Text UI not updating on *mobile* game Unity - android

I'm setting up a game which will be played on Android. For some reason, the UI Text is not updating on the mobile phone whilst it works well when the game is played through Unity.
The process is as follows. The users selects a mini-game he would like to play, according to his score, he will get that amount in in game money.
The starting cash amount is 20, and after playing the game on Unity one can notice that it updates (even through the inspector).
Unity Game Screen
On the other hand, on mobile it doesn't update and stays the initial amount of 20.
Is this a known bug, or did I do something wrong?
Code as requested:
This is the game controller were the UI element updates:
public void helpAtHome()
income = (5*globalMinigameScoreCounter) + income;
bankInvestment = investmentRate * income;
money += income - bankInvestment;
health -= 2;
hunger -= 2;
// bankInvestmentText.text = "€ " + bankInvestment;
// healthText.text = "Health: " + health;
// hungerText.text = "Hunger: " + hunger;
// moneyText.text = "Cash: " + money.ToString();
globalMinigameScoreCounter = 0;
Whilst this is the piece of code were the game is called and the values updated:
public void countDown(float timer){
int time = (int) timer;
timerText.text = time.ToString();
if(time == 0){
gameController.bankInvestmentText.text = "€ " + gameController.bankInvestment;
gameController.healthText.text = "Health: " + gameController.health;
gameController.hungerText.text = "Hunger: " + gameController.hunger;
gameController.moneyText.text = "Cash: " + gameController.money.ToString();
gameController.globalMinigameScoreCounter = 0;

Why are you calling SceneManager.LoadScene(1); ?
I guess you are updating text values and then opening the scene again. If you are doing so when a scene is loaded it is set to its default value. Still want to load the scene than try using PlayerPrefs.
gameController.healthText.text = "Health: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("health");


I have 4 textviews which take their values from spinner. If TextView 3 and 4 are blank then I need to copy values from position 1 & 2

I have 4 textviews which take their values from dropdown list (spinner) selected at previous screen.
There can be either 2 or 4 numbers/letters as result of this selection.
The first position will always be a number and the second position will always be a letter. The third position can be a number or blank and the fourth position can be a letter or blank.
If position 3 and position 4 are blank then I need to make them equal to positions 1 & 2 respectively.
String myGrade = intent.getStringExtra("parameter_name_grade");
// above takes value of 'myGrade' from spinner selection at previous screen
String mDisplayGradeNumberEff = (" " + myGrade.charAt(0));
TextView displayGradeNumberEff = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.gradeNumberEffTV);
String mDisplayGradeLetterEff = (" " + myGrade.charAt(1));
TextView displayGradeLetterEff = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.gradeLetterEffTV);
// above works correctly
// from here down only works when a character is present in both positions
// if positions 3(2) and 4(3) are empty app stops running.
String mDisplayGradeNumberDia = (" " + myGrade.charAt(2));
if (mDisplayGradeNumberDia.isEmpty()) {
mDisplayGradeNumberDia = mDisplayGradeNumberEff;
TextView displayGradeNumberDia = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.gradeNumberDiaTV);
String mDisplayGradeLetterDia = (" " + myGrade.charAt(3));
if (mDisplayGradeLetterDia.isEmpty()) {
mDisplayGradeLetterDia = mDisplayGradeLetterEff;
TextView displayGradeLetterDia = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.gradeLetterDiaTV);
I Guess you have a array out of bounds exception, please provide Logcat....
Check if "myGrade" has 3/4 Characters, if it does not you can't read them with charAt(3)...
You can check the length of the String with "myGrade.length()"
When I asked this question I was fairly new to the site and didn't understand that I should post back the solution for future reference. Solution below worked so thanks to rocket for your help and sorry for the delay!
int myGradeLength = mGrade.length();
if (myGradeLength != 4) {
mDisplayGradeNumberEff = ("" + mGrade.charAt(0));
mDisplayGradeLetterEff = ("" + mGrade.charAt(1));
mDisplayGradeNumberDia = ("" + mGrade.charAt(0));
mDisplayGradeLetterDia = ("" + mGrade.charAt(1));
} else {
mDisplayGradeNumberEff = ("" + mGrade.charAt(0));
mDisplayGradeLetterEff = ("" + mGrade.charAt(1));
mDisplayGradeNumberDia = ("" + mGrade.charAt(2));
mDisplayGradeLetterDia = ("" + mGrade.charAt(3));

