I'm a newbie with Android Studio so please be patient... This forum often leads me with suggestions and examples (as a reader), but today I decided to ask for help:
Since hours, I try to build an SQLite statement in Android Studio: There is a column COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT with date and time as String, e.g. 2020-01-09 17:23, see screenshot, and I want to get the newest date (without time) from the table, e.g. 2020-09-01. I tried various options but I can't get it to run.
What I need is an Android SQLite Statement for
SELECT MAX(SUBSTR(last_attempt,11,20)) FROM quiz_questions
(which runs on DBBrowser), where 'last attempt' is a column of table 'quiz_questions', screenshot of that column in table 'quiz_questions'
I tried the following rawQueries, none of them works:
In QuizDBHelper-Class
final QuizDbHelper dbHelper = QuizDbHelper.getInstance(this);
public String newestQuiz(){
db = getReadableDatabase();
String result = null;
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT MAX(" + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT + ") FROM "
+ QuizContract.QuestionsTable.TABLE_NAME, null);
//Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT MAX(SUBSTR(" + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT +
// ",11,20)) FROM " + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.TABLE_NAME, null);
//Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT + " FROM " +
// QuizContract.QuestionsTable.TABLE_NAME, null);
do {
result = cursor.getString(c.getColumnIndex(QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT));
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
return result;
In Statistics-Class
String LastUse = dbHelper.newestQuiz();
LastUsage.setText("Letzte Challenge: " + LastUse);
//LastUsage is a TextView in activity_Statistics.xml
//attached with LastUsage = findViewById(R.id.text_lastUsage);
Either the SQLite statements are totally wrong or I make (basic?) mistakes in statistics class. I need ...newbie help!
I need something like Select column from table where substring of date-Entry == newest
Your issue appear to be column names. That is a Cursor only contains the columns extracted, not all the columns from the table. Although you are basing your query on the column as per QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT that will not be the column name in the cursor.
Rather it will will MAX(SUBSTR(" + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT +
// ",11,20))
The simplest way of managing this is to give the column in the Cursor a specific name using AS. As such perhaps use :-
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT MAX(" + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT + ") AS " + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT + " FROM "
+ QuizContract.QuestionsTable.TABLE_NAME, null);
However, you may prefere to use a column name (AS ????) specififc to the situation e.g.
........ AS max_" + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT + ........
You would then have to use :-
result = cursor.getString(c.getColumnIndex("max_" + QuizContract.QuestionsTable.COLUMN_LAST_ATTEMPT));
Alternately, as it's just a single value/column that is returned in the cursor you could use the column offset of 0, in which case the column name is irrelevant as long as it is valid. However, using offsets is not typically recommended due to the lack of validation of the column being accessed.
re the comment :-
I just need the date part
As the date is a recognised DateTime format (and also that such formats are directly sortable/orderable), use max(date(column_name)) or even max(column_name).
I'm currently having an issue with my SQL Lite code with regards to counting matching results. In my application the user will have the ability to add a new folder and give it a name. Before the folder is added to the application my code will check to see if a folder with the same name already exists if so it will prompt the user.
When using my code below I receive an error informing me the column doesn't exist. If I remove everything past WHERE then it works perfectly and counts every record within the table.
I've reinstalled the application and changed the database version so that its completely clean, just to make sure. I'm certain its only something very minor I'm missing.
public int countMatchingFolders (String folderName){
String countQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + Primary_Table + " WHERE " + Col_FolderName + " = " + folderName;
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, null);
int cnt = cursor.getCount();
return cnt;
Error message I'm receiving
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: testFolder (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM Folder_Table WHERE Col_FolderName = testFolder
Any assistance to help with the issue would be greatly appreciated.
The error is because the string value doesn't have quotes around it, so it is treated as a table name instead of a string. You should use a bound query argument to fix this. Bound arguments also prevent SQL injection attacks:
String countQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + Primary_Table + " WHERE " + Col_FolderName + " = ?";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, new String[]{folderName});
Note that you can do "SELECT COUNT(*) as row_count" ... to let the database engine count the number of records more efficiently.
Recently I got to know that raw query in android can not prevent SQL injection and thus I decided to convert all queries in Prepared statement which is SQL injection prevention. But I don't know how to convert complex queries in Prepared Statement.
I want to convert below queries:
(tab1col1 in(SELECT tab2Col2 FROM MasterTable where tab2col1='Y')
or tab1col2 = CV.TRUE)
order by
tab1col3, tab1col4, tab1col5,tab1col6
* ,count(*) as TOTAL_COUNT ,
group by tabCol2;
You can use rawQuery to prevent injection by passing any arguments via the selectionargs (2nd parameter).
