from a ListView:
async void detail_clicked(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e){
if (e.SelectedItem == null) {
Detail selected = (Detail)e.SelectedItem;
await DisplayAlert ("Item Added",
String.Format ("{0} added to cart.", selected.detail_name), "Okay");
((ListView)sender).SelectedItem = null;
I added this function using the ItemSelected event handler
details_list.ItemSelected += detail_clicked;
The first time I click on the Item, the DisplayAlert pops up. After the first click, the DisplayAlert inside detail_clicked no longer pops up. But the other code inside the handler does get called.
Anyone know how to fix this issue? Is it something I am not understanding about event handlers? Is it something about await/async?
The DisplayAlert might be running on a different thread. Try wrapping Display Alert in Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread. You can ready about that here.
Please check again without async on method and await on DisplayAlert().
Use this following code. It will helps you.
private void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.SelectedItem == null)
listView.SelectedItem = null;
DisplayAlert("Alert", e.SelectedItem.ToString(), "Ok");

Sharing to Facebook shows error "We are Sorry, this post is no longer available. It may have been removed"

I'm trying to implement Facebook sharing in my game using Unity 3D + Facebook Unity SDK. But when I tried testing to post to my wall, this error shows up: "We are Sorry, this post is no longer available. It may have been removed." Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance.
BTW, here's my code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class FacebookController : MonoBehaviour {
public bool isUsingFacebook = true; //Are we using Facebook SDK? This variable is only
//Feed parameters.
private string link = "market://details?id=com.LaserCookie.Queue"; //The link that will show the user the game's google play store address
private string linkName = "Queue"; //The link name
private string linkCaption = "Wow this game is great! 10/10 must play!"; // The caption of the link
private string linkDescription = "I achieved the score of " + PlayerController.instance.score.ToString() + "! Try to beat me if you can!"; //The description of the link
private string picture = ""; //This is the image / game icon for the link. For now, it's shamelessly got from a random source. Thank you, random citizen...
void Awake()
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//Init FB
private void Init()
if (!FB.IsInitialized)
FB.Init(OnInitComplete, OnHideUnity);
//Callback that will be called when the initialization is completed
private void OnInitComplete()
Debug.Log("FB.Init completed: Is user logged in? " + FB.IsLoggedIn);
//Check if we are logged in.
//If not, we will log in.
//If we are, post status.
if (!FB.IsLoggedIn)
//Callback that will be called when the game is shown / not
private void OnHideUnity(bool isGameShown)
Debug.Log("Is game showing? " + isGameShown);
//Post to Facebook. This is the only exposed method because we only use this to post to Facebook.
//The initialization and login will be called when needed.
//It will first detect whether or not we have been initialized. And will init if we haven't.
//Then it will check whether or not we have been logged in with publish. And will log in if not.
public void PostToFacebook()
//Are we using facebook SDK?
if (isUsingFacebook)
if (!FB.IsInitialized) //Check for initialization
else if (!FB.IsLoggedIn) //Check for login
else //Post if we are already initia;ized and logged in
//The true implementation of the posting
private void PostImpl()
FB.Feed("",link, linkName,linkCaption,linkDescription,picture);
//Login to Facebook with publish
private void LoginWithPublish()
// It is generally good behavior to split asking for read and publish
// permissions rather than ask for them all at once.
// In your own game, consider postponing this call until the moment
// you actually need it.
FB.Login("publish_actions", LoginCallback);
//Login callback
void LoginCallback(FBResult result)
if (result.Error != null)
Debug.Log( "Error Response:\n" + result.Error );
//TODO: Retry login if we have error? Or do we display a pop up?
else if (!FB.IsLoggedIn)
Debug.Log( "Login cancelled by Player" );
//TODO: Do we display a pop up?
Debug.Log( "Login was successful!" );
You need to add Key Hash for FB application.
Go to My Apps, select you application, open Setting tab, add platform for android, and add you key hash.
check this link out
Setting a Release Key Hash
I've fixed the issue. It turns out it's because I used my still in development google store address as the link. I thought it would be automatically recognized regardless of my app is live or not. Thank you anyway. :)