Android: Updating int ever second

I am creating a text file with data related to my App's game.
I want to show the score at each second in the game.
How can I ensure that my int for seconds is updated, starting at zero
Example of output wanted:
Seconds Score
0 3
1 9
2 16
3 20
Current output (seconds always 0):
Seconds Score
0 3
0 9
0 16
0 20
Current code:
int seconds=0;
//creating header in the txt file Note: Blanked out as it is generating every second
order("lowGamma")+order("midGamma")+order("Delta")+order("Theta")+ "\n");
//creating the string to be written to file
String line = order(seconds+"")+order(eegPower.highAlpha+"")+order(eegPower.lowAlpha+"")+order(eegPower.highBeta+"")+
order(eegPower.lowBeta+"")+order(eegPower.midGamma+"")+order(eegPower.delta+"")+order(eegPower.theta+"")+ "\n";
//write the string to file
I think you should rather use a sqlite table for this. Greendao
is a good tool for managing those tables. You can save the information every second to a table. When the game is finished, you have a full list of the score for each second of the game.
In your code example the "second" variable is set to 0 each time before you write a new line. I think that is the problem.
Using TimerTask or Handler with postDelayed() method can do the trick.
You can use a handler to update your text file every second:
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
private android.os.Handler mHandler = new android.os.Handler();
private Runnable textFileLogger;
private int seconds = 0;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Create header for text file
writeToFileEEGPower(order("Seconds") + order("highAlpha") + order("lowAlpha") + order("highBeta") + order("LowBeta") +
order("lowGamma") + order("midGamma") + order("Delta") + order("Theta") + "\n");
textFileLogger = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String line = order(seconds + "") + order(eegPower.highAlpha + "") + order(eegPower.lowAlpha + "") + order(eegPower.highBeta + "") +
order(eegPower.lowBeta + "") + order(eegPower.midGamma + "") + order(eegPower.delta + "") + order(eegPower.theta + "") + "\n";
//write the string to file
//Repeats the logging after 1 second
mHandler.postDelayed(this, 1000);
//Starts the logging after 1 second
mHandler.postDelayed(textFileLogger, 1000);
protected void onDestroy() {
//To stop the logging:

Google Real Time Multiplayer players names

everything works fine when creating a room and automatch too, but the problem is when i call p.getDisplayName(), in this code it dosn't return the opponent name it returns some junk letters ..
void updatePeerScoresDisplay() {
((TextView) findViewById(R.id.score0)).setText(formatScore(mScore) + " - Me");
int[] arr = {
R.id.score1, R.id.score2, R.id.score3
int i = 0;
if (mRoomId != null) {
for (Participant p : mParticipants) {
String pid = p.getParticipantId();
if (pid.equals(mMyId))
if (p.getStatus() != Participant.STATUS_JOINED)
int score = mParticipantScore.containsKey(pid) ? mParticipantScore.get(pid) : 0;
((TextView) findViewById(arr[i])).setText(formatScore(score) + " - "+
It returns something like Player234, it won't return the player's name, even if he/she is in your circles (as I have experienced). That's the point of a random opponent match.
google play game realtime multiplayer how to get quickmatch player's name?

