FCM in android notification payload , event_time - android

i want to make the notification push on like maybe 5 minute after i run this http function. delete the event_time from the jsaon of notification i will receive the push notification that have timeline now, but if i hard code the event_time the time will show 50 year ago since epoch time , event i put 999 for the year it just increase by 2 year . i dint get it at all. then found Timestapm format in google and firebase so use it and the android got error whil parsing the json payload said cant fine field something . have any idea to format the Zulu RC399 time format?
pp.get('/sendCloudMessageReminderActivation', async (req, res) => {
const x = req.query.userUID;
const xstr = String(x);
const zxcv = admin.firestore().collection('user').doc(xstr);
const xoxo = await zxcv.get();
var today = new Date();
// today.setHours(today.getHours()+1);
// today.setFullYear(today.getFullYear()+50);
var xoxocode;
console.log(today+'saya saya sebelum cagbge');
// today = ISODateString(today);
const timestamp = admin.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(today);
console.log(timestamp.nanoseconds +'siniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii');
if (xoxo!==null) {
xoxocode= await xoxo.data().cloudMessagingToken;
const message = {
notification: {
title: 'your account is still in active state',
body: 'Tap here to check it out!'
// important : 'MAX',
notification_priority: "PRIORITY_MAX",
event_time: timestamp,// when ever i cahnge this event use ZULU RC339 format i still give my 50 year ago notification. i did my research but cant figure out how to do this ,
default_sound: true,
// notification_priority: PRIORITY_MAX
token: xoxocode
// res.status(200).send('authorized');
const respondfrommesage = admin.messaging().send(message);
res.status(200).send('message send notification');

Zulu is not a time format. It's a time zone. Zulu is just another name for UTC.
As per this article:
Another name for UTC Time is "Zulu" or "Z Time."
Now, about the timestamp value. If you are creating a Date object and use milliseconds or nanoseconds property of a date, it will always give you the difference in respective property type (mills/nano),
From the time you created the instance and starting time of UNIX which is 1 January 1970.
It has been 50 years as of 1st Jan, 2020. Hence the 50 year difference in the event_time.
If you have any other doubts let me know.


Flutter repeated weekly notification

Actually i want to show weekly notification in flutter, i don't find a way to i'm asking here :-)
So in my app user can schedule timetable and got notification according to that.
And user can schedule notifcation for all 7 days of week(monday, tuesday ... sunday),
now i want to repeat these notification on weekly basis, so if user scheduled notification for monday so that notification will repeat on monday, and if it is scheduled for tuesday it will repeat on tuesday and so on.
static Future showWeeklyNotification({
required int id,
String? title,
String? body,
String? payload,
required int weekday,
required Time scheduleTime,
}) async => _notifications.zonedSchedule(
_scheduleWeekly(scheduleTime , weekday, ),
await _notificationDetails(),
androidAllowWhileIdle: true,
matchDateTimeComponents: DateTimeComponents.dayOfWeekAndTime,
static tz.TZDateTime _scheduleDaily(Time time){
final now = tz.TZDateTime.now(tz.local);
final scheduleDate = tz.TZDateTime(tz.local, now.year, now.month, now.day, time.hour, time.minute, time.second);
return scheduleDate.isBefore(now) ? scheduleDate.add(Duration(days: 1)) : scheduleDate;
static tz.TZDateTime _scheduleWeekly(Time time, weekDay){
tz.TZDateTime scheduleDate = _scheduleDaily(time);
while(scheduleDate.weekday != weekDay){
scheduleDate = scheduleDate.add(const Duration(days: 1));
return scheduleDate;
I am using this code but it's not working, can anyone help me to find out what's wrong.
If i schedule it for today then it will work, but if i schedule it for next day or previous day
it seems to not work.
Thankyou in advance.

Flutter yearly local notifications

I want to develop a birthday app and it should send a notification every year per person.
I am already using the 'flutter_local_notifications' package and it got the feature to periodically show a notification, but not yearly. At the moment I am just determine the next birthday of each person and everytime a user opens the app, the notifications are scheduled. But if somebody doesn't open up the app in a year, he won't be notificated.
Have anyone a solution for this?
Here is a workaround if you want to implement yearly notifications with 'flutter_local_notifications' package:
import 'package:timezone/data/latest_all.dart' as tz;
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart' as tz;
import 'package:flutter_local_notifications/flutter_local_notifications.dart';
List<tz.TZDateTime> scheduledDateTimes = [];
int numberOfYears = 7; // Define how many years you want this notification to show
int notificationID = Random().nextInt(1000000);
DateTime startDate = DateTime.now(); // Define the starting date of this yearly notification
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfYears; i++) {
scheduledDateTimes.add(tz.TZDateTime(tz.local, date.year + i, date.month,
scheduledDateTimes.asMap().forEach((index, dateTime) async {
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.zonedSchedule(
'Notification title',
androidAllowWhileIdle: true,
Also, please take into consideration that number of local notifications you can schedule is limited to 50 for android, and 64 for iOS.

Phonegap: local notification repeat every Sunday of the week?