SQL injection, wouldn't apply to either of the queries, as they are hard coded and have no user generated/supplied inputs.
e.g. your first query could be (assuming that, 'Y' and CV.TRUE are passed as parameters (i.e. user generated/supplied) for the sake of demonstration) :-
public Cursor query1raw(String indicator1,String indicator2) {
String sql = "SELECT * " +
" FROM TableName " +
" WHERE (tab1col1" +
" IN(" +
" SELECT tab2col2 " +
" FROM MasterTable " +
" WHERE tab2col1=?)" +
" OR tab1col2=?)" +
" ORDER BY tab1col3, tab1col4,tab1col5,tab1col6";
String[] args = new String[]{indicator1,indicator2};
return mDB.rawQuery(sql,args);
However, the convenience methods are generally recommended rather than rawQuery or execSQL when they can be used, again using bound strings via arguments, the above, using the query convenience method could be :-
public Cursor query1(String indicator1, String indicator2) {
String whereclause = "(tab1col1 IN(SELECT tab2col2 FROM MasterTable WHERE tab2col1=?) OR tab1col2=?)";
String[] whereargs = new String[] {indicator1,indicator2};
String order_columns = "tab1col3,tab1col4,tab1col5,tab1col6";
return mDB.query("TableName",null,whereclause,whereargs,null,null,order_columns);
You wouldn't use prepared statements themselves as they are restricted to returning single values, not a row or rows with multiple columns.
Warning not advised
However, you could, if you really wanted, use :-
public Cursor query1ps(String indicator1,String indicator2) {
String[] whereargs = new String[] {indicator1,indicator2};
SQLiteStatement stmnt = mDB.compileStatement("SELECT * " +
" FROM TableName " +
" WHERE (tab1col1" +
" IN(" +
" SELECT tab2col2 " +
" FROM MasterTable " +
" WHERE tab2col1=?)" +
" OR tab1col2=?)" +
" ORDER BY tab1col3, tab1col4,tab1col5,tab1col6");
String sql = stmnt.toString().replace("SQLiteProgram:","");
return mDB.rawQuery(sql,null);
As you can see all the prepared statement is doing as such, is substituting the arguments, so has little benefit over the other methods. This would also be dependant upon SQLIteProgram: remaining constant.
The only way to prevent SQL injections is to use parameters. (In some PHP APIs, the only way to get parameters is to use prepared statements, but that is not one of the warts in the Android database API.)
Just write ? for any string, and pass the values separately:
String name = ...;
String password = ...;
cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT SomeCol FROM Users WHERE Name = ? AND Password = ?",
new String[]{ name, password });
Please not that SQL injection could happen only if you have string values that are controlled by the (potentially-hostile) user. Your queries above do not look as if this were the case.
I'm making an Android app and using a SQLite database. In particular I'm using the rawQuery method on a database obtained through a SQLiteOpenHelper. The query I build makes use of the ? marks as placeholders for the real values, which are passed along as an array of objects (e.g., select * from table where id = ?).
The question is, is it possible to get the query with the marks already replaced, at least from the cursor returned from the rawQuery method? I mean something like select * from table where id = 56. This would be useful for debugging purposes.
It's not possible. The ? values are not bound at the SQL level but deeper, and there's no "result" SQL after binding the values.
Variable binding is a part of the sqlite3 C API, and the Android SQLite APIs just provide a thin wrapper on top. http://sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html
For debugging purposes you can log your SQL with the ?, and log the values of your bind arguments.
You could form it as a string like this
int id = 56;
String query = "select * from table where id = '" + id + "'";
and then use it as a rawQuery like this (if I understood your question properly)
Cursor mCursor = mDb.rawQuery(query, null);
You can also use the SQLiteQueryBuilder. Here is an example with a join query:
//Create new querybuilder
SQLiteQueryBuilder _QB = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
//Specify books table and add join to categories table (use full_id for joining categories table)
_QB.setTables(BookColumns.TABLENAME +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN " + CategoryColumns.TABLENAME + " ON " +
BookColumns.CATEGORY + " = " + CategoryColumns.FULL_ID);
//Order by records by title
_OrderBy = BookColumns.BOOK_TITLE + " ASC";
//Open database connection
SQLiteDatabase _DB = fDatabaseHelper.getReadableDatabase();
//Get cursor
Cursor _Result = _QB.query(_DB, null, null, null, null, null, _OrderBy);
android noob... I have two tables, with a one to many relationship between country_tbl and city_tbl, and I would like to concatenate values from city_tbl.landmark_col with GROUP_CONCAT() and INSERT all the landmark_col values as a single String into country_tbl.all_landmarks column. The SQL seems to require a nested SELECT to concatenate the landmark_col values before passing them to the country_tbl... something like:
UPDATE country_tbl
SET country_tbl.all_landmarks = (SELECT landmarks_col FROM
(SELECT country_id, group_concat(landmarks_col)
FROM city_tbl INNER JOIN country_tbl
ON country_tbl.country_id = city_tbl.country_id
GROUP BY country_tbl.country_id)
AS country_landmarks
WHERE country_tbl.country_id = country_landmarks.country_id)
FROM country_landmarks
WHERE country_tbl.country_id = country_landmarks.country_id
Not sure if nested select statements are even supported or if just too resource intensive... there must be a better way, as it seems like using rawQuery is not the best solution. Not sure if I should be creating temporary tables, using ContentProviders, or passing a cursor...?