FaceRecognition with javacv android

I'm following javacv Face Detection/Recognition code, there is confusion regarding face recognition.. What I'm doing is (Sorry if it sounds stupid but I'm stuck)
1) Detect Face crop it and save it to sdcard and place path in learn.txt file (Learning part)
2) Detect Face crop it and find it in existing faces whether it exists or not, but it always return nearest position even if the face doesn't exist in sample faces..
what I'm doing wrong?
// Method, I'm using to recognize face
public Integer recognizeFace(Bitmap face, Context context) {
Log.i(TAG, "===========================================");
Log.i(TAG, "recognizeFace (single face)");
float[] projectedTestFace;
float confidence = 0.0f;
int nearest = -1; // closest match -- -1 for nothing.
int iNearest;
if (trainPersonNumMat == null) {
return null;
Log.i(TAG, "NUMBER OF EIGENS: " + nEigens);
// project the test images onto the PCA subspace
projectedTestFace = new float[nEigens];
// Start timing recognition
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
testFaceImg = bmpToIpl(face);
// saveBmp(face, "blah");
// convert Bitmap it IplImage
//testFaceImg = IplImage.create(face.getWidth(), face.getHeight(),
// IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4);
// project the test image onto the PCA subspace
cvEigenDecomposite(testFaceImg, // obj
nEigens, // nEigObjs
new PointerPointer(eigenVectArr), // eigInput (Pointer)
0, // ioFlags
null, // userData
pAvgTrainImg, // avg
projectedTestFace); // coeffs
// LOGGER.info("projectedTestFace\n" +
// floatArrayToString(projectedTestFace));
Log.i(TAG, "projectedTestFace\n" + floatArrayToString(projectedTestFace));
final FloatPointer pConfidence = new FloatPointer(confidence);
iNearest = findNearestNeighbor(projectedTestFace, new FloatPointer(pConfidence));
confidence = pConfidence.get();
// truth = personNumTruthMat.data_i().get(i);
nearest = trainPersonNumMat.data_i().get(iNearest); // result
// get endtime and calculate time recognition process takes
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
long duration = endTime - startTime;
double seconds = (double) duration / 1000000000.0;
Log.i(TAG, "recognition took: " + String.valueOf(seconds));
Log.i(TAG, "nearest = " + nearest + ". Confidence = " + confidence);
Toast.makeText(context, "Nearest: "+nearest+" Confidence: "+confidence, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//Save the IplImage so we can see what it looks like
Random generator = new Random();
int n = 10000;
n = generator.nextInt(n);
String fname = "/sdcard/saved_images/" + nearest + " " + String.valueOf(seconds) + " " + String.valueOf(confidence) + " " + n + ".jpg";
Log.i(TAG, "Saving image as: " + fname);
cvSaveImage(fname, testFaceImg);
return nearest;
} // end of recognizeFace
EDIT The confidence is always negative!
Thanks in advance

Asynctask taking ridiculous amount of time

My problem is that I had a program working before, without threading, and it took a long time to process info (16 seconds to get XML data and display it). Now I've gotten the whole threading and async thing down, but for some reason it is making my program SLOWER (in the emulator, device is not available right now), is there anything I've done that could have caused this, the UI thread is fine, but my async thread takes a minute and a half to execute. (when I had it in the UI thread used to take only 16 seconds, but froze the UI thread)
Here is the code for my thread, it sits inside of the main class:
private class TeamSearchTask extends AsyncTask<String,Void,String> {
CharSequence nfo;
String [] matches;
String [] data;
String teamNum;
ProgressDialog loading;
protected void onPreExecute()
//Show the 'loading' dialog
loading = new ProgressDialog(SapphireAlliance.this);
loading.setMessage("Loading, please wait...");
protected String doInBackground(String... teamNumber)
//Team information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
teamNum = teamNumber[0];
//Array of team data
data = APIconnection.getTeams(teamNum, "");
//Display basic team info
nfo = ("\nFormal Team Name:\n" + data[1] +
"\n\nLocation:\n" + data [3] + ", " + data[4] + ", " + data[5] +
"\n\nRookie Year:\n" + data[6] +
"\n\nRobot Name:\n" + data[7] +
"\n\nWebsite:\n" + data[8] + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
//Make match archive --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String [] events = APIconnection.getEventIdsByYear(year1);
ArrayList<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i<events.length; i++)
String [] add = APIconnection.getMatches2(teamNum, events[i] ,"","");
for(int j = 0; j<add.length; j++)
String [] out = new String [matches.size()];
return "";
catch(Exception e)
return e.toString();
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
CharSequence ttl = "Team " + teamNum;
Anything in there that could be causing this? :|
It may be that your thread priority may not be set very high. I remember the default is rather low. However, for what you're doing, it shouldn't be taking more than a couple seconds. I would think that the real problem lies in APIconnection going to the network and doing something that takes a long time. Particularly, that for loop that does the event fetching would be doing a lot of work if each call opens a new socket, assuming that this is for FIRST matches. :P
I am having the same issue, doing nothing more than a file copy with simple DES decryption... the whole thing ran in a few seconds on the UI thread, but when moved into an ASYNCTASK it is now taking MINUTES to accomplish. Unbelievable.