I'm trying to implement the Phonegap local notification in my project.
I'm using this plugin:
I have installed the plugin and tested it and it works fine.
I tested it with this code and it works fine:
id : 1,
title : 'I will bother you every minute',
text : '.. until you cancel all notifications',
sound : null,
every : 'minute',
autoClear : false,
at : new Date(new Date().getTime() + 10*1000)
The above notification will run every minute and work fine.
Now, I need to set a local notification that will only run on every Sunday and every week.
I came across something like this but when tested it, it does nothing:
id: 1,
title: "Test...",
text: "Test...",
sound: null,
every: 'week',
at: sunday_16_pm
I don't even know if at: sunday_16_pm is correct or not!
Could someone please advice on this issue?
Thanks in advance.
After searching for hours and finding nothing, I just came across this documentation:
They have a sample code that says:
Schedule Repeatedly
text: "Delayed Notification",
firstAt: monday,
every: "day",
icon: "file://img/logo.png"
}, callback);
But what is monday?!? is that a variable? And if so, how do you create that variable?
I don't understand why people write documentation as if no one else would want to read/understand them!!
Another edit:
I found this which explains exactly what i'm trying to do but I'm not using ionic and never have. So I don't understand the code that is provided there at all!
I don't know about those variables sunday_16_pm or monday either, but you can use your own variable with firstAt.
First of all you have to find the timestamp for sunday_16_pm to tell this plugin that the repeating should start on sunday afternoon.
In order to find this timestamp (that I suppose this should be done dynamically), I wrote the function getDayMillDiff to calculate the time-difference between now and sunday. Afterwards this difference is used to obtain the desired sunday_16_pm.
function getDayMillDiff(refday){
var days = {
monday: 1,
tuesday: 2,
wednesday: 3,
thursday: 4,
friday: 5,
saturday: 6,
sunday: 0
if(!days.hasOwnProperty(refday))throw new Error(refday+" is not listed in "+JSON.stringify(days));
var curr = new Date();
var triggerDay = days[refday];
var dayMillDiff=0;
var dayInMill = 1000*60*60*24;
// add a day as long as refday(sunday for instance) is not reached
dayMillDiff += dayInMill;
curr = new Date(curr.getTime()+dayInMill);
return dayMillDiff;
var today = new Date();
// how many days are between current day (thursday for instance) to sunday, add this difference to this sunday variable
var sunday = today.getTime() + getDayMillDiff("sunday");
// convert timestamp to Date so that hours can be adjusted
var sunday_16_pm = new Date(sunday);
// now we can use sunday_16_pm to schedule a notification showing at this date and every past week
id: 1,
title: "Test...",
text: "Test...",
every: 'week',
firstAt: sunday_16_pm
One more example:
To test getDayMillDiff for other days than sunday, you can simply pass the string "monday" onto it (please use always a name listed within the variable days in getDayMillDiff):
var today = new Date();
var monday = today.getTime() + getDayMillDiff("monday");
var monday_10_am = new Date(monday);
id: 1,
title: "Test...",
text: "Test...",
every: 'week',
firstAt: monday_10_am
Hope it helps.

Titanium Change event not firing the first time with picker

I am making an iOS and Android app using Titanium Classic. I am fairly new to Titanium but I have some experience using Javascript. The app will have a window where the user and select from a picker an amount of time in hours and minutes. The selection will be saved and be used later to send a notification to the user that the time they selected is up. I am currently using Titanium's picker function with the type of "count down timer." However, I am having trouble getting the change event to work when the user selects a different time. It also will show the last selected time when I try going to a different window and entering the timer window again.
My question is how can I get the change event to fire the first time the user selects a different number?
In follow up to my question, is there a better way to save the picker selection for later use?
Here is the code for the picker:
var hours = 0;
var minutes = 1;
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: '#A6B97B',
layout: 'horizontal'
var picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({
width: '50%',
height: '20%'
picker.addEventListener("change", function(e) {
Ti.App.Properties.setInt('countDownDuration', e.countDownDuration);
if (e.countDownDuration >= 3600000)
hours = Math.floor(Ti.App.Properties.getInt('countDownDuration')/3600000);
minutes = Math.floor(Ti.App.Properties.getInt('countDownDuration')/60000 - (hours*60));
else {
minutes = Math.floor(Ti.App.Properties.getInt('countDownDuration')/60000);
hours = 0;
var doneBtn = Ti.UI.createButton({
title : 'Get Value',
height : '15%',
width : '30%'
doneBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
// get value
if(hours > 0){
alert('You set the time estimate to ' + hours + ' hours and ' + minutes+ ' minutes');
else {
alert('You set the time estimate to ' + minutes + ' minutes');
If anyone has any advice on how to get the change event to fire the first time, I would really appreciate it. Also, if you know a better way to accomplish saving data from the picker for use later, that would be helpful as well.

phonegap 3 date shows the wrong time

I'd like to get the system-time inclusive the milliseconds. Therefore I use this method to get the system-time:
var dt = JSON.stringify(new Date());
The dateToString method only returns the date-format with minutes, not the seoonds and milliseconds
new Date(),
function (date) { alert('date: ' + date.value + '\n'); },
function () { alert('Error getting dateString\n'); },
{ formatLength: 'short', selector: 'date and time' }
My system-time is 13:07
Is it possible to get the seconds and milliseconds from the dateToString method?
JavaScript's Date() has a lot of methods that can help you, like getMilliseconds() which will return....the number of milliseconds. There is also getMinutes, getSeconds, etc. See the full list here:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date