I answered this by splitting up the long SQL query into two parts. First I created a subquery with a SQLiteQueryBuilder and ran using rawQuery to get a two column cursor with the location_id and the group_concat values for the landmark_names. I was then able to cycle through the cursor to update the country table with each of the appropriate concatenated values of all the landmark names for that country.
The query below is a tad more complicated than the question above (which I simplified before posting), only because I had to join a landmarks list table with another landmark_type table by the landmark_type_id, and my real goals was to concatenate the shorter list of landmark_type by country, not the long list of all the landmark_names by country. Anyway, it works.
public void UpdateCountryLandmarks() throws SQLException {
Cursor c = null;
String subquery = SQLiteQueryBuilder.buildQueryString(
// include distinct
// FROM tables
// two columns (one of which is a group_concat()
new String[] { LANDMARKS_TABLE + "." + LOCATION_ID + ", group_concat(" + LANDMARK_TYPE_TABLE + "." + LANDMARK_TYPE + ",\", \") AS " + LANDMARK_NAMES },
// where
// group by
LANDMARKS_TABLE + "." + LOCATION_ID, null, null, null);
c = mDb.rawQuery(subquery, null);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String locationId = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(LOCATION_ID));
String landmarkNames = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(LANDMARK_NAMES));
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put(LANDMARK_NAMES, landmarkNames);
mDb.update(COUNTRY_TABLE, cv, LOCATION_ID + "=" + locationId, null);
} while (c.moveToNext());
I have an Android project that has a database with two tables: tbl_question and tbl_alternative.
To populate the views with questions and alternatives I am using cursors. There are no problems in getting the data I need until I try to join the two tables.
I want something like the following:
SELECT tbl_question.question, tbl_alternative.alternative where
categoryid=tbl_alternative.categoryid AND tbl_question._id =
This is my attempt:
public Cursor getAlternative(long categoryid) {
String[] columns = new String[] { KEY_Q_ID, KEY_IMAGE, KEY_QUESTION, KEY_ALT, KEY_QID};
String whereClause = KEY_CATEGORYID + "=" + categoryid +" AND "+ KEY_Q_ID +"="+ KEY_QID;
Cursor cursor = mDb.query(true, DBTABLE_QUESTION + " INNER JOIN "+ DBTABLE_ALTERNATIVE, columns, whereClause, null, null, null, null, null);
if (cursor != null) {
return cursor;
I find this way to form queries harder than regular SQL, but have gotten the advice to use this way since it is less error prone.
How do I join two SQLite tables in my application?
You need rawQuery method.
private final String MY_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM table_a a INNER JOIN table_b b ON a.id=b.other_id WHERE b.property_id=?";
db.rawQuery(MY_QUERY, new String[]{String.valueOf(propertyId)});
Use ? bindings instead of putting values into raw sql query.
An alternate way is to construct a view which is then queried just like a table.
In many database managers using a view can result in better performance.
CREATE VIEW xyz SELECT q.question, a.alternative
FROM tbl_question AS q, tbl_alternative AS a
WHERE q.categoryid = a.categoryid
AND q._id = a.questionid;
This is from memory so there may be some syntactic issues.
I mention this approach because then you can use SQLiteQueryBuilder with the view as you implied that it was preferred.
In addition to #pawelzieba's answer, which definitely is correct, to join two tables, while you can use an INNER JOIN like this
SELECT * FROM expense INNER JOIN refuel
ON exp_id = expense_id
WHERE refuel_id = 1
via raw query like this -
String rawQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + RefuelTable.TABLE_NAME + " INNER JOIN " + ExpenseTable.TABLE_NAME
+ " ON " + RefuelTable.EXP_ID + " = " + ExpenseTable.ID
+ " WHERE " + RefuelTable.ID + " = " + id;
Cursor c = db.rawQuery(
because of SQLite's backward compatible support of the primitive way of querying, we turn that command into this -
FROM expense, refuel
WHERE exp_id = expense_id AND refuel_id = 1
and hence be able to take advanatage of the SQLiteDatabase.query() helper method
Cursor c = db.query(
RefuelTable.TABLE_NAME + " , " + ExpenseTable.TABLE_NAME,
Utils.concat(RefuelTable.PROJECTION, ExpenseTable.PROJECTION),
RefuelTable.EXP_ID + " = " + ExpenseTable.ID + " AND " + RefuelTable.ID + " = " + id,
For a detailed blog post check this
"Ambiguous column" usually means that the same column name appears in at least two tables; the database engine can't tell which one you want. Use full table names or table aliases to remove the ambiguity.
Here's an example I happened to have in my editor. It's from someone else's problem, but should make sense anyway.
select P.*
from product_has_image P
inner join highest_priority_images H
on (H.id_product = P.id_product and H.priority = p.priority)